#include "common.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "CarCtrl.h" #include "CopPed.h" #include "CutsceneMgr.h" #include "DMAudio.h" #include "EventList.h" #include "Explosion.h" #include "Fire.h" #include "Garages.h" #include "Glass.h" #include "Messages.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "ParticleObject.h" #include "Pickups.h" #include "Population.h" #include "ProjectileInfo.h" #include "Record.h" #include "References.h" #include "Replay.h" #include "RpAnimBlend.h" #include "Shadows.h" #include "TempColModels.h" #include "WaterLevel.h" #include "World.h" #define OBJECT_REPOSITION_OFFSET_Z 2.0f CColPoint gaTempSphereColPoints[MAX_COLLISION_POINTS]; CPtrList CWorld::ms_bigBuildingsList[NUM_LEVELS]; CPtrList CWorld::ms_listMovingEntityPtrs; CSector CWorld::ms_aSectors[NUMSECTORS_Y][NUMSECTORS_X]; uint16 CWorld::ms_nCurrentScanCode; uint8 CWorld::PlayerInFocus; CPlayerInfo CWorld::Players[NUMPLAYERS]; bool CWorld::bNoMoreCollisionTorque; CEntity *CWorld::pIgnoreEntity; bool CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds; bool CWorld::bSecondShift; bool CWorld::bForceProcessControl; bool CWorld::bProcessCutsceneOnly; bool CWorld::bDoingCarCollisions; bool CWorld::bIncludeCarTyres; bool CWorld::bIncludeBikers; CColPoint CWorld::m_aTempColPts[MAX_COLLISION_POINTS]; void CWorld::Initialise() { pIgnoreEntity = nil; bDoingCarCollisions = false; bSecondShift = false; bNoMoreCollisionTorque = false; bProcessCutsceneOnly = false; bIncludeDeadPeds = false; bForceProcessControl = false; bIncludeCarTyres = false; bIncludeBikers = false; } void CWorld::Add(CEntity *ent) { if(ent->IsVehicle() || ent->IsPed()) DMAudio.SetEntityStatus(((CPhysical *)ent)->m_audioEntityId, true); if(ent->bIsBIGBuilding) ms_bigBuildingsList[ent->m_level].InsertItem(ent); else ent->Add(); if(ent->IsBuilding() || ent->IsDummy()) return; if(!ent->GetIsStatic()) ((CPhysical *)ent)->AddToMovingList(); } void CWorld::Remove(CEntity *ent) { if(ent->IsVehicle() || ent->IsPed()) DMAudio.SetEntityStatus(((CPhysical *)ent)->m_audioEntityId, false); if(ent->bIsBIGBuilding) ms_bigBuildingsList[ent->m_level].RemoveItem(ent); else ent->Remove(); if(ent->IsBuilding() || ent->IsDummy()) return; if(!ent->GetIsStatic()) ((CPhysical *)ent)->RemoveFromMovingList(); } void CWorld::ClearScanCodes(void) { CPtrNode *node; for(int i = 0; i < NUMSECTORS_Y; i++) for(int j = 0; j < NUMSECTORS_X; j++) { CSector *s = &ms_aSectors[i][j]; for(node = s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS].first; node; node = node->next) ((CEntity *)node->item)->m_scanCode = 0; for(node = s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES].first; node; node = node->next) ((CEntity *)node->item)->m_scanCode = 0; for(node = s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS].first; node; node = node->next) ((CEntity *)node->item)->m_scanCode = 0; for(node = s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS].first; node; node = node->next) ((CEntity *)node->item)->m_scanCode = 0; for(node = s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES].first; node; node = node->next) ((CEntity *)node->item)->m_scanCode = 0; } } void CWorld::ClearExcitingStuffFromArea(const CVector &pos, float radius, bool bRemoveProjectilesAndTidyUpShadows) { CPedPool *pedPool = CPools::GetPedPool(); for(int32 i = 0; i < pedPool->GetSize(); i++) { CPed *pPed = pedPool->GetSlot(i); if(pPed && !pPed->IsPlayer() && pPed->CanBeDeleted() && CVector2D(pPed->GetPosition() - pos).MagnitudeSqr() < SQR(radius)) { CPopulation::RemovePed(pPed); } } CVehiclePool *VehiclePool = CPools::GetVehiclePool(); for(int32 i = 0; i < VehiclePool->GetSize(); i++) { CVehicle *pVehicle = VehiclePool->GetSlot(i); if(pVehicle && CVector2D(pVehicle->GetPosition() - pos).MagnitudeSqr() < SQR(radius) && !pVehicle->bIsLocked && pVehicle->CanBeDeleted()) { if(pVehicle->pDriver) { CPopulation::RemovePed(pVehicle->pDriver); pVehicle->pDriver = nil; } for(int32 j = 0; j < pVehicle->m_nNumMaxPassengers; ++j) { if(pVehicle->pPassengers[j]) { CPopulation::RemovePed(pVehicle->pPassengers[j]); pVehicle->pPassengers[j] = nil; --pVehicle->m_nNumPassengers; } } CCarCtrl::RemoveFromInterestingVehicleList(pVehicle); Remove(pVehicle); delete pVehicle; } } CObject::DeleteAllTempObjectsInArea(pos, radius); gFireManager.ExtinguishPoint(pos, radius); ExtinguishAllCarFiresInArea(pos, radius); CExplosion::RemoveAllExplosionsInArea(pos, radius); if(bRemoveProjectilesAndTidyUpShadows) { CProjectileInfo::RemoveAllProjectiles(); CShadows::TidyUpShadows(); } CPickups::RemoveUnnecessaryPickups(pos, radius); } bool CWorld::CameraToIgnoreThisObject(CEntity *ent) { if(CGarages::IsModelIndexADoor(ent->GetModelIndex())) return false; return ((CObject *)ent)->m_bCameraToAvoidThisObject != 1; } bool CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(const CVector &point1, const CVector &point2, CColPoint &point, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects, bool ignoreShootThrough) { int x, xstart, xend; int y, ystart, yend; int y1, y2; float dist; AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); entity = nil; dist = 1.0f; xstart = GetSectorIndexX(point1.x); ystart = GetSectorIndexY(point1.y); xend = GetSectorIndexX(point2.x); yend = GetSectorIndexY(point2.y); #define LOSARGS \ CColLine(point1, point2), point, dist, entity, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds, checkObjects, \ checkDummies, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects, ignoreShootThrough if(xstart == xend && ystart == yend) { // Only one sector return ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, ystart), LOSARGS); } else if(xstart == xend) { // Only step in y if(ystart < yend) for(y = ystart; y <= yend; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = ystart; y >= yend; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); return dist < 1.0f; } else if(ystart == yend) { // Only step in x if(xstart < xend) for(x = xstart; x <= xend; x++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, ystart), LOSARGS); else for(x = xstart; x >= xend; x--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, ystart), LOSARGS); return dist < 1.0f; } else { if(point1.x < point2.x) { // Step from left to right float m = (point2.y - point1.y) / (point2.x - point1.x); y1 = ystart; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(xstart + 1) - point1.x) * m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); for(x = xstart + 1; x < xend; x++) { y1 = y2; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(x + 1) - point1.x) * m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS); } y1 = y2; y2 = yend; if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS); } else { // Step from right to left float m = (point2.y - point1.y) / (point2.x - point1.x); y1 = ystart; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(xstart) - point1.x) * m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); for(x = xstart - 1; x > xend; x--) { y1 = y2; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(x) - point1.x) * m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS); } y1 = y2; y2 = yend; if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS); } return dist < 1.0f; } #undef LOSARGS } bool CWorld::ProcessLineOfSightSector(CSector §or, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, float &dist, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects, bool ignoreShootThrough) { float mindist = dist; bool deadPeds = !!bIncludeDeadPeds; bool bikers = !!bIncludeBikers; bIncludeDeadPeds = false; bIncludeBikers = false; if(checkBuildings) { ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, false, ignoreShootThrough); ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, false, ignoreShootThrough); } if(checkVehicles) { ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, false, ignoreShootThrough); ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, false, ignoreShootThrough); } if(checkPeds) { if(deadPeds) bIncludeDeadPeds = true; if(bikers) bIncludeBikers = true; ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, false, ignoreShootThrough); ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, false, ignoreShootThrough); bIncludeDeadPeds = false; bIncludeBikers = false; } if(checkObjects) { ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects, ignoreShootThrough); ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects, ignoreShootThrough); } if(checkDummies) { ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, false, ignoreShootThrough); ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, false, ignoreShootThrough); } bIncludeDeadPeds = deadPeds; bIncludeBikers = bikers; if(mindist < dist) { dist = mindist; return true; } else return false; } bool CWorld::ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(CPtrList &list, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, float &dist, CEntity *&entity, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects, bool ignoreShootThrough) { bool deadPeds = false; bool bikers = false; bool carTyres = false; float mindist = dist; CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; CColModel *colmodel; CColModel tyreCol; CColSphere tyreSpheres[6]; CColPoint tyreColPoint; float tyreDist; if(bIncludeCarTyres && list.first && ((CEntity*)list.first->item)->IsVehicle()){ carTyres = true; tyreCol.numTriangles = 0; tyreCol.numBoxes = 0; tyreCol.numLines = 0; tyreCol.spheres = tyreSpheres; tyreCol.numSpheres = ARRAY_SIZE(tyreSpheres); } if(list.first && bIncludeDeadPeds && ((CEntity *)list.first->item)->IsPed()) deadPeds = true; if(list.first && bIncludeBikers && ((CEntity *)list.first->item)->IsPed()) bikers = true; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next) { e = (CEntity *)node->item; if(e->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode() && e != pIgnoreEntity && (e->bUsesCollision || deadPeds || bikers) && !