#include "common.h" #include "General.h" #include "FileMgr.h" // only needed for empty function #include "Camera.h" #include "Vehicle.h" #include "World.h" #include "Lines.h" // for debug #include "PathFind.h" bool gbShowPedPaths; bool gbShowCarPaths; bool gbShowCarPathsLinks; CPathFind ThePaths; #define MAX_DIST INT16_MAX-1 #define MIN_PED_ROUTE_DISTANCE 23.8f #ifdef MIAMI #define NUMTEMPNODES 5000 #define NUMDETACHED_CARS 1024 #define NUMDETACHED_PEDS 1214 #define NUMTEMPEXTERNALNODES 4600 #else #define NUMTEMPNODES 4000 #define NUMDETACHED_CARS 100 #define NUMDETACHED_PEDS 50 #endif // object flags: // 1 UseInRoadBlock // 2 east/west road(?) CPathInfoForObject *InfoForTileCars; CPathInfoForObject *InfoForTilePeds; #ifndef MIAMI // unused CTempDetachedNode *DetachedNodesCars; CTempDetachedNode *DetachedNodesPeds; #else CPathInfoForObject *DetachedInfoForTileCars; CPathInfoForObject *DetachedInfoForTilePeds; CTempNodeExternal *TempExternalNodes; int32 NumTempExternalNodes; int32 NumDetachedPedNodeGroups; int32 NumDetachedCarNodeGroups; #endif bool CPedPath::CalcPedRoute(int8 pathType, CVector position, CVector destination, CVector *pointPoses, int16 *pointsFound, int16 maxPoints) { *pointsFound = 0; CVector vecDistance = destination - position; if (Abs(vecDistance.x) > MIN_PED_ROUTE_DISTANCE || Abs(vecDistance.y) > MIN_PED_ROUTE_DISTANCE || Abs(vecDistance.z) > MIN_PED_ROUTE_DISTANCE) return false; CVector vecPos = (position + destination) * 0.5f; CVector vecSectorStartPos (vecPos.x - 14.0f, vecPos.y - 14.0f, vecPos.z); CVector2D vecSectorEndPos (vecPos.x + 28.0f, vecPos.x + 28.0f); const int16 nodeStartX = (position.x - vecSectorStartPos.x) / 0.7f; const int16 nodeStartY = (position.y - vecSectorStartPos.y) / 0.7f; const int16 nodeEndX = (destination.x - vecSectorStartPos.x) / 0.7f; const int16 nodeEndY = (destination.y - vecSectorStartPos.y) / 0.7f; if (nodeStartX == nodeEndX && nodeStartY == nodeEndY) return false; CPedPathNode pathNodes[40][40]; CPedPathNode pathNodesList[416]; for (int32 x = 0; x < 40; x++) { for (int32 y = 0; y < 40; y++) { pathNodes[x][y].bBlockade = false; pathNodes[x][y].id = INT16_MAX; pathNodes[x][y].nodeIdX = x; pathNodes[x][y].nodeIdY = y; } } CWorld::AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); if (pathType != ROUTE_NO_BLOCKADE) { const int32 nStartX = Max(CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(vecSectorStartPos.x), 0); const int32 nStartY = Max(CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(vecSectorStartPos.y), 0); const int32 nEndX = Min(CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(vecSectorEndPos.x), NUMSECTORS_X - 1); const int32 nEndY = Min(CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(vecSectorEndPos.y), NUMSECTORS_Y - 1); for (int32 y = nStartY; y <= nEndY; y++) { for (int32 x = nStartX; x <= nEndX; x++) { CSector *pSector = CWorld::GetSector(x, y); AddBlockadeSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], pathNodes, &vecSectorStartPos); AddBlockadeSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], pathNodes, &vecSectorStartPos); AddBlockadeSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], pathNodes, &vecSectorStartPos); AddBlockadeSectorList(pSector->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], pathNodes, &vecSectorStartPos); } } } for (int32 i = 0; i < 416; i++) { pathNodesList[i].prev = nil; pathNodesList[i].next = nil; } CPedPathNode *pStartPathNode = &pathNodes[nodeStartX][nodeStartY]; CPedPathNode *pEndPathNode = &pathNodes[nodeEndX][nodeEndY]; pEndPathNode->bBlockade = false; pEndPathNode->id = 0; pEndPathNode->prev = nil; pEndPathNode->next = pathNodesList; pathNodesList[0].prev = pEndPathNode; int32 pathNodeIndex = 0; CPedPathNode *pPreviousNode = nil; for (; pathNodeIndex < 414; pathNodeIndex++) { pPreviousNode = pathNodesList[pathNodeIndex].prev; while (pPreviousNode && pPreviousNode != pStartPathNode) { const uint8 nodeIdX = pPreviousNode->nodeIdX; const uint8 nodeIdY = pPreviousNode->nodeIdY; if (nodeIdX > 0) { AddNodeToPathList(&pathNodes[nodeIdX - 1][nodeIdY], pathNodeIndex + 5, pathNodesList); if (nodeIdY > 0) AddNodeToPathList(&pathNodes[nodeIdX - 1][nodeIdY - 1], pathNodeIndex + 7, pathNodesList); if (nodeIdY < 39) AddNodeToPathList(&pathNodes[nodeIdX - 1][nodeIdY + 1], pathNodeIndex + 7, pathNodesList); } if (nodeIdX < 39) { AddNodeToPathList(&pathNodes[nodeIdX + 1][nodeIdY], pathNodeIndex + 5, pathNodesList); if (nodeIdY > 0) AddNodeToPathList(&pathNodes[nodeIdX + 1][nodeIdY - 1], pathNodeIndex + 7, pathNodesList); if (nodeIdY < 39) AddNodeToPathList(&pathNodes[nodeIdX + 1][nodeIdY + 1], pathNodeIndex + 7, pathNodesList); } if (nodeIdY > 0) AddNodeToPathList(&pathNodes[nodeIdX][nodeIdY - 1], pathNodeIndex + 5, pathNodesList); if (nodeIdY < 39) AddNodeToPathList(&pathNodes[nodeIdX][nodeIdY + 1], pathNodeIndex + 5, pathNodesList); pPreviousNode = pPreviousNode->prev; if (!pPreviousNode) break; } if (pPreviousNode && pPreviousNode == pStartPathNode) break; } if (pathNodeIndex == 414) return false; CPedPathNode *pPathNode = pStartPathNode; for (*pointsFound = 0; pPathNode != pEndPathNode && *pointsFound < maxPoints; ++ *pointsFound) { const uint8 nodeIdX = pPathNode->nodeIdX; const uint8 nodeIdY = pPathNode->nodeIdY; if (nodeIdX > 0 && pathNodes[nodeIdX - 1][nodeIdY].id + 5 == pPathNode->id) pPathNode = &pathNodes[nodeIdX - 1][nodeIdY]; else if (nodeIdX > 39 && pathNodes[nodeIdX + 1][nodeIdY].id + 5 == pPathNode->id) pPathNode = &pathNodes[nodeIdX + 1][nodeIdY]; else if (nodeIdY > 0 && pathNodes[nodeIdX][nodeIdY - 1].id + 5 == pPathNode->id) pPathNode = &pathNodes[nodeIdX][nodeIdY - 1]; else if (nodeIdY > 39 && pathNodes[nodeIdX][nodeIdY + 1].id + 5 == pPathNode->id) pPathNode = &pathNodes[nodeIdX][nodeIdY + 1]; else if (nodeIdX > 0 && nodeIdY > 0 && pathNodes[nodeIdX - 1][nodeIdY - 1].id + 7 == pPathNode->id) pPathNode = &pathNodes[nodeIdX - 1][nodeIdY - 1]; else if (nodeIdX > 0 && nodeIdY < 39 && pathNodes[nodeIdX - 1][nodeIdY + 1].id + 7 == pPathNode->id) pPathNode = &pathNodes[nodeIdX - 1][nodeIdY + 1]; else if (nodeIdX < 39 && nodeIdY > 0 && pathNodes[nodeIdX + 1][nodeIdY - 1].id + 7 == pPathNode->id) pPathNode = &pathNodes[nodeIdX + 1][nodeIdY - 1]; else if (nodeIdX < 39 && nodeIdY < 39 && pathNodes[nodeIdX + 1][nodeIdY + 1].id + 7 == pPathNode->id) pPathNode = &pathNodes[nodeIdX + 1][nodeIdY + 1]; pointPoses[*pointsFound] = vecSectorStartPos; pointPoses[*pointsFound].x += pPathNode->nodeIdX * 0.7f; pointPoses[*pointsFound].y += pPathNode->nodeIdY * 0.7f; } return true; } void CPedPath::AddNodeToPathList(CPedPathNode *pNodeToAdd, int16 id, CPedPathNode *pNodeList) { if (!pNodeToAdd->bBlockade && id < pNodeToAdd->id) { if (pNodeToAdd->id != INT16_MAX) RemoveNodeFromList(pNodeToAdd); AddNodeToList(pNodeToAdd, id, pNodeList); } } void CPedPath::RemoveNodeFromList(CPedPathNode *pNode) { pNode->next->prev = pNode->prev; if (pNode->prev) pNode->prev->next = pNode->next; } void CPedPath::AddNodeToList(CPedPathNode *pNode, int16 index, CPedPathNode *pList) { pNode->prev = pList[index].prev; pNode->next = &pList[index]; if (pList[index].prev) pList[index].prev->next = pNode; pList[index].prev = pNode; pNode->id = index; } void CPedPath::AddBlockadeSectorList(CPtrList& list, CPedPathNode(*pathNodes)[40], CVector *pPosition) { CPtrNode* listNode = list.first; while (listNode) { CEntity* pEntity = (CEntity*)listNode->item; if (pEntity->m_scanCode != CWorld::GetCurrentScanCode() && pEntity->bUsesCollision) { pEntity->m_scanCode = CWorld::GetCurrentScanCode(); AddBlockade(pEntity, pathNodes, pPosition); } listNode = listNode->next; } } void CPedPath::AddBlockade(CEntity *pEntity, CPedPathNode(*pathNodes)[40], CVector *pPosition) { const CColBox& boundingBox = pEntity->GetColModel()->boundingBox; const float fBoundMaxY = boundingBox.max.y + 0.3f; const float fBoundMinY = boundingBox.min.y - 0.3f; const float fBoundMaxX = boundingBox.max.x + 0.3f; const float fDistanceX = pPosition->x - pEntity->m_matrix.GetPosition().x; const float fDistanceY = pPosition->y - pEntity->m_matrix.GetPosition().y; const float fBoundRadius = pEntity->GetBoundRadius(); CVector vecBoundCentre; pEntity->GetBoundCentre(vecBoundCentre); if (vecBoundCentre.x + fBoundRadius >= pPosition->x && vecBoundCentre.y + fBoundRadius >= pPosition->y && vecBoundCentre.x - fBoundRadius <= pPosition->x + 28.0f && vecBoundCentre.y - fBoundRadius <= pPosition->y + 28.0f) { for (int16 x = 0; x < 40; x++) { const float pointX = x * 0.7f + fDistanceX; for (int16 y = 0; y < 40; y++) { if (!pathNodes[x][y].bBlockade) { const float pointY = y * 0.7f + fDistanceY; CVector2D point(pointX, pointY); if (fBoundMaxX > Abs(DotProduct2D(point, pEntity->m_matrix.GetRight()))) { float fDotProduct = DotProduct2D(point, pEntity->m_matrix.GetForward()); if (fBoundMaxY > fDotProduct && fBoundMinY < fDotProduct) pathNodes[x][y].bBlockade = true; } } } } } } #ifdef MIAMI // Make sure all externals link TO an internal void CPathInfoForObject::SwapConnectionsToBeRightWayRound(void) { int e, i; CPathInfoForObject *tile = this; for(e = 0; e < 12; e++) if(tile[e].type == NodeTypeExtern && tile[e].next < 0) for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) if(tile[i].type == NodeTypeIntern && tile[i].next == e){ tile[e].next = i; tile[i].next = -1; bool tmp = !!tile[e].crossing; tile[e].crossing = tile[i].crossing; tile[i].crossing = tmp; } } #endif //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::Init(void) { int i; m_numPathNodes = 0; m_numMapObjects = 0; m_numConnections = 0; m_numCarPathLinks = 0; unk = 0; #ifdef MIAMI NumTempExternalNodes = 0; #endif for(i = 0; i < NUM_PATHNODES; i++) m_pathNodes[i].distance = MAX_DIST; } //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::AllocatePathFindInfoMem(int16 numPathGroups) { delete[] InfoForTileCars; InfoForTileCars = nil; delete[] InfoForTilePeds; InfoForTilePeds = nil; // NB: MIAMI doesn't use numPathGroups here but hardcodes 4500 InfoForTileCars = new CPathInfoForObject[12*numPathGroups]; memset(InfoForTileCars, 0, 12*numPathGroups*sizeof(CPathInfoForObject)); InfoForTilePeds = new CPathInfoForObject[12*numPathGroups]; memset(InfoForTilePeds, 0, 12*numPathGroups*sizeof(CPathInfoForObject)); #ifndef MIAMI // unused delete[] DetachedNodesCars; DetachedNodesCars = nil; delete[] DetachedNodesPeds; DetachedNodesPeds = nil; DetachedNodesCars = new CTempDetachedNode[NUMDETACHED_CARS]; memset(DetachedNodesCars, 0, NUMDETACHED_CARS*sizeof(CTempDetachedNode)); DetachedNodesPeds = new CTempDetachedNode[NUMDETACHED_PEDS]; memset(DetachedNodesPeds, 0, NUMDETACHED_PEDS*sizeof(CTempDetachedNode)); #else delete[] DetachedInfoForTileCars; DetachedInfoForTileCars = nil; delete[] DetachedInfoForTilePeds; DetachedInfoForTilePeds = nil; DetachedInfoForTileCars = new CPathInfoForObject[12*NUMDETACHED_CARS]; memset(DetachedInfoForTileCars, 0, 12*NUMDETACHED_CARS*sizeof(CPathInfoForObject)); DetachedInfoForTilePeds = new CPathInfoForObject[12*NUMDETACHED_PEDS]; memset(DetachedInfoForTilePeds, 0, 12*NUMDETACHED_PEDS*sizeof(CPathInfoForObject)); TempExternalNodes = new CTempNodeExternal[NUMTEMPEXTERNALNODES]; memset(TempExternalNodes, 0, NUMTEMPEXTERNALNODES*sizeof(CTempNodeExternal)); NumTempExternalNodes = 0; NumDetachedPedNodeGroups = 0; NumDetachedCarNodeGroups = 0; #endif } //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::RegisterMapObject(CTreadable *mapObject) { m_mapObjects[m_numMapObjects++] = mapObject; } //--MIAMI: TODO: implement all the arguments once we can load the VC map void CPathFind::StoreNodeInfoPed(int16 id, int16 node, int8 type, int8 next, int16 x, int16 y, int16 z, int16 width, bool crossing) { int i, j; i = id*12 + node; InfoForTilePeds[i].type = type; InfoForTilePeds[i].next = next; #ifndef MIAMI InfoForTilePeds[i].x = x; InfoForTilePeds[i].y = y; InfoForTilePeds[i].z = z; #else InfoForTilePeds[i].x = x/16.0f; InfoForTilePeds[i].y = y/16.0f; InfoForTilePeds[i].z = z/16.0f; #endif InfoForTilePeds[i].numLeftLanes = 0; InfoForTilePeds[i].numRightLanes = 0; InfoForTilePeds[i].crossing = crossing; #ifdef MIAMI InfoForTilePeds[i].flag02 = false; InfoForTilePeds[i].roadBlock = false; InfoForTilePeds[i].disabled = false; InfoForTilePeds[i].waterPath = false; InfoForTilePeds[i].betweenLevels = false; #endif #ifndef MIAMI if(type) for(i = 0; i < node; i++){ j = id*12 + i; if(x == InfoForTilePeds[j].x && y == InfoForTilePeds[j].y){ printf("^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AARON IS TOO CHICKEN TO EAT MEAT!\n"); printf("Several ped nodes on one road segment have identical coordinates (%d==%d && %d==%d)\n", x, InfoForTilePeds[j].x, y, InfoForTilePeds[j].y); printf("Modelindex of cullprit: %d\n\n", id); } } #else if(node == 11) InfoForTilePeds[id*12].SwapConnectionsToBeRightWayRound(); #endif } //--MIAMI: TODO: implement all the arguments once we can load the VC map void CPathFind::StoreNodeInfoCar(int16 id, int16 node, int8 type, int8 next, int16 x, int16 y, int16 z, int16 width, int8 numLeft, int8 numRight) { int i, j; i = id*12 + node; InfoForTileCars[i].type = type; InfoForTileCars[i].next = next; #ifndef MIAMI InfoForTileCars[i].x = x; InfoForTileCars[i].y = y; InfoForTileCars[i].z = z; #else InfoForTileCars[i].x = x/16.0f; InfoForTileCars[i].y = y/16.0f; InfoForTileCars[i].z = z/16.0f; #endif InfoForTileCars[i].numLeftLanes = numLeft; InfoForTileCars[i].numRightLanes = numRight; #ifdef MIAMI InfoForTileCars[i].crossing = false; InfoForTileCars[i].flag02 = false; InfoForTileCars[i].roadBlock = false; InfoForTileCars[i].disabled = false; InfoForTileCars[i].waterPath = false; InfoForTileCars[i].betweenLevels = false; #endif #ifndef MIAMI if(type) for(i = 0; i < node; i++){ j = id*12 + i; if(x == InfoForTileCars[j].x && y == InfoForTileCars[j].y){ printf("^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AARON IS TOO CHICKEN TO EAT MEAT!\n"); printf("Several car nodes on one road segment have identical coordinates (%d==%d && %d==%d)\n", x, InfoForTileCars[j].x, y, InfoForTileCars[j].y); printf("Modelindex of cullprit: %d\n\n", id); } } #else if(node == 11) InfoForTileCars[id*12].SwapConnectionsToBeRightWayRound(); #endif } #ifndef MIAMI void CPathFind::CalcNodeCoors(int16 x, int16 y, int16 z, int id, CVector *out) { CVector pos; pos.x = x / 16.0f; pos.y = y / 16.0f; pos.z = z / 16.0f; *out = m_mapObjects[id]->GetMatrix() * pos; } #else void CPathFind::CalcNodeCoors(float x, float y, float z, int id, CVector *out) { CVector pos; pos.x = x; pos.y = y; pos.z = z; *out = m_mapObjects[id]->GetMatrix() * pos; } #endif //--MIAMI: done bool CPathFind::LoadPathFindData(void) { CFileMgr::SetDir(""); return false; } //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::PreparePathData(void) { int i, j, k; int numExtern, numIntern, numLanes; float maxX, maxY; CTempNode *tempNodes; printf("PreparePathData\n"); if(!CPathFind::LoadPathFindData() && // empty InfoForTileCars && InfoForTilePeds && #ifndef MIAMI DetachedNodesCars && DetachedNodesPeds #else DetachedInfoForTileCars && DetachedInfoForTilePeds && TempExternalNodes #endif ){ tempNodes = new CTempNode[NUMTEMPNODES]; m_numConnections = 0; #ifndef MIAMI for(i = 0; i < PATHNODESIZE; i++) m_pathNodes[i].unkBits = 0; #endif for(i = 0; i < PATHNODESIZE; i++){ numExtern = 0; numIntern = 0; for(j = 0; j < 12; j++){ if(InfoForTileCars[i*12 + j].type == NodeTypeExtern) numExtern++; if(InfoForTileCars[i*12 + j].type == NodeTypeIntern) numIntern++; } if(numIntern > 1 && numExtern != 2) printf("ILLEGAL BLOCK. MORE THAN 1 INTERNALS AND NOT 2 EXTERNALS (Modelindex:%d)\n", i); } #ifdef MIAMI int numExternDetached, numInternDetached; for(i = 0; i < NUMDETACHED_CARS; i++){ numExternDetached = 0; numInternDetached = 0; for(j = 0; j < 12; j++){ if(DetachedInfoForTileCars[i*12 + j].type == NodeTypeExtern) numExternDetached++; if(DetachedInfoForTilePeds[i*12 + j].type == NodeTypeIntern) numInternDetached++; } // no diagnostic here } #endif for(i = 0; i < PATHNODESIZE; i++) for(j = 0; j < 12; j++) if(InfoForTileCars[i*12 + j].type == NodeTypeExtern){ // MIAMI has MI:%d here but no argument for it if(InfoForTileCars[i*12 + j].numLeftLanes < 0) printf("ILLEGAL BLOCK. NEGATIVE NUMBER OF LANES (Obj:%d)\n", i); if(InfoForTileCars[i*12 + j].numRightLanes < 0) printf("ILLEGAL BLOCK. NEGATIVE NUMBER OF LANES (Obj:%d)\n", i); if(InfoForTileCars[i*12 + j].numLeftLanes + InfoForTileCars[i*12 + j].numRightLanes <= 0) printf("ILLEGAL BLOCK. NO LANES IN NODE (Obj:%d)\n", i); } #ifdef MIAMI for(i = 0; i < NUMDETACHED_CARS; i++) for(j = 0; j < 12; j++) if(DetachedInfoForTilePeds[i*12 + j].type == NodeTypeExtern){ // MI:%d here but no argument for it if(DetachedInfoForTilePeds[i*12 + j].numLeftLanes < 0) printf("ILLEGAL BLOCK. NEGATIVE NUMBER OF LANES (Obj:%d)\n", i); if(DetachedInfoForTilePeds[i*12 + j].numRightLanes < 0) printf("ILLEGAL BLOCK. NEGATIVE NUMBER OF LANES (Obj:%d)\n", i); if(DetachedInfoForTilePeds[i*12 + j].numLeftLanes + DetachedInfoForTilePeds[i*12 + j].numRightLanes <= 0) printf("ILLEGAL BLOCK. NO LANES IN NODE (Obj:%d)\n", i); } #endif m_numPathNodes = 0; #ifndef MIAMI PreparePathDataForType(PATH_CAR, tempNodes, InfoForTileCars, 1.0f, DetachedNodesCars, NUMDETACHED_CARS); m_numCarPathNodes = m_numPathNodes; PreparePathDataForType(PATH_PED, tempNodes, InfoForTilePeds, 1.0f, DetachedNodesPeds, NUMDETACHED_PEDS); #else PreparePathDataForType(PATH_CAR, tempNodes, InfoForTileCars, 1.0f, DetachedInfoForTileCars, NumDetachedCarNodeGroups); m_numCarPathNodes = m_numPathNodes; PreparePathDataForType(PATH_PED, tempNodes, InfoForTilePeds, 1.0f, DetachedInfoForTilePeds, NumDetachedPedNodeGroups); #endif m_numPedPathNodes = m_numPathNodes - m_numCarPathNodes; #ifndef MIAMI // TODO: figure