#pragma once #include "Font.h" #include "Ped.h" #include "PedType.h" #include "Text.h" #include "sList.h" #include "Sprite2d.h" class CEntity; class CBuilding; class CPhysical; class CVehicle; class CPed; class CObject; class CPlayerInfo; class CRunningScript; extern int32 ScriptParams[32]; void FlushLog(); #define script_assert(_Expression) { FlushLog(); assert(_Expression); } #define PICKUP_PLACEMENT_OFFSET (0.5f) #define PED_FIND_Z_OFFSET (5.0f) #define COP_PED_FIND_Z_OFFSET (10.0f) #define UPSIDEDOWN_UP_THRESHOLD (-0.97f) #define UPSIDEDOWN_MOVE_SPEED_THRESHOLD (0.01f) #define UPSIDEDOWN_TURN_SPEED_THRESHOLD (0.02f) #define UPSIDEDOWN_TIMER_THRESHOLD (1000) #define SPHERE_MARKER_R (255) #define SPHERE_MARKER_G (255) #define SPHERE_MARKER_B (128) #define SPHERE_MARKER_A (228) #define SPHERE_MARKER_PULSE_PERIOD 2048 #define SPHERE_MARKER_PULSE_FRACTION 0.1f #ifdef USE_PRECISE_MEASUREMENT_CONVERTION #define MILES_IN_METER (0.000621371192f) #define METERS_IN_FOOT (0.3048f) #define FEET_IN_METER (3.28084f) #else #define MILES_IN_METER (1 / 1670.f) #define METERS_IN_FOOT (0.3f) #define FEET_IN_METER (3.33f) #endif #define KEY_LENGTH_IN_SCRIPT (8) #define GET_INTEGER_PARAM(i) (ScriptParams[i]) #define GET_FLOAT_PARAM(i) (*(float*)&ScriptParams[i]) #define GET_VECTOR_PARAM(i) (CVector(GET_FLOAT_PARAM(i), GET_FLOAT_PARAM(i+1), GET_FLOAT_PARAM(i+2))) #define SET_INTEGER_PARAM(i, x) ScriptParams[i] = x #define SET_FLOAT_PARAM(i, x) *(float*)&ScriptParams[i] = x #define SET_VECTOR_PARAM(i, v) { *(float*)&ScriptParams[i] = (v).x; *(float*)&ScriptParams[i+1] = (v).y; *(float*)&ScriptParams[i+2] = (v).z; } #define GTA_SCRIPT_COLLECTIVE struct intro_script_rectangle { bool m_bIsUsed; bool m_bBeforeFade; int16 m_nTextureId; CRect m_sRect; CRGBA m_sColor; intro_script_rectangle() { } ~intro_script_rectangle() { } }; VALIDATE_SIZE(intro_script_rectangle, 0x18); enum { SCRIPT_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = 100 }; struct intro_text_line { float m_fScaleX; float m_fScaleY; CRGBA m_sColor; bool m_bJustify; bool m_bCentered; bool m_bBackground; bool m_bBackgroundOnly; float m_fWrapX; float m_fCenterSize; CRGBA m_sBackgroundColor; bool m_bTextProportional; bool m_bTextBeforeFade; bool m_bRightJustify; int32 m_nFont; float m_fAtX; float m_fAtY; wchar m_Text[SCRIPT_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH]; intro_text_line() { } ~intro_text_line() { } void Reset() { m_fScaleX = 0.48f; m_fScaleY = 1.12f; m_sColor = CRGBA(225, 225, 225, 255); m_bJustify = false; m_bRightJustify = false; m_bCentered = false; m_bBackground = false; m_bBackgroundOnly = false; m_fWrapX = 182.0f; m_fCenterSize = DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH; m_sBackgroundColor = CRGBA(128, 128, 128, 128); m_bTextProportional = true; m_bTextBeforeFade = false; m_nFont = FONT_STANDARD; m_fAtX = 0.0f; m_fAtY = 0.0f; memset(&m_Text, 0, sizeof(m_Text)); } }; VALIDATE_SIZE(intro_text_line, 0x414); struct script_sphere_struct { bool m_bInUse; uint16 m_Index; uint32 m_Id; CVector m_vecCenter; float m_fRadius; script_sphere_struct() { } }; struct CStoredLine { CVector vecInf; CVector vecSup; uint32 color1; uint32 color2; }; enum { CLEANUP_UNUSED = 0, CLEANUP_CAR, CLEANUP_CHAR, CLEANUP_OBJECT }; struct cleanup_entity_struct { uint8 type; int32 id; }; enum { MAX_CLEANUP = 50, MAX_UPSIDEDOWN_CAR_CHECKS = 6, MAX_STUCK_CAR_CHECKS = 16 }; class CMissionCleanup { public: cleanup_entity_struct m_sEntities[MAX_CLEANUP]; uint8 m_nCount; CMissionCleanup(); void Init(); cleanup_entity_struct* FindFree(); void AddEntityToList(int32, uint8); void