(ignoreSomeObjects && CameraToIgnoreThisObject(e))) { colmodel = nil; tyreDist = mindist; e->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); if(e->IsPed()) { if(e->bUsesCollision || deadPeds && ((CPed *)e)->m_nPedState == PED_DEAD || bikers && ((CPed*)e)->InVehicle() && (((CPed*)e)->m_pMyVehicle->IsBike() || ((CPed*)e)->m_pMyVehicle->IsBoat())) { colmodel = ((CPedModelInfo *)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex()))->AnimatePedColModelSkinned(e->GetClump()); } else colmodel = nil; } else if(e->bUsesCollision) colmodel = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex())->GetColModel(); if(colmodel && CCollision::ProcessLineOfSight(line, e->GetMatrix(), *colmodel, point, dist, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreShootThrough)) entity = e; if(carTyres && ((CVehicle*)e)->SetUpWheelColModel(&tyreCol) && CCollision::ProcessLineOfSight(line, e->GetMatrix(), tyreCol, tyreColPoint, tyreDist, false, ignoreShootThrough)){ float dp1 = DotProduct(line.p1 - line.p0, e->GetRight()); float dp2 = DotProduct(point.point - e->GetPosition(), e->GetRight()); if(tyreDist < mindist || dp1 < -0.85f && dp2 > 0.0f || dp1 > 0.85f && dp2 < 0.0f){ mindist = tyreDist; point = tyreColPoint; entity = e; } } } } tyreCol.spheres = nil; if(mindist < dist) { dist = mindist; return true; } else return false; } bool CWorld::ProcessVerticalLine(const CVector &point1, float z2, CColPoint &point, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, CStoredCollPoly *poly) { AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); CVector point2(point1.x, point1.y, z2); int secX = GetSectorIndexX(point1.x); int secY = GetSectorIndexY(point1.y); secX = clamp(secX, 0, NUMSECTORS_X-1); secY = clamp(secY, 0, NUMSECTORS_Y-1); return ProcessVerticalLineSector(*GetSector(secX, secY), CColLine(point1, point2), point, entity, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds, checkObjects, checkDummies, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } bool CWorld::ProcessVerticalLineSector(CSector §or, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, CStoredCollPoly *poly) { float mindist = 1.0f; if(checkBuildings) { ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } if(checkVehicles) { ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } if(checkPeds) { ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } if(checkObjects) { ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } if(checkDummies) { ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } return mindist < 1.0f; } bool CWorld::ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(CPtrList &list, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, float &dist, CEntity *&entity, bool ignoreSeeThrough, CStoredCollPoly *poly) { float mindist = dist; CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; CColModel *colmodel; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next) { e = (CEntity *)node->item; if(e->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode() && e->bUsesCollision) { e->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); colmodel = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex())->GetColModel(); if(CCollision::ProcessVerticalLine(line, e->GetMatrix(), *colmodel, point, dist, ignoreSeeThrough, false, poly)) entity = e; } } if(mindist < dist) { dist = mindist; return true; } else return false; } bool CWorld::GetIsLineOfSightClear(const CVector &point1, const CVector &point2, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { int x, xstart, xend; int y, ystart, yend; int y1, y2; AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); xstart = GetSectorIndexX(point1.x); ystart = GetSectorIndexY(point1.y); xend = GetSectorIndexX(point2.x); yend = GetSectorIndexY(point2.y); #define LOSARGS \ CColLine(point1, point2), checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds, checkObjects, checkDummies, \ ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects if(xstart == xend && ystart == yend) { // Only one sector return GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, ystart), LOSARGS); } else if(xstart == xend) { // Only step in y if(ystart < yend) { for(y = ystart; y <= yend; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } else { for(y = ystart; y >= yend; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } } else if(ystart == yend) { // Only step in x if(xstart < xend) { for(x = xstart; x <= xend; x++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, ystart), LOSARGS)) return false; } else { for(x = xstart; x >= xend; x--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, ystart), LOSARGS)) return false; } } else { if(point1.x < point2.x) { // Step from left to right float m = (point2.y - point1.y) / (point2.x - point1.x); y1 = ystart; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(xstart + 1) - point1.x) * m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) { for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } else { for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } for(x = xstart + 1; x < xend; x++) { y1 = y2; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(x + 1) - point1.x) * m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) { for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } else { for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } } y1 = y2; y2 = yend; if(y1 < y2) { for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } else { for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } } else { // Step from right to left float m = (point2.y - point1.y) / (point2.x - point1.x); y1 = ystart; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(xstart) - point1.x) * m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) { for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } else { for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } for(x = xstart - 1; x > xend; x--) { y1 = y2; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(x) - point1.x) * m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) { for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } else { for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } } y1 = y2; y2 = yend; if(y1 < y2) { for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } else { for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } } } return true; #undef LOSARGS } bool CWorld::GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(CSector §or, const CColLine &line, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { if(checkBuildings) { if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; } if(checkVehicles) { if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; } if(checkPeds) { if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; } if(checkObjects) { if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], line, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects)) return false; if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], line, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects)) return false; } if(checkDummies) { if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; } return true; } bool CWorld::GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(CPtrList &list, const CColLine &line, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; CColModel *colmodel; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next) { e = (CEntity *)node->item; if(e->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode() && e->bUsesCollision) { e->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); if(e != pIgnoreEntity && !