#define WITHWINDOWS #include "common.h" #ifdef AUDIO_MSS #include #include #include #include "eax.h" #include "eax-util.h" #include "mss.h" #include "sampman.h" #include "AudioManager.h" #include "MusicManager.h" #include "Frontend.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "crossplatform.h" #pragma comment( lib, "mss32.lib" ) cSampleManager SampleManager; uint32 BankStartOffset[MAX_SFX_BANKS]; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char SampleBankDescFilename[] = "AUDIO\\SFX.SDT"; char SampleBankDataFilename[] = "AUDIO\\SFX.RAW"; FILE *fpSampleDescHandle; FILE *fpSampleDataHandle; bool8 bSampleBankLoaded [MAX_SFX_BANKS]; int32 nSampleBankDiscStartOffset [MAX_SFX_BANKS]; int32 nSampleBankSize [MAX_SFX_BANKS]; int32 nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[MAX_SFX_BANKS]; int32 _nSampleDataEndOffset; int32 nPedSlotSfx [MAX_PEDSFX]; int32 nPedSlotSfxAddr[MAX_PEDSFX]; uint8 nCurrentPedSlot; uint8 nChannelVolume[MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS]; uint32 nStreamLength[TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS]; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct tMP3Entry { char aFilename[MAX_PATH]; uint32 nTrackLength; uint32 nTrackStreamPos; tMP3Entry *pNext; char *pLinkPath; }; uint32 nNumMP3s; tMP3Entry *_pMP3List; char _mp3DirectoryPath[MAX_PATH]; HSTREAM mp3Stream [MAX_STREAMS]; int8 nStreamPan [MAX_STREAMS]; int8 nStreamVolume[MAX_STREAMS]; bool8 nStreamLoopedFlag[MAX_STREAMS]; uint32 _CurMP3Index; int32 _CurMP3Pos; bool8 _bIsMp3Active; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool8 _bSampmanInitialised = FALSE; #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND // // Miscellaneous globals / defines // Env Size Diffus Room RoomHF RoomLF DecTm DcHF DcLF Refl RefDel Ref Pan Revb RevDel Rev Pan EchTm EchDp ModTm ModDp AirAbs HFRef LFRef RRlOff FLAGS EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES StartEAX3 = {26, 1.7f, 0.8f, -1000, -1000, -100, 4.42f, 0.14f, 1.00f, 429, 0.014f, 0.00f,0.00f,0.00f, 1023, 0.021f, 0.00f,0.00f,0.00f, 0.250f, 0.000f, 0.250f, 0.000f, -5.0f, 2727.1f, 250.0f, 0.00f, 0x3f }; EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES FinishEAX3 = {26, 100.0f, 1.0f, 0, -1000, -2200, 20.0f, 1.39f, 1.00f, 1000, 0.069f, 0.00f,0.00f,0.00f, 400, 0.100f, 0.00f,0.00f,0.00f, 0.250f, 1.000f, 3.982f, 0.000f, -18.0f, 3530.8f, 417.9f, 6.70f, 0x3f }; EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES EAX3Params; S32 prevprovider=-1; S32 curprovider=-1; S32 usingEAX=0; S32 usingEAX3=0; HPROVIDER opened_provider=0; H3DSAMPLE opened_samples[MAXCHANNELS] = {0}; #endif HSAMPLE opened_2dsamples[MAX2DCHANNELS] = {0}; HDIGDRIVER DIG; #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND S32 speaker_type=0; U32 _maxSamples; float _fPrevEaxRatioDestination; bool8 _usingMilesFast2D; float _fEffectsLevel; struct { HPROVIDER id; char name[80]; }providers[MAXPROVIDERS]; typedef struct provider_stuff { char* name; HPROVIDER id; } provider_stuff; static int __cdecl comp(const provider_stuff*s1,const provider_stuff*s2) { return( _stricmp(s1->name,s2->name) ); } static void add_providers() { provider_stuff pi[MAXPROVIDERS]; U32 n,i,j; SampleManager.SetNum3DProvidersAvailable(0); HPROENUM next = HPROENUM_FIRST; n=0; while (AIL_enumerate_3D_providers(&next, &pi[n].id, &pi[n].name) && (n MAXCHANNELS ) _maxSamples = MAXCHANNELS; SampleManager.SetSpeakerConfig(speaker_type); //obtain a 3D sample handles for ( U32 i = 0; i < _maxSamples; ++i ) { opened_samples[i] = AIL_allocate_3D_sample_handle(opened_provider); if ( opened_samples[i] != NULL ) AIL_set_3D_sample_effects_level(opened_samples[i], 0.0f); } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } #endif U32 RadioHandlers[9]; U32 WINAPI vfs_open_callback(char const* Filename, U32* FileHandle) { *FileHandle = (U32)fopen(Filename, "rb"); // couldn't they just use stricmp once? and strlen? this is very inefficient if ((strcmp(Filename + strlen(Filename) - 4, ".adf") == 0) || (strcmp(Filename + strlen(Filename) - 4, ".ADF") == 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(RadioHandlers); i++) { if (RadioHandlers[i] == NULL) { RadioHandlers[i] = *FileHandle; break; } } strcpy((char*)Filename + strlen(Filename) - 4, ".mp3"); } return *FileHandle; } void WINAPI vfs_close_callback(U32 FileHandle) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(RadioHandlers); i++) { if (RadioHandlers[i] == FileHandle) { RadioHandlers[i] = NULL; break; } } fclose((FILE*)FileHandle); } S32 WINAPI vfs_seek_callback(U32 FileHandle, S32 Offset, U32 Type) { fseek((FILE*)FileHandle, Offset, Type); return ftell((FILE*)FileHandle); } U32 WINAPI vfs_read_callback(U32 FileHandle, void* Buffer, U32 Bytes) { fread(Buffer, Bytes, 1, (FILE*)FileHandle); uint8* _Buffer = (uint8*)Buffer; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(RadioHandlers); i++) { if (FileHandle == RadioHandlers[i]) { for (U32 k = 0; k < Bytes; k++) _Buffer[k] ^= 0x22; break; } } return Bytes; } cSampleManager::cSampleManager(void) : m_nNumberOfProviders(0) { ; AIL_set_file_callbacks(vfs_open_callback, vfs_close_callback, vfs_seek_callback, vfs_read_callback); } cSampleManager::~cSampleManager(void) { } #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND void cSampleManager::SetSpeakerConfig(int32 which) { switch ( which ) { case 1: speaker_type=AIL_3D_2_SPEAKER; break; case 2: speaker_type=AIL_3D_HEADPHONE; break; case 3: speaker_type=AIL_3D_4_SPEAKER; break; default: return; break; } if (opened_provider) AIL_set_3D_speaker_type(opened_provider, speaker_type); } uint32 cSampleManager::GetMaximumSupportedChannels(void) { if ( _maxSamples > MAXCHANNELS ) return MAXCHANNELS; return _maxSamples; } uint32 cSampleManager::GetNum3DProvidersAvailable() { return m_nNumberOfProviders; } void cSampleManager::SetNum3DProvidersAvailable(uint32 num) { m_nNumberOfProviders = num; } char *cSampleManager::Get3DProviderName(uint8 id) { return m_aAudioProviders[id]; } void cSampleManager::Set3DProviderName(uint8 id, char *name) { m_aAudioProviders[id] = name; } int8 cSampleManager::GetCurrent3DProviderIndex(void) { return curprovider; } int8 cSampleManager::SetCurrent3DProvider(uint8 nProvider) { S32 savedprovider = curprovider; if ( nProvider < m_nNumberOfProviders ) { if ( set_new_provider(nProvider) ) return curprovider; else if ( savedprovider != -1 && savedprovider < m_nNumberOfProviders && set_new_provider(savedprovider) ) return curprovider; else return -1; } else return curprovider; } int8 cSampleManager::AutoDetect3DProviders() { if (!AudioManager.IsAudioInitialised()) return -1; int eax = -1, eax2 = -1, eax3 = -1, ds3dh = -1, ds3ds = -1; for (uint32 i = 0; i < GetNum3DProvidersAvailable(); i++) { char* providername = Get3DProviderName(i); if (!strcasecmp(providername, "CREATIVE LABS EAX (TM)")) { AudioManager.SetCurrent3DProvider(i); if (GetCurrent3DProviderIndex() == i) eax = i; } if (!strcasecmp(providername, "CREATIVE LABS EAX 2 (TM)")) { AudioManager.SetCurrent3DProvider(i); if (GetCurrent3DProviderIndex() == i) eax2 = i; } if (!strcasecmp(providername, "CREATIVE LABS EAX 3 (TM)")) { AudioManager.SetCurrent3DProvider(i); if (GetCurrent3DProviderIndex() == i) { eax3 = i; } } if (!strcasecmp(providername, "DIRECTSOUND3D HARDWARE SUPPORT")) { AudioManager.SetCurrent3DProvider(i); if (GetCurrent3DProviderIndex() == i) ds3dh = i; } if (!strcasecmp(providername, "DIRECTSOUND3D SOFTWARE EMULATION")) { AudioManager.SetCurrent3DProvider(i); if (GetCurrent3DProviderIndex() == i) ds3ds = i; } } if (eax3 != -1) return eax3; if (eax2 != -1) return eax2; if (eax != -1) return eax; if (ds3dh != -1) return ds3dh; if (ds3ds != -1) return ds3ds; return -1; } #endif static bool8 _ResolveLink(char const *path, char *out) { IShellLink* psl; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; char filepath[MAX_PATH]; CoInitialize(NULL); if (SUCCEEDED( CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (LPVOID*)&psl ) )) { IPersistFile *ppf; if (SUCCEEDED(psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID*)&ppf))) { WCHAR wpath[MAX_PATH]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, path, -1, wpath, MAX_PATH); if (SUCCEEDED(ppf->Load(wpath, STGM_READ))) { /* Resolve the link */ if (SUCCEEDED(psl->Resolve(NULL, SLR_ANY_MATCH|SLR_NO_UI|SLR_NOSEARCH))) { strcpy(filepath, path); if (SUCCEEDED(psl->GetPath(filepath, MAX_PATH, &fd, SLGP_UNCPRIORITY))) { OutputDebugString(fd.cFileName); strcpy(out, filepath); // FIX: Release the objects. Taken from SA. #ifdef FIX_BUGS ppf->Release(); psl->Release(); #endif return TRUE; } } } ppf->Release(); } psl->Release(); } return FALSE; } static void _FindMP3s(void) { tMP3Entry *pList; bool8 bShortcut; bool8 bInitFirstEntry; HANDLE hFind; char path[MAX_PATH]; char filepath[MAX_PATH*2]; S32 total_ms; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; if ( GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, _mp3DirectoryPath) == 0 ) { GetLastError(); return; } OutputDebugString("Finding MP3s..."); strcpy(path, _mp3DirectoryPath); strcat(path, "\\MP3\\"); strcpy(_mp3DirectoryPath, path); OutputDebugString(_mp3DirectoryPath); strcat(path, "*"); hFind = FindFirstFile(path, &fd); if ( hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { GetLastError(); return; } strcpy(filepath, _mp3DirectoryPath); strcat(filepath, fd.cFileName); int32 filepathlen = strlen(filepath); if ( filepathlen <= 0) { FindClose(hFind); return; } if ( filepathlen > 4 ) { if ( !strcmp(&filepath[filepathlen - 4], ".lnk") ) { if ( _ResolveLink(filepath, filepath) ) { OutputDebugString("Resolving Link"); OutputDebugString(filepath); } bShortcut = TRUE; } else bShortcut = FALSE; } mp3Stream[0] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filepath, 0); if ( mp3Stream[0] ) { AIL_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[0], &total_ms, NULL); AIL_close_stream(mp3Stream[0]); mp3Stream[0] = NULL; OutputDebugString(fd.cFileName); _pMP3List = new tMP3Entry; if ( _pMP3List == NULL ) { FindClose(hFind); return; } nNumMP3s = 1; strcpy(_pMP3List->aFilename, fd.cFileName); _pMP3List->nTrackLength = total_ms; _pMP3List->pNext = NULL; pList = _pMP3List; if ( bShortcut ) { _pMP3List->pLinkPath = new char[MAX_PATH*2]; strcpy(_pMP3List->pLinkPath, filepath); } else { _pMP3List->pLinkPath = NULL; } bInitFirstEntry = FALSE; } else { strcat(filepath, " - NOT A VALID MP3"); OutputDebugString(filepath); bInitFirstEntry = TRUE; } while ( TRUE ) { if ( !FindNextFile(hFind, &fd) ) break; if ( bInitFirstEntry ) { strcpy(filepath, _mp3DirectoryPath); strcat(filepath, fd.cFileName); int32 filepathlen = strlen(filepath); if ( filepathlen > 0 ) { if ( filepathlen > 4 ) { if ( !strcmp(&filepath[filepathlen - 4], ".lnk") ) { if ( _ResolveLink(filepath, filepath) ) { OutputDebugString("Resolving Link"); OutputDebugString(filepath); } bShortcut = TRUE; } else { bShortcut = FALSE; if ( filepathlen > MAX_PATH ) { continue; } } } mp3Stream[0] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filepath, 0); if ( mp3Stream[0] ) { AIL_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[0], &total_ms, NULL); AIL_close_stream(mp3Stream[0]); mp3Stream[0] = NULL; OutputDebugString(fd.cFileName); _pMP3List = new tMP3Entry; if ( _pMP3List == NULL) break; nNumMP3s = 1; strcpy(_pMP3List->aFilename, fd.cFileName); _pMP3List->nTrackLength = total_ms; _pMP3List->pNext = NULL; if ( bShortcut ) { _pMP3List->pLinkPath = new char [MAX_PATH*2]; strcpy(_pMP3List->pLinkPath, filepath); } else { _pMP3List->pLinkPath = NULL; } pList = _pMP3List; bInitFirstEntry = FALSE; } else { strcat(filepath, " - NOT A VALID MP3"); OutputDebugString(filepath); } } } else { strcpy(filepath, _mp3DirectoryPath); strcat(filepath, fd.cFileName); int32 filepathlen = strlen(filepath); if ( filepathlen > 0 ) { if ( filepathlen > 4 ) { if ( !strcmp(&filepath[filepathlen - 4], ".lnk") ) { if ( _ResolveLink(filepath, filepath) ) { OutputDebugString("Resolving Link"); OutputDebugString(filepath); } bShortcut = TRUE; } else { bShortcut = FALSE; } } mp3Stream[0] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filepath, 0); if ( mp3Stream[0] ) { AIL_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[0], &total_ms, NULL); AIL_close_stream(mp3Stream[0]); mp3Stream[0] = NULL; pList->pNext = new tMP3Entry; tMP3Entry *e = pList->pNext; if ( e == NULL ) break; pList = pList->pNext; strcpy(e->aFilename, fd.cFileName); e->nTrackLength = total_ms; e->pNext = NULL; if ( bShortcut ) { e->pLinkPath = new char [MAX_PATH*2]; strcpy(e->pLinkPath, filepath); } else { e->pLinkPath = NULL; } nNumMP3s++; OutputDebugString(fd.cFileName); } else { strcat(filepath, " - NOT A VALID MP3"); OutputDebugString(filepath); } } } } FindClose(hFind); } static void _DeleteMP3Entries(void) { tMP3Entry *e = _pMP3List; while ( e != NULL ) { tMP3Entry *next = e->pNext; if ( next == NULL ) next = NULL; if ( e->pLinkPath != NULL ) { #ifndef FIX_BUGS delete e->pLinkPath; // BUG: should be delete [] #else delete[] e->pLinkPath; #endif e->pLinkPath = NULL; } delete e; if ( next ) e = next; else e = NULL; nNumMP3s--; } if ( nNumMP3s != 0 ) { OutputDebugString("Not all MP3 entries were deleted"); nNumMP3s = 0; } _pMP3List = NULL; } static tMP3Entry * _GetMP3EntryByIndex(uint32 idx) { uint32 n = ( idx < nNumMP3s ) ? idx : 0; if ( _pMP3List != NULL ) { tMP3Entry *e = _pMP3List; for ( uint32 i = 0; i < n; i++ ) e = e->pNext; return e; } return NULL; } static inline bool8 _GetMP3PosFromStreamPos(uint32 *pPosition, tMP3Entry **pEntry) { _CurMP3Index = 0; for ( *pEntry = _pMP3List; *pEntry != NULL; *pEntry = (*pEntry)->pNext ) { if ( *pPosition >= (*pEntry)->nTrackStreamPos && *pPosition < (*pEntry)->nTrackLength + (*pEntry)->nTrackStreamPos ) { *pPosition -= (*pEntry)->nTrackStreamPos; _CurMP3Pos = *pPosition; return TRUE; } _CurMP3Index++; } *pPosition = 0; *pEntry = _pMP3List; _CurMP3Pos = 0; _CurMP3Index = 0; return FALSE; } bool8 cSampleManager::IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable(void) { return nNumMP3s != 0; } void cSampleManager::ReleaseDigitalHandle(void) { if ( DIG ) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND prevprovider = curprovider; release_existing(); curprovider = -1; #endif AIL_digital_handle_release(DIG); } } void cSampleManager::ReacquireDigitalHandle(void) { if ( DIG ) { AIL_digital_handle_reacquire(DIG); #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND if ( prevprovider != -1 ) set_new_provider(prevprovider); #endif } } bool8 cSampleManager::Initialise(void) { TRACE("start"); if ( _bSampmanInitialised ) return TRUE; { for ( int32 i = 0; i < TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES; i++ ) { m_aSamples[i].nOffset = 0; m_aSamples[i].nSize = 0; m_aSamples[i].nFrequency = 22050; m_aSamples[i].nLoopStart = 0; m_aSamples[i].nLoopEnd = -1; } m_nEffectsVolume = MAX_VOLUME; m_nMusicVolume = MAX_VOLUME; m_nEffectsFadeVolume = MAX_VOLUME; m_nMusicFadeVolume = MAX_VOLUME; m_nMonoMode = 0; } #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND // miles TRACE("MILES"); { curprovider = -1; prevprovider = -1; _usingMilesFast2D = FALSE; usingEAX=0; usingEAX3=0; _fEffectsLevel = 0.0f; _maxSamples = 0; opened_provider = NULL; DIG = NULL; for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++ ) opened_samples[i] = NULL; } #endif // banks TRACE("banks"); { fpSampleDescHandle = NULL; fpSampleDataHandle = NULL; _nSampleDataEndOffset = 0; for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_SFX_BANKS; i++ ) { bSampleBankLoaded[i] = FALSE; nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[i] = 0; nSampleBankSize[i] = 0; nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[i] = 0; } } // pedsfx TRACE("pedsfx"); { for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PEDSFX; i++ ) { nPedSlotSfx[i] = NO_SAMPLE; nPedSlotSfxAddr[i] = 0; } nCurrentPedSlot = 0; } // channel volume TRACE("vol"); { for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS; i++ ) nChannelVolume[i] = 0; } TRACE("mss"); { AIL_set_redist_directory( "mss" ); AIL_startup(); AIL_set_preference(DIG_MIXER_CHANNELS, MAX_DIGITAL_MIXER_CHANNELS); DIG = AIL_open_digital_driver(DIGITALRATE, DIGITALBITS, DIGITALCHANNELS, 0); } #ifdef AUDIO_CACHE TRACE("cache"); FILE *cacheFile = fcaseopen("audio\\sound.cache", "rb"); bool8 CreateCache = FALSE; if (cacheFile) { fread(nStreamLength, sizeof(uint32), TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS, cacheFile); fclose(cacheFile); }else CreateCache = TRUE; #endif char filepath[MAX_PATH]; bool8 bFileNotFound; S32 tatalms; TRACE("cdrom"); { m_bInitialised = FALSE; while (TRUE) { // Find path of WAVs (originally in HDD) int32 drive = 'C'; #ifndef NO_CDCHECK do { char latter[2]; latter[0] = drive; latter[1] = '\0'; strcpy(m_szCDRomRootPath, latter); strcat(m_szCDRomRootPath, ":\\"); if ( GetDriveType(m_szCDRomRootPath) == DRIVE_CDROM ) { FILE *f; #ifdef PS2_AUDIO_PATHS strcpy(filepath, m_szCDRomRootPath); strcat(filepath, PS2StreamedNameTable[0]); f = fopen(filepath, "rb"); if ( !f ) #endif { strcpy(filepath, m_szCDRomRootPath); strcat(filepath, StreamedNameTable[0]); f = fopen(filepath, "rb"); } if ( f ) { fclose(f); strcpy(m_MiscomPath, m_szCDRomRootPath); break; } } } while ( ++drive <= 'Z' ); #else m_MiscomPath[0] = '\0'; #endif if ( DIG == NULL ) { OutputDebugString(AIL_last_error()); Terminate(); return FALSE; } #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND add_providers(); #endif m_szCDRomRootPath[0] = '\0'; strcpy(m_WavFilesPath, m_szCDRomRootPath); #ifdef AUDIO_CACHE if ( CreateCache ) #endif for ( int32 i = STREAMED_SOUND_MISSION_MOBR1; i < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS; i++ ) { #ifdef PS2_AUDIO_PATHS strcpy(filepath, m_szCDRomRootPath); strcat(filepath, PS2StreamedNameTable[i]); mp3Stream[0] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filepath, 0); if ( !mp3Stream[0] ) #endif { strcpy(filepath, m_szCDRomRootPath); strcat(filepath, StreamedNameTable[i]); mp3Stream[0] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filepath, 0); } if ( mp3Stream[0] ) { AIL_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[0], &tatalms, NULL); AIL_close_stream(mp3Stream[0]); mp3Stream[0] = NULL; nStreamLength[i] = tatalms; } else { m_bInitialised = FALSE; Terminate(); return FALSE; } } // Find path of MP3s (originally in CD-Rom) // if NO_CDCHECK is NOT defined but AUDIO_CACHE is defined, we still need to find MP3s' path, but will exit after the first file #ifndef NO_CDCHECK int32 drive = 'C'; do { latter[0] = drive; latter[1] = '\0'; strcpy(m_szCDRomRootPath, latter); strcat(m_szCDRomRootPath, ":"); strcat(m_MP3FilesPath, m_szCDRomRootPath); #else m_MP3FilesPath[0] = '\0'; { #endif for (int32 i = 0; i < STREAMED_SOUND_MISSION_MOBR1; i++) { #ifdef PS2_AUDIO_PATHS strcpy(filepath, m_MP3FilesPath); strcat(filepath, PS2StreamedNameTable[i]); mp3Stream[0] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filepath, 0); if ( !mp3Stream[0] ) #endif { strcpy(filepath, m_MP3FilesPath); strcat(filepath, StreamedNameTable[i]); mp3Stream[0] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filepath, 0); } if (mp3Stream[0]) { AIL_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[0], &tatalms, NULL); AIL_close_stream(mp3Stream[0]); mp3Stream[0] = NULL; bFileNotFound = FALSE; #ifdef AUDIO_CACHE if (!CreateCache) break; else #endif nStreamLength[i] = tatalms; } else { bFileNotFound = TRUE; break; } } #ifndef NO_CDCHECK if (!bFileNotFound) // otherwise try next drive break; } while (++drive <= 'Z'); #else } #endif if ( !bFileNotFound ) { #ifdef AUDIO_CACHE if ( CreateCache ) #endif for ( int32 i = STREAMED_SOUND_MISSION_COMPLETED4; i < STREAMED_SOUND_MISSION_PAGER; i++ ) { #ifdef PS2_AUDIO_PATHS strcpy(filepath, m_MiscomPath); strcat(filepath, PS2StreamedNameTable[i]); mp3Stream[0] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filepath, 0); if ( !mp3Stream[0] ) #endif { strcpy(filepath, m_MiscomPath); strcat(filepath, StreamedNameTable[i]); mp3Stream[0] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filepath, 0); } if ( mp3Stream[0] ) { AIL_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[0], &tatalms, NULL); AIL_close_stream(mp3Stream[0]); mp3Stream[0] = NULL; nStreamLength[i] = tatalms; bFileNotFound = FALSE; } else { bFileNotFound = TRUE; break; } } } m_bInitialised = !bFileNotFound; if ( !m_bInitialised ) { #if !defined(GTA3_STEAM_PATCH) && !defined(NO_CDCHECK) FrontEndMenuManager.WaitForUserCD(); if ( FrontEndMenuManager.m_bQuitGameNoCD ) { Terminate(); return FALSE; } continue; #else m_bInitialised = TRUE; #endif } break; } } #ifdef AUDIO_CACHE if (CreateCache) { cacheFile = fcaseopen("audio\\sound.cache", "wb"); fwrite(nStreamLength, sizeof(uint32), TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS, cacheFile); fclose(cacheFile); } #endif if ( !InitialiseSampleBanks() ) { Terminate(); return FALSE; } nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SFX_BANK_0] = (int32)AIL_mem_alloc_lock(nSampleBankSize[SFX_BANK_0]); if ( !nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SFX_BANK_0] ) { Terminate(); return FALSE; } nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SFX_BANK_PED_COMMENTS] = (int32)AIL_mem_alloc_lock(PED_BLOCKSIZE*MAX_PEDSFX); LoadSampleBank(SFX_BANK_0); TRACE("stream"); { for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { mp3Stream [i] = NULL; nStreamPan [i] = 63; nStreamVolume[i] = 100; } } for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX2DCHANNELS; i++ ) { opened_2dsamples[i] = AIL_allocate_sample_handle(DIG); if ( opened_2dsamples[i] ) { AIL_init_sample(opened_2dsamples[i]); AIL_set_sample_type(opened_2dsamples[i], DIG_F_MONO_16, DIG_PCM_SIGN); } } TRACE("providerset"); { _bSampmanInitialised = TRUE; #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND U32 n = 0; while ( n < m_nNumberOfProviders ) { if ( !strcmp(strupr(providers[n].name), "DIRECTSOUND3D SOFTWARE EMULATION") ) { set_new_provider(n); break; } n++; } if ( n == m_nNumberOfProviders ) { Terminate(); return FALSE; } #endif } // mp3 TRACE("mp3"); { nNumMP3s = 0; _pMP3List = NULL; _FindMP3s(); if ( nNumMP3s != 0 ) { nStreamLength[STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER] = 0; for ( tMP3Entry *e = _pMP3List; e != NULL; e = e->pNext ) { e->nTrackStreamPos = nStreamLength[STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER]; nStreamLength[STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER] += e->nTrackLength; } time_t t = time(NULL); tm *localtm; bool8 bUseRandomTable; if ( t == -1 ) bUseRandomTable = TRUE; else { bUseRandomTable = FALSE; localtm = localtime(&t); } int32 randval; if ( bUseRandomTable ) randval = AudioManager.m_anRandomTable[1]; else randval = localtm->tm_sec * localtm->tm_min; _CurMP3Index = randval % nNumMP3s; tMP3Entry *randmp3 = _pMP3List; for ( int32 i = randval % nNumMP3s; i > 