RemoveEntityFromList(int32, uint8); void Process(); void CheckIfCollisionHasLoadedForMissionObjects(); }; struct upsidedown_car_data { int32 m_nVehicleIndex; uint32 m_nUpsideDownTimer; }; class CUpsideDownCarCheck { upsidedown_car_data m_sCars[MAX_UPSIDEDOWN_CAR_CHECKS]; public: void Init(); bool IsCarUpsideDown(int32); bool IsCarUpsideDown(CVehicle*); void UpdateTimers(); bool AreAnyCarsUpsideDown(); void AddCarToCheck(int32); void RemoveCarFromCheck(int32); bool HasCarBeenUpsideDownForAWhile(int32); }; struct stuck_car_data { int32 m_nVehicleIndex; CVector m_vecPos; int32 m_nLastCheck; float m_fRadius; uint32 m_nStuckTime; bool m_bStuck; stuck_car_data() { } void Reset(); }; class CStuckCarCheck { stuck_car_data m_sCars[MAX_STUCK_CAR_CHECKS]; public: void Init(); void Process(); void AddCarToCheck(int32, float, uint32); void RemoveCarFromCheck(int32); bool HasCarBeenStuckForAWhile(int32); }; enum { MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 16, NUM_LOCAL_VARS = 96, NUM_TIMERS = 2, NUM_GLOBAL_SLOTS = 26 }; enum { ARGUMENT_END = 0, ARGUMENT_INT_ZERO, ARGUMENT_FLOAT_ZERO, ARGUMENT_FLOAT_1BYTE, ARGUMENT_FLOAT_2BYTES, ARGUMENT_FLOAT_3BYTES, ARGUMENT_INT32, ARGUMENT_INT8, ARGUMENT_INT16, ARGUMENT_FLOAT, ARGUMENT_TIMER, ARGUMENT_LOCAL = ARGUMENT_TIMER + NUM_TIMERS, ARGUMENT_LOCAL_ARRAY = ARGUMENT_LOCAL + NUM_LOCAL_VARS, ARGUMENT_GLOBAL = ARGUMENT_LOCAL_ARRAY + NUM_LOCAL_VARS, ARGUMENT_GLOBAL_ARRAY = ARGUMENT_GLOBAL + NUM_GLOBAL_SLOTS, MAX_ARGUMENT = ARGUMENT_GLOBAL_ARRAY + NUM_GLOBAL_SLOTS }; static_assert(MAX_ARGUMENT <= 256, "MAX_ARGUMENT must be less or equal to 256"); struct tCollectiveData { int32 colIndex; int32 pedIndex; }; enum { USED_OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH = 24 }; struct tUsedObject { char name[USED_OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH]; int32 index; }; struct tBuildingSwap { CBuilding* m_pBuilding; int32 m_nNewModel; int32 m_nOldModel; }; struct script_corona { int id; float x; float y; float z; float size; uint8 r; uint8 g; uint8 b; int type; int flareType; }; class CRunningScript { enum { ANDOR_NONE = 0, ANDS_1 = 1, ANDS_2, ANDS_3, ANDS_4, ANDS_5, ANDS_6, ANDS_7, ANDS_8, ORS_1 = 21, ORS_2, ORS_3, ORS_4, ORS_5, ORS_6, ORS_7, ORS_8 }; enum { STACKVALUE_IP_BITS = 22, STACKVALUE_INVERT_RETURN_BIT = STACKVALUE_IP_BITS, STACKVALUE_IS_FUNCTION_CALL_BIT, STACKVALUE_IP_PARAMS_OFFSET, STACKVALUE_IP_MASK = ((1 << STACKVALUE_IP_BITS) - 1) }; public: CRunningScript* next; CRunningScript* prev; int32 m_nId; char m_abScriptName[8]; uint32 m_nIp; uint32 m_anStack[MAX_STACK_DEPTH]; uint16 m_nStackPointer; int32 m_anLocalVariables[NUM_LOCAL_VARS + 8 + NUM_TIMERS]; // TODO(LCS): figure out why 106 int32 m_nLocalsPointer; bool m_bIsActive; bool m_bCondResult; bool m_bIsMissionScript; bool m_bSkipWakeTime; uint32 m_nWakeTime; uint16 m_nAndOrState; bool m_bNotFlag; bool m_bDeatharrestEnabled; bool m_bDeatharrestExecuted; bool m_bMissionFlag; public: void SetIP(uint32 ip) { m_nIp = ip; } CRunningScript* GetNext() const { return next; } void Save(uint8*& buf); void Load(uint8*& buf); void UpdateTimers(float timeStep) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TIMERS; i++) m_anLocalVariables[NUM_LOCAL_VARS + 8 + i] += timeStep; } void Init(); void Process(); void RemoveScriptFromList(CRunningScript**); void AddScriptToList(CRunningScript**); static const uint32 nSaveStructSize; void CollectParameters(uint32*, int16, int* pParams = (int*)&ScriptParams); int32 CollectNextParameterWithoutIncreasingPC(uint32); int32* GetPointerToScriptVariable(uint32*, int16); void