(ignoreSomeObjects && CameraToIgnoreThisObject(e))) { colmodel = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex())->GetColModel(); if(CCollision::TestLineOfSight(line, e->GetMatrix(), *colmodel, ignoreSeeThrough, false)) return false; } } } return true; } void CWorld::FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(CPtrList &list, Const CVector ¢re, float radius, bool ignoreZ, int16 *numObjects, int16 lastObject, CEntity **objects) { float radiusSqr = radius * radius; float objDistSqr; for(CPtrNode *node = list.first; node; node = node->next) { CEntity *object = (CEntity *)node->item; if(object->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode()) { object->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); CVector diff = centre - object->GetPosition(); if(ignoreZ) objDistSqr = diff.MagnitudeSqr2D(); else objDistSqr = diff.MagnitudeSqr(); if(objDistSqr < radiusSqr && *numObjects < lastObject) { if(objects) { objects[*numObjects] = object; } (*numObjects)++; } } } } void CWorld::FindObjectsInRange(Const CVector ¢re, float radius, bool ignoreZ, int16 *numObjects, int16 lastObject, CEntity **objects, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies) { int minX = GetSectorIndexX(centre.x - radius); if(minX <= 0) minX = 0; int minY = GetSectorIndexY(centre.y - radius); if(minY <= 0) minY = 0; int maxX = GetSectorIndexX(centre.x + radius); if(maxX >= NUMSECTORS_X) maxX = NUMSECTORS_X - 1; int maxY = GetSectorIndexY(centre.y + radius); if(maxY >= NUMSECTORS_Y) maxY = NUMSECTORS_Y - 1; AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); *numObjects = 0; for(int curY = minY; curY <= maxY; curY++) { for(int curX = minX; curX <= maxX; curX++) { CSector *sector = GetSector(curX, curY); if(checkBuildings) { FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], centre, radius, ignoreZ, numObjects, lastObject, objects); FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], centre, radius, ignoreZ, numObjects, lastObject, objects); } if(checkVehicles) { FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], centre, radius, ignoreZ, numObjects, lastObject, objects); FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], centre, radius, ignoreZ, numObjects, lastObject, objects); } if(checkPeds) { FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], centre, radius, ignoreZ, numObjects, lastObject, objects); FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], centre, radius, ignoreZ, numObjects, lastObject, objects); } if(checkObjects) { FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], centre, radius, ignoreZ, numObjects, lastObject, objects); FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], centre, radius, ignoreZ, numObjects, lastObject, objects); } if(checkDummies) { FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], centre, radius, ignoreZ, numObjects, lastObject, objects); FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], centre, radius, ignoreZ, numObjects, lastObject, objects); } } } } void CWorld::FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList(uint32 modelId, CPtrList &list, const CVector &position, float radius, bool bCheck2DOnly, int16 *nEntitiesFound, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity **aEntities) { for(CPtrNode *pNode = list.first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; if(pEntity->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode()) { pEntity->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); if (modelId == pEntity->GetModelIndex()) { float fMagnitude = 0.0f; if(bCheck2DOnly) fMagnitude = (position - pEntity->GetPosition()).MagnitudeSqr2D(); else fMagnitude = (position - pEntity->GetPosition()).MagnitudeSqr(); if(fMagnitude < radius * radius && *nEntitiesFound < maxEntitiesToFind) { if(aEntities) aEntities[*nEntitiesFound] = pEntity; ++*nEntitiesFound; } } } } } void CWorld::FindObjectsOfTypeInRange(uint32 modelId, const CVector &position, float radius, bool bCheck2DOnly, int16 *nEntitiesFound, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity **aEntities, bool bBuildings, bool bVehicles, bool bPeds, bool bObjects, bool bDummies) { AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); *nEntitiesFound = 0; const CVector2D vecSectorStartPos(position.x - radius, position.y - radius); const CVector2D vecSectorEndPos(position.x + radius, position.y + radius); const int32 nStartX = Max(GetSectorIndexX(vecSectorStartPos.x), 0); const int32 nStartY = Max(GetSectorIndexY(vecSectorStartPos.y), 0); #ifdef FIX_BUGS const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(vecSectorEndPos.x), NUMSECTORS_X - 1); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(vecSectorEndPos.y), NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); #else const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(vecSectorEndPos.x), NUMSECTORS_X); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(vecSectorEndPos.y), NUMSECTORS_Y); #endif for(int32 y = nStartY; y <= nEndY; y++) { for(int32 x = nStartX; x <= nEndX; x++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(x, y); if(bBuildings) { FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList( modelId, pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList( modelId, pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bVehicles) { FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList( modelId, pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList( modelId, pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bPeds) { FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList( modelId, pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList( modelId, pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bObjects) { FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList( modelId, pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList( modelId, pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bDummies) { FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList( modelId, pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList( modelId, pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } } } } CEntity * CWorld::TestSphereAgainstWorld(CVector centre, float radius, CEntity *entityToIgnore, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { CEntity *foundE = nil; int minX = GetSectorIndexX(centre.x - radius); if(minX <= 0) minX = 0; int minY = GetSectorIndexY(centre.y - radius); if(minY <= 0) minY = 0; int maxX = GetSectorIndexX(centre.x + radius); #ifdef FIX_BUGS if(maxX >= NUMSECTORS_X) maxX = NUMSECTORS_X - 1; #else if(maxX >= NUMSECTORS_X) maxX = NUMSECTORS_X; #endif int maxY = GetSectorIndexY(centre.y + radius); #ifdef FIX_BUGS if(maxY >= NUMSECTORS_Y) maxY = NUMSECTORS_Y - 1; #else if(maxY >= NUMSECTORS_Y) maxY = NUMSECTORS_Y; #endif AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); for(int curY = minY; curY <= maxY; curY++) { for(int curX = minX; curX <= maxX; curX++) { CSector *sector = GetSector(curX, curY); if(checkBuildings) { foundE = TestSphereAgainstSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], centre, radius, entityToIgnore, false); if(foundE) return foundE; foundE = TestSphereAgainstSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], centre, radius, entityToIgnore, false); if(foundE) return foundE; } if(checkVehicles) { foundE = TestSphereAgainstSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], centre, radius, entityToIgnore, false); if(foundE) return foundE; foundE = TestSphereAgainstSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], centre, radius, entityToIgnore, false); if(foundE) return foundE; } if(checkPeds) { foundE = TestSphereAgainstSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], centre, radius, entityToIgnore, false); if(foundE) return foundE; foundE = TestSphereAgainstSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], centre, radius, entityToIgnore, false); if(foundE) return foundE; } if(checkObjects) { foundE = TestSphereAgainstSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], centre, radius, entityToIgnore, ignoreSomeObjects); if(foundE) return foundE; foundE = TestSphereAgainstSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], centre, radius, entityToIgnore, ignoreSomeObjects); if(foundE) return foundE; } if(checkDummies) { foundE = TestSphereAgainstSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], centre, radius, entityToIgnore, false); if(foundE) return foundE; foundE = TestSphereAgainstSectorList(sector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], centre, radius, entityToIgnore, false); if(foundE) return foundE; } } } return foundE; } CEntity * CWorld::TestSphereAgainstSectorList(CPtrList &list, CVector spherePos, float radius, CEntity *entityToIgnore, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { static CColModel OurColModel; CColSphere sphere; OurColModel.boundingSphere.center.x = 0.0f; OurColModel.boundingSphere.center.y = 0.0f; OurColModel.boundingSphere.center.z = 0.0f; OurColModel.boundingSphere.radius = radius; OurColModel.boundingBox.min.x = -radius; OurColModel.boundingBox.min.y = -radius; OurColModel.boundingBox.min.z = -radius; OurColModel.boundingBox.max.x = radius; OurColModel.boundingBox.max.y = radius; OurColModel.boundingBox.max.z = radius; OurColModel.numSpheres = 1; sphere.Set(radius, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); OurColModel.spheres = &sphere; OurColModel.numLines = 0; OurColModel.numBoxes = 0; OurColModel.numTriangles = 0; OurColModel.ownsCollisionVolumes = false; CMatrix sphereMat; sphereMat.SetTranslate(spherePos); for(CPtrNode *node = list.first; node; node = node->next) { CEntity *e = (CEntity *)node->item; if(e->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode()) { e->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); if(e != entityToIgnore && e->bUsesCollision && !