#include "common.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "Coronas.h" #include "General.h" #include "PathFind.h" #include "PointLights.h" #include "Shadows.h" #include "SpecialFX.h" #include "Timecycle.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "TrafficLights.h" #include "Vehicle.h" #include "Weather.h" #include "World.h" // TODO: figure out the meaning of this enum { SOME_FLAG = 0x80 }; void CTrafficLights::DisplayActualLight(CEntity *ent) { if(ent->GetUp().z < 0.96f || ent->bRenderDamaged) return; int phase; if(FindTrafficLightType(ent) == 1) phase = LightForCars1(); else phase = LightForCars2(); int i; CBaseModelInfo *mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(ent->GetModelIndex()); float x = mi->Get2dEffect(0)->pos.x; float yMin = mi->Get2dEffect(0)->pos.y; float yMax = mi->Get2dEffect(0)->pos.y; float zMin = mi->Get2dEffect(0)->pos.z; float zMax = mi->Get2dEffect(0)->pos.z; for(i = 1; i < 6; i++){ assert(mi->Get2dEffect(i)); yMin = Min(yMin, mi->Get2dEffect(i)->pos.y); yMax = Max(yMax, mi->Get2dEffect(i)->pos.y); zMin = Min(zMin, mi->Get2dEffect(i)->pos.z); zMax = Max(zMax, mi->Get2dEffect(i)->pos.z); } CVector pos1, pos2; uint8 r, g; int id; switch(phase){ case CAR_LIGHTS_GREEN: r = 0; g = 255; pos1 = ent->GetMatrix() * CVector(x, yMax, zMin); pos2 = ent->GetMatrix() * CVector(x, yMin, zMin); id = 0; break; case CAR_LIGHTS_YELLOW: r = 255; g = 128; pos1 = ent->GetMatrix() * CVector(x, yMax, (zMin+zMax)/2.0f); pos2 = ent->GetMatrix() * CVector(x, yMin, (zMin+zMax)/2.0f); id = 1; break; case CAR_LIGHTS_RED: default: r = 255; g = 0; pos1 = ent->GetMatrix() * CVector(x, yMax, zMax); pos2 = ent->GetMatrix() * CVector(x, yMin, zMax); id = 2; break; } if(CClock::GetHours() > 19 || CClock::GetHours() < 6 || CWeather::Foggyness > 0.05f) CPointLights::AddLight(CPointLights::LIGHT_POINT, pos1, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 8.0f, r/255.0f, g/255.0f, 0/255.0f, CPointLights::FOG_NORMAL, true); CShadows::StoreStaticShadow((uintptr)ent, SHADOWTYPE_ADDITIVE, gpShadowExplosionTex, &pos1, 8.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -8.0f, 128, r*CTimeCycle::GetLightOnGroundBrightness()/8.0f, g*CTimeCycle::GetLightOnGroundBrightness()/8.0f, 0*CTimeCycle::GetLightOnGroundBrightness()/8.0f, 12.0f, 1.0f, 40.0f, false, 0.0f); if(DotProduct(TheCamera.GetForward(), ent->GetForward()) < 0.0f) CCoronas::RegisterCorona((uintptr)ent + id, r*CTimeCycle::GetSpriteBrightness()*0.7f, g*CTimeCycle::GetSpriteBrightness()*0.7f, 0*CTimeCycle::GetSpriteBrightness()*0.7f, 255, pos1, 1.75f*CTimeCycle::GetSpriteSize(), 50.0f, CCoronas::TYPE_STAR, CCoronas::FLARE_NONE, CCoronas::REFLECTION_ON, CCoronas::LOSCHECK_OFF, CCoronas::STREAK_OFF, 0.0f); else CCoronas::RegisterCorona((uintptr)ent + id + 3, r*CTimeCycle::GetSpriteBrightness()*0.7f, g*CTimeCycle::GetSpriteBrightness()*0.7f, 0*CTimeCycle::GetSpriteBrightness()*0.7f, 255, pos2, 1.75f*CTimeCycle::GetSpriteSize(), 50.0f, CCoronas::TYPE_STAR, CCoronas::FLARE_NONE, CCoronas::REFLECTION_ON, CCoronas::LOSCHECK_OFF, CCoronas::STREAK_OFF, 0.0f); CBrightLights::RegisterOne(pos1, ent->GetUp(), ent->GetRight(), CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), id + BRIGHTLIGHT_TRAFFIC_GREEN); CBrightLights::RegisterOne(pos2, ent->GetUp(), -ent->GetRight(), CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), id + BRIGHTLIGHT_TRAFFIC_GREEN); static const float top = -0.127f; static const float bot = -0.539f; static const float mid = bot + (top-bot)/3.0f; static const float left = 1.256f; static const float right = 0.706f; phase = CTrafficLights::LightForPeds(); if(phase == PED_LIGHTS_DONT_WALK){ CVector p0(2.7f, right, top); CVector p1(2.7f, left, top); CVector p2(2.7f, right, mid); CVector