StoreParameters(uint32*, int16); int8 ProcessOneCommand(); void DoDeatharrestCheck(); void UpdateCompareFlag(bool flag) { if (m_bNotFlag) flag = !flag; if (m_nAndOrState == ANDOR_NONE) { m_bCondResult = flag; return; } if (m_nAndOrState >= ANDS_1 && m_nAndOrState <= ANDS_8) { m_bCondResult &= flag; if (m_nAndOrState == ANDS_1) { m_nAndOrState = ANDOR_NONE; return; } } else { m_bCondResult |= flag; if (m_nAndOrState <= ORS_1) { m_nAndOrState = ANDOR_NONE; return; } } m_nAndOrState--; } int16 GetPadState(uint16, uint16); int8 ProcessCommands0To99(int32); int8 ProcessCommands100To199(int32); int8 ProcessCommands200To299(int32); int8 ProcessCommands300To399(int32); int8 ProcessCommands400To499(int32); int8 ProcessCommands500To599(int32); int8 ProcessCommands600To699(int32); int8 ProcessCommands700To799(int32); int8 ProcessCommands800To899(int32); int8 ProcessCommands900To999(int32); int8 ProcessCommands1000To1099(int32); int8 ProcessCommands1100To1199(int32); int8 ProcessCommands1200To1299(int32); int8 ProcessCommands1300To1399(int32); int8 ProcessCommands1400To1499(int32); int8 ProcessCommands1500To1599(int32); int8 ProcessCommands1600To1699(int32); uint32 CollectLocateParameters(uint32*, bool); void LocatePlayerCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocatePlayerCharCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocatePlayerCarCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocateCharCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocateCharCharCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocateCharCarCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocateCharObjectCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocateCarCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocateSniperBulletCommand(int32, uint32*); void PlayerInAreaCheckCommand(int32, uint32*); void PlayerInAngledAreaCheckCommand(int32, uint32*); void CharInAreaCheckCommand(int32, uint32*); void CarInAreaCheckCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocateObjectCommand(int32, uint32*); void ObjectInAreaCheckCommand(int32, uint32*); #ifdef GTA_SCRIPT_COLLECTIVE void LocateCollectiveCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocateCollectiveCharCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocateCollectiveCarCommand(int32, uint32*); void LocateCollectivePlayerCommand(int32, uint32*); void CollectiveInAreaCheckCommand(int32, uint32*); #endif #ifdef MISSION_REPLAY bool CanAllowMissionReplay(); #endif #ifdef USE_ADVANCED_SCRIPT_DEBUG_OUTPUT int CollectParameterForDebug(char* buf, bool& var); void GetStoredParameterForDebug(char* buf); #endif float LimitAngleOnCircle(float angle) { return angle < 0.0f ? angle + 360.0f : angle; } bool ThisIsAValidRandomCop(uint32 mi, int cop, int swat, int fbi, int army, int miami); bool ThisIsAValidRandomPed(uint32 pedtype, int civ, int gang, int criminal); bool CheckDamagedWeaponType(int32 actual, int32 type); void ReturnFromGosubOrFunction(); }; enum { VAR_LOCAL = 1, VAR_GLOBAL = 2, }; enum { MAX_NUM_SCRIPTS = 128, MAX_NUM_INTRO_TEXT_LINES = 48, MAX_NUM_INTRO_RECTANGLES = 16, MAX_NUM_SCRIPT_SRPITES = 16, MAX_NUM_SCRIPT_SPHERES = 16, MAX_NUM_COLLECTIVES = 32, MAX_NUM_USED_OBJECTS = 305, MAX_NUM_MISSION_SCRIPTS = 150, MAX_NUM_BUILDING_SWAPS = 80, MAX_NUM_INVISIBILITY_SETTINGS = 52, MAX_NUM_STORED_LINES = 1024, MAX_ALLOWED_COLLISIONS = 2 }; class CTheScripts { public: static uint8* ScriptSpace; static CRunningScript ScriptsArray[MAX_NUM_SCRIPTS]; static intro_text_line IntroTextLines[MAX_NUM_INTRO_TEXT_LINES]; static intro_script_rectangle