(ignoreSomeObjects && CameraToIgnoreThisObject(e))) { CVector diff = spherePos - e->GetBoundCentre(); float distance = diff.Magnitude(); if(e->GetBoundRadius() + radius > distance) { CColModel *eCol = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex())->GetColModel(); int collidedSpheres = CCollision::ProcessColModels(sphereMat, OurColModel, e->GetMatrix(), *eCol, gaTempSphereColPoints, nil, nil); if(collidedSpheres != 0 || (e->IsVehicle() && ((CVehicle *)e)->m_vehType == VEHICLE_TYPE_CAR && e->GetModelIndex() != MI_DODO && radius + eCol->boundingBox.max.x > distance)) { return e; } } } } } return nil; } float CWorld::FindGroundZForCoord(float x, float y) { CColPoint point; CEntity *ent; if(ProcessVerticalLine(CVector(x, y, 1000.0f), -1000.0f, point, ent, true, false, false, false, true, false, nil)) return point.point.z; else return 20.0f; } float CWorld::FindGroundZFor3DCoord(float x, float y, float z, bool *found) { CColPoint point; CEntity *ent; if(ProcessVerticalLine(CVector(x, y, z), -1000.0f, point, ent, true, false, false, false, false, false, nil)) { if(found) *found = true; return point.point.z; } else { if(found) *found = false; return 0.0f; } } float CWorld::FindRoofZFor3DCoord(float x, float y, float z, bool *found) { CColPoint point; CEntity *ent; if(ProcessVerticalLine(CVector(x, y, z), 1000.0f, point, ent, true, false, false, false, true, false, nil)) { if(found) *found = true; return point.point.z; } else { if(found == nil) printf("THERE IS NO MAP BELOW THE FOLLOWING COORS:%f %f %f. (FindGroundZFor3DCoord)\n", x, y, z); if(found) *found = false; return 20.0f; } } void CWorld::RemoveReferencesToDeletedObject(CEntity *pDeletedObject) { int32 i = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSize(); while(--i >= 0) { CPed *pPed = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i); if(pPed && pPed != pDeletedObject) { pPed->RemoveRefsToEntity(pDeletedObject); if(pPed->m_pCurrentPhysSurface == pDeletedObject) pPed->m_pCurrentPhysSurface = nil; } } i = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSize(); while(--i >= 0) { CVehicle *pVehicle = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(i); if(pVehicle && pVehicle != pDeletedObject) { pVehicle->RemoveRefsToEntity(pDeletedObject); pVehicle->RemoveRefsToVehicle(pDeletedObject); } } i = CPools::GetObjectPool()->GetSize(); while(--i >= 0) { CObject *pObject = CPools::GetObjectPool()->GetSlot(i); if(pObject && pObject != pDeletedObject) { pObject->RemoveRefsToEntity(pDeletedObject); } } } void CWorld::FindObjectsKindaColliding(const CVector &position, float radius, bool bCheck2DOnly, int16 *nCollidingEntities, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity **aEntities, bool bBuildings, bool bVehicles, bool bPeds, bool bObjects, bool bDummies) { AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); *nCollidingEntities = 0; const CVector2D vecSectorStartPos(position.x - radius, position.y - radius); const CVector2D vecSectorEndPos(position.x + radius, position.y + radius); const int32 nStartX = Max(GetSectorIndexX(vecSectorStartPos.x), 0); const int32 nStartY = Max(GetSectorIndexY(vecSectorStartPos.y), 0); #ifdef FIX_BUGS const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(vecSectorEndPos.x), NUMSECTORS_X - 1); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(vecSectorEndPos.y), NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); #else const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(vecSectorEndPos.x), NUMSECTORS_X); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(vecSectorEndPos.y), NUMSECTORS_Y); #endif for(int32 y = nStartY; y <= nEndY; y++) { for(int32 x = nStartX; x <= nEndX; x++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(x, y); if(bBuildings) { FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nCollidingEntities, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nCollidingEntities, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bVehicles) { FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nCollidingEntities, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nCollidingEntities, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bPeds) { FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nCollidingEntities, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nCollidingEntities, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bObjects) { FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nCollidingEntities, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nCollidingEntities, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bDummies) { FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nCollidingEntities, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], position, radius, bCheck2DOnly, nCollidingEntities, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } } } } void CWorld::FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList(CPtrList &list, const CVector &position, float radius, bool bCheck2DOnly, int16 *nCollidingEntities, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity **aEntities) { for(CPtrNode *pNode = list.first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; if(pEntity->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode()) { pEntity->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); float fMagnitude = 0.0f; if(bCheck2DOnly) fMagnitude = (position - pEntity->GetPosition()).Magnitude2D(); else fMagnitude = (position - pEntity->GetPosition()).Magnitude(); if(pEntity->GetBoundRadius() + radius > fMagnitude && *nCollidingEntities < maxEntitiesToFind) { if(aEntities) aEntities[*nCollidingEntities] = pEntity; ++*nCollidingEntities; } } } } void CWorld::FindObjectsIntersectingCube(const CVector &vecStartPos, const CVector &vecEndPos, int16 *nIntersecting, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity **aEntities, bool bBuildings, bool bVehicles, bool bPeds, bool bObjects, bool bDummies) { AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); *nIntersecting = 0; const int32 nStartX = Max(GetSectorIndexX(vecStartPos.x), 0); const int32 nStartY = Max(GetSectorIndexY(vecStartPos.y), 0); #ifdef FIX_BUGS const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(vecStartPos.x), NUMSECTORS_X - 1); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(vecStartPos.y), NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); #else const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(vecStartPos.x), NUMSECTORS_X); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(vecStartPos.y), NUMSECTORS_Y); #endif for(int32 y = nStartY; y <= nEndY; y++) { for(int32 x = nStartX; x <= nEndX; x++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(x, y); if(bBuildings) { FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bVehicles) { FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bPeds) { FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bObjects) { FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bDummies) { FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } } } } void CWorld::FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList(CPtrList &list, const CVector &vecStartPos, const CVector &vecEndPos, int16 *nIntersecting, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity **aEntities) { for(CPtrNode *pNode = list.first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; if(pEntity->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode()) { pEntity->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); float fRadius = pEntity->GetBoundRadius(); const CVector &entityPos = pEntity->GetPosition(); if(fRadius + entityPos.x >= vecStartPos.x && entityPos.x - fRadius <= vecEndPos.x && fRadius + entityPos.y >= vecStartPos.y && entityPos.y - fRadius <= vecEndPos.y && fRadius + entityPos.z >= vecStartPos.z && entityPos.z - fRadius <= vecEndPos.z && *nIntersecting < maxEntitiesToFind) { if(aEntities) aEntities[*nIntersecting] = pEntity; ++*nIntersecting; } } } } void CWorld::FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBox(const CBox &boundingBox, const CMatrix &matrix, const CVector &position, float fStartX, float fStartY, float fEndX, float fEndY, int16 *nEntitiesFound, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity **aEntities, bool bBuildings, bool bVehicles, bool bPeds, bool bObjects, bool bDummies) { AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); *nEntitiesFound = 0; const int32 nStartX = Max(GetSectorIndexX(fStartX), 0); const int32 nStartY = Max(GetSectorIndexY(fStartY), 0); #ifdef FIX_BUGS const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(fEndX), NUMSECTORS_X - 1); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(fEndY), NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); #else const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(fEndX), NUMSECTORS_X); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(fEndY), NUMSECTORS_Y); #endif for(int32 y = nStartY; y <= nEndY; y++) { for(int32 x = nStartX; x <= nEndX; x++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(x, y); if(bBuildings) { FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], boundingBox, matrix, position, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], boundingBox, matrix, position, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bVehicles) { FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], boundingBox, matrix, position, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], boundingBox, matrix, position, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bPeds) { FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], boundingBox, matrix, position, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], boundingBox, matrix, position, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bObjects) { FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], boundingBox, matrix, position, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], boundingBox, matrix, position, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } if(bDummies) { FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], boundingBox, matrix, position, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], boundingBox, matrix, position, nEntitiesFound, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities); } } } } void CWorld::FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList(CPtrList &list, const CBox &boundingBox, const CMatrix &matrix, const CVector &position, int16 *nEntitiesFound, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity **aEntities) { for(CPtrNode *pNode = list.first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; if(pEntity->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode()) { pEntity->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); CColSphere sphere; CVector vecDistance = pEntity->GetPosition() - position; sphere.radius = pEntity->GetBoundRadius(); sphere.center = Multiply3x3(vecDistance, matrix); if(CCollision::TestSphereBox(sphere, boundingBox) && *nEntitiesFound < maxEntitiesToFind) { if(aEntities) aEntities[*nEntitiesFound] = pEntity; ++*nEntitiesFound; } } } } void CWorld::FindMissionEntitiesIntersectingCube(const CVector &vecStartPos, const CVector &vecEndPos, int16 *nIntersecting, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity **aEntities, bool bVehicles, bool bPeds, bool bObjects) { AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); *nIntersecting = 0; const int32 nStartX = Max(GetSectorIndexX(vecStartPos.x), 0); const int32 nStartY = Max(GetSectorIndexY(vecStartPos.y), 0); #ifdef FIX_BUGS const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(vecEndPos.x), NUMSECTORS_X - 1); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(vecEndPos.y), NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); #else const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(vecEndPos.x), NUMSECTORS_X); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(vecEndPos.y), NUMSECTORS_Y); #endif for(int32 y = nStartY; y <= nEndY; y++) { for(int32 x = nStartX; x <= nEndX; x++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(x, y); if(bVehicles) { FindMissionEntitiesIntersectingCubeSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities, true, false); FindMissionEntitiesIntersectingCubeSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities, true, false); } if(bPeds) { FindMissionEntitiesIntersectingCubeSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities, false, true); FindMissionEntitiesIntersectingCubeSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities, false, true); } if(bObjects) { FindMissionEntitiesIntersectingCubeSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities, false, false); FindMissionEntitiesIntersectingCubeSectorList( pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], vecStartPos, vecEndPos, nIntersecting, maxEntitiesToFind, aEntities, false, false); } } } } void CWorld::FindMissionEntitiesIntersectingCubeSectorList(CPtrList &list, const CVector &vecStartPos, const CVector &vecEndPos, int16 *nIntersecting, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity **aEntities, bool bIsVehicleList, bool bIsPedList) { for(CPtrNode *pNode = list.first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; if(pEntity->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode()) { pEntity->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); bool bIsMissionEntity = false; if(bIsVehicleList) bIsMissionEntity = ((CVehicle *)pEntity)->VehicleCreatedBy == MISSION_VEHICLE; else if(bIsPedList) bIsMissionEntity = ((CPed *)pEntity)->CharCreatedBy == MISSION_CHAR; else bIsMissionEntity = ((CObject *)pEntity)->ObjectCreatedBy == MISSION_OBJECT; float fRadius = pEntity->GetBoundRadius(); const CVector &entityPos = pEntity->GetPosition(); if(bIsMissionEntity && fRadius + entityPos.x >= vecStartPos.x && entityPos.x - fRadius <= vecEndPos.x && fRadius + entityPos.y >= vecStartPos.y && entityPos.y - fRadius <= vecEndPos.y && fRadius + entityPos.z >= vecStartPos.z && entityPos.z - fRadius <= vecEndPos.z && *nIntersecting < maxEntitiesToFind) { if(aEntities) aEntities[*nIntersecting] = pEntity; ++*nIntersecting; } } } } void CWorld::ClearCarsFromArea(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2) { CVehiclePool *pVehiclePool = CPools::GetVehiclePool(); for(int32 i = 0; i < pVehiclePool->GetSize(); i++) { CVehicle *pVehicle = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(i); if(pVehicle) { const CVector &position = pVehicle->GetPosition(); if(position.x >= x1 && position.x <= x2 && position.y >= y1 && position.y <= y2 && position.z >= z1 && position.z <= z2 && !pVehicle->bIsLocked && pVehicle->CanBeDeleted()) { if(pVehicle->pDriver) { CPopulation::RemovePed(pVehicle->pDriver); pVehicle->pDriver = nil; } for(int32 j = 0; j < pVehicle->m_nNumMaxPassengers; ++j) { if(pVehicle->pPassengers[j]) { CPopulation::RemovePed(pVehicle->pPassengers[j]); pVehicle->pPassengers[j] = nil; --pVehicle->m_nNumPassengers; } } CCarCtrl::RemoveFromInterestingVehicleList(pVehicle); Remove(pVehicle); delete pVehicle; } } } } void CWorld::ClearPedsFromArea(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2) { CPedPool *pPedPool = CPools::GetPedPool(); for(int32 i = 0; i < pPedPool->GetSize(); i++) { CPed *pPed = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i); if(pPed) { const CVector &position = pPed->GetPosition(); if(!pPed->IsPlayer() && pPed->CanBeDeleted() && position.x >= x1 && position.x <= x2 && position.y >= y1 && position.y <= y2 && position.z >= z1 && position.z <= z2) { CPopulation::RemovePed(pPed); } } } } void CWorld::CallOffChaseForArea(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); float fStartX = x1 - 10.0f; float fStartY = y1 - 10.0f; float fEndX = x2 + 10.0f; float fEndY = y2 + 10.0f; const int32 nStartX = Max(GetSectorIndexX(fStartX), 0); const int32 nStartY = Max(GetSectorIndexY(fStartY), 0); #ifdef FIX_BUGS const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(fEndX), NUMSECTORS_X - 1); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(fEndY), NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); #else const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(fEndX), NUMSECTORS_X); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(fEndY), NUMSECTORS_Y); #endif for(int32 y = nStartY; y <= nEndY; y++) { for(int32 x = nStartX; x <= nEndX; x++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(x, y); CallOffChaseForAreaSectorListVehicles(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], x1, y1, x2, y2, fStartX, fStartY, fEndX, fEndY); CallOffChaseForAreaSectorListVehicles(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], x1, y1, x2, y2, fStartX, fStartY, fEndX, fEndY); CallOffChaseForAreaSectorListPeds(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], x1, y1, x2, y2); CallOffChaseForAreaSectorListPeds(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], x1, y1, x2, y2); } } } void CWorld::CallOffChaseForAreaSectorListVehicles(CPtrList &list, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float fStartX, float fStartY, float fEndX, float fEndY) { for(CPtrNode *pNode = list.first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CVehicle *pVehicle = (CVehicle *)pNode->item; if(pVehicle->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode()) { pVehicle->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); const CVector &vehiclePos = pVehicle->GetPosition(); uint8 carMission = pVehicle->AutoPilot.m_nCarMission; if(pVehicle != FindPlayerVehicle() && vehiclePos.x > fStartX && vehiclePos.x < fEndX && vehiclePos.y > fStartY && vehiclePos.y < fEndY && pVehicle->bIsLawEnforcer && (carMission == MISSION_RAMPLAYER_FARAWAY || carMission == MISSION_RAMPLAYER_CLOSE || carMission == MISSION_BLOCKPLAYER_FARAWAY || carMission == MISSION_BLOCKPLAYER_CLOSE)) { pVehicle->AutoPilot.m_nTimeTempAction = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + 2000; CColModel *pColModel = pVehicle->GetColModel(); bool bInsideSphere = false; for(int32 i = 0; i < pColModel->numSpheres; i++) { CVector pos = pVehicle->m_matrix * pColModel->spheres[i].center; float fRadius = pColModel->spheres[i].radius; if(pos.x + fRadius > x1 && pos.x - fRadius < x2 && pos.y + fRadius > y1 && pos.y - fRadius < y2) bInsideSphere = true; // Maybe break the loop when bInsideSphere is set to true? } if(bInsideSphere) { if(pVehicle->GetPosition().x <= (x1 + x2) * 0.5f) pVehicle->m_vecMoveSpeed.x = Min(pVehicle->m_vecMoveSpeed.x, 0.0f); else pVehicle->m_vecMoveSpeed.x = Max(pVehicle->m_vecMoveSpeed.x, 0.0f); if(pVehicle->GetPosition().y <= (y1 + y2) * 0.5f) pVehicle->m_vecMoveSpeed.y = Min(pVehicle->m_vecMoveSpeed.y, 0.0f); else pVehicle->m_vecMoveSpeed.y = Max(pVehicle->m_vecMoveSpeed.y, 0.0f); } } } } } void