p3(2.7f, left, mid); CShinyTexts::RegisterOne(ent->GetMatrix()*p0, ent->GetMatrix()*p1, ent->GetMatrix()*p2, ent->GetMatrix()*p3, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, SHINYTEXT_WALK, 255, 0, 0, 60.0f); }else if(phase == PED_LIGHTS_WALK || CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() & 0x100){ CVector p0(2.7f, right, mid); CVector p1(2.7f, left, mid); CVector p2(2.7f, right, bot); CVector p3(2.7f, left, bot); CShinyTexts::RegisterOne(ent->GetMatrix()*p0, ent->GetMatrix()*p1, ent->GetMatrix()*p2, ent->GetMatrix()*p3, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, SHINYTEXT_WALK, 255, 255, 255, 60.0f); } } void CTrafficLights::ScanForLightsOnMap(void) { int x, y; int i, j, k, l; CPtrNode *node; for(x = 0; x < NUMSECTORS_X; x++) for(y = 0; y < NUMSECTORS_Y; y++){ CPtrList &list = CWorld::GetSector(x, y)->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES]; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next){ CEntity *light = (CEntity*)node->item; if (!IsTrafficLight(light->GetModelIndex())) continue; // Check cars for(i = 0; i < ThePaths.m_numCarPathLinks; i++){ CVector2D dist = ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[i].GetPosition() - light->GetPosition(); float dotY = Abs(DotProduct2D(dist, light->GetForward())); // forward is direction of car light float dotX = DotProduct2D(dist, light->GetRight()); // towards base of light // it has to be on the correct side of the node and also not very far away if(dotX < 0.0f && dotX > -15.0f && dotY < 3.0f){ float dz = ThePaths.m_pathNodes[ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[i].pathNodeIndex].GetZ() - light->GetPosition().z; if(dz < 15.0f){ ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[i].trafficLightType = FindTrafficLightType(light); // Find two neighbour nodes of this one int n1 = -1; int n2 = -1; for(j = 0; j < ThePaths.m_numPathNodes; j++) for(l = 0; l < ThePaths.m_pathNodes[j].numLinks; l++) if(ThePaths.m_carPathConnections[ThePaths.m_pathNodes[j].firstLink + l] == i){ if(n1 == -1) n1 = j; else n2 = j; } // What's going on here? if(ThePaths.m_pathNodes[n1].numLinks <= ThePaths.m_pathNodes[n2].numLinks) n1 = n2; if(ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[i].pathNodeIndex != n1) ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[i].trafficLightType |= SOME_FLAG; } } } // Check peds for(i = ThePaths.m_numCarPathNodes; i < ThePaths.m_numPathNodes; i++){ float dist1, dist2; dist1 = Abs(ThePaths.m_pathNodes[i].GetX() - light->GetPosition().x) + Abs(ThePaths.m_pathNodes[i].GetY() - light->GetPosition().y); if(dist1 < 50.0f){ for(l = 0; l < ThePaths.m_pathNodes[i].numLinks; l++){ j = ThePaths.m_pathNodes[i].firstLink + l; if(ThePaths.ConnectionCrossesRoad(j)){ k = ThePaths.ConnectedNode(j); dist2 = Abs(ThePaths.m_pathNodes[k].GetX() - light->GetPosition().x) + Abs(ThePaths.m_pathNodes[k].GetY() - light->GetPosition().y); if(dist1 < 15.0f || dist2 < 15.0f) ThePaths.ConnectionSetTrafficLight(j); } } } } } } } bool CTrafficLights::ShouldCarStopForLight(CVehicle *vehicle, bool alwaysStop) { int node, type; node = vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nNextPathNodeInfo; type = ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].trafficLightType; if(type){ if((type & SOME_FLAG || ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].pathNodeIndex == vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nNextRouteNode) && (!