IntroRectangles[MAX_NUM_INTRO_RECTANGLES]; static CSprite2d ScriptSprites[MAX_NUM_SCRIPT_SRPITES]; static script_sphere_struct ScriptSphereArray[MAX_NUM_SCRIPT_SPHERES]; static tCollectiveData CollectiveArray[MAX_NUM_COLLECTIVES]; static tUsedObject UsedObjectArray[MAX_NUM_USED_OBJECTS]; static int32 MultiScriptArray[MAX_NUM_MISSION_SCRIPTS]; static tBuildingSwap BuildingSwapArray[MAX_NUM_BUILDING_SWAPS]; static CEntity* InvisibilitySettingArray[MAX_NUM_INVISIBILITY_SETTINGS]; static CStoredLine aStoredLines[MAX_NUM_STORED_LINES]; static bool DbgFlag; static uint32 OnAMissionFlag; static CMissionCleanup MissionCleanUp; static CStuckCarCheck StuckCars; static CUpsideDownCarCheck UpsideDownCars; static int32 StoreVehicleIndex; static bool StoreVehicleWasRandom; static CRunningScript *pIdleScripts; static CRunningScript *pActiveScripts; static int32 NextFreeCollectiveIndex; static int32 LastRandomPedId; static uint16 NumberOfUsedObjects; static bool bAlreadyRunningAMissionScript; static bool bUsingAMultiScriptFile; static uint16 NumberOfMissionScripts; static uint32 LargestMissionScriptSize; static uint32 MainScriptSize; static uint8 FailCurrentMission; static uint16 NumScriptDebugLines; static uint16 NumberOfIntroRectanglesThisFrame; static uint16 NumberOfIntroTextLinesThisFrame; static uint8 UseTextCommands; static uint16 CommandsExecuted; static uint16 ScriptsUpdated; static uint32 LastMissionPassedTime; static uint16 NumberOfExclusiveMissionScripts; static bool bPlayerIsInTheStatium; static uint8 RiotIntensity; static bool bPlayerHasMetDebbieHarry; static int AllowedCollision[MAX_ALLOWED_COLLISIONS]; static short* SavedVarIndices; static int NumSaveVars; static int FSDestroyedFlag; static int NextProcessId; static bool InTheScripts; static CRunningScript* pCurrent; static uint16 NumTrueGlobals; static uint16 MostGlobals; static base::cSList mCoronas; static int NextScriptCoronaID; static bool Init(bool loaddata = false); static void Process(); static CRunningScript* StartTestScript(); static bool IsPlayerOnAMission(); static void ClearSpaceForMissionEntity(const CVector&, CEntity*); static void UndoBuildingSwaps(); static void UndoEntityInvisibilitySettings(); /* static void ScriptDebugLine3D(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, uint32 col, uint32 col2); static void RenderTheScriptDebugLines(); */ static void SaveAllScripts(uint8*, uint32*); static bool LoadAllScripts(uint8*, uint32); static bool IsDebugOn() { return DbgFlag; }; static void InvertDebugFlag() { DbgFlag = !DbgFlag; } static int32* GetPointerToScriptVariable(int32 offset) { assert(offset >= 8 && offset < CTheScripts::GetSizeOfVariableSpace()); return (int32*)&ScriptSpace[offset]; } static int32 Read4BytesFromScript(uint32* pIp) { int32 retval = ScriptSpace[*pIp + 3] << 24 | ScriptSpace[*pIp + 2] << 16 | ScriptSpace[*pIp + 1] << 8 | ScriptSpace[*pIp]; *pIp += 4; return retval; } static int16 Read2BytesFromScript(uint32* pIp) { int16 retval = ScriptSpace[*pIp + 1] << 8 | ScriptSpace[*pIp]; *pIp += 2; return retval; } static int8 Read1ByteFromScript(uint32* pIp) { int8 retval = ScriptSpace[*pIp]; *pIp += 1; return retval; } static float ReadFloatFromScript(uint32* pIp) { return Read2BytesFromScript(pIp) / 16.0f; } static void ReadTextLabelFromScript(uint32* pIp, char* buf) { strncpy(buf, (const char*)&CTheScripts::ScriptSpace[*pIp], KEY_LENGTH_IN_SCRIPT); } static wchar* GetTextByKeyFromScript(uint32* pIp) { wchar* text = TheText.Get((const char*)&CTheScripts::ScriptSpace[*pIp]); *pIp += KEY_LENGTH_IN_SCRIPT; return text; } static int32 