CWorld::CallOffChaseForAreaSectorListPeds(CPtrList &list, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { for(CPtrNode *pNode = list.first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CPed *pPed = (CPed *)pNode->item; const CVector &pedPos = pPed->GetPosition(); if(pPed->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode()) { pPed->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); if(pPed != FindPlayerPed() && pPed->m_leader != FindPlayerPed() && pedPos.x > x1 && pedPos.x < x2 && pedPos.y > y1 && pedPos.y < y2 && (pPed->m_pedInObjective == FindPlayerPed() || pPed->m_carInObjective && pPed->m_carInObjective == FindPlayerVehicle()) && pPed->m_nPedState != PED_DEAD && pPed->m_nPedState != PED_DIE && (pPed->m_objective == OBJECTIVE_KILL_CHAR_ON_FOOT || pPed->m_objective == OBJECTIVE_ENTER_CAR_AS_DRIVER || pPed->m_objective == OBJECTIVE_KILL_CHAR_ANY_MEANS)) { if(pPed->IsPedInControl()) { if(pPed->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_COP) ((CCopPed *)pPed)->ClearPursuit(); else pPed->SetIdle(); pPed->SetObjective(OBJECTIVE_NONE); } else { pPed->m_prevObjective = OBJECTIVE_NONE; pPed->m_nLastPedState = PED_IDLE; } } } } } void CWorld::RemoveEntityInsteadOfProcessingIt(CEntity *ent) { if(ent->IsPed()) { if(FindPlayerPed() == ent) Remove(ent); else CPopulation::RemovePed((CPed *)ent); } else { Remove(ent); delete ent; } } void CWorld::RemoveFallenPeds(void) { int poolSize = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSize(); for(int poolIndex = poolSize - 1; poolIndex >= 0; poolIndex--) { CPed *ped = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(poolIndex); if(ped) { if(ped->GetPosition().z < MAP_Z_LOW_LIMIT) { if(ped->CharCreatedBy != RANDOM_CHAR || ped->IsPlayer()) { int closestNode = ThePaths.FindNodeClosestToCoors(ped->GetPosition(), PATH_PED, 999999.9f, false, false); CVector newPos = ThePaths.m_pathNodes[closestNode].GetPosition(); newPos.z += 2.0f; ped->Teleport(newPos); ped->m_vecMoveSpeed = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else { CPopulation::RemovePed(ped); } } } } } void CWorld::RemoveFallenCars(void) { int poolSize = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSize(); for(int poolIndex = poolSize - 1; poolIndex >= 0; poolIndex--) { CVehicle *veh = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(poolIndex); if(veh) { if(veh->GetPosition().z < MAP_Z_LOW_LIMIT) { if(veh->VehicleCreatedBy == MISSION_VEHICLE && !veh->bRenderScorched || veh == FindPlayerVehicle() || (veh->pDriver && veh->pDriver->IsPlayer())) { int closestNode = ThePaths.FindNodeClosestToCoors(veh->GetPosition(), PATH_CAR, 999999.9f, false, false); CVector newPos = ThePaths.m_pathNodes[closestNode].GetPosition(); newPos.z += 3.0f; veh->Teleport(newPos); veh->m_vecMoveSpeed = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else if(veh->VehicleCreatedBy == RANDOM_VEHICLE || veh->VehicleCreatedBy == PARKED_VEHICLE) { Remove(veh); delete veh; } } } } } void CWorld::StopAllLawEnforcersInTheirTracks(void) { int poolSize = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSize(); for(int poolIndex = poolSize - 1; poolIndex >= 0; poolIndex--) { CVehicle *veh = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(poolIndex); if(veh) { if(veh->bIsLawEnforcer) veh->SetMoveSpeed(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } } } void CWorld::SetAllCarsCanBeDamaged(bool toggle) { int poolSize = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSize(); for(int poolIndex = 0; poolIndex < poolSize; poolIndex++) { CVehicle *veh = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(poolIndex); if(veh) veh->bCanBeDamaged = toggle; } } void CWorld::ExtinguishAllCarFiresInArea(CVector point, float range) { int poolSize = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSize(); for(int poolIndex = 0; poolIndex < poolSize; poolIndex++) { CVehicle *veh = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(poolIndex); if(veh) { if((point - veh->GetPosition()).MagnitudeSqr() < sq(range)) veh->ExtinguishCarFire(); } } } inline void AddSteamsFromGround(CPtrList& list) { CPtrNode* pNode = list.first; while (pNode) { ((CEntity*)pNode->item)->AddSteamsFromGround(nil); pNode = pNode->next; } } void CWorld::AddParticles(void) { for(int32 y = 0; y < NUMSECTORS_Y; y++) { for(int32 x = 0; x < NUMSECTORS_X; x++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(x, y); AddSteamsFromGround(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS]); AddSteamsFromGround(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES]); } } } void CWorld::ShutDown(void) { for(int i = 0; i < NUMSECTORS_X * NUMSECTORS_Y; i++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(i % NUMSECTORS_X, i / NUMSECTORS_Y); for(CPtrNode *pNode = pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS].first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; Remove(pEntity); delete pEntity; } for(CPtrNode *pNode = pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES].first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; Remove(pEntity); delete pEntity; } for(CPtrNode *pNode = pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS].first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; Remove(pEntity); delete pEntity; } for(CPtrNode *pNode = pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS].first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; Remove(pEntity); delete pEntity; } for(CPtrNode *pNode = pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES].first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; Remove(pEntity); delete pEntity; } #ifndef FIX_BUGS pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS].Flush(); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP].Flush(); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES].Flush(); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP].Flush(); #endif } for(int32 i = 0; i < NUM_LEVELS; i++) { for(CPtrNode *pNode = ms_bigBuildingsList[i].first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; // Maybe remove from world here? delete pEntity; } ms_bigBuildingsList[i].Flush(); } for(int i = 0; i < NUMSECTORS_X * NUMSECTORS_Y; i++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(i % NUMSECTORS_X, i / NUMSECTORS_Y); #ifdef FIX_BUGS pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS].Flush(); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP].Flush(); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES].Flush(); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP].Flush(); #endif if(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS].first) { sprintf(gString, "Building list %d,%d not empty\n", i % NUMSECTORS_X, i / NUMSECTORS_Y); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS].Flush(); } if(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES].first) { sprintf(gString, "Dummy list %d,%d not empty\n", i % NUMSECTORS_X, i / NUMSECTORS_Y); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES].Flush(); } if(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP].first) { sprintf(gString, "Building overlap list %d,%d not empty\n", i % NUMSECTORS_X, i / NUMSECTORS_Y); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP].Flush(); } if(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP].first) { sprintf(gString, "Vehicle overlap list %d,%d not empty\n", i % NUMSECTORS_X, i / NUMSECTORS_Y); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP].Flush(); } if(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP].first) { sprintf(gString, "Ped overlap list %d,%d not empty\n", i % NUMSECTORS_X, i / NUMSECTORS_Y); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP].Flush(); } if(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP].first) { sprintf(gString, "Object overlap list %d,%d not empty\n", i % NUMSECTORS_X, i / NUMSECTORS_Y); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP].Flush(); } if(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP].first) { sprintf(gString, "Dummy overlap list %d,%d not empty\n", i % NUMSECTORS_X, i / NUMSECTORS_Y); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP].Flush(); } } ms_listMovingEntityPtrs.Flush(); } void CWorld::ClearForRestart(void) { if(CCutsceneMgr::HasLoaded()) CCutsceneMgr::DeleteCutsceneData(); CProjectileInfo::RemoveAllProjectiles(); CObject::DeleteAllTempObjects(); CObject::DeleteAllMissionObjects(); CPopulation::ConvertAllObjectsToDummyObjects(); for(int i = 0; i < NUMSECTORS_X * NUMSECTORS_Y; i++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(i % NUMSECTORS_X, i / NUMSECTORS_Y); for(CPtrNode *pNode = pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS].first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; Remove(pEntity); delete pEntity; } for(CPtrNode *pNode = GetBigBuildingList(LEVEL_GENERIC).first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CVehicle *pVehicle = (CVehicle *)pNode->item; if(pVehicle && pVehicle->IsVehicle() && pVehicle->IsPlane()) { Remove(pVehicle); delete pVehicle; } } for(CPtrNode *pNode = pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES].first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; Remove(pEntity); delete pEntity; } } CPools::CheckPoolsEmpty(); } void