(type & SOME_FLAG) || ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].pathNodeIndex != vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nNextRouteNode)) if(alwaysStop || (type&~SOME_FLAG) == 1 && LightForCars1() != CAR_LIGHTS_GREEN || (type&~SOME_FLAG) == 2 && LightForCars2() != CAR_LIGHTS_GREEN){ float dist = DotProduct2D(CVector2D(vehicle->GetPosition()) - ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].GetPosition(), ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].GetDirection()); if(vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nNextDirection == -1){ if(dist > 0.0f && dist < 8.0f) return true; }else{ if(dist < 0.0f && dist > -8.0f) return true; } } } node = vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentPathNodeInfo; type = ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].trafficLightType; if(type){ if((type & SOME_FLAG || ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].pathNodeIndex == vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentRouteNode) && (!(type & SOME_FLAG) || ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].pathNodeIndex != vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentRouteNode)) if(alwaysStop || (type&~SOME_FLAG) == 1 && LightForCars1() != CAR_LIGHTS_GREEN || (type&~SOME_FLAG) == 2 && LightForCars2() != CAR_LIGHTS_GREEN){ float dist = DotProduct2D(CVector2D(vehicle->GetPosition()) - ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].GetPosition(), ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].GetDirection()); if(vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentDirection == -1){ if(dist > 0.0f && dist < 8.0f) return true; }else{ if(dist < 0.0f && dist > -8.0f) return true; } } } if(vehicle->GetStatus() == STATUS_PHYSICS){ node = vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nPreviousPathNodeInfo; type = ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].trafficLightType; if(type){ if((type & SOME_FLAG || ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].pathNodeIndex == vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nPrevRouteNode) && (!(type & SOME_FLAG) || ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].pathNodeIndex != vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nPrevRouteNode)) if(alwaysStop || (type&~SOME_FLAG) == 1 && LightForCars1() != CAR_LIGHTS_GREEN || (type&~SOME_FLAG) == 2 && LightForCars2() != CAR_LIGHTS_GREEN){ float dist = DotProduct2D(CVector2D(vehicle->GetPosition()) - ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].GetPosition(), ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[node].GetDirection()); if(vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nPreviousDirection == -1){ if(dist > 0.0f && dist < 6.0f) return true; }else{ if(dist < 0.0f && dist > -6.0f) return true; } } } } return false; } bool CTrafficLights::ShouldCarStopForBridge(CVehicle *vehicle) { #ifdef GTA_BRIDGE return ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nNextPathNodeInfo].bBridgeLights && !ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[vehicle->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentPathNodeInfo].bBridgeLights; #else return false; #endif } int CTrafficLights::FindTrafficLightType(CEntity *light) { float orientation = RADTODEG(CGeneral::GetATanOfXY(light->GetForward().x, light->GetForward().y)); if((orientation > 60.0f && orientation < 60.0f + 90.0f) || (orientation > 240.0f && orientation < 240.0f + 90.0f)) return 1; return 2; } uint8 CTrafficLights::LightForPeds(void) { uint32 period = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() % 16384; if(period < 12000) return PED_LIGHTS_DONT_WALK; else if(period < 16384 - 1000) return PED_LIGHTS_WALK; else return PED_LIGHTS_WALK_BLINK; } uint8 CTrafficLights::LightForCars1(void) { uint32 period = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() % 16384; if(period < 5000) return CAR_LIGHTS_GREEN; else if(period < 5000 + 1000) return CAR_LIGHTS_YELLOW; else return CAR_LIGHTS_RED; } uint8 CTrafficLights::LightForCars2(void) { uint32 period = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() % 16384; if(period < 6000) return CAR_LIGHTS_RED; else if(period < 12000 - 1000) return CAR_LIGHTS_GREEN; else if(period < 12000) return CAR_LIGHTS_YELLOW; else return CAR_LIGHTS_RED; }