out what exactly is going on here // Some roads seem to get a west/east flag for(i = 0; i < m_numMapObjects; i++){ numExtern = 0; numIntern = 0; numLanes = 0; maxX = 0.0f; maxY = 0.0f; for(j = 0; j < 12; j++){ k = i*12 + j; if(InfoForTileCars[k].type == NodeTypeExtern){ numExtern++; if(InfoForTileCars[k].numLeftLanes + InfoForTileCars[k].numRightLanes > numLanes) numLanes = InfoForTileCars[k].numLeftLanes + InfoForTileCars[k].numRightLanes; maxX = Max(maxX, Abs(InfoForTileCars[k].x)); maxY = Max(maxY, Abs(InfoForTileCars[k].y)); }else if(InfoForTileCars[k].type == NodeTypeIntern) numIntern++; } if(numIntern == 1 && numExtern == 2){ if(numLanes < 4){ if((i & 7) == 4){ // WHAT? m_objectFlags[i] |= UseInRoadBlock; if(maxX > maxY) m_objectFlags[i] |= ObjectEastWest; else m_objectFlags[i] &= ~ObjectEastWest; } }else{ m_objectFlags[i] |= UseInRoadBlock; if(maxX > maxY) m_objectFlags[i] |= ObjectEastWest; else m_objectFlags[i] &= ~ObjectEastWest; } } } #endif delete[] tempNodes; CountFloodFillGroups(PATH_CAR); CountFloodFillGroups(PATH_PED); delete[] InfoForTileCars; InfoForTileCars = nil; delete[] InfoForTilePeds; InfoForTilePeds = nil; #ifndef MIAMI delete[] DetachedNodesCars; DetachedNodesCars = nil; delete[] DetachedNodesPeds; DetachedNodesPeds = nil; #else delete[] DetachedInfoForTileCars; DetachedInfoForTileCars = nil; delete[] DetachedInfoForTilePeds; DetachedInfoForTilePeds = nil; delete[] TempExternalNodes; TempExternalNodes = nil; #endif } printf("Done with PreparePathData\n"); } //--MIAMI: done /* String together connected nodes in a list by a flood fill algorithm */ void CPathFind::CountFloodFillGroups(uint8 type) { int start, end; int i, l; uint16 n; CPathNode *node, *prev; switch(type){ case PATH_CAR: start = 0; end = m_numCarPathNodes; break; case PATH_PED: start = m_numCarPathNodes; end = start + m_numPedPathNodes; break; } for(i = start; i < end; i++) m_pathNodes[i].group = 0; n = 0; for(;;){ n++; if(n > 1500){ for(i = start; m_pathNodes[i].group && i < end; i++); printf("NumNodes:%d Accounted for:%d\n", end - start, i - start); } // Look for unvisited node for(i = start; m_pathNodes[i].group && i < end; i++); if(i == end) break; node = &m_pathNodes[i]; node->SetNext(nil); node->group = n; if(node->numLinks == 0){ if(type == PATH_CAR) #ifndef MIAMI printf("Single car node: %f %f %f (%d)\n", node->GetX(), node->GetY(), node->GetZ(), m_mapObjects[node->objectIndex]->GetModelIndex()); #else printf("Single car node: %f %f %f\n", node->GetX(), node->GetY(), node->GetZ()); #endif else printf("Single ped node: %f %f %f\n", node->GetX(), node->GetY(), node->GetZ()); } while(node){ prev = node; node = node->GetNext(); for(i = 0; i < prev->numLinks; i++){ l = ConnectedNode(prev->firstLink + i); if(m_pathNodes[l].group == 0){ m_pathNodes[l].group = n; if(m_pathNodes[l].group == 0) m_pathNodes[l].group = INT8_MIN; m_pathNodes[l].SetNext(node); node = &m_pathNodes[l]; } } } } m_numGroups[type] = n-1; printf("GraphType:%d. FloodFill groups:%d\n", type, n); } int32 TempListLength; //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::PreparePathDataForType(uint8 type, CTempNode *tempnodes, CPathInfoForObject *objectpathinfo, #ifndef MIAMI float maxdist, CTempDetachedNode *detachednodes, int numDetached) #else float maxdist, CPathInfoForObject *detachednodes, int numDetached) #endif { static CVector CoorsXFormed; int i, j, k, l; int l1, l2; int start; float posx, posy; float dx, dy, mag; float nearestDist; int nearestId; int next; int oldNumPathNodes, oldNumLinks; float dist; int iseg, jseg; int istart, jstart; int done, cont; int tileStart; oldNumPathNodes = m_numPathNodes; oldNumLinks = m_numConnections; #ifndef MIAMI #define OBJECTINDEX(n) (m_pathNodes[(n)].objectIndex) // Initialize map objects for(i = 0; i < m_numMapObjects; i++) for(j = 0; j < 12; j++) m_mapObjects[i]->m_nodeIndices[type][j] = -1; #else #define OBJECTINDEX(n) (mapObjIndices[(n)]) int16 *mapObjIndices = new int16[NUM_PATHNODES]; NumTempExternalNodes = 0; #endif // Calculate internal nodes, store them and connect them to defining object for(i = 0; i < m_numMapObjects; i++){ tileStart = m_numPathNodes; start = 12 * m_mapObjects[i]->GetModelIndex(); for(j = 0; j < 12; j++){ if(objectpathinfo[start + j].type == NodeTypeIntern){ CalcNodeCoors( objectpathinfo[start + j].x, objectpathinfo[start + j].y, objectpathinfo[start + j].z, i, &CoorsXFormed); m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].SetPosition(CoorsXFormed); OBJECTINDEX(m_numPathNodes) = i; #ifndef MIAMI m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].unkBits = 1; m_mapObjects[i]->m_nodeIndices[type][j] = m_numPathNodes; #else m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].width = objectpathinfo[start + j].width; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].speedLimit = objectpathinfo[start + j].speedLimit; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].spawnRate = objectpathinfo[start + j].spawnRate; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].bUseInRoadBlock = objectpathinfo[start + j].roadBlock; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].bDisabled = objectpathinfo[start + j].disabled; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].bWaterPath = objectpathinfo[start + j].waterPath; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].flagB2 = objectpathinfo[start + j].flag02; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].bBetweenLevels = objectpathinfo[start + j].betweenLevels; #endif m_numPathNodes++; } #ifdef MIAMI else if(objectpathinfo[start + j].type == NodeTypeExtern){ CalcNodeCoors( objectpathinfo[start + j].x, objectpathinfo[start + j].y, objectpathinfo[start + j].z, i, &CoorsXFormed); TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].pos = CoorsXFormed; assert(objectpathinfo[start + j].next >= 0); TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].next = tileStart + objectpathinfo[start + j].next; TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].numLeftLanes = objectpathinfo[start + j].numLeftLanes; TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].numRightLanes = objectpathinfo[start + j].numRightLanes; TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].width = objectpathinfo[start + j].width; TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].isCross = !!objectpathinfo[start + j].crossing; NumTempExternalNodes++; } #endif } } #ifdef MIAMI // Same thing for detached nodes for(i = 0; i < numDetached; i++){ tileStart = m_numPathNodes; start = 12*i; for(j = 0; j < 12; j++){ if(detachednodes[start + j].type == NodeTypeIntern){ CVector pos; pos.x = detachednodes[start + j].x; pos.y = detachednodes[start + j].y; pos.z = detachednodes[start + j].z; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].SetPosition(pos); mapObjIndices[m_numPathNodes] = -(i+1); m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].width = detachednodes[start + j].width; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].speedLimit = detachednodes[start + j].speedLimit; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].spawnRate = detachednodes[start + j].spawnRate; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].bUseInRoadBlock = detachednodes[start + j].roadBlock; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].bDisabled = detachednodes[start + j].disabled; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].bWaterPath = detachednodes[start + j].waterPath; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].flagB2 = detachednodes[start + j].flag02; m_pathNodes[m_numPathNodes].bBetweenLevels = detachednodes[start + j].betweenLevels; m_numPathNodes++; }else if(detachednodes[start + j].type == NodeTypeExtern){ TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].pos.x = detachednodes[start + j].x; TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].pos.y = detachednodes[start + j].y; TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].pos.z = detachednodes[start + j].z; assert(detachednodes[start + j].next >= 0); TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].next = tileStart + detachednodes[start + j].next; TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].numLeftLanes = detachednodes[start + j].numLeftLanes; TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].numRightLanes = detachednodes[start + j].numRightLanes; TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].width = detachednodes[start + j].width; TempExternalNodes[NumTempExternalNodes].isCross = !!detachednodes[start + j].crossing; NumTempExternalNodes++; } } } #endif // Insert external nodes into TempList TempListLength = 0; #ifndef MIAMI for(i = 0; i < m_numMapObjects; i++){ start = 12 * m_mapObjects[i]->GetModelIndex(); for(j = 0; j < 12; j++){ if(objectpathinfo[start + j].type != NodeTypeExtern) continue; CalcNodeCoors( objectpathinfo[start + j].x, objectpathinfo[start + j].y, objectpathinfo[start + j].z, i, &CoorsXFormed); // find closest unconnected node nearestId = -1; nearestDist = maxdist; for(k = 0; k < TempListLength; k++){ if(tempnodes[k].linkState != 1) continue; dx = tempnodes[k].pos.x - CoorsXFormed.x; if(Abs(dx) < nearestDist){ dy = tempnodes[k].pos.y - CoorsXFormed.y; if(Abs(dy) < nearestDist){ nearestDist = Max(Abs(dx), Abs(dy)); nearestId = k; } } } if(nearestId < 0){ // None found, add this one to temp list tempnodes[TempListLength].pos = CoorsXFormed; next = objectpathinfo[start + j].next; if(next < 0){ // no link from this node, find link to this node next = 0; for(k = start; j != objectpathinfo[k].next; k++) next++; } // link to connecting internal node tempnodes[TempListLength].link1 = m_mapObjects[i]->m_nodeIndices[type][next]; if(type == PATH_CAR){ tempnodes[TempListLength].numLeftLanes = objectpathinfo[start + j].numLeftLanes; tempnodes[TempListLength].numRightLanes = objectpathinfo[start + j].numRightLanes; } tempnodes[TempListLength++].linkState = 1; }else{ // Found nearest, connect it to our neighbour next = objectpathinfo[start + j].next; if(next < 0){ // no link from this node, find link to this node next = 0; for(k = start; j != objectpathinfo[k].next; k++) next++; } tempnodes[nearestId].link2 = m_mapObjects[i]->m_nodeIndices[type][next]; tempnodes[nearestId].linkState = 2; // collapse this node with nearest we found dx = m_pathNodes[tempnodes[nearestId].link1].GetX() - m_pathNodes[tempnodes[nearestId].link2].GetX(); dy = m_pathNodes[tempnodes[nearestId].link1].GetY() - m_pathNodes[tempnodes[nearestId].link2].GetY(); tempnodes[nearestId].pos = (tempnodes[nearestId].pos + CoorsXFormed)*0.5f; mag = Sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); tempnodes[nearestId].dirX = dx/mag; tempnodes[nearestId].dirY = dy/mag; // do something when number of lanes doesn't agree if(type == PATH_CAR) if(tempnodes[nearestId].numLeftLanes != 0 && tempnodes[nearestId].numRightLanes != 0 && (objectpathinfo[start + j].numLeftLanes == 0 || objectpathinfo[start + j].numRightLanes == 0)){ // why switch left and right here? tempnodes[nearestId].numLeftLanes = objectpathinfo[start + j].numRightLanes; tempnodes[nearestId].numRightLanes = objectpathinfo[start + j].numLeftLanes; } } } } #else for(i = 0; i < NumTempExternalNodes; i++){ // find closest unconnected node nearestId = -1; nearestDist = maxdist; for(k = 0; k < TempListLength; k++){ if(tempnodes[k].linkState != 1) continue; dx = tempnodes[k].pos.x - TempExternalNodes[i].pos.x; if(Abs(dx) < nearestDist){ dy = tempnodes[k].pos.y - TempExternalNodes[i].pos.y; if(Abs(dy) < nearestDist){ nearestDist = Max(Abs(dx), Abs(dy)); nearestId = k; } } } if(nearestId < 0){ // None found, add this one to temp list tempnodes[TempListLength].pos = TempExternalNodes[i].pos; // link to connecting internal node tempnodes[TempListLength].link1 = TempExternalNodes[i].next; if(type == PATH_CAR){ tempnodes[TempListLength].numLeftLanes = TempExternalNodes[i].numLeftLanes; tempnodes[TempListLength].numRightLanes = TempExternalNodes[i].numRightLanes; } tempnodes[TempListLength].width = TempExternalNodes[i].width; tempnodes[TempListLength].isCross = TempExternalNodes[i].isCross; tempnodes[TempListLength++].linkState = 1; }else{ // Found nearest, connect it to our neighbour tempnodes[nearestId].link2 = TempExternalNodes[i].next; tempnodes[nearestId].linkState = 2; // collapse this node with nearest we found dx = m_pathNodes[tempnodes[nearestId].link1].GetX() - m_pathNodes[tempnodes[nearestId].link2].GetX(); dy = m_pathNodes[tempnodes[nearestId].link1].GetY() - m_pathNodes[tempnodes[nearestId].link2].GetY(); tempnodes[nearestId].pos = (tempnodes[nearestId].pos + TempExternalNodes[i].pos)*0.5f; mag = Sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); tempnodes[nearestId].dirX = dx/mag * 100; tempnodes[nearestId].dirY = dy/mag * 100; tempnodes[nearestId].width = Max(tempnodes[nearestId].width, TempExternalNodes[i].width); if(TempExternalNodes[i].isCross) tempnodes[nearestId].isCross = true; // TODO: is this guaranteed to be false otherwise? // do something when number of lanes doesn't agree if(type == PATH_CAR) if(tempnodes[nearestId].numLeftLanes != 0 && tempnodes[nearestId].numRightLanes != 0 && (TempExternalNodes[i].numLeftLanes == 0 || TempExternalNodes[i].numRightLanes == 0)){ // why switch left and right here? tempnodes[nearestId].numLeftLanes = TempExternalNodes[i].numRightLanes; tempnodes[nearestId].numRightLanes = TempExternalNodes[i].numLeftLanes; } } } #endif // Loop through previously added internal nodes and link them for(i = oldNumPathNodes; i < m_numPathNodes; i++){ // Init link m_pathNodes[i].numLinks = 0; m_pathNodes[i].firstLink = m_numConnections; // See if node connects to external nodes for(j = 0; j < TempListLength; j++){ if(tempnodes[j].linkState != 2) continue; // Add link to other side of the external // NB this clears the flags in MIAMI if(tempnodes[j].link1 == i) m_connections[m_numConnections] = tempnodes[j].link2; else if(tempnodes[j].link2 == i) m_connections[m_numConnections] = tempnodes[j].link1; else continue; dist = (m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition() - m_pathNodes[ConnectedNode(m_numConnections)].GetPosition()).Magnitude(); #ifndef MIAMI m_distances[m_numConnections] = dist; m_connectionFlags[m_numConnections].flags = 0; #else m_distances[m_numConnections] = Min(dist, 255); if(tempnodes[j].isCross) m_connections[j] |= 0x8000; // crosses road flag #endif if(type == PATH_CAR){ // IMPROVE: use a goto here // Find existing car path link for(k = 0; k < m_numCarPathLinks; k++){ #ifndef MIAMI if(m_carPathLinks[k].dir.x == tempnodes[j].dirX && m_carPathLinks[k].dir.y == tempnodes[j].dirY && m_carPathLinks[k].pos.x == tempnodes[j].pos.x && m_carPathLinks[k].pos.y == tempnodes[j].pos.y){ #else if(m_carPathLinks[k].dirX == tempnodes[j].dirX && m_carPathLinks[k].dirY == tempnodes[j].dirY && m_carPathLinks[k].x == (int)(tempnodes[j].pos.x*8.0f) && m_carPathLinks[k].y == (int)(tempnodes[j].pos.y*8.0f)){ #endif m_carPathConnections[m_numConnections] = k; k = m_numCarPathLinks; } } // k is m_numCarPathLinks+1 if we found one if(k == m_numCarPathLinks){ #ifndef MIAMI m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].dir.x = tempnodes[j].dirX; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].dir.y = tempnodes[j].dirY; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].pos.x = tempnodes[j].pos.x; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].pos.y = tempnodes[j].pos.y; #else m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].dirX = tempnodes[j].dirX; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].dirY = tempnodes[j].dirY; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].x = tempnodes[j].pos.x*8.0f; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].y = tempnodes[j].pos.y*8.0f; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].flag1 = false; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].width = tempnodes[j].width; #endif m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].pathNodeIndex = i; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].numLeftLanes = tempnodes[j].numLeftLanes; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].numRightLanes = tempnodes[j].numRightLanes; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].trafficLightType = 0; assert(m_numCarPathLinks <= NUM_CARPATHLINKS); m_carPathConnections[m_numConnections] = m_numCarPathLinks++; } } m_pathNodes[i].numLinks++; m_numConnections++; } #ifdef MIAMI CPathInfoForObject *tile; if(mapObjIndices[i] < 0){ if(type == PATH_CAR) tile = &DetachedInfoForTileCars[12 * (-1 - mapObjIndices[i])]; else tile = &DetachedInfoForTilePeds[12 * (-1 - mapObjIndices[i])]; }else{ if(type == PATH_CAR) tile = &InfoForTileCars[12 * m_mapObjects[mapObjIndices[i]]->GetModelIndex()]; else tile = &InfoForTilePeds[12 * m_mapObjects[mapObjIndices[i]]->GetModelIndex()]; } #endif // Find i inside path segment iseg = 0; for(j = Max(oldNumPathNodes, i-12); j < i; j++) if(OBJECTINDEX(j) == OBJECTINDEX(i)) iseg++; #ifndef MIAMI istart = 12 * m_mapObjects[m_pathNodes[i].objectIndex]->GetModelIndex(); #endif // Add links to other internal nodes for(j = Max(oldNumPathNodes, i-12); j < Min(m_numPathNodes, i+12); j++){ if(OBJECTINDEX(i) != OBJECTINDEX(j) || i == j) continue; // N.B.: in every path segment, the externals have to be at the end jseg = j-i + iseg; #ifndef MIAMI jstart = 12 * m_mapObjects[m_pathNodes[j].objectIndex]->GetModelIndex(); if(objectpathinfo[istart + iseg].next == jseg || objectpathinfo[jstart + jseg].next == iseg){ #else if(tile[iseg].next == jseg || tile[jseg].next == iseg){ #endif // Found a link between i and jConnectionSetCrossesRoad // NB this clears the flags in MIAMI m_connections[m_numConnections] = j; dist = (m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition() - m_pathNodes[j].GetPosition()).Magnitude(); #ifndef MIAMI m_distances[m_numConnections] = dist; #else m_distances[m_numConnections] = Min(dist, 255); #endif if(type == PATH_CAR){ posx = (m_pathNodes[i].GetX() + m_pathNodes[j].GetX())*0.5f; posy = (m_pathNodes[i].GetY() + m_pathNodes[j].GetY())*0.5f; dx = m_pathNodes[j].GetX() - m_pathNodes[i].GetX(); dy = m_pathNodes[j].GetY() - m_pathNodes[i].GetY(); mag = Sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); dx /= mag; dy /= mag; #ifdef MIAMI int width = Max(m_pathNodes[i].width, m_pathNodes[j].width); #endif if(i < j){ dx = -dx; dy = -dy; } // IMPROVE: use a goto here // Find existing car path link for(k = 0; k < m_numCarPathLinks; k++){ #ifndef MIAMI if(m_carPathLinks[k].dir.x == dx && m_carPathLinks[k].dir.y == dy && m_carPathLinks[k].pos.x == posx && m_carPathLinks[k].pos.y == posy){ #else if(m_carPathLinks[k].dirX == (int)(dx*100.0f) && m_carPathLinks[k].dirY == (int)(dy*100.0f) && m_carPathLinks[k].x == (int)(posx*8.0f) && m_carPathLinks[k].y == (int)(posy*8.0f)){ #endif m_carPathConnections[m_numConnections] = k; k = m_numCarPathLinks; } } // k is m_numCarPathLinks+1 if we found one if(k == m_numCarPathLinks){ #ifndef MIAMI m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].dir.x = dx; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].dir.y = dy; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].pos.x = posx; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].pos.y = posy; #else m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].dirX = dx*100.0f; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].dirY = dy*100.0f; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].x = posx*8.0f; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].y = posy*8.0f; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].flag1 = false; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].width = width; #endif m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].pathNodeIndex = i; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].numLeftLanes = -1; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].numRightLanes = -1; m_carPathLinks[m_numCarPathLinks].trafficLightType = 0; assert(m_numCarPathLinks <= NUM_CARPATHLINKS); m_carPathConnections[m_numConnections] = m_numCarPathLinks++; } }else{ // Crosses road #ifndef MIAMI if(objectpathinfo[istart + iseg].next == jseg && objectpathinfo[istart + iseg].crossing || objectpathinfo[jstart + jseg].next == iseg && objectpathinfo[jstart + jseg].crossing) m_connectionFlags[m_numConnections].bCrossesRoad = true; else m_connectionFlags[m_numConnections].bCrossesRoad = false; #else if(tile[iseg].next == jseg && tile[iseg].crossing || tile[jseg].next == iseg && tile[jseg].crossing) m_connections[m_numConnections] |= 0x8000; // crosses road flag #endif } m_pathNodes[i].numLinks++; m_numConnections++; } } } if(type == PATH_CAR){ done = 0; // Set number of lanes for all nodes somehow // very strange code #ifndef MIAMI for(k = 0; !done && k < 10; k++){ #else for(k = 0; !done && k < 12; k++){ #endif done = 1; for(i = 0; i < m_numPathNodes; i++){ if(m_pathNodes[i].numLinks != 2) continue; l1 = m_carPathConnections[m_pathNodes[i].firstLink]; l2 = m_carPathConnections[m_pathNodes[i].firstLink+1]; #ifndef MIAMI if(m_carPathLinks[l1].numLeftLanes == -1 && m_carPathLinks[l2].numLeftLanes != -1){ done = 0; if(m_carPathLinks[l2].pathNodeIndex == i){ // why switch left and right here? m_carPathLinks[l1].numLeftLanes = m_carPathLinks[l2].numRightLanes; m_carPathLinks[l1].numRightLanes = m_carPathLinks[l2].numLeftLanes; }else{ m_carPathLinks[l1].numLeftLanes = m_carPathLinks[l2].numLeftLanes; m_carPathLinks[l1].numRightLanes = m_carPathLinks[l2].numRightLanes; } m_carPathLinks[l1].pathNodeIndex = i; }else if(m_carPathLinks[l1].numLeftLanes != -1 && m_carPathLinks[l2].numLeftLanes == -1){ done = 0; if(m_carPathLinks[l1].pathNodeIndex == i){ // why switch left and right here? m_carPathLinks[l2].numLeftLanes = m_carPathLinks[l1].numRightLanes; m_carPathLinks[l2].numRightLanes = m_carPathLinks[l1].numLeftLanes; }else{ m_carPathLinks[l2].numLeftLanes = m_carPathLinks[l1].numLeftLanes; m_carPathLinks[l2].numRightLanes = m_carPathLinks[l1].numRightLanes; } m_carPathLinks[l2].pathNodeIndex = i; }else if(m_carPathLinks[l1].numLeftLanes == -1 && m_carPathLinks[l2].numLeftLanes == -1) done = 0; #else int8 l1Left = m_carPathLinks[l1].numLeftLanes; int8 l1Right = m_carPathLinks[l1].numRightLanes; int8 l2Left = m_carPathLinks[l2].numLeftLanes; int8 l2Right = m_carPathLinks[l2].numRightLanes; int8 *l1Leftp, *l1Rightp; int8 *l2Leftp, *l2Rightp; if(m_carPathLinks[l1].pathNodeIndex == i){ l1Leftp = &l1Left; l1Rightp = &l1Right; }else{ l1Leftp = &l1Right; l1Rightp = &l1Left; } if(m_carPathLinks[l2].pathNodeIndex == i){ l2Leftp = &l2Left; l2Rightp = &l2Right; }else{ l2Leftp = &l2Right; l2Rightp = &l2Left; } if(*l1Leftp == -1 && *l2Rightp != -1){ *l1Leftp = *l2Rightp; done = 0; } if(*l1Rightp == -1 && *l2Leftp != -1){ *l1Rightp = *l2Leftp; done = 0; } if(*l2Leftp == -1 && *l1Rightp != -1){ *l2Leftp = *l1Rightp; done = 0; } if(*l2Rightp == -1 && *l1Leftp != -1){ *l2Rightp = *l1Leftp; done = 0; } if(*l1Leftp == -1 && *l2Rightp == -1) done = 0; if(*l2Leftp == -1 && *l1Rightp == -1) done = 0; m_carPathLinks[l1].numLeftLanes = l1Left; m_carPathLinks[l1].numRightLanes = l1Right; m_carPathLinks[l2].numLeftLanes = l2Left; m_carPathLinks[l2].numRightLanes = l2Right; #endif } } // Fall back to default values for number of lanes for(i = 0; i < m_numPathNodes; i++) for(j = 0; j < m_pathNodes[i].numLinks; j++){ k = m_carPathConnections[m_pathNodes[i].firstLink + j]; #ifndef MIAMI if(m_carPathLinks[k].numLeftLanes < 0) m_carPathLinks[k].numLeftLanes = 1; if(m_carPathLinks[k].numRightLanes < 0) m_carPathLinks[k].numRightLanes = 1; #else if(m_carPathLinks[k].numLeftLanes == -1) m_carPathLinks[k].numLeftLanes = 0; if(m_carPathLinks[k].numRightLanes == -1) m_carPathLinks[k].numRightLanes = 0; #endif } } // Set flags for car nodes if(type == PATH_CAR){ do{ cont = 0; for(i = 0; i < m_numPathNodes; i++){ #ifndef MIAMI m_pathNodes[i].bDisabled = false; m_pathNodes[i].bBetweenLevels = false; #endif // See if node is a dead end, if so, we're not done yet if(!m_pathNodes[i].bDeadEnd){ k = 0; for(j = 0; j < m_pathNodes[i].numLinks; j++) if(!m_pathNodes[ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[i].firstLink + j)].bDeadEnd) k++; if(k < 2){ m_pathNodes[i].bDeadEnd = true; cont = 1; } } } }while(cont); } // Remove isolated ped nodes if(type == PATH_PED) for(i = oldNumPathNodes; i < m_numPathNodes; i++){ if(m_pathNodes[i].numLinks != 0) continue; // Remove node for(j = i; j < m_numPathNodes-1; j++) m_pathNodes[j] = m_pathNodes[j+1]; // Fix links for(j = oldNumLinks; j < m_numConnections; j++){ int node = ConnectedNode(j); if(node >= i) m_connections[j] = node-1; } #ifndef MIAMI // Also in treadables for(j = 0; j < m_numMapObjects; j++) for(k = 0; k < 12; k++){ if(m_mapObjects[j]->m_nodeIndices[PATH_PED][k] == i){ // remove this one for(l = k; l < 12-1; l++) m_mapObjects[j]->m_nodeIndices[PATH_PED][l] = m_mapObjects[j]->m_nodeIndices[PATH_PED][l+1]; m_mapObjects[j]->m_nodeIndices[PATH_PED][11] = -1; }else if(m_mapObjects[j]->m_nodeIndices[PATH_PED][k] > i) m_mapObjects[j]->m_nodeIndices[PATH_PED][k]--; } #endif i--; m_numPathNodes--; } #ifdef MIAMI delete[] mapObjIndices; #endif } //--MIAMI: done float CPathFind::CalcRoadDensity(float x, float y) { int i, j; float density = 0.0f; for(i = 0; i < m_numCarPathNodes; i++){ if(Abs(m_pathNodes[i].GetX() - x) < 80.0f && Abs(m_pathNodes[i].GetY() - y) < 80.0f && m_pathNodes[i].numLinks > 0){ for(j = 0; j < m_pathNodes[i].numLinks; j++){ int next = ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[i].firstLink + j); float dist = (m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition() - m_pathNodes[next].GetPosition()).Magnitude2D(); next = m_carPathConnections[m_pathNodes[i].firstLink + j]; density += m_carPathLinks[next].numLeftLanes * dist; density += m_carPathLinks[next].numRightLanes * dist; #ifndef MIAMI if(m_carPathLinks[next].numLeftLanes < 0) printf("Link from object %d to %d (MIs)\n", m_mapObjects[m_pathNodes[i].objectIndex]->GetModelIndex(), m_mapObjects[m_pathNodes[ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[i].firstLink + j)].objectIndex]->GetModelIndex()); if(m_carPathLinks[next].numRightLanes < 0) printf("Link from object %d to %d (MIs)\n", m_mapObjects[m_pathNodes[i].objectIndex]->GetModelIndex(), m_mapObjects[m_pathNodes[ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[i].firstLink + j)].objectIndex]->GetModelIndex()); #endif } } } return density/2500.0f; } //--MIAMI: done bool CPathFind::TestForPedTrafficLight(CPathNode *n1, CPathNode *n2) { int i; for(i = 0; i < n1->numLinks; i++) if(&m_pathNodes[ConnectedNode(n1->firstLink + i)] == n2) return ConnectionHasTrafficLight(n1->firstLink + i); return false; } //--MIAMI: done bool CPathFind::TestCrossesRoad(CPathNode *n1, CPathNode *n2) { int i; for(i = 0; i < n1->numLinks; i++) if(&m_pathNodes[ConnectedNode(n1->firstLink + i)] == n2) return ConnectionCrossesRoad(n1->firstLink + i); return false; } //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::AddNodeToList(CPathNode *node, int32 listId) { int i = listId & 0x1FF; node->SetNext(m_searchNodes[i].GetNext()); node->SetPrev(&m_searchNodes[i]); if(m_searchNodes[i].GetNext()) m_searchNodes[i].GetNext()->SetPrev(node); m_searchNodes[i].SetNext(node); node->distance = listId; } //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::RemoveNodeFromList(CPathNode *node) { node->GetPrev()->SetNext(node->GetNext()); if(node->GetNext()) node->GetNext()->SetPrev(node->GetPrev()); } //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::RemoveBadStartNode(CVector pos, CPathNode **nodes, int16 *n) { int i; if(*n < 2) return; if(DotProduct2D(nodes[1]->GetPosition() - pos, nodes[0]->GetPosition() - pos) < 0.0f){ (*n)--; for(i = 0; i < *n; i++) nodes[i] = nodes[i+1]; } } void CPathFind::SetLinksBridgeLights(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2, bool enable) { int i; for(i = 0; i < m_numCarPathLinks; i++){ CVector2D pos = m_carPathLinks[i].GetPosition(); if(x1 < pos.x && pos.x < x2 && y1 < pos.y && pos.y < y2) m_carPathLinks[i].bBridgeLights = enable; } } //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::SwitchOffNodeAndNeighbours(int32 nodeId, bool disable) { int i, next; m_pathNodes[nodeId].bDisabled = disable; if(m_pathNodes[nodeId].numLinks < 3) for(i = 0; i < m_pathNodes[nodeId].numLinks; i++){ next = ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[nodeId].firstLink + i); if(m_pathNodes[next].bDisabled != disable && m_pathNodes[next].numLinks < 3) SwitchOffNodeAndNeighbours(next, disable); } } //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::SwitchRoadsOffInArea(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2, float z1, float z2, bool disable) { int i; for(i = 0; i < m_numCarPathNodes; i++){ CVector pos = m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition(); if(x1 <= pos.x && pos.x <= x2 && y1 <= pos.y && pos.y <= y2 && z1 <= pos.z && pos.z <= z2 && disable != m_pathNodes[i].bDisabled) SwitchOffNodeAndNeighbours(i, disable); } } //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::SwitchPedRoadsOffInArea(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2, float z1, float z2, bool disable) { int i; for(i = m_numCarPathNodes; i < m_numPathNodes; i++){ CVector pos = m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition(); if(x1 <= pos.x && pos.x <= x2 && y1 <= pos.y && pos.y <= y2 && z1 <= pos.z && pos.z <= z2 && disable != m_pathNodes[i].bDisabled) SwitchOffNodeAndNeighbours(i, disable); } } //--MIAMI: unused (still needed for script here) void CPathFind::SwitchRoadsInAngledArea(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float length, uint8 type, uint8 mode) { int i; int firstNode, lastNode; // this is NOT PATH_CAR if(type != 0){ firstNode = 0; lastNode = m_numCarPathNodes; }else{ firstNode = m_numCarPathNodes; lastNode = m_numPathNodes; } if(z1 > z2){ float tmp = z2; z2 = z1; z1 = tmp; } // angle of vector from p2 to p1 float angle = CGeneral::GetRadianAngleBetweenPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2) + HALFPI; while(angle < 0.0f) angle += TWOPI; while(angle > TWOPI) angle -= TWOPI; // vector from p1 to p2 CVector2D v12(x2 - x1, y2 - y1); float len12 = v12.Magnitude(); v12 /= len12; // vector from p2 to new point p3 CVector2D v23(Sin(angle)*length, -(Cos(angle)*length)); v23 /= v23.Magnitude(); // obivously just 'length' but whatever bool disable = mode == SWITCH_OFF; for(i = firstNode; i < lastNode; i++){ CVector pos = m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition(); if(pos.z < z1 || pos.z > z2) continue; CVector2D d(pos.x - x1, pos.y - y1); float dot = DotProduct2D(d, v12); if(dot < 0.0f || dot > len12) continue; dot = DotProduct2D(d, v23); if(dot < 0.0f || dot > length) continue; if(m_pathNodes[i].bDisabled != disable) SwitchOffNodeAndNeighbours(i, disable); } } //--MIAMI: unused (still needed for script here) void CPathFind::MarkRoadsBetweenLevelsNodeAndNeighbours(int32 nodeId) { int i, next; m_pathNodes[nodeId].bBetweenLevels = true; if(m_pathNodes[nodeId].numLinks < 3) for(i = 0; i < m_pathNodes[nodeId].numLinks; i++){ next = ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[nodeId].firstLink + i); if(!m_pathNodes[next].bBetweenLevels && m_pathNodes[next].numLinks < 3) MarkRoadsBetweenLevelsNodeAndNeighbours(next); } } //--MIAMI: unused (still needed for script here) void CPathFind::MarkRoadsBetweenLevelsInArea(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2, float z1, float z2) { int i; for(i = 0; i < m_numPathNodes; i++){ CVector pos = m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition(); if(x1 < pos.x && pos.x < x2 && y1 < pos.y && pos.y < y2 && z1 < pos.z && pos.z < z2) MarkRoadsBetweenLevelsNodeAndNeighbours(i); } } //--MIAMI: unused (still needed for script here) void CPathFind::PedMarkRoadsBetweenLevelsInArea(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2, float z1, float z2) { int i; for(i = m_numCarPathNodes; i < m_numPathNodes; i++){ CVector pos = m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition(); if(x1 < pos.x && pos.x < x2 && y1 < pos.y && pos.y < y2 && z1 < pos.z && pos.z < z2) MarkRoadsBetweenLevelsNodeAndNeighbours(i); } } //--MIAMI: done #ifndef MIAMI int32 CPathFind::FindNodeClosestToCoors(CVector coors, uint8 type, float distLimit, bool ignoreDisabled, bool ignoreBetweenLevels) #else int32 CPathFind::FindNodeClosestToCoors(CVector coors, uint8 type, float distLimit, bool ignoreDisabled, bool ignoreBetweenLevels, bool ignoreFlagB4, bool bWaterPath) #endif { int i; int firstNode, lastNode; float dist; float closestDist = 10000.0f; int closestNode = 0; switch(type){ case PATH_CAR: firstNode = 0; lastNode = m_numCarPathNodes; break; case PATH_PED: firstNode = m_numCarPathNodes; lastNode = m_numPathNodes; break; } for(i = firstNode; i < lastNode; i++){ if(ignoreDisabled && m_pathNodes[i].bDisabled) continue; if(ignoreBetweenLevels && m_pathNodes[i].bBetweenLevels) continue; #ifndef MIAMI switch(m_pathNodes[i].unkBits){ case 1: case 2: #else if(ignoreFlagB4 && m_pathNodes[i].flagB4) continue; if(bWaterPath != m_pathNodes[i].bWaterPath) continue; #endif dist = Abs(m_pathNodes[i].GetX() - coors.x) + Abs(m_pathNodes[i].GetY() - coors.y) + 3.0f*Abs(m_pathNodes[i].GetZ() - coors.z); if(dist < closestDist){ closestDist = dist; closestNode = i; } #ifndef MIAMI break; } #endif } return closestDist < distLimit ? closestNode : -1; } //--MIAMI: done int32 CPathFind::FindNodeClosestToCoorsFavourDirection(CVector coors, uint8 type, float dirX, float dirY) { int i; int firstNode, lastNode; float dist, dX, dY; NormalizeXY(dirX, dirY); float closestDist = 10000.0f; int closestNode = 0; switch(type){ case PATH_CAR: firstNode = 0; lastNode = m_numCarPathNodes; break; case PATH_PED: firstNode = m_numCarPathNodes; lastNode = m_numPathNodes; break; } for(i = firstNode; i < lastNode; i++){ #ifndef MIAMI switch(m_pathNodes[i].unkBits){ case 1: case 2: #endif dX = m_pathNodes[i].GetX() - coors.x; dY = m_pathNodes[i].GetY() - coors.y; dist = Abs(dX) + Abs(dY) + 3.0f*Abs(m_pathNodes[i].GetZ() - coors.z); if(dist < closestDist){ NormalizeXY(dX, dY); dist -= (dX*dirX + dY*dirY - 1.0f)*20.0f; if(dist < closestDist){ closestDist = dist; closestNode = i; } } #ifndef MIAMI break; } #endif } return closestNode; } //--MIAMI: done float CPathFind::FindNodeOrientationForCarPlacement(int32 nodeId) { if(m_pathNodes[nodeId].numLinks == 0) return 0.0f; CVector dir = m_pathNodes[ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[nodeId].firstLink)].GetPosition() - m_pathNodes[nodeId].GetPosition(); dir.z = 0.0f; dir.Normalise(); return RADTODEG(dir.Heading()); } //--MIAMI: unused (still needed for script here) float CPathFind::FindNodeOrientationForCarPlacementFacingDestination(int32 nodeId, float x, float y, bool towards) { int i; CVector targetDir(x - m_pathNodes[nodeId].GetX(), y - m_pathNodes[nodeId].GetY(), 0.0f); targetDir.Normalise(); CVector dir; if(m_pathNodes[nodeId].numLinks == 0) return 0.0f; int bestNode = ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[nodeId].firstLink); #ifdef FIX_BUGS float bestDot = towards ? -2.0f : 2.0f; #else int bestDot = towards ? -2 : 2; // why int? #endif for(i = 0; i < m_pathNodes[nodeId].numLinks; i++){ dir = m_pathNodes[ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[nodeId].firstLink + i)].GetPosition() - m_pathNodes[nodeId].GetPosition(); dir.z = 0.0f; dir.Normalise(); float angle = DotProduct2D(dir, targetDir); if(towards){ if(angle > bestDot){ bestDot = angle; bestNode = ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[nodeId].firstLink + i); } }else{ if(angle < bestDot){ bestDot = angle; bestNode = ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[nodeId].firstLink + i); } } } dir = m_pathNodes[bestNode].GetPosition() - m_pathNodes[nodeId].GetPosition(); dir.z = 0.0f; dir.Normalise(); return RADTODEG(dir.Heading()); } // no "New" in MIAMI //--MIAMI: TODO bool CPathFind::NewGenerateCarCreationCoors(float x, float y, float dirX, float dirY, float spawnDist, float angleLimit, bool forward, CVector *pPosition, int32 *pNode1, int32 *pNode2, float *pPositionBetweenNodes, bool ignoreDisabled) { int i, j; int node1, node2; float dist1, dist2, d1, d2; if(m_numCarPathNodes == 0) return false; for(i = 0; i < 500; i++){ node1 = (CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()>>3) % m_numCarPathNodes; if(m_pathNodes[node1].bDisabled && !ignoreDisabled) continue; dist1 = Distance2D(m_pathNodes[node1].GetPosition(), x, y); if(dist1 < spawnDist + 60.0f){ d1 = dist1 - spawnDist; for(j = 0; j < m_pathNodes[node1].numLinks; j++){ node2 = ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[node1].firstLink + j); if(m_pathNodes[node2].bDisabled && !ignoreDisabled) continue; dist2 = Distance2D(m_pathNodes[node2].GetPosition(), x, y); d2 = dist2 - spawnDist; if(d1*d2 < 0.0f){ // nodes are on different sides of spawn distance float f2 = Abs(d1)/(Abs(d1) + Abs(d2)); float f1 = 1.0f - f2; *pPositionBetweenNodes = f2; CVector pos = m_pathNodes[node1].GetPosition()*f1 + m_pathNodes[node2].GetPosition()*f2; CVector2D dist2d(pos.x - x, pos.y - y); dist2d.Normalise(); // done manually in the game float dot = DotProduct2D(dist2d, CVector2D(dirX, dirY)); if(forward){ if(dot > angleLimit){ *pNode1 = node1; *pNode2 = node2; *pPosition = pos; return true; } }else{ if(dot <= angleLimit){ *pNode1 = node1; *pNode2 = node2; *pPosition = pos; return true; } } } } } } return false; } //--MIAMI: TODO bool CPathFind::GeneratePedCreationCoors(float x, float y, float minDist, float maxDist, float minDistOffScreen, float maxDistOffScreen, CVector *pPosition, int32 *pNode1, int32 *pNode2, float *pPositionBetweenNodes, CMatrix *camMatrix) { int i; int node1, node2; if(m_numPedPathNodes == 0) return false; for(i = 0; i < 400; i++){ node1 = m_numCarPathNodes + CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() % m_numPedPathNodes; if(DistanceSqr2D(m_pathNodes[node1].GetPosition(), x, y) < sq(maxDist+30.0f)){ if(m_pathNodes[node1].numLinks == 0) continue; int link = m_pathNodes[node1].firstLink + CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() % m_pathNodes[node1].numLinks; if(ConnectionCrossesRoad(link)) continue; node2 = ConnectedNode(link); if(m_pathNodes[node1].bDisabled || m_pathNodes[node2].bDisabled) continue; float f2 = (CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()&0xFF)/256.0f; float f1 = 1.0f - f2; *pPositionBetweenNodes = f2; CVector pos = m_pathNodes[node1].GetPosition()*f1 + m_pathNodes[node2].GetPosition()*f2; if(Distance2D(pos, x, y) < maxDist+20.0f){ pos.x += ((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()&0xFF)-128)*0.01f; pos.y += ((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()&0xFF)-128)*0.01f; float dist = Distance2D(pos, x, y); bool visible; if(camMatrix) visible = TheCamera.IsSphereVisible(pos, 2.0f, camMatrix); else visible = TheCamera.IsSphereVisible(pos, 2.0f); if(!visible){ minDist = minDistOffScreen; maxDist = maxDistOffScreen; } if(minDist < dist && dist < maxDist){ *pNode1 = node1; *pNode2 = node2; *pPosition = pos; bool found; float groundZ = CWorld::FindGroundZFor3DCoord(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z+2.0f, &found); if(!found) return false; if(Abs(groundZ - pos.z) > 3.0f) return false; pPosition->z = groundZ; return true; } } } } return false; } #ifndef MIAMI CTreadable* CPathFind::FindRoadObjectClosestToCoors(CVector coors, uint8 type) { int i, j, k; int node1, node2; CTreadable *closestMapObj = nil; float closestDist = 10000.0f; for(i = 0; i < m_numMapObjects; i++){ CTreadable *mapObj = m_mapObjects[i]; if(mapObj->m_nodeIndices[type][0] < 0) continue; CVector vDist = mapObj->GetPosition() - coors; float fDist = Abs(vDist.x) + Abs(vDist.y) + Abs(vDist.z); if(fDist < 200.0f || fDist < closestDist) for(j = 0; j < 12; j++){ node1 = mapObj->m_nodeIndices[type][j]; if(node1 < 0) break; // FIX: game uses ThePaths here explicitly for(k = 0; k < m_pathNodes[node1].numLinks; k++){ node2 = ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[node1].firstLink + k); float lineDist = CCollision::DistToLine(&m_pathNodes[node1].GetPosition(), &m_pathNodes[node2].GetPosition(), &coors); if(lineDist < closestDist){ closestDist = lineDist; if((coors - m_pathNodes[node1].GetPosition()).MagnitudeSqr() < (coors - m_pathNodes[node2].GetPosition()).MagnitudeSqr()) closestMapObj = m_mapObjects[m_pathNodes[node1].objectIndex]; else closestMapObj = m_mapObjects[m_pathNodes[node2].objectIndex]; } } } } return closestMapObj; } #endif //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::FindNextNodeWandering(uint8 type, CVector coors, CPathNode **lastNode, CPathNode **nextNode, uint8 curDir, uint8 *nextDir) { int i; CPathNode *node; if(lastNode == nil || (node = *lastNode) == nil || (coors - (*lastNode)->GetPosition()).MagnitudeSqr() > 7.0f){ #ifndef MIAMI // need to find the node we're coming from node = nil; CTreadable *obj = FindRoadObjectClosestToCoors(coors, type); float nodeDist = 1000000000.0f; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){ if(obj->m_nodeIndices[type][i] < 0) break; float dist = (coors - m_pathNodes[obj->m_nodeIndices[type][i]].GetPosition()).MagnitudeSqr(); if(dist < nodeDist){ nodeDist = dist; node = &m_pathNodes[obj->m_nodeIndices[type][i]]; } } #else int32 nodeIdx = FindNodeClosestToCoors(coors, type, 999999.88f); node = &m_pathNodes[nodeIdx]; #endif } CVector2D vCurDir(Sin(curDir*PI/4.0f), Cos(curDir * PI / 4.0f)); *nextNode = 0; float bestDot = -999999.0f; for(i = 0; i < node->numLinks; i++){ int next = ConnectedNode(node->firstLink+i); if(!node->bDisabled && m_pathNodes[next].bDisabled) continue; CVector pedCoors = coors; pedCoors.z += 1.0f; CVector nodeCoors = m_pathNodes[next].GetPosition(); nodeCoors.z += 1.0f; if(!CWorld::GetIsLineOfSightClear(pedCoors, nodeCoors, true, false, false, false, false, false)) continue; CVector2D nodeDir = m_pathNodes[next].GetPosition() - node->GetPosition(); nodeDir.Normalise(); float dot = DotProduct2D(nodeDir, vCurDir); if(dot >= bestDot){ *nextNode = &m_pathNodes[next]; bestDot = dot; // direction is 0, 2, 4, 6 for north, east, south, west // this could be done simpler... if(nodeDir.x < 0.0f){ if(2.0f*Abs(nodeDir.y) < -nodeDir.x) *nextDir = 6; // west else if(-2.0f*nodeDir.x < nodeDir.y) *nextDir = 0; // north else if(2.0f*nodeDir.x > nodeDir.y) *nextDir = 4; // south else if(nodeDir.y > 0.0f) *nextDir = 7; // north west else *nextDir = 5; // south west` }else{ if(2.0f*Abs(nodeDir.y) < nodeDir.x) *nextDir = 2; // east else if(2.0f*nodeDir.x < nodeDir.y) *nextDir = 0; // north else if(-2.0f*nodeDir.x > nodeDir.y) *nextDir = 4; // south else if(nodeDir.y > 0.0f) *nextDir = 1; // north east else *nextDir = 3; // south east` } } } if(*nextNode == nil){ *nextDir = 0; *nextNode = node; } } #ifndef MIAMI static CPathNode *apNodesToBeCleared[4995]; #else static CPathNode *apNodesToBeCleared[6525]; #endif //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::DoPathSearch(uint8 type, CVector start, int32 startNodeId, CVector target, CPathNode **nodes, int16 *pNumNodes, int16 maxNumNodes, CVehicle *vehicle, float *pDist, float distLimit, int32 targetNodeId) { int i, j; // Find target if(targetNodeId < 0) targetNodeId = FindNodeClosestToCoors(target, type, distLimit); if(targetNodeId < 0) { *pNumNodes = 0; if(pDist) *pDist = 100000.0f; return; } // Find start #ifndef MIAMI int numPathsToTry; CTreadable *startObj; if(startNodeId < 0){ if(vehicle == nil || (startObj = vehicle->m_treadable[type]) == nil) startObj = FindRoadObjectClosestToCoors(start, type); numPathsToTry = 0; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){ if(startObj->m_nodeIndices[type][i] < 0) break; if(m_pathNodes[startObj->m_nodeIndices[type][i]].group == m_pathNodes[targetNodeId].group) numPathsToTry++; } }else{ numPathsToTry = 1; startObj = m_mapObjects[m_pathNodes[startNodeId].objectIndex]; } if(numPathsToTry == 0) { *pNumNodes = 0; if(pDist) *pDist = 100000.0f; return; } if(startNodeId < 0){ // why only check node 0? if(m_pathNodes[startObj->m_nodeIndices[type][0]].group != m_pathNodes[targetNodeId].group) { *pNumNodes = 0; if(pDist) *pDist = 100000.0f; return; } }else{ if(m_pathNodes[startNodeId].group != m_pathNodes[targetNodeId].group) { *pNumNodes = 0; if(pDist) *pDist = 100000.0f; return; } } #else if(startNodeId < 0) startNodeId = FindNodeClosestToCoors(start, type, 999999.88f); if(startNodeId < 0) { *pNumNodes = 0; if(pDist) *pDist = 100000.0f; return; } if(startNodeId == targetNodeId){ *pNumNodes = 0; if(pDist) *pDist = 0.0f; return; } if(m_pathNodes[startNodeId].group != m_pathNodes[targetNodeId].group) { *pNumNodes = 0; if(pDist) *pDist = 100000.0f; return; } #endif for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(m_searchNodes); i++) m_searchNodes[i].SetNext(nil); AddNodeToList(&m_pathNodes[targetNodeId], 0); int numNodesToBeCleared = 0; apNodesToBeCleared[numNodesToBeCleared++] = &m_pathNodes[targetNodeId]; // Dijkstra's algorithm // Find distances int numPathsFound = 0; #ifndef MIAMI if(startNodeId < 0 && m_mapObjects[m_pathNodes[targetNodeId].objectIndex] == startObj) numPathsFound++; for(i = 0; numPathsFound < numPathsToTry; i = (i+1) & 0x1FF){ #else for(i = 0; numPathsFound == 0; i = (i+1) & 0x1FF){ #endif CPathNode *node; for(node = m_searchNodes[i].GetNext(); node; node = node->GetNext()){ #ifndef MIAMI if(m_mapObjects[node->objectIndex] == startObj && (startNodeId < 0 || node == &m_pathNodes[startNodeId])) numPathsFound++; #else if(node == &m_pathNodes[startNodeId]) numPathsFound = 1; #endif for(j = 0; j < node->numLinks; j++){ int next = ConnectedNode(node->firstLink + j); int dist = node->distance + m_distances[node->firstLink + j]; if(dist < m_pathNodes[next].distance){ if(m_pathNodes[next].distance != MAX_DIST) RemoveNodeFromList(&m_pathNodes[next]); if(m_pathNodes[next].distance == MAX_DIST) apNodesToBeCleared[numNodesToBeCleared++] = &m_pathNodes[next]; AddNodeToList(&m_pathNodes[next], dist); } } RemoveNodeFromList(node); } } // Find out whence to start tracing back CPathNode *curNode; #ifndef MIAMI if(startNodeId < 0){ int minDist = MAX_DIST; *pNumNodes = 1; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){ if(startObj->m_nodeIndices[type][i] < 0) break; int dist = (m_pathNodes[startObj->m_nodeIndices[type][i]].GetPosition() - start).Magnitude(); if(m_pathNodes[startObj->m_nodeIndices[type][i]].distance + dist < minDist){ minDist = m_pathNodes[startObj->m_nodeIndices[type][i]].distance + dist; curNode = &m_pathNodes[startObj->m_nodeIndices[type][i]]; } } if(maxNumNodes == 0){ *pNumNodes = 0; }else{ nodes[0] = curNode; *pNumNodes = 1; } if(pDist) *pDist = minDist; }else #endif { curNode = &m_pathNodes[startNodeId]; *pNumNodes = 0; if(pDist) *pDist = m_pathNodes[startNodeId].distance; } #ifdef MIAMI nodes[(*pNumNodes)++] = curNode; #endif // Trace back to target and update list of nodes while(*pNumNodes < maxNumNodes && curNode != &m_pathNodes[targetNodeId]) for(i = 0; i < curNode->numLinks; i++){ int next = ConnectedNode(curNode->firstLink + i); if(curNode->distance - m_distances[curNode->firstLink + i] == m_pathNodes[next].distance){ curNode = &m_pathNodes[next]; nodes[(*pNumNodes)++] = curNode; i = 29030; // could have used a break... } } for(i = 0; i < numNodesToBeCleared; i++) apNodesToBeCleared[i]->distance = MAX_DIST; return; } static CPathNode *pNodeList[32]; static int16 DummyResult; static int16 DummyResult2; //--MIAMI: done bool CPathFind::TestCoorsCloseness(CVector target, uint8 type, CVector start) { float dist; if(type == PATH_CAR) DoPathSearch(type, start, -1, target, pNodeList, &DummyResult, 32, nil, &dist, 999999.88f, -1); else DoPathSearch(type, start, -1, target, nil, &DummyResult2, 0, nil, &dist, 50.0f, -1); if(type == PATH_CAR) #ifndef MIAMI return dist < 160.0f; #else return dist < 150.0f; #endif else return dist < 100.0f; } //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::Save(uint8 *buf, uint32 *size) { int i; int n = m_numPathNodes/8 + 1; *size = 2*n; for(i = 0; i < m_numPathNodes; i++) if(m_pathNodes[i].bDisabled) buf[i/8] |= 1 << i%8; else buf[i/8] &= ~(1 << i%8); for(i = 0; i < m_numPathNodes; i++) if(m_pathNodes[i].bBetweenLevels) buf[i/8 + n] |= 1 << i%8; else buf[i/8 + n] &= ~(1 << i%8); } //--MIAMI: done void CPathFind::Load(uint8 *buf, uint32 size) { int i; int n = m_numPathNodes/8 + 1; for(i = 0; i < m_numPathNodes; i++) if(buf[i/8] & (1 << i%8)) m_pathNodes[i].bDisabled = true; else m_pathNodes[i].bDisabled = false; for(i = 0; i < m_numPathNodes; i++) if(buf[i/8 + n] & (1 << i%8)) m_pathNodes[i].bBetweenLevels = true; else m_pathNodes[i].bBetweenLevels = false; } void CPathFind::DisplayPathData(void) { // Not the function from mobm_carPathLinksile but my own! int i, j, k; // Draw 50 units around camera CVector pos = TheCamera.GetPosition(); const float maxDist = 50.0f; // Render car path nodes if(gbShowCarPaths) for(i = 0; i < m_numCarPathNodes; i++){ if((m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition() - pos).MagnitudeSqr() > SQR(maxDist)) continue; CVector n1 = m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition(); n1.z += 0.3f; // Draw node itself CLines::RenderLineWithClipping(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z, n1.x, n1.y, n1.z + 1.0f, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF); for(j = 0; j < m_pathNodes[i].numLinks; j++){ k = ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[i].firstLink + j); CVector n2 = m_pathNodes[k].GetPosition(); n2.z += 0.3f; // Draw links to neighbours CLines::RenderLineWithClipping(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z, n2.x, n2.y, n2.z, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF); } } // Render car path nodes if(gbShowCarPathsLinks) for(i = 0; i < m_numCarPathLinks; i++){ CVector2D n1_2d = m_carPathLinks[i].GetPosition(); if((n1_2d - pos).MagnitudeSqr() > SQR(maxDist)) continue; int ni = m_carPathLinks[i].pathNodeIndex; CVector pn1 = m_pathNodes[ni].GetPosition(); pn1.z += 0.3f; CVector n1(n1_2d.x, n1_2d.y, pn1.z); n1.z += 0.3f; // Draw car node itself CLines::RenderLineWithClipping(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z, n1.x, n1.y, n1.z + 1.0f, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF); CLines::RenderLineWithClipping(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z + 0.5f, n1.x+m_carPathLinks[i].GetDirX(), n1.y+m_carPathLinks[i].GetDirY(), n1.z + 0.5f, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF); // Draw connection to car path node CLines::RenderLineWithClipping(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z, pn1.x, pn1.y, pn1.z, 0xFF0000FF, 0xFFFFFFFF); // traffic light type uint32 col = 0xFF; if((m_carPathLinks[i].trafficLightType&0x7F) == 1) col += 0xFF000000; if((m_carPathLinks[i].trafficLightType&0x7F) == 2) col += 0x00FF0000; if(m_carPathLinks[i].trafficLightType & 0x80) col += 0x0000FF00; CLines::RenderLineWithClipping(n1.x+0.2f, n1.y, n1.z, n1.x+0.2f, n1.y, n1.z + 1.0f, col, col); for(j = 0; j < m_pathNodes[ni].numLinks; j++){ k = m_carPathConnections[m_pathNodes[ni].firstLink + j]; CVector2D n2_2d = m_carPathLinks[k].GetPosition(); int nk = m_carPathLinks[k].pathNodeIndex; CVector pn2 = m_pathNodes[nk].GetPosition(); pn2.z += 0.3f; CVector n2(n2_2d.x, n2_2d.y, pn2.z); n2.z += 0.3f; // Draw links to neighbours CLines::RenderLineWithClipping(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z, n2.x, n2.y, n2.z, 0xFF00FFFF, 0xFF00FFFF); } } // Render ped path nodes if(gbShowPedPaths) for(i = m_numCarPathNodes; i < m_numPathNodes; i++){ if((m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition() - pos).MagnitudeSqr() > SQR(maxDist)) continue; CVector n1 = m_pathNodes[i].GetPosition(); n1.z += 0.3f; // Draw node itself CLines::RenderLineWithClipping(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z, n1.x, n1.y, n1.z + 1.0f, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF); for(j = 0; j < m_pathNodes[i].numLinks; j++){ k = ConnectedNode(m_pathNodes[i].firstLink + j); CVector n2 = m_pathNodes[k].GetPosition(); n2.z += 0.3f; // Draw links to neighbours CLines::RenderLineWithClipping(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z, n2.x, n2.y, n2.z, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF); // Draw connection flags CVector mid = (n1+n2)/2.0f; uint32 col = 0xFF; if(ConnectionCrossesRoad(m_pathNodes[i].firstLink + j)) col += 0x00FF0000; if(ConnectionHasTrafficLight(m_pathNodes[i].firstLink + j)) col += 0xFF000000; CLines::RenderLineWithClipping(mid.x, mid.y, mid.z, mid.x, mid.y, mid.z + 1.0f, col, col); } } } #ifdef MIAMI CPathNode* CPathFind::GetNode(int16 index) { if(index < 0) return nil; if(index < ARRAY_SIZE(ThePaths.m_searchNodes)) return &ThePaths.m_searchNodes[index]; return &ThePaths.m_pathNodes[index - ARRAY_SIZE(ThePaths.m_searchNodes)]; } int16 CPathFind::GetIndex(CPathNode *node) { if(node == nil) return -1; if(node >= &ThePaths.m_searchNodes[0] && node < &ThePaths.m_searchNodes[ARRAY_SIZE(ThePaths.m_searchNodes)]) return node - ThePaths.m_searchNodes; else return (node - ThePaths.m_pathNodes) + ARRAY_SIZE(ThePaths.m_searchNodes); } #endif