#include "common.h" #include "General.h" #include "Pad.h" #include "Hud.h" #include "Text.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "Renderer.h" #include "ModelInfo.h" #include "TxdStore.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "Pools.h" #include "Wanted.h" #include "Directory.h" #include "RwHelper.h" #include "World.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "FileMgr.h" #include "FileLoader.h" #include "Zones.h" #include "Radar.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "Record.h" #include "CarCtrl.h" #include "Population.h" #include "Gangs.h" #include "CutsceneMgr.h" #include "CdStream.h" #include "Streaming.h" #include "Replay.h" #include "main.h" #include "ColStore.h" #include "DMAudio.h" bool CStreaming::ms_disableStreaming; bool CStreaming::ms_bLoadingBigModel; int32 CStreaming::ms_numModelsRequested; CStreamingInfo CStreaming::ms_aInfoForModel[NUMSTREAMINFO]; CStreamingInfo CStreaming::ms_startLoadedList; CStreamingInfo CStreaming::ms_endLoadedList; CStreamingInfo CStreaming::ms_startRequestedList; CStreamingInfo CStreaming::ms_endRequestedList; int32 CStreaming::ms_oldSectorX; int32 CStreaming::ms_oldSectorY; int32 CStreaming::ms_streamingBufferSize; int8 *CStreaming::ms_pStreamingBuffer[2]; int32 CStreaming::ms_memoryUsed; CStreamingChannel CStreaming::ms_channel[2]; int32 CStreaming::ms_channelError; int32 CStreaming::ms_numVehiclesLoaded; int32 CStreaming::ms_vehiclesLoaded[MAXVEHICLESLOADED]; int32 CStreaming::ms_lastVehicleDeleted; CDirectory *CStreaming::ms_pExtraObjectsDir; int32 CStreaming::ms_numPriorityRequests; int32 CStreaming::ms_currentPedGrp; int32 CStreaming::ms_currentPedLoading; int32 CStreaming::ms_lastCullZone; uint16 CStreaming::ms_loadedGangs; uint16 CStreaming::ms_loadedGangCars; int32 CStreaming::ms_imageOffsets[NUMCDIMAGES]; int32 CStreaming::ms_lastImageRead; int32 CStreaming::ms_imageSize; uint32 CStreaming::ms_memoryAvailable; int32 desiredNumVehiclesLoaded = 12; CEntity *pIslandLODmainlandEntity; CEntity *pIslandLODbeachEntity; int32 islandLODmainland; int32 islandLODbeach; bool CStreamingInfo::GetCdPosnAndSize(uint32 &posn, uint32 &size) { if(m_size == 0) return false; posn = m_position; size = m_size; return true; } void CStreamingInfo::SetCdPosnAndSize(uint32 posn, uint32 size) { m_position = posn; m_size = size; } void CStreamingInfo::AddToList(CStreamingInfo *link) { // Insert this after link m_next = link->m_next; m_prev = link; link->m_next = this; m_next->m_prev = this; } void CStreamingInfo::RemoveFromList(void) { m_next->m_prev = m_prev; m_prev->m_next = m_next; m_next = nil; m_prev = nil; } void CStreaming::Init2(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < NUMSTREAMINFO; i++){ ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_NOTLOADED; ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_next = nil; ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_prev = nil; ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_nextID = -1; ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_size = 0; ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_position = 0; } ms_channelError = -1; // init lists ms_startLoadedList.m_next = &ms_endLoadedList; ms_startLoadedList.m_prev = nil; ms_endLoadedList.m_prev = &ms_startLoadedList; ms_endLoadedList.m_next = nil; ms_startRequestedList.m_next = &ms_endRequestedList; ms_startRequestedList.m_prev = nil; ms_endRequestedList.m_prev = &ms_startRequestedList; ms_endRequestedList.m_next = nil; // init misc ms_oldSectorX = 0; ms_oldSectorY = 0; ms_streamingBufferSize = 0; ms_disableStreaming = false; ms_memoryUsed = 0; ms_bLoadingBigModel = false; // init channels ms_channel[0].state = CHANNELSTATE_IDLE; ms_channel[1].state = CHANNELSTATE_IDLE; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){ ms_channel[0].streamIds[i] = -1; ms_channel[0].offsets[i] = -1; ms_channel[1].streamIds[i] = -1; ms_channel[1].offsets[i] = -1; } // init stream info, mark things that are already loaded for(i = 0; i < MODELINFOSIZE; i++){ CBaseModelInfo *mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(i); if(mi && mi->GetRwObject()){ ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_LOADED; ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_flags = STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE; if(mi->IsSimple()) ((CSimpleModelInfo*)mi)->m_alpha = 255; } } for(i = 0; i < TXDSTORESIZE; i++) if(CTxdStore::GetSlot(i) && CTxdStore::GetSlot(i)->texDict) ms_aInfoForModel[i + STREAM_OFFSET_TXD].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_LOADED; for(i = 0; i < MAXVEHICLESLOADED; i++) ms_vehiclesLoaded[i] = -1; ms_numVehiclesLoaded = 0; ms_pExtraObjectsDir = new CDirectory(EXTRADIRSIZE); ms_numPriorityRequests = 0; ms_currentPedGrp = -1; ms_lastCullZone = -1; // unused because RemoveModelsNotVisibleFromCullzone is gone ms_loadedGangs = 0; ms_currentPedLoading = 8; // unused, whatever it is LoadCdDirectory(); // allocate streaming buffers if(ms_streamingBufferSize & 1) ms_streamingBufferSize++; ms_pStreamingBuffer[0] = (int8*)RwMallocAlign(ms_streamingBufferSize*CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE, CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE); ms_streamingBufferSize /= 2; ms_pStreamingBuffer[1] = ms_pStreamingBuffer[0] + ms_streamingBufferSize*CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE; debug("Streaming buffer size is %d sectors", ms_streamingBufferSize); // PC only, figure out how much memory we got #ifdef GTA_PC #define MB (1024*1024) extern unsigned long _dwMemAvailPhys; ms_memoryAvailable = (_dwMemAvailPhys - 10*MB)/2; if(ms_memoryAvailable < 50*MB) ms_memoryAvailable = 50*MB; desiredNumVehiclesLoaded = (ms_memoryAvailable/MB - 50)/3 + 12; if(desiredNumVehiclesLoaded > MAXVEHICLESLOADED) desiredNumVehiclesLoaded = MAXVEHICLESLOADED; debug("Memory allocated to Streaming is %dMB", ms_memoryAvailable/MB); #undef MB #endif // find island LODs pIslandLODmainlandEntity = nil; pIslandLODbeachEntity = nil; islandLODmainland = -1; islandLODbeach = -1; CModelInfo::GetModelInfo("IslandLODmainland", &islandLODmainland); CModelInfo::GetModelInfo("IslandLODbeach", &islandLODbeach); } void CStreaming::Init(void) { #ifdef USE_TXD_CDIMAGE int txdHandle = CFileMgr::OpenFile("MODELS\\TXD.IMG", "r"); if (txdHandle) CFileMgr::CloseFile(txdHandle); if (!CheckVideoCardCaps() && txdHandle) { CdStreamAddImage("MODELS\\TXD.IMG"); CStreaming::Init2(); } else { CStreaming::Init2(); if (CreateTxdImageForVideoCard()) { CStreaming::Shutdown(); CdStreamAddImage("MODELS\\TXD.IMG"); CStreaming::Init2(); } } #else CStreaming::Init(); #endif } void CStreaming::Shutdown(void) { RwFreeAlign(ms_pStreamingBuffer[0]); ms_streamingBufferSize = 0; if(ms_pExtraObjectsDir) delete ms_pExtraObjectsDir; } void CStreaming::Update(void) { CStreamingInfo *si, *prev; bool requestedSubway = false; UpdateMemoryUsed(); if(ms_channelError != -1){ RetryLoadFile(ms_channelError); return; } if(CTimer::GetIsPaused()) return; LoadBigBuildingsWhenNeeded(); if(!ms_disableStreaming && TheCamera.GetPosition().z < 55.0f) AddModelsToRequestList(TheCamera.GetPosition()); DeleteFarAwayRwObjects(TheCamera.GetPosition()); if(!ms_disableStreaming && !CCutsceneMgr::IsCutsceneProcessing() && ms_numModelsRequested < 5 && !CRenderer::m_loadingPriority && CGame::currArea == 0 && !CReplay::IsPlayingBack()){ StreamVehiclesAndPeds(); StreamZoneModels(FindPlayerCoors()); } LoadRequestedModels(); if(CWorld::Players[0].m_pRemoteVehicle){ CColStore::AddCollisionNeededAtPosn(FindPlayerCoors()); CColStore::LoadCollision(CWorld::Players[0].m_pRemoteVehicle->GetPosition()); CColStore::EnsureCollisionIsInMemory(CWorld::Players[0].m_pRemoteVehicle->GetPosition()); }else{ CColStore::LoadCollision(FindPlayerCoors()); CColStore::EnsureCollisionIsInMemory(FindPlayerCoors()); } for(si = ms_endRequestedList.m_prev; si != &ms_startRequestedList; si = prev){ prev = si->m_prev; if((si->m_flags & (STREAMFLAGS_KEEP_IN_MEMORY|STREAMFLAGS_PRIORITY)) == 0) RemoveModel(si - ms_aInfoForModel); } } void CStreaming::LoadCdDirectory(void) { char dirname[132]; int i; #ifdef GTA_PC ms_imageOffsets[0] = 0; ms_imageOffsets[1] = -1; ms_imageOffsets[2] = -1; ms_imageOffsets[3] = -1; ms_imageOffsets[4] = -1; ms_imageOffsets[5] = -1; ms_imageOffsets[6] = -1; ms_imageOffsets[7] = -1; ms_imageOffsets[8] = -1; ms_imageOffsets[9] = -1; ms_imageOffsets[10] = -1; ms_imageOffsets[11] = -1; ms_imageSize = GetGTA3ImgSize(); // PS2 uses CFileMgr::GetCdFile on all IMG files to fill the array #endif i = CdStreamGetNumImages(); while(i-- >= 1){ strcpy(dirname, CdStreamGetImageName(i)); strncpy(strrchr(dirname, '.') + 1, "DIR", 3); LoadCdDirectory(dirname, i); } ms_lastImageRead = 0; ms_imageSize /= CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE; } void CStreaming::LoadCdDirectory(const char *dirname, int n) { int fd, lastID, imgSelector; int modelId; CDirectory::DirectoryInfo direntry; char *dot; lastID = -1; fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile(dirname, "rb"); assert(fd > 0); imgSelector = n<<24; assert(sizeof(direntry) == 32); while(CFileMgr::Read(fd, (char*)&direntry, sizeof(direntry))){ bool bAddToStreaming = false; if(direntry.size > (uint32)ms_streamingBufferSize) ms_streamingBufferSize = direntry.size; direntry.name[23] = '\0'; dot = strchr(direntry.name, '.'); if(dot == nil || dot-direntry.name > 20){ debug("%s is too long\n", direntry.name); lastID = -1; continue; } *dot = '\0'; if(!CGeneral::faststricmp(dot+1, "DFF")){ if(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(direntry.name, &modelId)){ bAddToStreaming = true; }else{ #ifdef FIX_BUGS // remember which cdimage this came from ms_pExtraObjectsDir->AddItem(direntry, n); #else ms_pExtraObjectsDir->AddItem(direntry); #endif lastID = -1; } }else if(!CGeneral::faststricmp(dot+1, "TXD")){ modelId = CTxdStore::FindTxdSlot(direntry.name); if(modelId == -1) modelId = CTxdStore::AddTxdSlot(direntry.name); modelId += STREAM_OFFSET_TXD; bAddToStreaming = true; }else if(!CGeneral::faststricmp(dot+1, "COL")){ modelId = CColStore::FindColSlot(direntry.name); if(modelId == -1) modelId = CColStore::AddColSlot(direntry.name); modelId += STREAM_OFFSET_COL; bAddToStreaming = true; // TODO(MIAMI): IFP }else{ *dot = '.'; lastID = -1; } if(bAddToStreaming){ if(ms_aInfoForModel[modelId].GetCdSize()){ debug("%s.%s appears more than once in %s\n", direntry.name, dot+1, dirname); lastID = -1; }else{ direntry.offset |= imgSelector; ms_aInfoForModel[modelId].SetCdPosnAndSize(direntry.offset, direntry.size); if(lastID != -1) ms_aInfoForModel[lastID].m_nextID = modelId; lastID = modelId; } } } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); } bool CStreaming::ConvertBufferToObject(int8 *buf, int32 streamId) { RwMemory mem; RwStream *stream; int cdsize; uint32 startTime, endTime, timeDiff; CBaseModelInfo *mi; bool success; startTime = CTimer::GetCurrentTimeInCycles() / CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond(); cdsize = ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].GetCdSize(); mem.start = (uint8*)buf; mem.length = cdsize * CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE; stream = RwStreamOpen(rwSTREAMMEMORY, rwSTREAMREAD, &mem); if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD){ //--MIAMI: also check animation // Model mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId); // Txd has to be loaded if(CTxdStore::GetSlot(mi->GetTxdSlot())->texDict == nil){ debug("failed to load %s because TXD %s is not in memory\n", mi->GetName(), CTxdStore::GetTxdName(mi->GetTxdSlot())); RemoveModel(streamId); RemoveTxd(mi->GetTxdSlot()); ReRequestModel(streamId); RwStreamClose(stream, &mem); return false; } // Set Txd to use CTxdStore::AddRef(mi->GetTxdSlot()); CTxdStore::SetCurrentTxd(mi->GetTxdSlot()); if(mi->IsSimple()){ success = CFileLoader::LoadAtomicFile(stream, streamId); } else if (mi->GetModelType() == MITYPE_VEHICLE) { // load vehicles in two parts CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->AddRef(); success = CFileLoader::StartLoadClumpFile(stream, streamId); if(success) ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_STARTED; }else{ success = CFileLoader::LoadClumpFile(stream, streamId); } UpdateMemoryUsed(); // Txd no longer needed unless we only read part of the file if(ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState != STREAMSTATE_STARTED) CTxdStore::RemoveRefWithoutDelete(mi->GetTxdSlot()); if(!success){ debug("Failed to load %s\n", CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetName()); RemoveModel(streamId); ReRequestModel(streamId); RwStreamClose(stream, &mem); return false; } }else if(streamId >= STREAM_OFFSET_TXD && streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_COL){ // Txd assert(streamId < NUMSTREAMINFO); if((ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_KEEP_IN_MEMORY) == 0 && !IsTxdUsedByRequestedModels(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD)){ RemoveModel(streamId); RwStreamClose(stream, &mem); return false; } if(ms_bLoadingBigModel || cdsize > 200){ success = CTxdStore::StartLoadTxd(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD, stream); if(success) ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_STARTED; }else success = CTxdStore::LoadTxd(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD, stream); UpdateMemoryUsed(); if(!success){ debug("Failed to load %s.txd\n", CTxdStore::GetTxdName(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD)); RemoveModel(streamId); ReRequestModel(streamId); RwStreamClose(stream, &mem); return false; } }else if(streamId >= STREAM_OFFSET_COL && streamId < NUMSTREAMINFO){ if(!CColStore::LoadCol(streamId-STREAM_OFFSET_COL, mem.start, mem.length)){ debug("Failed to load %s.col\n", CColStore::GetColName(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_COL)); RemoveModel(streamId); ReRequestModel(streamId); RwStreamClose(stream, &mem); return false; } // TODO(MIAMI): IFP } RwStreamClose(stream, &mem); if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD){ // Model // Vehicles and Peds not in loaded list if (mi->GetModelType() != MITYPE_VEHICLE && mi->GetModelType() != MITYPE_PED) { CSimpleModelInfo *smi = (CSimpleModelInfo*)mi; // Set fading for some objects if(mi->IsSimple() && !smi->m_isBigBuilding){ if(ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_NOFADE) smi->m_alpha = 255; else smi->m_alpha = 0; } if((ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_CANT_REMOVE) == 0) ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].AddToList(&ms_startLoadedList); } }else if(streamId >= STREAM_OFFSET_TXD && streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_COL){ // Txd if((ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_CANT_REMOVE) == 0) ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].AddToList(&ms_startLoadedList); // TODO(MIAMI): animations } // Mark objects as loaded if(ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState != STREAMSTATE_STARTED){ ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_LOADED; ms_memoryUsed += ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].GetCdSize() * CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE; } endTime = CTimer::GetCurrentTimeInCycles() / CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond(); timeDiff = endTime - startTime; if(timeDiff > 5){ // TODO: is this inlined? static char objname[32]; if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD) sprintf(objname, "%s.dff", CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetName()); else if(streamId >= STREAM_OFFSET_TXD && streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_COL) sprintf(objname, "%s.txd", CTxdStore::GetTxdName(streamId-STREAM_OFFSET_TXD)); else if(streamId >= STREAM_OFFSET_COL && streamId < NUMSTREAMINFO) sprintf(objname, "%s.col", CColStore::GetColName(streamId-STREAM_OFFSET_COL)); // TODO(MIAMI): IFP debug("%s took %d ms\n", objname, timeDiff); } return true; } bool CStreaming::FinishLoadingLargeFile(int8 *buf, int32 streamId) { RwMemory mem; RwStream *stream; uint32 startTime, endTime, timeDiff; CBaseModelInfo *mi; bool success; startTime = CTimer::GetCurrentTimeInCycles() / CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond(); if(ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState != STREAMSTATE_STARTED){ if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD) CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->RemoveRef(); return false; } mem.start = (uint8*)buf; mem.length = ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].GetCdSize() * CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE; stream = RwStreamOpen(rwSTREAMMEMORY, rwSTREAMREAD, &mem); if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD){ // Model mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId); CTxdStore::SetCurrentTxd(mi->GetTxdSlot()); success = CFileLoader::FinishLoadClumpFile(stream, streamId); if(success) success = AddToLoadedVehiclesList(streamId); mi->RemoveRef(); CTxdStore::RemoveRefWithoutDelete(mi->GetTxdSlot()); }else{ // Txd CTxdStore::AddRef(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD); success = CTxdStore::FinishLoadTxd(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD, stream); CTxdStore::RemoveRefWithoutDelete(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD); } RwStreamClose(stream, &mem); ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_LOADED; ms_memoryUsed += ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].GetCdSize() * CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE; if(!success){ RemoveModel(streamId); ReRequestModel(streamId); UpdateMemoryUsed(); return false; } UpdateMemoryUsed(); endTime = CTimer::GetCurrentTimeInCycles() / CTimer::GetCyclesPerMillisecond(); timeDiff = endTime - startTime; if(timeDiff > 5){ if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD) debug("finish model %s took %d ms\n", CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetName(), timeDiff); else debug("finish txd %s took %d ms\n", CTxdStore::GetTxdName(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD), timeDiff); } return true; } void CStreaming::RequestModel(int32 id, int32 flags) { CSimpleModelInfo *mi; if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_INQUEUE){ // updgrade to priority if(flags & STREAMFLAGS_PRIORITY && !ms_aInfoForModel[id].IsPriority()){ ms_numPriorityRequests++; ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags |= STREAMFLAGS_PRIORITY; } }else if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState != STREAMSTATE_NOTLOADED){ flags &= ~STREAMFLAGS_PRIORITY; } ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags |= flags; if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_LOADED){ // Already loaded, only check changed flags if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_NOFADE && id < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD){ mi = (CSimpleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id); if(mi->IsSimple()) mi->m_alpha = 255; } // reinsert into list if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_next){ ms_aInfoForModel[id].RemoveFromList(); if((ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_CANT_REMOVE) == 0) ms_aInfoForModel[id].AddToList(&ms_startLoadedList); } }else if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_NOTLOADED || ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_LOADED){ // how can this be true again? if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_NOTLOADED){ if(id < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD) RequestTxd(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->GetTxdSlot(), flags); ms_aInfoForModel[id].AddToList(&ms_startRequestedList); ms_numModelsRequested++; if(flags & STREAMFLAGS_PRIORITY) ms_numPriorityRequests++; } ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_INQUEUE; ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags = flags; } } #define BIGBUILDINGFLAGS STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE void CStreaming::RequestBigBuildings(eLevelName level) { int i, n; CBuilding *b; n = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSize()-1; for(i = n; i >= 0; i--){ b = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSlot(i); if(b && b->bIsBIGBuilding && b->m_level == level) if(!b->bStreamBIGBuilding) RequestModel(b->GetModelIndex(), BIGBUILDINGFLAGS); } RequestIslands(level); } void CStreaming::RequestBigBuildings(eLevelName level, const CVector &pos) { int i, n; CBuilding *b; n = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSize()-1; for(i = n; i >= 0; i--){ b = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSlot(i); if(b && b->bIsBIGBuilding && b->m_level == level) if(b->bStreamBIGBuilding){ if(CRenderer::ShouldModelBeStreamed(b)) RequestModel(b->GetModelIndex(), 0); }else RequestModel(b->GetModelIndex(), BIGBUILDINGFLAGS); } RequestIslands(level); } void CStreaming::InstanceBigBuildings(eLevelName level, const CVector &pos) { int i, n; CBuilding *b; n = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSize()-1; for(i = n; i >= 0; i--){ b = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSlot(i); if(b && b->bIsBIGBuilding && b->m_level == level && b->bStreamBIGBuilding && b->m_rwObject == nil) if(CRenderer::ShouldModelBeStreamed(b)) b->CreateRwObject(); } } //--MIAMI: done void CStreaming::RequestIslands(eLevelName level) { switch(level){ case LEVEL_MAINLAND: if(islandLODbeach != -1) RequestModel(islandLODbeach, BIGBUILDINGFLAGS); break; case LEVEL_BEACH: if(islandLODmainland != -1) RequestModel(islandLODmainland, BIGBUILDINGFLAGS); break; } } void CStreaming::RequestSpecialModel(int32 modelId, const char *modelName, int32 flags) { CBaseModelInfo *mi; int txdId; char oldName[48]; uint32 pos, size; mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(modelId); if(!CGeneral::faststrcmp(mi->GetName(), modelName)){ // Already have the correct name, just request it RequestModel(modelId, flags); return; } strcpy(oldName, mi->GetName()); mi->SetName(modelName); // What exactly is going on here? if(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(oldName, nil)){ txdId = CTxdStore::FindTxdSlot(oldName); if(txdId != -1 && CTxdStore::GetSlot(txdId)->texDict){ CTxdStore::AddRef(txdId); RemoveModel(modelId); CTxdStore::RemoveRefWithoutDelete(txdId); }else RemoveModel(modelId); }else RemoveModel(modelId); bool found = ms_pExtraObjectsDir->FindItem(modelName, pos, size); assert(found); mi->ClearTexDictionary(); if(CTxdStore::FindTxdSlot(modelName) == -1) mi->SetTexDictionary("generic"); else mi->SetTexDictionary(modelName); ms_aInfoForModel[modelId].SetCdPosnAndSize(pos, size); RequestModel(modelId, flags); } void CStreaming::RequestSpecialChar(int32 charId, const char *modelName, int32 flags) { RequestSpecialModel(charId + MI_SPECIAL01, modelName, flags); } bool CStreaming::HasSpecialCharLoaded(int32 id) { return HasModelLoaded(id + MI_SPECIAL01); } void CStreaming::SetMissionDoesntRequireSpecialChar(int32 id) { return SetMissionDoesntRequireModel(id + MI_SPECIAL01); } void CStreaming::DecrementRef(int32 id) { ms_numModelsRequested--; if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].IsPriority()){ ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags &= ~STREAMFLAGS_PRIORITY; ms_numPriorityRequests--; } } void CStreaming::RemoveModel(int32 id) { int i; if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_NOTLOADED) return; if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_LOADED){ if(id < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD) CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->DeleteRwObject(); else if(id >= STREAM_OFFSET_TXD && id < STREAM_OFFSET_COL) CTxdStore::RemoveTxd(id - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD); else if(id >= STREAM_OFFSET_COL && id < NUMSTREAMINFO) CColStore::RemoveCol(id - STREAM_OFFSET_COL); // TODO(MIAMI): IFP ms_memoryUsed -= ms_aInfoForModel[id].GetCdSize()*CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE; } if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_next){ // Remove from list, model is neither loaded nor requested if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_INQUEUE) DecrementRef(id); ms_aInfoForModel[id].RemoveFromList(); }else if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_READING){ for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){ if(ms_channel[0].streamIds[i] == id) ms_channel[0].streamIds[i] = -1; if(ms_channel[1].streamIds[i] == id) ms_channel[1].streamIds[i] = -1; } } if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_STARTED){ if(id < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD) RpClumpGtaCancelStream(); else if(id >= STREAM_OFFSET_TXD && id < STREAM_OFFSET_COL) CTxdStore::RemoveTxd(id - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD); else if(id >= STREAM_OFFSET_COL && id < NUMSTREAMINFO) CColStore::RemoveCol(id - STREAM_OFFSET_COL); // TODO(MIAMI): IFP } ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_NOTLOADED; } //--MIAMI: done void CStreaming::RemoveUnusedBuildings(eLevelName level) { if(level != LEVEL_BEACH) RemoveBuildings(LEVEL_BEACH); if(level != LEVEL_MAINLAND) RemoveBuildings(LEVEL_MAINLAND); } //--MIAMI: done void CStreaming::RemoveBuildings(eLevelName level) { int i, n; CEntity *e; CBaseModelInfo *mi; n = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSize()-1; for(i = n; i >= 0; i--){ e = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSlot(i); if(e && e->m_level == level){ mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex()); if(!e->bImBeingRendered){ e->DeleteRwObject(); if (mi->GetNumRefs() == 0) RemoveModel(e->GetModelIndex()); } } } n = CPools::GetTreadablePool()->GetSize()-1; for(i = n; i >= 0; i--){ e = CPools::GetTreadablePool()->GetSlot(i); if(e && e->m_level == level){ mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex()); if(!e->bImBeingRendered){ e->DeleteRwObject(); if (mi->GetNumRefs() == 0) RemoveModel(e->GetModelIndex()); } } } n = CPools::GetObjectPool()->GetSize()-1; for(i = n; i >= 0; i--){ e = CPools::GetObjectPool()->GetSlot(i); if(e && e->m_level == level){ mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex()); if(!e->bImBeingRendered && ((CObject*)e)->ObjectCreatedBy == GAME_OBJECT){ e->DeleteRwObject(); if (mi->GetNumRefs() == 0) RemoveModel(e->GetModelIndex()); } } } n = CPools::GetDummyPool()->GetSize()-1; for(i = n; i >= 0; i--){ e = CPools::GetDummyPool()->GetSlot(i); if(e && e->m_level == level){ mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex()); if(!e->bImBeingRendered){ e->DeleteRwObject(); if (mi->GetNumRefs() == 0) RemoveModel(e->GetModelIndex()); } } } } //--MIAMI: done void CStreaming::RemoveUnusedBigBuildings(eLevelName level) { if(level != LEVEL_BEACH) RemoveBigBuildings(LEVEL_BEACH); if(level != LEVEL_MAINLAND) RemoveBigBuildings(LEVEL_MAINLAND); RemoveIslandsNotUsed(level); } void DeleteIsland(CEntity *island) { if(island == nil) return; if(island->bImBeingRendered) debug("Didn't delete island because it was being rendered\n"); else{ island->DeleteRwObject(); CStreaming::RemoveModel(island->GetModelIndex()); } } void CStreaming::RemoveIslandsNotUsed(eLevelName level) { int i; if(pIslandLODmainlandEntity == nil) for(i = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSize()-1; i >= 0; i--){ CBuilding *building = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSlot(i); if(building == nil) continue; if(building->GetModelIndex() == islandLODmainland) pIslandLODmainlandEntity = building; if(building->GetModelIndex() == islandLODbeach) pIslandLODbeachEntity = building; } switch(level){ case LEVEL_MAINLAND: DeleteIsland(pIslandLODmainlandEntity); break; case LEVEL_BEACH: DeleteIsland(pIslandLODbeachEntity); break; } } //--MIAMI: done void CStreaming::RemoveBigBuildings(eLevelName level) { int i, n; CEntity *e; CBaseModelInfo *mi; n = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSize()-1; for(i = n; i >= 0; i--){ e = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSlot(i); if(e && e->bIsBIGBuilding && e->m_level == level){ mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex()); if(!e->bImBeingRendered){ e->DeleteRwObject(); if (mi->GetNumRefs() == 0) RemoveModel(e->GetModelIndex()); } } } } bool CStreaming::RemoveLoadedVehicle(void) { int i, id; for(i = 0; i < MAXVEHICLESLOADED; i++){ ms_lastVehicleDeleted++; if(ms_lastVehicleDeleted == MAXVEHICLESLOADED) ms_lastVehicleDeleted = 0; id = ms_vehiclesLoaded[ms_lastVehicleDeleted]; if(id != -1 && (ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_CANT_REMOVE) == 0 && CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->GetNumRefs() == 0 && ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_LOADED) goto found; } return false; found: RemoveModel(ms_vehiclesLoaded[ms_lastVehicleDeleted]); ms_numVehiclesLoaded--; ms_vehiclesLoaded[ms_lastVehicleDeleted] = -1; return true; } bool CStreaming::RemoveLeastUsedModel(void) { CStreamingInfo *si; int streamId; for(si = ms_endLoadedList.m_prev; si != &ms_startLoadedList; si = si->m_prev){ streamId = si - ms_aInfoForModel; if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD){ if (CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetNumRefs() == 0) { RemoveModel(streamId); return true; } }else{ if(CTxdStore::GetNumRefs(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD) == 0 && !IsTxdUsedByRequestedModels(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD)){ RemoveModel(streamId); return true; } } } return ms_numVehiclesLoaded > 7 && RemoveLoadedVehicle(); } void CStreaming::RemoveAllUnusedModels(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAXVEHICLESLOADED; i++) RemoveLoadedVehicle(); for(i = NUM_DEFAULT_MODELS; i < MODELINFOSIZE; i++){ if(ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_LOADED && ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE && CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(i)->GetNumRefs() == 0) { RemoveModel(i); ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_NOTLOADED; } } } bool CStreaming::RemoveReferencedTxds(int32 mem) { CStreamingInfo *si; int streamId; for(si = ms_endLoadedList.m_prev; si != &ms_startLoadedList; si = si->m_prev){ streamId = si - ms_aInfoForModel; if(streamId >= STREAM_OFFSET_TXD && CTxdStore::GetNumRefs(streamId-STREAM_OFFSET_TXD) == 0){ RemoveModel(streamId); if(ms_memoryUsed < mem) return true; } } return false; } void CStreaming::RemoveUnusedModelsInLoadedList(void) { // empty } bool CStreaming::IsTxdUsedByRequestedModels(int32 txdId) { CStreamingInfo *si; int streamId; int i; for(si = ms_startRequestedList.m_next; si != &ms_endRequestedList; si = si->m_next){ streamId = si - ms_aInfoForModel; if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD && CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetTxdSlot() == txdId) return true; } for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){ streamId = ms_channel[0].streamIds[i]; if(streamId != -1 && streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD && CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetTxdSlot() == txdId) return true; streamId = ms_channel[1].streamIds[i]; if(streamId != -1 && streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD && CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetTxdSlot() == txdId) return true; } return false; } int32 CStreaming::GetAvailableVehicleSlot(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAXVEHICLESLOADED; i++) if(ms_vehiclesLoaded[i] == -1) return i; return -1; } bool CStreaming::AddToLoadedVehiclesList(int32 modelId) { int i; int id; if(ms_numVehiclesLoaded < desiredNumVehiclesLoaded){ // still room for vehicles for(i = 0; i < MAXVEHICLESLOADED; i++){ if(ms_vehiclesLoaded[ms_lastVehicleDeleted] == -1) break; ms_lastVehicleDeleted++; if(ms_lastVehicleDeleted == MAXVEHICLESLOADED) ms_lastVehicleDeleted = 0; } assert(ms_vehiclesLoaded[ms_lastVehicleDeleted] == -1); ms_numVehiclesLoaded++; }else{ // find vehicle we can remove for(i = 0; i < MAXVEHICLESLOADED; i++){ id = ms_vehiclesLoaded[ms_lastVehicleDeleted]; if(id != -1 && (ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_CANT_REMOVE) == 0 && CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->GetNumRefs() == 0) goto found; ms_lastVehicleDeleted++; if(ms_lastVehicleDeleted == MAXVEHICLESLOADED) ms_lastVehicleDeleted = 0; } id = -1; found: if(id == -1){ // didn't find anything, try a free slot id = GetAvailableVehicleSlot(); if(id == -1) return false; // still no luck ms_lastVehicleDeleted = id; // this is more that we wanted actually ms_numVehiclesLoaded++; }else RemoveModel(id); } ms_vehiclesLoaded[ms_lastVehicleDeleted++] = modelId; if(ms_lastVehicleDeleted == MAXVEHICLESLOADED) ms_lastVehicleDeleted = 0; return true; } bool CStreaming::IsObjectInCdImage(int32 id) { uint32 posn, size; return ms_aInfoForModel[id].GetCdPosnAndSize(posn, size); } void CStreaming::SetModelIsDeletable(int32 id) { ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags &= ~STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE; if ((id >= STREAM_OFFSET_TXD || CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->GetModelType() != MITYPE_VEHICLE) && (ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_SCRIPTOWNED) == 0){ if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState != STREAMSTATE_LOADED) RemoveModel(id); else if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_next == nil) ms_aInfoForModel[id].AddToList(&ms_startLoadedList); } } void CStreaming::SetModelTxdIsDeletable(int32 id) { SetModelIsDeletable(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->GetTxdSlot() + STREAM_OFFSET_TXD); } void CStreaming::SetMissionDoesntRequireModel(int32 id) { ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags &= ~STREAMFLAGS_SCRIPTOWNED; if ((id >= STREAM_OFFSET_TXD || CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->GetModelType() != MITYPE_VEHICLE) && (ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE) == 0){ if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState != STREAMSTATE_LOADED) RemoveModel(id); else if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_next == nil) ms_aInfoForModel[id].AddToList(&ms_startLoadedList); } } void CStreaming::LoadInitialPeds(void) { RequestModel(MI_COP, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); RequestModel(MI_MALE01, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); RequestModel(MI_TAXI_D, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); } void