0; --i) randmp3 = randmp3->pNext; if ( bUseRandomTable ) _CurMP3Pos = AudioManager.m_anRandomTable[0] % randmp3->nTrackLength; else { if ( localtm->tm_sec > 0 ) { int32 s = localtm->tm_sec; _CurMP3Pos = s*s*s*s*s*s*s*s % randmp3->nTrackLength; } else _CurMP3Pos = AudioManager.m_anRandomTable[0] % randmp3->nTrackLength; } } else _CurMP3Pos = 0; _bIsMp3Active = FALSE; } TRACE("end"); return TRUE; } void cSampleManager::Terminate(void) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { if ( mp3Stream[i] ) { AIL_pause_stream(mp3Stream[i], 1); AIL_close_stream(mp3Stream[i]); mp3Stream[i] = NULL; } } for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX2DCHANNELS; i++ ) { if ( opened_2dsamples[i] ) { AIL_release_sample_handle(opened_2dsamples[i]); opened_2dsamples[i] = NULL; } } #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND release_existing(); #endif _DeleteMP3Entries(); if ( nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SFX_BANK_0] != 0 ) { AIL_mem_free_lock((void *)nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SFX_BANK_0]); nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SFX_BANK_0] = 0; } if ( nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SFX_BANK_PED_COMMENTS] != 0 ) { AIL_mem_free_lock((void *)nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SFX_BANK_PED_COMMENTS]); nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SFX_BANK_PED_COMMENTS] = 0; } if ( DIG ) { AIL_close_digital_driver(DIG); DIG = NULL; } AIL_shutdown(); _bSampmanInitialised = FALSE; } bool8 cSampleManager::CheckForAnAudioFileOnCD(void) { #if !defined(NO_CDCHECK) // TODO: check steam, probably GTAVC_STEAM_PATCH needs to be added char filepath[MAX_PATH]; FILE *f; strcpy(filepath, m_MiscomPath); strcat(filepath, StreamedNameTable[STREAMED_SOUND_MISSION_COMPLETED4]); FILE *f = fopen(filepath, "rb"); if ( f ) { fclose(f); DMAudio.SetMusicMasterVolume(FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsMusicVolume); DMAudio.SetEffectsMasterVolume(FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSfxVolume); DMAudio.Service(); return TRUE; } DMAudio.SetMusicMasterVolume(0); DMAudio.SetEffectsMasterVolume(0); DMAudio.Service(); return FALSE; #else return TRUE; #endif // #if !defined(NO_CDCHECK) } char cSampleManager::GetCDAudioDriveLetter(void) { if ( strlen(m_MiscomPath) != 0 ) return m_MiscomPath[0]; else return '\0'; } void cSampleManager::UpdateEffectsVolume(void) //[Y], cSampleManager::UpdateSoundBuffers ? { if ( _bSampmanInitialised ) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS; i++ ) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND if ( i < MAXCHANNELS ) { if ( opened_samples[i] && GetChannelUsedFlag(i) ) { if ( nChannelVolume[i] ) { AIL_set_3D_sample_volume(opened_samples[i], m_nEffectsFadeVolume * nChannelVolume[i] * m_nEffectsVolume >> 14); } } } else #endif { if ( opened_2dsamples[i - MAXCHANNELS] ) { if ( GetChannelUsedFlag(i - MAXCHANNELS) ) { if ( nChannelVolume[i - MAXCHANNELS] ) { AIL_set_sample_volume(opened_2dsamples[i - MAXCHANNELS], m_nEffectsFadeVolume * nChannelVolume[i - MAXCHANNELS] * m_nEffectsVolume >> 14); } } } } } } } void cSampleManager::SetEffectsMasterVolume(uint8 nVolume) { m_nEffectsVolume = nVolume; UpdateEffectsVolume(); } void cSampleManager::SetMusicMasterVolume(uint8 nVolume) { m_nMusicVolume = nVolume; } void cSampleManager::SetMP3BoostVolume(uint8 nVolume) { m_nMP3BoostVolume = nVolume; } void cSampleManager::SetEffectsFadeVolume(uint8 nVolume) { m_nEffectsFadeVolume = nVolume; UpdateEffectsVolume(); } void cSampleManager::SetMusicFadeVolume(uint8 nVolume) { m_nMusicFadeVolume = nVolume; } void cSampleManager::SetMonoMode(bool8 nMode) { m_nMonoMode = nMode; } bool8 cSampleManager::LoadSampleBank(uint8 nBank) { if ( CTimer::GetIsCodePaused() ) return FALSE; if ( MusicManager.IsInitialised() && MusicManager.GetMusicMode() == MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE && nBank != SFX_BANK_0 ) { return FALSE; } if ( fseek(fpSampleDataHandle, nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[nBank], SEEK_SET) != 0 ) return FALSE; if ( fread((void *)nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[nBank], 1, nSampleBankSize[nBank],fpSampleDataHandle) != nSampleBankSize[nBank] ) return FALSE; bSampleBankLoaded[nBank] = TRUE; return TRUE; } void cSampleManager::UnloadSampleBank(uint8 nBank) { bSampleBankLoaded[nBank] = FALSE; } bool8 cSampleManager::IsSampleBankLoaded(uint8 nBank) { return bSampleBankLoaded[nBank]; } bool8 cSampleManager::IsPedCommentLoaded(uint32 nComment) { int8 slot; for ( int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(3); i++ ) { slot = nCurrentPedSlot - i - 1; #ifdef FIX_BUGS if (slot < 0) slot += ARRAY_SIZE(nPedSlotSfx); #endif if ( nComment == nPedSlotSfx[slot] ) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int32 cSampleManager::_GetPedCommentSlot(uint32 nComment) { int8 slot; for ( int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(3); i++ ) { slot = nCurrentPedSlot - i - 1; #ifdef FIX_BUGS if (slot < 0) slot += ARRAY_SIZE(nPedSlotSfx); #endif if ( nComment == nPedSlotSfx[slot] ) return slot; } return -1; } bool8 cSampleManager::LoadPedComment(uint32 nComment) { if ( CTimer::GetIsCodePaused() ) return FALSE; // no talking peds during cutsenes or the game end if ( MusicManager.IsInitialised() ) { switch ( MusicManager.GetMusicMode() ) { case MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE: { return FALSE; break; } } } if ( fseek(fpSampleDataHandle, m_aSamples[nComment].nOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0 ) return FALSE; if ( fread((void *)(nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SFX_BANK_PED_COMMENTS] + PED_BLOCKSIZE*nCurrentPedSlot), 