CWorld::RepositionCertainDynamicObjects() { int32 i = CPools::GetDummyPool()->GetSize(); while(--i >= 0) { CDummy *dummy = CPools::GetDummyPool()->GetSlot(i); if(dummy) { RepositionOneObject(dummy); } } } void CWorld::RepositionOneObject(CEntity *pEntity) { int16 modelId = pEntity->GetModelIndex(); if (IsLightThatNeedsRepositioning(modelId) || IsTreeModel(modelId) || modelId == MI_PARKINGMETER || modelId == MI_PHONEBOOTH1 || modelId == MI_WASTEBIN || modelId == MI_BIN || modelId == MI_POSTBOX1 || modelId == MI_NEWSSTAND || modelId == MI_TRAFFICCONE || modelId == MI_DUMP1 || modelId == MI_ROADWORKBARRIER1 || modelId == MI_BUSSIGN1 || modelId == MI_NOPARKINGSIGN1 || modelId == MI_PHONESIGN || modelId == MI_TAXISIGN || modelId == MI_FISHSTALL01 || modelId == MI_FISHSTALL02 || modelId == MI_FISHSTALL03 || modelId == MI_FISHSTALL04 || modelId == MI_BAGELSTAND2 || modelId == MI_FIRE_HYDRANT || modelId == MI_BOLLARDLIGHT || modelId == MI_PARKTABLE) { CVector& position = pEntity->GetMatrix().GetPosition(); float fBoundingBoxMinZ = pEntity->GetColModel()->boundingBox.min.z; position.z = FindGroundZFor3DCoord(position.x, position.y, position.z + OBJECT_REPOSITION_OFFSET_Z, nil) - fBoundingBoxMinZ; pEntity->m_matrix.UpdateRW(); pEntity->UpdateRwFrame(); } else if(modelId == MI_BUOY) { float fWaterLevel = 0.0f; bool bFound = true; const CVector &position = pEntity->GetPosition(); float fGroundZ = FindGroundZFor3DCoord(position.x, position.y, position.z + OBJECT_REPOSITION_OFFSET_Z, &bFound); if(CWaterLevel::GetWaterLevelNoWaves(position.x, position.y, position.z + OBJECT_REPOSITION_OFFSET_Z, &fWaterLevel)) { if(!bFound || fWaterLevel > fGroundZ) { CColModel *pColModel = pEntity->GetColModel(); float fHeight = pColModel->boundingBox.max.z - pColModel->boundingBox.min.z; pEntity->GetMatrix().GetPosition().z = 0.2f * fHeight + fWaterLevel - 0.5f * fHeight; } } } } void CWorld::SetCarsOnFire(float x, float y, float z, float radius, CEntity *reason) { int poolSize = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSize(); for(int poolIndex = poolSize - 1; poolIndex >= 0; poolIndex--) { CVehicle *veh = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(poolIndex); if(veh && veh->GetStatus() != STATUS_WRECKED && !veh->m_pCarFire && !veh->bFireProof) { if(Abs(veh->GetPosition().z - z) < 5.0f && Abs(veh->GetPosition().x - x) < radius && Abs(veh->GetPosition().y - y) < radius) gFireManager.StartFire(veh, reason, 0.8f, true); } } } void CWorld::SetPedsChoking(float x, float y, float z, float radius, CEntity* reason) { int32 poolSize = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSize(); for (int32 i = poolSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CPed* pPed = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i); // suspicious copypaste if (pPed && pPed->m_nPedState != PED_DEAD && !pPed->bInVehicle && !pPed->m_pFire && !pPed->bFireProof && pPed->CharCreatedBy != MISSION_CHAR) { if (Abs(pPed->GetPosition().z - z) < 5.0f && Abs(pPed->GetPosition().x - x) < radius && Abs(pPed->GetPosition().y - y) < radius) { if (!pPed->IsPlayer()) pPed->SetFlee(CVector2D(x, y), 10000); #ifdef FIX_BUGS pPed->InflictDamage(reason, WEAPONTYPE_TEARGAS, 1.0f, PEDPIECE_TORSO, 0); #else pPed->InflictDamage(nil, WEAPONTYPE_TEARGAS, 1.0f, PEDPIECE_TORSO, 0); #endif } } } } void CWorld::SetPedsOnFire(float x, float y, float z, float radius, CEntity *reason) { int32 poolSize = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSize(); for(int32 i = poolSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CPed *pPed = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetSlot(i); if(pPed && pPed->m_nPedState != PED_DEAD && !pPed->bInVehicle && !pPed->m_pFire && !pPed->bFireProof) { if(Abs(pPed->GetPosition().z - z) < 5.0f && Abs(pPed->GetPosition().x - x) < radius && Abs(pPed->GetPosition().y - y) < radius) gFireManager.StartFire(pPed, reason, 0.8f, true); } } } void CWorld::RemoveStaticObjects() { for(int i = 0; i < NUMSECTORS_X * NUMSECTORS_Y; i++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(i % NUMSECTORS_X, i / NUMSECTORS_Y); for(CPtrNode *pNode = pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS].first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; Remove(pEntity); delete pEntity; } for(CPtrNode *pNode = pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS].first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; Remove(pEntity); delete pEntity; } for(CPtrNode *pNode = pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES].first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CEntity *pEntity = (CEntity *)pNode->item; Remove(pEntity); delete pEntity; } pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS].Flush(); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP].Flush(); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES].Flush(); pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP].Flush(); } } void CWorld::Process(void) { if(!(CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 63)) CReferences::PruneAllReferencesInWorld(); if(bProcessCutsceneOnly) { for(int i = 0; i < NUMCUTSCENEOBJECTS; i++) { CCutsceneObject *csObj = CCutsceneMgr::GetCutsceneObject(i); if(csObj && csObj->m_entryInfoList.first) { if(csObj->m_rwObject && RwObjectGetType(csObj->m_rwObject) == rpCLUMP && RpAnimBlendClumpGetFirstAssociation(csObj->GetClump())) { if (csObj->IsObject()) RpAnimBlendClumpUpdateAnimations(csObj->GetClump(), CTimer::GetTimeStepNonClippedInSeconds()); else { if (!csObj->bOffscreen) csObj->bOffscreen = !csObj->GetIsOnScreen(); RpAnimBlendClumpUpdateAnimations(csObj->GetClump(), CTimer::GetTimeStepInSeconds(), !csObj->bOffscreen); } } csObj->ProcessControl(); csObj->ProcessCollision(); csObj->GetMatrix().UpdateRW(); csObj->UpdateRwFrame(); } } CRecordDataForChase::ProcessControlCars(); CRecordDataForChase::SaveOrRetrieveCarPositions(); } else { for(CPtrNode *node = ms_listMovingEntityPtrs.first; node; node = node->next) { CEntity *movingEnt = (CEntity *)node->item; if(!movingEnt->bRemoveFromWorld && movingEnt->m_rwObject && RwObjectGetType(movingEnt->m_rwObject) == rpCLUMP && RpAnimBlendClumpGetFirstAssociation(movingEnt->GetClump())) { if (movingEnt->IsObject()) RpAnimBlendClumpUpdateAnimations(movingEnt->GetClump(), CTimer::GetTimeStepNonClippedInSeconds()); else { if (!movingEnt->bOffscreen) movingEnt->bOffscreen = !movingEnt->GetIsOnScreen(); RpAnimBlendClumpUpdateAnimations(movingEnt->GetClump(), CTimer::GetTimeStepInSeconds(), !movingEnt->bOffscreen); } } } for(CPtrNode *node = ms_listMovingEntityPtrs.first; node; node = node->next) { CPhysical *movingEnt = (CPhysical *)node->item; if(movingEnt->bRemoveFromWorld) { RemoveEntityInsteadOfProcessingIt(movingEnt); } else { movingEnt->ProcessControl(); if(movingEnt->GetIsStatic()) { movingEnt->RemoveFromMovingList(); } } } bForceProcessControl = true; for(CPtrNode *node = ms_listMovingEntityPtrs.first; node; node = node->next) { CPhysical *movingEnt = (CPhysical *)node->item; if(movingEnt->bWasPostponed) { if(movingEnt->bRemoveFromWorld) { RemoveEntityInsteadOfProcessingIt(movingEnt); } else { movingEnt->ProcessControl(); if(movingEnt->GetIsStatic()) { movingEnt->RemoveFromMovingList(); } } } } bForceProcessControl = false; if(CReplay::IsPlayingBack()) { for(CPtrNode *node = ms_listMovingEntityPtrs.first; node; node = node->next) { CEntity *movingEnt = (CEntity *)node->item; movingEnt->bIsInSafePosition = true; movingEnt->GetMatrix().UpdateRW(); movingEnt->UpdateRwFrame(); } } else { bNoMoreCollisionTorque = false; for(CPtrNode *node = ms_listMovingEntityPtrs.first; node; node = node->next) { CEntity *movingEnt = (CEntity *)node->item; if(!movingEnt->bIsInSafePosition) { movingEnt->ProcessCollision(); movingEnt->GetMatrix().UpdateRW(); movingEnt->UpdateRwFrame(); } } bNoMoreCollisionTorque = true; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for(CPtrNode *node = ms_listMovingEntityPtrs.first; node; node = node->next) { CEntity *movingEnt = (CEntity *)node->item; if(!movingEnt->bIsInSafePosition) { movingEnt->ProcessCollision(); movingEnt->GetMatrix().UpdateRW(); movingEnt->UpdateRwFrame(); } } } for(CPtrNode *node = ms_listMovingEntityPtrs.first; node; node = node->next) { CEntity *movingEnt = (CEntity *)node->item; if(!movingEnt->bIsInSafePosition) { movingEnt->bIsStuck = true; movingEnt->ProcessCollision(); movingEnt->GetMatrix().UpdateRW(); movingEnt->UpdateRwFrame(); if(!movingEnt->bIsInSafePosition) { movingEnt->bIsStuck = true; } } } bSecondShift = false; for(CPtrNode *node = ms_listMovingEntityPtrs.first; node; node = node->next) { CEntity *movingEnt = (CEntity *)node->item; if(!movingEnt->bIsInSafePosition) { movingEnt->ProcessShift(); movingEnt->GetMatrix().UpdateRW(); movingEnt->UpdateRwFrame(); if(!movingEnt->bIsInSafePosition) { movingEnt->bIsStuck = true; } } } bSecondShift = true; for(CPtrNode *node = ms_listMovingEntityPtrs.first; node; node = node->next) { CPhysical *movingEnt = (CPhysical *)node->item; if(!movingEnt->bIsInSafePosition) { movingEnt->ProcessShift(); movingEnt->GetMatrix().UpdateRW(); movingEnt->UpdateRwFrame(); if(!movingEnt->bIsInSafePosition) { movingEnt->bIsStuck = true; if(movingEnt->GetStatus() == STATUS_PLAYER) { printf("STUCK: Final Step: Player Entity %d Is Stuck\n", movingEnt->GetModelIndex()); movingEnt->m_vecMoveSpeed *= Pow(0.707f, CTimer::GetTimeStep()); movingEnt->ApplyMoveSpeed(); movingEnt->ApplyTurnSpeed(); } } } } } for(CPtrNode *node = ms_listMovingEntityPtrs.first; node; node = node->next) { CPed *movingPed = (CPed *)node->item; if(movingPed->IsPed()) { if(movingPed->bInVehicle && movingPed->m_nPedState != PED_EXIT_TRAIN || movingPed->EnteringCar()) { CVehicle *movingCar = movingPed->m_pMyVehicle; if(movingCar) { #ifdef GTA_TRAIN if(movingCar->IsTrain()) { movingPed->SetPedPositionInTrain(); } else #endif { switch(movingPed->m_nPedState) { case PED_ENTER_CAR: case PED_CARJACK: movingPed->EnterCar(); break; case PED_DRAG_FROM_CAR: movingPed->BeingDraggedFromCar(); break; case PED_EXIT_CAR: movingPed->ExitCar(); break; case PED_ARRESTED: if(movingPed->m_nLastPedState == PED_DRAG_FROM_CAR) { movingPed->BeingDraggedFromCar(); break; } // fall through default: movingPed->SetPedPositionInCar(); break; } } movingPed->GetMatrix().UpdateRW(); movingPed->UpdateRwFrame(); } else { movingPed->bInVehicle = false; movingPed->QuitEnteringCar(); } } else if (movingPed->m_attachedTo) { movingPed->PositionAttachedPed(); movingPed->GetMatrix().UpdateRW(); movingPed->UpdateRwFrame(); } } } CMessages::Process(); Players[PlayerInFocus].Process(); CRecordDataForChase::SaveOrRetrieveCarPositions(); if((CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 7) == 1) { RemoveFallenPeds(); } else if((CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 7) == 5) { RemoveFallenCars(); } } } void CWorld::TriggerExplosion(const CVector &position, float fRadius, float fPower, CEntity *pCreator, bool bProcessVehicleBombTimer) { CVector2D vecStartPos(position.x - fRadius, position.y - fRadius); CVector2D vecEndPos(position.x + fRadius, position.y + fRadius); const int32 nStartX = Max(GetSectorIndexX(vecStartPos.x), 0); const int32 nStartY = Max(GetSectorIndexY(vecStartPos.y), 0); const int32 nEndX = Min(GetSectorIndexX(vecEndPos.x), NUMSECTORS_X - 1); const int32 nEndY = Min(GetSectorIndexY(vecEndPos.y), NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); for(int32 y = nStartY; y <= nEndY; y++) { for(int32 x = nStartX; x <= nEndX; x++) { CSector *pSector = GetSector(x, y); TriggerExplosionSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], position, fRadius, fPower, pCreator, bProcessVehicleBombTimer); TriggerExplosionSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], position, fRadius, fPower, pCreator, bProcessVehicleBombTimer); TriggerExplosionSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], position, fRadius, fPower, pCreator, bProcessVehicleBombTimer); } } } void CWorld::TriggerExplosionSectorList(CPtrList &list, const CVector &position, float fRadius, float fPower, CEntity *pCreator, bool bProcessVehicleBombTimer) { for(CPtrNode *pNode = list.first; pNode; pNode = pNode->next) { CPhysical *pEntity = (CPhysical *)pNode->item; CVector vecDistance = pEntity->GetPosition() - position; float fMagnitude = vecDistance.Magnitude(); if(fRadius > fMagnitude) { CWeapon::BlowUpExplosiveThings(pEntity); CPed *pPed = (CPed *)pEntity; CObject *pObject = (CObject *)pEntity; CVehicle *pVehicle = (CVehicle *)pEntity; if(!pEntity->bExplosionProof && (!pEntity->IsPed() || !pPed->bInVehicle)) { if(pEntity->GetIsStatic()) { if(pEntity->IsObject()) { if (fPower > pObject->m_fUprootLimit || IsFence(pObject->GetModelIndex())) { if (IsGlass(pObject->GetModelIndex())) { CGlass::WindowRespondsToExplosion(pObject, position); } else { pObject->SetIsStatic(false); pObject->AddToMovingList(); int16 modelId = pEntity->GetModelIndex(); if(modelId != MI_FIRE_HYDRANT || pObject->bHasBeenDamaged) { if(pEntity->IsObject() && modelId != MI_EXPLODINGBARREL && modelId != MI_PETROLPUMP && modelId != MI_PETROLPUMP2) pObject->bHasBeenDamaged = true; } else { CVector pos = pEntity->GetPosition(); pos.z -= 0.5f; CParticleObject::AddObject(POBJECT_FIRE_HYDRANT, pos, true); CParticleObject::AddObject(POBJECT_FIRE_HYDRANT_STEAM, pos, true); pObject->bHasBeenDamaged = true; } } } if(pEntity->GetIsStatic()) { float fDamageMultiplier = (fRadius - fMagnitude) * 2.0f / fRadius; float fDamage = 300.0f * Min(fDamageMultiplier, 1.0f); pObject->ObjectDamage(fDamage); } } else { pEntity->SetIsStatic(false); pEntity->AddToMovingList(); } } if(!pEntity->GetIsStatic()) { float fDamageMultiplier = Min((fRadius - fMagnitude) * 2.0f / fRadius, 1.0f); CVector vecForceDir = vecDistance * (fPower * pEntity->m_fMass / 1400.0f * fDamageMultiplier / Max(fMagnitude, 0.01f)); vecForceDir.z = Max(vecForceDir.z, 0.0f); if(pEntity == FindPlayerPed()) vecForceDir.z = Min(vecForceDir.z, 1.0f); pEntity->ApplyMoveForce(vecForceDir); if(!pEntity->bPedPhysics) { float fBoundRadius = pEntity->GetBoundRadius(); float fDistanceZ = position.z - pEntity->GetPosition().z; float fPointZ = fBoundRadius; if(Max(fDistanceZ, -fBoundRadius) < fBoundRadius) { if(fDistanceZ <= -fBoundRadius) fPointZ = -fBoundRadius; else fPointZ = fDistanceZ; } pEntity->ApplyTurnForce(vecForceDir.x, vecForceDir.y, vecForceDir.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, fPointZ); } switch(pEntity->GetType()) { case ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE: if(pEntity->GetStatus() == STATUS_SIMPLE) { pEntity->SetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS); CCarCtrl::SwitchVehicleToRealPhysics(pVehicle); } pVehicle->InflictDamage(pCreator, WEAPONTYPE_EXPLOSION, 1100.0f * fDamageMultiplier); if(bProcessVehicleBombTimer) { if(pVehicle->m_nBombTimer) pVehicle->m_nBombTimer /= 10; } break; case ENTITY_TYPE_PED: { int8 direction = pPed->GetLocalDirection(-vecForceDir); pPed->bIsStanding = false; pPed->ApplyMoveForce(0.0, 0.0, 2.0f); float fDamage = 250.0f * fDamageMultiplier; pPed->InflictDamage(pCreator, WEAPONTYPE_EXPLOSION, fDamage, PEDPIECE_TORSO, direction); if(pPed->m_nPedState != PED_DIE) pPed->SetFall(2000, (AnimationId)(direction + ANIM_KO_SKID_FRONT), 0); if(pCreator && pCreator->IsPed()) { eEventType eventType = EVENT_SHOOT_PED; if(pPed->m_nPedType == PEDTYPE_COP) eventType = EVENT_SHOOT_COP; CEventList::RegisterEvent(eventType, EVENT_ENTITY_PED, pEntity, (CPed *)pCreator, 10000); pPed->RegisterThreatWithGangPeds(pCreator); } break; } case ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT: pObject->ObjectDamage(300.0f * fDamageMultiplier); break; default: break; } } } } } } void CWorld::UseDetonator(CEntity *pEntity) { int32 i = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSize(); while(--i >= 0) { #ifdef FIX_BUGS CVehicle* pVehicle = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(i); #else CAutomobile *pVehicle = (CAutomobile *)CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetSlot(i); #endif if(pVehicle && pVehicle->m_bombType == CARBOMB_REMOTE && pVehicle->m_pBombRigger == pEntity) { pVehicle->m_bombType = CARBOMB_NONE; pVehicle->m_nBombTimer = 500; pVehicle->m_pBlowUpEntity = pVehicle->m_pBombRigger; if(pVehicle->m_pBlowUpEntity) pVehicle->m_pBlowUpEntity->RegisterReference(&pVehicle->m_pBlowUpEntity); } } CProjectileInfo::RemoveDetonatorProjectiles(); } bool CWorld::IsWanderPathClear(CVector const& point1, CVector const& point2, float distance, int maxSteps) { if (Abs(point1.z - point2.z) > distance) return false; if (!GetIsLineOfSightClear(point1, point2, true, false, false, false, false, false, false)) return false; CVector vecBetween = point2 - point1; uint32 nSteps = Max(vecBetween.Magnitude(), maxSteps); if (nSteps == 0) return true; vecBetween.Normalise(); uint32 step = 1; for (step = 1; step < nSteps; step++) { CVector posThisStep = point1 + vecBetween * step; float level; if (!CWaterLevel::GetWaterLevel(posThisStep, &level, false)) continue; posThisStep.z = level; AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); CVector vecCheckedPos(posThisStep.x, posThisStep.y, Max(point1.z, point2.z)); CColPoint colpoint; CEntity* entity; if (!ProcessVerticalLineSector(*GetSector(GetSectorIndexX(posThisStep.x), GetSectorIndexY(posThisStep.y)), CColLine(posThisStep, vecCheckedPos), colpoint, entity, true, false, false, false, false, false, nil)) return false; } CVector posThisStep = point1; AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); CVector vecCheckedPos(posThisStep.x, posThisStep.y, point1.z - 5.0f); CColPoint colpoint; CEntity* entity; if (!ProcessVerticalLineSector(*GetSector(GetSectorIndexX(posThisStep.x), GetSectorIndexY(posThisStep.y)), CColLine(posThisStep, vecCheckedPos), colpoint, entity, true, false, false, false, false, false, nil)) return false; float heightNextStep = colpoint.point.z + 0.5f; for (step = 1; step < nSteps; step++) { CVector posThisStep = point1 + vecBetween * step; posThisStep.z = heightNextStep; AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); CVector vecCheckedPos(posThisStep.x, posThisStep.y, heightNextStep - 2.0f); if (!ProcessVerticalLineSector(*GetSector(GetSectorIndexX(posThisStep.x), GetSectorIndexY(posThisStep.y)), CColLine(posThisStep, vecCheckedPos), colpoint, entity, true, false, false, false, false, false, nil)) return false; if (Abs(colpoint.point.z - heightNextStep) > 1.0f) return false; heightNextStep = colpoint.point.z + 0.5f; } return true; }