CStreaming::LoadInitialVehicles(void) { int id; ms_numVehiclesLoaded = 0; ms_lastVehicleDeleted = 0; if(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo("taxi", &id)) RequestModel(id, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); if(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo("police", &id)) RequestModel(id, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); } void CStreaming::StreamVehiclesAndPeds(void) { int i, model; static int timeBeforeNextLoad = 0; static int modelQualityClass = 0; if(CRecordDataForGame::IsRecording() || CRecordDataForGame::IsPlayingBack() #ifdef FIX_BUGS || CReplay::IsPlayingBack() #endif ) return; if(FindPlayerPed()->m_pWanted->AreSwatRequired()){ RequestModel(MI_ENFORCER, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); RequestModel(MI_SWAT, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); }else{ SetModelIsDeletable(MI_ENFORCER); if(!HasModelLoaded(MI_ENFORCER)) SetModelIsDeletable(MI_SWAT); } if(FindPlayerPed()->m_pWanted->AreFbiRequired()){ RequestModel(MI_FBICAR, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); RequestModel(MI_FBI, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); }else{ SetModelIsDeletable(MI_FBICAR); if(!HasModelLoaded(MI_FBICAR)) SetModelIsDeletable(MI_FBI); } if(FindPlayerPed()->m_pWanted->AreArmyRequired()){ RequestModel(MI_RHINO, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); RequestModel(MI_BARRACKS, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); RequestModel(MI_ARMY, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); }else{ SetModelIsDeletable(MI_RHINO); SetModelIsDeletable(MI_BARRACKS); if(!HasModelLoaded(MI_RHINO) && !HasModelLoaded(MI_BARRACKS)) SetModelIsDeletable(MI_ARMY); } if(FindPlayerPed()->m_pWanted->NumOfHelisRequired() > 0) RequestModel(MI_CHOPPER, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); else SetModelIsDeletable(MI_CHOPPER); if(timeBeforeNextLoad >= 0) timeBeforeNextLoad--; else if(ms_numVehiclesLoaded <= desiredNumVehiclesLoaded){ for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++){ model = CCarCtrl::ChooseCarModel(modelQualityClass); modelQualityClass++; if(modelQualityClass >= NUM_VEHICLE_CLASSES) modelQualityClass = 0; // check if we want to load this model if(ms_aInfoForModel[model].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_NOTLOADED && ((CVehicleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(model))->m_level & (1 << (CGame::currLevel-1))) break; } if(i <= 10){ RequestModel(model, STREAMFLAGS_DEPENDENCY); timeBeforeNextLoad = 500; } } } void CStreaming::StreamZoneModels(const CVector &pos) { int i; uint16 gangsToLoad, gangCarsToLoad, bit; CZoneInfo info; CTheZones::GetZoneInfoForTimeOfDay(&pos, &info); if(info.pedGroup != ms_currentPedGrp){ // unload pevious group if(ms_currentPedGrp != -1) for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){ if(CPopulation::ms_pPedGroups[ms_currentPedGrp].models[i] == -1) break; SetModelIsDeletable(CPopulation::ms_pPedGroups[ms_currentPedGrp].models[i]); SetModelTxdIsDeletable(CPopulation::ms_pPedGroups[ms_currentPedGrp].models[i]); } ms_currentPedGrp = info.pedGroup; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){ if(CPopulation::ms_pPedGroups[ms_currentPedGrp].models[i] == -1) break; RequestModel(CPopulation::ms_pPedGroups[ms_currentPedGrp].models[i], STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); } } RequestModel(MI_MALE01, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); gangsToLoad = 0; gangCarsToLoad = 0; if(info.gangDensity[0] != 0) gangsToLoad |= 1<<0; if(info.gangDensity[1] != 0) gangsToLoad |= 1<<1; if(info.gangDensity[2] != 0) gangsToLoad |= 1<<2; if(info.gangDensity[3] != 0) gangsToLoad |= 1<<3; if(info.gangDensity[4] != 0) gangsToLoad |= 1<<4; if(info.gangDensity[5] != 0) gangsToLoad |= 1<<5; if(info.gangDensity[6] != 0) gangsToLoad |= 1<<6; if(info.gangDensity[7] != 0) gangsToLoad |= 1<<7; if(info.gangDensity[8] != 0) gangsToLoad |= 1<<8; if(info.gangThreshold[0] != info.copDensity) gangCarsToLoad |= 1<<0; if(info.gangThreshold[1] != info.gangThreshold[0]) gangCarsToLoad |= 1<<1; if(info.gangThreshold[2] != info.gangThreshold[1]) gangCarsToLoad |= 1<<2; if(info.gangThreshold[3] != info.gangThreshold[2]) gangCarsToLoad |= 1<<3; if(info.gangThreshold[4] != info.gangThreshold[3]) gangCarsToLoad |= 1<<4; if(info.gangThreshold[5] != info.gangThreshold[4]) gangCarsToLoad |= 1<<5; if(info.gangThreshold[6] != info.gangThreshold[5]) gangCarsToLoad |= 1<<6; if(info.gangThreshold[7] != info.gangThreshold[6]) gangCarsToLoad |= 1<<7; if(info.gangThreshold[8] != info.gangThreshold[7]) gangCarsToLoad |= 1<<8; if(gangsToLoad == ms_loadedGangs && gangCarsToLoad == ms_loadedGangCars) return; // This makes things simpler than the game does it gangsToLoad |= gangCarsToLoad; for(i = 0; i < NUM_GANGS; i++){ bit = 1<m_nVehicleMI, STREAMFLAGS_DONT_REMOVE); }else if((gangCarsToLoad & bit) == 0 && ms_loadedGangCars & bit){ SetModelIsDeletable(CGangs::GetGangInfo(i)->m_nVehicleMI); SetModelTxdIsDeletable(CGangs::GetGangInfo(i)->m_nVehicleMI); } } ms_loadedGangCars = gangCarsToLoad; } void CStreaming::RemoveCurrentZonesModels(void) { int i; if(ms_currentPedGrp != -1) for(i = 0; i < 8; i++){ if(CPopulation::ms_pPedGroups[ms_currentPedGrp].models[i] == -1) break; if(CPopulation::ms_pPedGroups[ms_currentPedGrp].models[i] != MI_MALE01) SetModelIsDeletable(CPopulation::ms_pPedGroups[ms_currentPedGrp].models[i]); } for(i = 0; i < NUM_GANGS; i++){ SetModelIsDeletable(MI_GANG01 + i*2); SetModelIsDeletable(MI_GANG01 + i*2 + 1); if(CGangs::GetGangInfo(i)->m_nVehicleMI != -1) SetModelIsDeletable(CGangs::GetGangInfo(i)->m_nVehicleMI); } ms_currentPedGrp = -1; ms_loadedGangs = 0; ms_loadedGangCars = 0; } void CStreaming::LoadBigBuildingsWhenNeeded(void) { // Very much like CCollision::Update and CCollision::LoadCollisionWhenINeedIt if(CCutsceneMgr::IsCutsceneProcessing()) return; if(CTheZones::m_CurrLevel == LEVEL_NONE || CTheZones::m_CurrLevel == CGame::currLevel) return; CTimer::Suspend(); CGame::currLevel = CTheZones::m_CurrLevel; DMAudio.SetEffectsFadeVol(0); CPad::StopPadsShaking(); CCollision::LoadCollisionScreen(CGame::currLevel); DMAudio.Service(); // CPopulation::DealWithZoneChange is unused in VC RemoveUnusedBigBuildings(CGame::currLevel); RemoveUnusedBuildings(CGame::currLevel); RemoveUnusedModelsInLoadedList(); CGame::TidyUpMemory(true, true); CReplay::EmptyReplayBuffer(); if(CGame::currLevel != LEVEL_NONE) LoadSplash(GetLevelSplashScreen(CGame::currLevel)); CStreaming::RequestBigBuildings(CGame::currLevel, TheCamera.GetPosition()); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(true); CGame::TidyUpMemory(true, true); CTimer::Resume(); DMAudio.SetEffectsFadeVol(127); } // Find starting offset of the cdimage we next want to read // Not useful at all on PC... int32 CStreaming::GetCdImageOffset(int32 lastPosn) { int offset, off; int i, img; int dist, mindist; img = -1; mindist = INT_MAX; offset = ms_imageOffsets[ms_lastImageRead]; if(lastPosn <= offset || lastPosn > offset + ms_imageSize){ // last read position is not in last image for(i = 0; i < NUMCDIMAGES; i++){ off = ms_imageOffsets[i]; if(off == -1) continue; if((uint32)lastPosn > (uint32)off) // after start of image, get distance from end // negative if before end! dist = lastPosn - (off + ms_imageSize); else // before image, get offset to start // this will never be negative dist = off - lastPosn; if(dist < mindist){ img = i; mindist = dist; } } assert(img >= 0); offset = ms_imageOffsets[img]; ms_lastImageRead = img; } return offset; } inline bool TxdAvailable(int32 txdId) { CStreamingInfo *si = &CStreaming::ms_aInfoForModel[txdId + STREAM_OFFSET_TXD]; return si->m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_LOADED || si->m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_READING; } // Find stream id of next requested file in cdimage int32 CStreaming::GetNextFileOnCd(int32 lastPosn, bool priority) { CStreamingInfo *si, *next; int streamId; uint32 posn, size; int streamIdFirst, streamIdNext; uint32 posnFirst, posnNext; streamIdFirst = -1; streamIdNext = -1; posnFirst = UINT_MAX; posnNext = UINT_MAX; for(si = ms_startRequestedList.m_next; si != &ms_endRequestedList; si = next){ next = si->m_next; streamId = si - ms_aInfoForModel; // only priority requests if there are any if(priority && ms_numPriorityRequests != 0 && !si->IsPriority()) continue; // request Txd if necessary if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD && !TxdAvailable(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetTxdSlot())){ ReRequestTxd(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetTxdSlot()); }else if(ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].GetCdPosnAndSize(posn, size)){ if(posn < posnFirst){ // find first requested file in image streamIdFirst = streamId; posnFirst = posn; } if(posn < posnNext && posn >= (uint32)lastPosn){ // find first requested file after last read position streamIdNext = streamId; posnNext = posn; } }else{ // empty file DecrementRef(streamId); si->RemoveFromList(); si->m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_LOADED; } } // wrap around if(streamIdNext == -1) streamIdNext = streamIdFirst; if(streamIdNext == -1 && ms_numPriorityRequests != 0){ // try non-priority files ms_numPriorityRequests = 0; streamIdNext = GetNextFileOnCd(lastPosn, false); } return streamIdNext; } /* * Streaming buffer size is half of the largest file. * Files larger than the buffer size can only be loaded by channel 0, * which then uses both buffers, while channel 1 is idle. * ms_bLoadingBigModel is set to true to indicate this state. * * TODO: two-part files */ // Make channel read from disc void CStreaming::RequestModelStream(int32 ch) { int lastPosn, imgOffset, streamId; int totalSize; uint32 posn, size, unused; int i; int haveBigFile, havePed; lastPosn = CdStreamGetLastPosn(); imgOffset = GetCdImageOffset(lastPosn); streamId = GetNextFileOnCd(lastPosn - imgOffset, true); if(streamId == -1) return; // remove Txds that aren't requested anymore while(streamId >= STREAM_OFFSET_TXD){ if(ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_KEEP_IN_MEMORY || IsTxdUsedByRequestedModels(streamId - STREAM_OFFSET_TXD)) break; RemoveModel(streamId); // so try next file ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].GetCdPosnAndSize(posn, size); streamId = GetNextFileOnCd(posn + size, true); } if(streamId == -1) return; ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].GetCdPosnAndSize(posn, size); if(size > (uint32)ms_streamingBufferSize){ // Can only load big models on channel 0, and 1 has to be idle if(ch == 1 || ms_channel[1].state != CHANNELSTATE_IDLE) return; ms_bLoadingBigModel = true; } // Load up to 4 adjacent files haveBigFile = 0; havePed = 0; totalSize = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){ // no more files we can read if(streamId == -1 || ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState != STREAMSTATE_INQUEUE) break; // also stop at non-priority files ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].GetCdPosnAndSize(unused, size); if(ms_numPriorityRequests != 0 && !ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].IsPriority()) break; // Can't load certain combinations of files together if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD){ if (havePed && CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetModelType() == MITYPE_PED || haveBigFile && CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetModelType() == MITYPE_VEHICLE || !TxdAvailable(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetTxdSlot())) break; }else{ if(haveBigFile && size > 200) break; } // Now add the file ms_channel[ch].streamIds[i] = streamId; ms_channel[ch].offsets[i] = totalSize; totalSize += size; // To big for buffer, remove again if(totalSize > ms_streamingBufferSize && i > 0){ totalSize -= size; break; } if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD){ if (CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetModelType() == MITYPE_PED) havePed = 1; if (CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId)->GetModelType() == MITYPE_VEHICLE) haveBigFile = 1; }else{ if(size > 200) haveBigFile = 1; } ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_READING; ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].RemoveFromList(); DecrementRef(streamId); streamId = ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_nextID; } // clear remaining slots for(; i < 4; i++) ms_channel[ch].streamIds[i] = -1; // Now read the data assert(!(ms_bLoadingBigModel && ch == 1)); // this would clobber the buffer if(CdStreamRead(ch, ms_pStreamingBuffer[ch], imgOffset+posn, totalSize) == STREAM_NONE) debug("FUCKFUCKFUCK\n"); ms_channel[ch].state = CHANNELSTATE_READING; ms_channel[ch].field24 = 0; ms_channel[ch].size = totalSize; ms_channel[ch].position = imgOffset+posn; ms_channel[ch].numTries = 0; } // Load data previously read from disc bool CStreaming::ProcessLoadingChannel(int32 ch) { int status; int i, id, cdsize; status = CdStreamGetStatus(ch); if(status != STREAM_NONE){ // busy if(status != STREAM_READING && status != STREAM_WAITING){ ms_channelError = ch; ms_channel[ch].state = CHANNELSTATE_ERROR; ms_channel[ch].status = status; } return false; } if(ms_channel[ch].state == CHANNELSTATE_STARTED){ ms_channel[ch].state = CHANNELSTATE_IDLE; FinishLoadingLargeFile(&ms_pStreamingBuffer[ch][ms_channel[ch].offsets[0]*CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE], ms_channel[ch].streamIds[0]); ms_channel[ch].streamIds[0] = -1; }else{ ms_channel[ch].state = CHANNELSTATE_IDLE; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){ id = ms_channel[ch].streamIds[i]; if(id == -1) continue; cdsize = ms_aInfoForModel[id].GetCdSize(); if(id < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD && CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->GetModelType() == MITYPE_VEHICLE && ms_numVehiclesLoaded >= desiredNumVehiclesLoaded && !RemoveLoadedVehicle() && ((ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_CANT_REMOVE) == 0 || GetAvailableVehicleSlot() == -1)){ // can't load vehicle RemoveModel(id); if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_flags & STREAMFLAGS_CANT_REMOVE) ReRequestModel(id); else if(CTxdStore::GetNumRefs(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->GetTxdSlot()) == 0) RemoveTxd(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->GetTxdSlot()); }else{ MakeSpaceFor(cdsize * CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE); ConvertBufferToObject(&ms_pStreamingBuffer[ch][ms_channel[ch].offsets[i]*CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE], id); if(ms_aInfoForModel[id].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_STARTED){ // queue for second part ms_channel[ch].state = CHANNELSTATE_STARTED; ms_channel[ch].offsets[0] = ms_channel[ch].offsets[i]; ms_channel[ch].streamIds[0] = id; if(i != 0) ms_channel[ch].streamIds[i] = -1; }else ms_channel[ch].streamIds[i] = -1; } } } if(ms_bLoadingBigModel && ms_channel[ch].state != CHANNELSTATE_STARTED){ ms_bLoadingBigModel = false; // reset channel 1 after loading a big model for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) ms_channel[1].streamIds[i] = -1; ms_channel[1].state = CHANNELSTATE_IDLE; } return true; } void CStreaming::RetryLoadFile(int32 ch) { char *key; CPad::StopPadsShaking(); if(ms_channel[ch].numTries >= 3){ switch(ms_channel[ch].status){ case STREAM_ERROR_NOCD: key = "NOCD"; break; case STREAM_ERROR_OPENCD: key = "OPENCD"; break; case STREAM_ERROR_WRONGCD: key = "WRONGCD"; break; default: key = "CDERROR"; break; } CHud::SetMessage(TheText.Get(key)); CTimer::SetCodePause(true); } switch(ms_channel[ch].state){ case CHANNELSTATE_ERROR: ms_channel[ch].numTries++; if (CdStreamGetStatus(ch) == STREAM_READING || CdStreamGetStatus(ch) == STREAM_WAITING) break; case CHANNELSTATE_IDLE: CdStreamRead(ch, ms_pStreamingBuffer[ch], ms_channel[ch].position, ms_channel[ch].size); ms_channel[ch].state = CHANNELSTATE_READING; ms_channel[ch].field24 = -600; break; case CHANNELSTATE_READING: if(ProcessLoadingChannel(ch)){ ms_channelError = -1; CTimer::SetCodePause(false); } break; } } void CStreaming::LoadRequestedModels(void) { static int currentChannel = 0; // We can't read with channel 1 while channel 0 is using its buffer if(ms_bLoadingBigModel) currentChannel = 0; // We have data, load if(ms_channel[currentChannel].state == CHANNELSTATE_READING || ms_channel[currentChannel].state == CHANNELSTATE_STARTED) ProcessLoadingChannel(currentChannel); if(ms_channelError == -1){ // Channel is idle, read more data if(ms_channel[currentChannel].state == CHANNELSTATE_IDLE) RequestModelStream(currentChannel); // Switch channel if(ms_channel[currentChannel].state != CHANNELSTATE_STARTED) currentChannel = 1 - currentChannel; } } void CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(bool priority) { static bool bInsideLoadAll = false; int imgOffset, streamId, status; int i; uint32 posn, size; if(bInsideLoadAll) return; FlushChannels(); imgOffset = GetCdImageOffset(CdStreamGetLastPosn()); while(ms_endRequestedList.m_prev != &ms_startRequestedList){ streamId = GetNextFileOnCd(0, priority); if(streamId == -1) break; ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].RemoveFromList(); DecrementRef(streamId); if(ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].GetCdPosnAndSize(posn, size)){ do status = CdStreamRead(0, ms_pStreamingBuffer[0], imgOffset+posn, size); while(CdStreamSync(0) || status == STREAM_NONE); ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_READING; MakeSpaceFor(size * CDSTREAM_SECTOR_SIZE); ConvertBufferToObject(ms_pStreamingBuffer[0], streamId); if(ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_STARTED) FinishLoadingLargeFile(ms_pStreamingBuffer[0], streamId); if(streamId < STREAM_OFFSET_TXD){ CSimpleModelInfo *mi = (CSimpleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(streamId); if(mi->IsSimple()) mi->m_alpha = 255; } }else{ // empty ms_aInfoForModel[streamId].m_loadState = STREAMSTATE_LOADED; } } ms_bLoadingBigModel = false; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){ ms_channel[1].streamIds[i] = -1; ms_channel[1].offsets[i] = -1; } ms_channel[1].state = CHANNELSTATE_IDLE; bInsideLoadAll = false; } void CStreaming::FlushChannels(void) { if(ms_channel[1].state == CHANNELSTATE_STARTED) ProcessLoadingChannel(1); if(ms_channel[0].state == CHANNELSTATE_READING){ CdStreamSync(0); ProcessLoadingChannel(0); } if(ms_channel[0].state == CHANNELSTATE_STARTED) ProcessLoadingChannel(0); if(ms_channel[1].state == CHANNELSTATE_READING){ CdStreamSync(1); ProcessLoadingChannel(1); } if(ms_channel[1].state == CHANNELSTATE_STARTED) ProcessLoadingChannel(1); } void CStreaming::FlushRequestList(void) { CStreamingInfo *si, *next; for(si = ms_startRequestedList.m_next; si != &ms_endRequestedList; si = next){ next = si->m_next; RemoveModel(si - ms_aInfoForModel); } FlushChannels(); } void CStreaming::ImGonnaUseStreamingMemory(void) { // empty } void CStreaming::IHaveUsedStreamingMemory(void) { UpdateMemoryUsed(); } void CStreaming::UpdateMemoryUsed(void) { // empty } #define STREAM_DIST (2*SECTOR_SIZE_X) void CStreaming::AddModelsToRequestList(const CVector &pos) { float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; int ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax; int ix, iy; int dx, dy, d; CSector *sect; xmin = pos.x - STREAM_DIST; ymin = pos.y - STREAM_DIST; xmax = pos.x + STREAM_DIST; ymax = pos.y + STREAM_DIST; ixmin = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(xmin); if(ixmin < 0) ixmin = 0; ixmax = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(xmax); if(ixmax >= NUMSECTORS_X) ixmax = NUMSECTORS_X-1; iymin = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(ymin); if(iymin < 0) iymin = 0; iymax = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(ymax); if(iymax >= NUMSECTORS_Y) iymax = NUMSECTORS_Y-1; CWorld::AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); for(iy = iymin; iy <= iymax; iy++){ dy = iy - CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(pos.y); for(ix = ixmin; ix <= ixmax; ix++){ if(CRenderer::m_loadingPriority && ms_numModelsRequested > 5) return; dx = ix - CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(pos.x); d = dx*dx + dy*dy; sect = CWorld::GetSector(ix, iy); if(d <= 1){ ProcessEntitiesInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS]); ProcessEntitiesInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP]); ProcessEntitiesInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS]); ProcessEntitiesInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES]); }else if(d <= 4*4){ ProcessEntitiesInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], pos.x, pos.y, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); ProcessEntitiesInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], pos.x, pos.y, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); ProcessEntitiesInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], pos.x, pos.y, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); ProcessEntitiesInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], pos.x, pos.y, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); } } } } void CStreaming::ProcessEntitiesInSectorList(CPtrList &list, float x, float y, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax) { CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; float lodDistSq; CVector2D pos; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next){ e = (CEntity*)node->item; if(e->m_scanCode == CWorld::GetCurrentScanCode()) continue; e->m_scanCode = CWorld::GetCurrentScanCode(); if(!e->bStreamingDontDelete && !e->bIsSubway && (!e->IsObject() || ((CObject*)e)->ObjectCreatedBy != TEMP_OBJECT)){ CTimeModelInfo *mi = (CTimeModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex()); if (mi->GetModelType() != MITYPE_TIME || CClock::GetIsTimeInRange(mi->GetTimeOn(), mi->GetTimeOff())) { lodDistSq = sq(mi->GetLargestLodDistance()); lodDistSq = Min(lodDistSq, sq(STREAM_DIST)); pos = CVector2D(e->GetPosition()); if(xmin < pos.x && pos.x < xmax && ymin < pos.y && pos.y < ymax && (CVector2D(x, y) - pos).MagnitudeSqr() < lodDistSq) RequestModel(e->GetModelIndex(), 0); } } } } void CStreaming::ProcessEntitiesInSectorList(CPtrList &list) { CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next){ e = (CEntity*)node->item; if(e->m_scanCode == CWorld::GetCurrentScanCode()) continue; e->m_scanCode = CWorld::GetCurrentScanCode(); if(!e->bStreamingDontDelete && !e->bIsSubway && (!e->IsObject() || ((CObject*)e)->ObjectCreatedBy != TEMP_OBJECT)){ CTimeModelInfo *mi = (CTimeModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex()); if (mi->GetModelType() != MITYPE_TIME || CClock::GetIsTimeInRange(mi->GetTimeOn(), mi->GetTimeOff())) RequestModel(e->GetModelIndex(), 0); } } } void CStreaming::DeleteFarAwayRwObjects(const CVector &pos) { int posx, posy; int x, y; int r, i; CSector *sect; posx = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(pos.x); posy = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(pos.y); // Move oldSectorX/Y to new sector and delete RW objects in its "wake" for every step: // O is the old sector, <- is the direction in which we move it, // X are the sectors we delete RW objects from (except we go up to 10) // X // X X // X X X // X X X // <- O X X X // X X X // X X X // X X // X while(posx != ms_oldSectorX){ if(posx < ms_oldSectorX){ for(r = 2; r <= 10; r++){ x = ms_oldSectorX + r; if(x < 0) continue; if(x >= NUMSECTORS_X) break; for(i = -r; i <= r; i++){ y = ms_oldSectorY + i; if(y < 0) continue; if(y >= NUMSECTORS_Y) break; sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS]); DeleteRwObjectsInOverlapSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], ms_oldSectorX, ms_oldSectorY); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES]); } } ms_oldSectorX--; }else{ for(r = 2; r <= 10; r++){ x = ms_oldSectorX - r; if(x < 0) break; if(x >= NUMSECTORS_X) continue; for(i = -r; i <= r; i++){ y = ms_oldSectorY + i; if(y < 0) continue; if(y >= NUMSECTORS_Y) break; sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS]); DeleteRwObjectsInOverlapSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], ms_oldSectorX, ms_oldSectorY); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES]); } } ms_oldSectorX++; } } while(posy != ms_oldSectorY){ if(posy < ms_oldSectorY){ for(r = 2; r <= 10; r++){ y = ms_oldSectorY + r; if(y < 0) continue; if(y >= NUMSECTORS_Y) break; for(i = -r; i <= r; i++){ x = ms_oldSectorX + i; if(x < 0) continue; if(x >= NUMSECTORS_X) break; sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS]); DeleteRwObjectsInOverlapSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], ms_oldSectorX, ms_oldSectorY); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES]); } } ms_oldSectorY--; }else{ for(r = 2; r <= 10; r++){ y = ms_oldSectorY - r; if(y < 0) break; if(y >= NUMSECTORS_Y) continue; for(i = -r; i <= r; i++){ x = ms_oldSectorX + i; if(x < 0) continue; if(x >= NUMSECTORS_X) break; sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS]); DeleteRwObjectsInOverlapSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], ms_oldSectorX, ms_oldSectorY); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES]); } } ms_oldSectorY++; } } } void CStreaming::DeleteAllRwObjects(void) { int x, y; CSector *sect; for(x = 0; x < NUMSECTORS_X; x++) for(y = 0; y < NUMSECTORS_Y; y++){ sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP]); } } void CStreaming::DeleteRwObjectsAfterDeath(const CVector &pos) { int ix, iy; int x, y; CSector *sect; ix = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(pos.x); iy = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(pos.y); for(x = 0; x < NUMSECTORS_X; x++) for(y = 0; y < NUMSECTORS_Y; y++) if(Abs(ix - x) > 3.0f && Abs(iy - y) > 3.0f){ sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES]); DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP]); } } void CStreaming::DeleteRwObjectsBehindCamera(int32 mem) { int ix, iy; int x, y; int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; int inc; CSector *sect; if(ms_memoryUsed < mem) return; ix = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(TheCamera.GetPosition().x); iy = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(TheCamera.GetPosition().y); if(Abs(TheCamera.GetForward().x) > Abs(TheCamera.GetForward().y)){ // looking west/east ymin = Max(iy - 10, 0); ymax = Min(iy + 10, NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); assert(ymin <= ymax); // Delete a block of sectors that we know is behind the camera if(TheCamera.GetForward().x > 0){ // looking east xmax = Max(ix - 2, 0); xmin = Max(ix - 10, 0); inc = 1; }else{ // looking west xmax = Min(ix + 2, NUMSECTORS_X - 1); xmin = Min(ix + 10, NUMSECTORS_X - 1); inc = -1; } for(y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++){ for(x = xmin; x != xmax; x += inc){ sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); if(DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], mem)) return; } } // Now a block that intersects with the camera's frustum if(TheCamera.GetForward().x > 0){ // looking east xmax = Max(ix + 10, 0); xmin = Max(ix - 2, 0); inc = 1; }else{ // looking west xmax = Min(ix - 10, NUMSECTORS_X - 1); xmin = Min(ix + 2, NUMSECTORS_X - 1); inc = -1; } for(y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++){ for(x = xmin; x != xmax; x += inc){ sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); if(DeleteRwObjectsNotInFrustumInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsNotInFrustumInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsNotInFrustumInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], mem)) return; } } if(RemoveReferencedTxds(mem)) return; // As last resort, delete objects from the last step more aggressively for(y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++){ for(x = xmax; x != xmin; x -= inc){ sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); if(DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], mem)) return; } } }else{ // looking north/south xmin = Max(ix - 10, 0); xmax = Min(ix + 10, NUMSECTORS_X - 1); assert(xmin <= xmax); // Delete a block of sectors that we know is behind the camera if(TheCamera.GetForward().y > 0){ // looking north ymax = Max(iy - 2, 0); ymin = Max(iy - 10, 0); inc = 1; }else{ // looking south ymax = Min(iy + 2, NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); ymin = Min(iy + 10, NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); inc = -1; } for(x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++){ for(y = ymin; y != ymax; y += inc){ sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); if(DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], mem)) return; } } // Now a block that intersects with the camera's frustum if(TheCamera.GetForward().y > 0){ // looking north ymax = Max(iy + 10, 0); ymin = Max(iy - 2, 0); inc = 1; }else{ // looking south ymax = Min(iy - 10, NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); ymin = Min(iy + 2, NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); inc = -1; } for(x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++){ for(y = ymin; y != ymax; y += inc){ sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); if(DeleteRwObjectsNotInFrustumInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsNotInFrustumInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsNotInFrustumInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], mem)) return; } } if(RemoveReferencedTxds(mem)) return; // As last resort, delete objects from the last step more aggressively for(x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++){ for(y = ymax; y != ymin; y -= inc){ sect = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); if(DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], mem) || DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(sect->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], mem)) return; } } } } void CStreaming::DeleteRwObjectsInSectorList(CPtrList &list) { CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next){ e = (CEntity*)node->item; if(!e->bStreamingDontDelete && !e->bImBeingRendered) e->DeleteRwObject(); } } void CStreaming::DeleteRwObjectsInOverlapSectorList(CPtrList &list, int32 x, int32 y) { CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next){ e = (CEntity*)node->item; if(e->m_rwObject && !e->bStreamingDontDelete && !e->bImBeingRendered){ // Now this is pretty weird... if(Abs(CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(e->GetPosition().x) - x) >= 2.0f) // { e->DeleteRwObject(); // return; // BUG? // } else // FIX? if(Abs(CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(e->GetPosition().y) - y) >= 2.0f) e->DeleteRwObject(); } } } bool CStreaming::DeleteRwObjectsBehindCameraInSectorList(CPtrList &list, int32 mem) { CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next){ e = (CEntity*)node->item; if(!e->bStreamingDontDelete && !e->bImBeingRendered && e->m_rwObject && ms_aInfoForModel[e->GetModelIndex()].m_next){ e->DeleteRwObject(); if (CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex())->GetNumRefs() == 0) { RemoveModel(e->GetModelIndex()); if(ms_memoryUsed < mem) return true; } } } return false; } bool CStreaming::DeleteRwObjectsNotInFrustumInSectorList(CPtrList &list, int32 mem) { CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next){ e = (CEntity*)node->item; if(!e->bStreamingDontDelete && !e->bImBeingRendered && e->m_rwObject && !e->IsVisible() && ms_aInfoForModel[e->GetModelIndex()].m_next){ e->DeleteRwObject(); if (CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex())->GetNumRefs() == 0) { RemoveModel(e->GetModelIndex()); if(ms_memoryUsed < mem) return true; } } } return false; } void CStreaming::MakeSpaceFor(int32 size) { // BUG: ms_memoryAvailable can be uninitialized // the code still happens to work in that case because ms_memoryAvailable is unsigned // but it's not nice.... while((uint32)ms_memoryUsed >= ms_memoryAvailable - size) if(!RemoveLeastUsedModel()){ DeleteRwObjectsBehindCamera(ms_memoryAvailable - size); return; } } void CStreaming::LoadScene(const CVector &pos) { CStreamingInfo *si, *prev; eLevelName level; level = CTheZones::GetLevelFromPosition(&pos); debug("Start load scene\n"); for(si = ms_endRequestedList.m_prev; si != &ms_startRequestedList; si = prev){ prev = si->m_prev; if((si->m_flags & (STREAMFLAGS_KEEP_IN_MEMORY|STREAMFLAGS_PRIORITY)) == 0) RemoveModel(si - ms_aInfoForModel); } CRenderer::m_loadingPriority = false; DeleteAllRwObjects(); if(level == LEVEL_NONE) level = CGame::currLevel; CGame::currLevel = level; RemoveUnusedBigBuildings(level); RequestBigBuildings(level, pos); RequestBigBuildings(LEVEL_NONE, pos); RemoveIslandsNotUsed(level); LoadAllRequestedModels(false); InstanceBigBuildings(level, pos); InstanceBigBuildings(LEVEL_NONE, pos); AddModelsToRequestList(pos); CRadar::StreamRadarSections(pos); // TODO(MIAMI): stream zone vehicles LoadAllRequestedModels(false); // TODO(MIAMI): InstanceLoadedModels for(int i = 0; i < NUMSTREAMINFO; i++) ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_flags &= ~STREAMFLAGS_20; debug("End load scene\n"); } void CStreaming::MemoryCardSave(uint8 *buf, uint32 *size) { int i; *size = NUM_DEFAULT_MODELS; for(i = 0; i < NUM_DEFAULT_MODELS; i++) if(ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_LOADED) buf[i] = ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_flags; else buf[i] = 0xFF; } void CStreaming::MemoryCardLoad(uint8 *buf, uint32 size) { uint32 i; assert(size == NUM_DEFAULT_MODELS); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) if(ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_loadState == STREAMSTATE_LOADED) if(buf[i] != 0xFF) ms_aInfoForModel[i].m_flags = buf[i]; } void CStreaming::UpdateForAnimViewer(void) { if (CStreaming::ms_channelError == -1) { CStreaming::AddModelsToRequestList(CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); CStreaming::LoadRequestedModels(); sprintf(gString, "Requested %d, memory size %dK\n", CStreaming::ms_numModelsRequested, 2 * CStreaming::ms_memoryUsed); } else { CStreaming::RetryLoadFile(CStreaming::ms_channelError); } }