1, m_aSamples[nComment].nSize, fpSampleDataHandle) != m_aSamples[nComment].nSize ) return FALSE; nPedSlotSfxAddr[nCurrentPedSlot] = nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SFX_BANK_PED_COMMENTS] + PED_BLOCKSIZE*nCurrentPedSlot; nPedSlotSfx [nCurrentPedSlot] = nComment; if ( ++nCurrentPedSlot >= MAX_PEDSFX ) nCurrentPedSlot = 0; return TRUE; } int32 cSampleManager::GetBankContainingSound(uint32 offset) { if ( offset >= BankStartOffset[SFX_BANK_PED_COMMENTS] ) return SFX_BANK_PED_COMMENTS; if ( offset >= BankStartOffset[SFX_BANK_0] ) return SFX_BANK_0; return INVALID_SFX_BANK; } int32 cSampleManager::GetSampleBaseFrequency(uint32 nSample) { return m_aSamples[nSample].nFrequency; } int32 cSampleManager::GetSampleLoopStartOffset(uint32 nSample) { return m_aSamples[nSample].nLoopStart; } int32 cSampleManager::GetSampleLoopEndOffset(uint32 nSample) { return m_aSamples[nSample].nLoopEnd; } uint32 cSampleManager::GetSampleLength(uint32 nSample) { return m_aSamples[nSample].nSize >> 1; } bool8 cSampleManager::UpdateReverb(void) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND if ( !usingEAX ) return FALSE; if ( AudioManager.m_FrameCounter & 15 ) return FALSE; float fRatio = 0.0f; #ifdef AUDIO_REFLECTIONS #define MIN_DIST 0.5f #define CALCULATE_RATIO(value, maxDist, maxRatio) (value > MIN_DIST && value < maxDist ? value / maxDist * maxRatio : 0) fRatio += CALCULATE_RATIO(AudioManager.m_afReflectionsDistances[REFLECTION_CEIL_NORTH], 10.0f, 1/2.f); fRatio += CALCULATE_RATIO(AudioManager.m_afReflectionsDistances[REFLECTION_CEIL_SOUTH], 10.0f, 1/2.f); fRatio += CALCULATE_RATIO(AudioManager.m_afReflectionsDistances[REFLECTION_CEIL_WEST], 10.0f, 1/2.f); fRatio += CALCULATE_RATIO(AudioManager.m_afReflectionsDistances[REFLECTION_CEIL_EAST], 10.0f, 1/2.f); fRatio += CALCULATE_RATIO((AudioManager.m_afReflectionsDistances[REFLECTION_NORTH] + AudioManager.m_afReflectionsDistances[REFLECTION_SOUTH]) / 2.f, 4.0f, 1/3.f); fRatio += CALCULATE_RATIO((AudioManager.m_afReflectionsDistances[REFLECTION_WEST] + AudioManager.m_afReflectionsDistances[REFLECTION_EAST]) / 2.f, 4.0f, 1/3.f); #undef CALCULATE_RATIO #undef MIN_DIST #endif fRatio = Clamp(fRatio, 0.0f, 0.6f); if ( fRatio == _fPrevEaxRatioDestination ) return FALSE; if ( usingEAX3 ) { fRatio = Min(fRatio * 1.67f, 1.0f); if ( EAX3ListenerInterpolate(&StartEAX3, &FinishEAX3, fRatio, &EAX3Params, false) ) { AIL_set_3D_provider_preference(opened_provider, "EAX all parameters", &EAX3Params); _fEffectsLevel = fRatio * 0.75f; } } else { if ( _usingMilesFast2D ) _fEffectsLevel = fRatio * 0.8f; else _fEffectsLevel = fRatio * 0.22f; } _fEffectsLevel = Min(_fEffectsLevel, 1.0f); _fPrevEaxRatioDestination = fRatio; return TRUE; #endif return FALSE; } void cSampleManager::SetChannelReverbFlag(uint32 nChannel, bool8 nReverbFlag) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND bool8 b2d = FALSE; switch ( nChannel ) { case CHANNEL_POLICE_RADIO: { b2d = TRUE; break; } } if ( usingEAX ) { if ( nReverbFlag != FALSE ) { if ( !b2d ) AIL_set_3D_sample_effects_level(opened_samples[nChannel], _fEffectsLevel); } else { if ( !b2d ) AIL_set_3D_sample_effects_level(opened_samples[nChannel], 0.0f); } } #endif } bool8 cSampleManager::InitialiseChannel(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nSfx, uint8 nBank) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND bool8 b2d = FALSE; switch ( nChannel ) { case CHANNEL_POLICE_RADIO: { b2d = TRUE; break; } } #endif int32 addr; if ( nSfx < SAMPLEBANK_MAX ) { if ( !IsSampleBankLoaded(nBank) ) return FALSE; addr = nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[nBank] + m_aSamples[nSfx].nOffset - m_aSamples[BankStartOffset[nBank]].nOffset; } else { if ( !IsPedCommentLoaded(nSfx) ) return FALSE; int32 slot = _GetPedCommentSlot(nSfx); addr = nPedSlotSfxAddr[slot]; } #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND if ( b2d ) { #endif if ( opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS] ) { AIL_set_sample_address(opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS], (void *)addr, m_aSamples[nSfx].nSize); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND } else { AILSOUNDINFO info; info.format = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; info.data_ptr = (void *)addr; info.channels = 1; info.data_len = m_aSamples[nSfx].nSize; info.rate = m_aSamples[nSfx].nFrequency; info.bits = 16; if ( AIL_set_3D_sample_info(opened_samples[nChannel], &info) == 0 ) { OutputDebugString(AIL_last_error()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #endif } #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND void cSampleManager::SetChannelEmittingVolume(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nVolume) { uint32 vol = nVolume; if ( vol > MAX_VOLUME ) vol = MAX_VOLUME; nChannelVolume[nChannel] = vol; // increase the volume for JB.MP3 and S4_BDBD.MP3 if (MusicManager.GetMusicMode() == MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE ) { if (MusicManager.GetCurrentTrack() == STREAMED_SOUND_CUTSCENE_FINALE) nChannelVolume[nChannel] = 0; else nChannelVolume[nChannel] >>= 2; } if ( opened_samples[nChannel] ) AIL_set_3D_sample_volume(opened_samples[nChannel], m_nEffectsFadeVolume*nChannelVolume[nChannel]*m_nEffectsVolume >> 14); } void cSampleManager::SetChannel3DPosition(uint32 nChannel, float fX, float fY, float fZ) { if ( opened_samples[nChannel] ) AIL_set_3D_position(opened_samples[nChannel], -fX, fY, fZ); } void cSampleManager::SetChannel3DDistances(uint32 nChannel, float fMax, float fMin) { if ( opened_samples[nChannel] ) AIL_set_3D_sample_distances(opened_samples[nChannel], fMax, fMin); } #endif void cSampleManager::SetChannelVolume(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nVolume) { uint32 