GetSizeOfVariableSpace() { uint32 tmp = 3; return Read4BytesFromScript(&tmp); } static CRunningScript* StartNewScript(uint32); static void CleanUpThisVehicle(CVehicle*); static void CleanUpThisPed(CPed*); static void CleanUpThisObject(CObject*); static bool IsPedStopped(CPed*); static bool IsPlayerStopped(CPlayerInfo*); static bool IsVehicleStopped(CVehicle*); static void PrintListSizes(); static void ReadObjectNamesFromScript(); static void UpdateObjectIndices(); static void ReadMultiScriptFileOffsetsFromScript(); static void DrawScriptSpheres(); static void HighlightImportantArea(uint32, float, float, float, float, float); static void HighlightImportantAngledArea(uint32, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float); /* static void DrawDebugSquare(float, float, float, float); static void DrawDebugAngledSquare(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float); static void DrawDebugCube(float, float, float, float, float, float); static void DrawDebugAngledCube(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float); */ static void AddToInvisibilitySwapArray(CEntity*, bool); static void AddToBuildingSwapArray(CBuilding*, int32, int32); static int32 GetActualScriptSphereIndex(int32 index); static int32 AddScriptSphere(int32 id, CVector pos, float radius); static int32 GetNewUniqueScriptSphereIndex(int32 index); static void RemoveScriptSphere(int32 index); //static void RemoveScriptTextureDictionary(); public: static void RemoveThisPed(CPed* pPed); static uint32& GetLastMissionPassedTime() { return LastMissionPassedTime; } #ifdef MISSION_SWITCHER static void SwitchToMission(int32 mission); #endif static int GetSaveVarIndex(int); static void Shutdown(void); static void SwapNearestBuildingModel(float, float, float, float, int, int); #ifdef GTA_SCRIPT_COLLECTIVE static void AdvanceCollectiveIndex() { if (NextFreeCollectiveIndex == INT32_MAX) NextFreeCollectiveIndex = 0; else NextFreeCollectiveIndex++; } static int AddPedsInVehicleToCollective(int); static int AddPedsInAreaToCollective(float, float, float, float); static int FindFreeSlotInCollectiveArray(); static void SetObjectiveForAllPedsInCollective(int, eObjective, int16, int16); static void SetObjectiveForAllPedsInCollective(int, eObjective, CVector, float); static void SetObjectiveForAllPedsInCollective(int, eObjective, CVector); static void SetObjectiveForAllPedsInCollective(int, eObjective, void*); static void SetObjectiveForAllPedsInCollective(int, eObjective); #endif #ifdef USE_MISSION_REPLAY_OVERRIDE_FOR_NON_MOBILE_SCRIPT static bool MissionSupportsMissionReplay(int index) { return index >= 3 && index <= 35 || index >= 51 && index <= 65 || index >= 67 && index <= 74 || index >= 83 && index <= 87; } #endif static bool IsFortStauntonDestroyed() { return FSDestroyedFlag && *(int32*)&ScriptSpace[FSDestroyedFlag] == 1; } }; extern int ScriptParams[32]; VALIDATE_SIZE(uStackReturnValue, 4); #ifdef USE_DEBUG_SCRIPT_LOADER extern int scriptToLoad; #endif #ifdef MISSION_REPLAY extern int AllowMissionReplay; extern uint32 WaitForMissionActivate; extern uint32 WaitForSave; extern uint32 MissionStartTime; extern int missionRetryScriptIndex; extern bool doingMissionRetry; extern bool gbTryingPorn4Again; extern int IsInAmmunation; extern int MissionSkipLevel; #ifdef USE_MISSION_REPLAY_OVERRIDE_FOR_NON_MOBILE_SCRIPT extern bool UsingMobileScript; extern bool AlreadySavedGame; #endif uint32 AddExtraDeathDelay(); void RetryMission(int, int); #endif #ifdef USE_DEBUG_SCRIPT_LOADER extern int scriptToLoad; #endif extern int gScriptsFile; extern CVector gVectorSetInLua;