vol = nVolume; if ( vol > MAX_VOLUME ) vol = MAX_VOLUME; #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND switch ( nChannel ) { case CHANNEL_POLICE_RADIO: { #endif nChannelVolume[nChannel] = vol; // increase the volume for JB.MP3 and S4_BDBD.MP3 if ( MusicManager.GetMusicMode() == MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE && MusicManager.GetCurrentTrack() != STREAMED_SOUND_CUTSCENE_FINALE ) { nChannelVolume[nChannel] >>= 2; } if ( opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS] ) { AIL_set_sample_volume(opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS], m_nEffectsFadeVolume*vol*m_nEffectsVolume >> 14); } #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND break; } } #endif } void cSampleManager::SetChannelPan(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nPan) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND switch ( nChannel ) { case CHANNEL_POLICE_RADIO: { #endif #if !defined(FIX_BUGS) && defined(EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND) if ( opened_samples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS] ) // BUG #else if ( opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS] ) #endif AIL_set_sample_pan(opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS], nPan); #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND break; } } #endif } void cSampleManager::SetChannelFrequency(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nFreq) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND bool8 b2d = FALSE; switch ( nChannel ) { case CHANNEL_POLICE_RADIO: { b2d = TRUE; break; } } if ( b2d ) { #endif if ( opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS] ) AIL_set_sample_playback_rate(opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS], nFreq); #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND } else { if ( opened_samples[nChannel] ) AIL_set_3D_sample_playback_rate(opened_samples[nChannel], nFreq); } #endif } void cSampleManager::SetChannelLoopPoints(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nLoopStart, int32 nLoopEnd) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND bool8 b2d = FALSE; switch ( nChannel ) { case CHANNEL_POLICE_RADIO: { b2d = TRUE; break; } } if ( b2d ) { #endif if ( opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS] ) AIL_set_sample_loop_block(opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS], nLoopStart, nLoopEnd); #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND } else { if ( opened_samples[nChannel] ) AIL_set_3D_sample_loop_block(opened_samples[nChannel], nLoopStart, nLoopEnd); } #endif } void cSampleManager::SetChannelLoopCount(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nLoopCount) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND bool8 b2d = FALSE; switch ( nChannel ) { case CHANNEL_POLICE_RADIO: { b2d = TRUE; break; } } if ( b2d ) { #endif if ( opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS] ) AIL_set_sample_loop_count(opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS], nLoopCount); #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND } else { if ( opened_samples[nChannel] ) AIL_set_3D_sample_loop_count(opened_samples[nChannel], nLoopCount); } #endif } bool8 cSampleManager::GetChannelUsedFlag(uint32 nChannel) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND bool8 b2d = FALSE; switch ( nChannel ) { case CHANNEL_POLICE_RADIO: { b2d = TRUE; break; } } if ( b2d ) { #endif if ( opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS] ) return AIL_sample_status(opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS]) == SMP_PLAYING; else return FALSE; #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND } else { if ( opened_samples[nChannel] ) return AIL_3D_sample_status(opened_samples[nChannel]) == SMP_PLAYING; else return FALSE; } #endif } void cSampleManager::StartChannel(uint32 nChannel) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND bool8 b2d = FALSE; switch ( nChannel ) { case CHANNEL_POLICE_RADIO: { b2d = TRUE; break; } } if ( b2d ) { #endif if ( opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS] ) AIL_start_sample(opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS]); #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND } else { if ( opened_samples[nChannel] ) AIL_start_3D_sample(opened_samples[nChannel]); } #endif } void cSampleManager::StopChannel(uint32 nChannel) { #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND bool8 b2d = FALSE; switch ( nChannel ) { case CHANNEL_POLICE_RADIO: { b2d = TRUE; break; } } if ( b2d ) { #endif if ( opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS] ) AIL_end_sample(opened_2dsamples[nChannel - MAXCHANNELS]); #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND } else { if ( opened_samples[nChannel] ) { if ( AIL_3D_sample_status(opened_samples[nChannel]) == SMP_PLAYING ) AIL_end_3D_sample(opened_samples[nChannel]); } } #endif } void cSampleManager::PreloadStreamedFile(uint32 nFile, uint8 nStream) { if ( m_bInitialised ) { if ( nFile < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS ) { if ( mp3Stream[nStream] ) { AIL_pause_stream(mp3Stream[nStream], 1); AIL_close_stream(mp3Stream[nStream]); } char filepath[MAX_PATH]; #ifdef PS2_AUDIO_PATHS strcpy(filepath, nFile < STREAMED_SOUND_MISSION_COMPLETED4 ? m_MP3FilesPath : (nFile < STREAMED_SOUND_MISSION_MOBR1 ? m_MiscomPath : m_WavFilesPath)); strcat(filepath, PS2StreamedNameTable[nFile]); mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filepath, 0); if ( !mp3Stream[nStream] ) #endif { strcpy(filepath, nFile < STREAMED_SOUND_MISSION_COMPLETED4 ? m_MP3FilesPath : (nFile < STREAMED_SOUND_MISSION_MOBR1 ? m_MiscomPath : m_WavFilesPath)); strcat(filepath, StreamedNameTable[nFile]); mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filepath, 0); } if ( mp3Stream[nStream] ) { AIL_set_stream_loop_count(mp3Stream[nStream], 1); AIL_service_stream(mp3Stream[nStream], 1); } else OutputDebugString(AIL_last_error()); } } } void cSampleManager::PauseStream(bool8 nPauseFlag, uint8 nStream) { if ( m_bInitialised ) { if ( mp3Stream[nStream] ) AIL_pause_stream(mp3Stream[nStream], nPauseFlag != FALSE); } } void cSampleManager::StartPreloadedStreamedFile(uint8 nStream) { if ( m_bInitialised ) { if ( mp3Stream[nStream] ) AIL_start_stream(mp3Stream[nStream]); } } bool8 cSampleManager::StartStreamedFile(uint32 nFile, uint32 nPos, uint8 nStream) { int i = 0; uint32 position = nPos; char filename[MAX_PATH]; if ( !m_bInitialised || nFile >= TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS ) return FALSE; if ( mp3Stream[nStream] ) { AIL_pause_stream(mp3Stream[nStream], 1); AIL_close_stream(mp3Stream[nStream]); } if ( nFile == STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER ) { do { // Just switched to MP3 player if ( !_bIsMp3Active && i == 0 ) { if ( nPos > nStreamLength[STREAMED_SOUND_RADIO_MP3_PLAYER] ) position = 0; tMP3Entry *e = _pMP3List; // Try to continue from previous song, if already started if(!_GetMP3PosFromStreamPos(&position, &e) && !e) { nFile = 0; #ifdef PS2_AUDIO_PATHS strcpy(filename, m_MiscomPath); strcat(filename, PS2StreamedNameTable[nFile]); mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filename, 0); if ( !mp3Stream[nStream] ) #endif { strcpy(filename, m_MiscomPath); strcat(filename, StreamedNameTable[nFile]); mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filename, 0); } if(mp3Stream[nStream]) { AIL_set_stream_loop_count(mp3Stream[nStream], nStreamLoopedFlag[nStream] ? 0 : 1); nStreamLoopedFlag[nStream] = TRUE; AIL_set_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[nStream], position); AIL_pause_stream(mp3Stream[nStream], 0); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } else { if ( e->pLinkPath != NULL ) mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, e->pLinkPath, 0); else { strcpy(filename, _mp3DirectoryPath); strcat(filename, e->aFilename); mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filename, 0); } if ( mp3Stream[nStream] ) { AIL_set_stream_loop_count(mp3Stream[nStream], 1); AIL_set_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[nStream], position); AIL_pause_stream(mp3Stream[nStream], 0); _bIsMp3Active = TRUE; return TRUE; } // fall through, start playing from another song } } else { if(++_CurMP3Index >= nNumMP3s) _CurMP3Index = 0; _CurMP3Pos = 0; tMP3Entry *mp3 = _GetMP3EntryByIndex(_CurMP3Index); if ( !mp3 ) { mp3 = _pMP3List; if ( !_pMP3List ) { nFile = 0; _bIsMp3Active = 0; #ifdef PS2_AUDIO_PATHS strcpy(filename, m_MiscomPath); strcat(filename, PS2StreamedNameTable[nFile]); mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filename, 0); if ( !mp3Stream[nStream] ) #endif { strcpy(filename, m_MiscomPath); strcat(filename, StreamedNameTable[nFile]); mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filename, 0); } if(mp3Stream[nStream]) { AIL_set_stream_loop_count( mp3Stream[nStream], nStreamLoopedFlag[nStream] ? 0 : 1); nStreamLoopedFlag[nStream] = TRUE; AIL_set_stream_ms_position( mp3Stream[nStream], position); AIL_pause_stream(mp3Stream[nStream], 0); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } } if(mp3->pLinkPath != NULL) mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, mp3->pLinkPath, 0); else { strcpy(filename, _mp3DirectoryPath); strcat(filename, mp3->aFilename); mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filename, 0); } if(mp3Stream[nStream]) { AIL_set_stream_loop_count(mp3Stream[nStream], 1); AIL_set_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[nStream], 0); AIL_pause_stream(mp3Stream[nStream], 0); #ifdef FIX_BUGS _bIsMp3Active = TRUE; #endif return TRUE; } } _bIsMp3Active = 0; } while ( ++i < nNumMP3s ); position = 0; nFile = 0; } #ifdef PS2_AUDIO_PATHS strcpy(filename, m_MiscomPath); strcat(filename, PS2StreamedNameTable[nFile]); mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filename, 0); if ( !mp3Stream[nStream] ) #endif { strcpy(filename, m_MiscomPath); strcat(filename, StreamedNameTable[nFile]); mp3Stream[nStream] = AIL_open_stream(DIG, filename, 0); } if ( mp3Stream[nStream] ) { AIL_set_stream_loop_count(mp3Stream[nStream], nStreamLoopedFlag[nStream] ? 0 : 1); nStreamLoopedFlag[nStream] = TRUE; AIL_set_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[nStream], position); AIL_pause_stream(mp3Stream[nStream], 0); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void cSampleManager::StopStreamedFile(uint8 nStream) { if ( m_bInitialised ) { if ( mp3Stream[nStream] ) { AIL_pause_stream(mp3Stream[nStream], 1); AIL_close_stream(mp3Stream[nStream]); mp3Stream[nStream] = NULL; if ( nStream == 0 ) _bIsMp3Active = FALSE; } } } int32 cSampleManager::GetStreamedFilePosition(uint8 nStream) { S32 currentms; if ( m_bInitialised ) { if ( mp3Stream[nStream] ) { if ( _bIsMp3Active ) { tMP3Entry *mp3 = _GetMP3EntryByIndex(_CurMP3Index); if ( mp3 != NULL ) { AIL_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[nStream], NULL, ¤tms); return currentms + mp3->nTrackStreamPos; } else return 0; } else { AIL_stream_ms_position(mp3Stream[nStream], NULL, ¤tms); return currentms; } } } return 0; } void cSampleManager::SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(uint8 nVolume, uint8 nPan, bool8 nEffectFlag, uint8 nStream) { uint8 vol = nVolume; float boostMult = 0.0f; if ( m_bInitialised ) { if ( vol > MAX_VOLUME ) vol = MAX_VOLUME; if ( MusicManager.GetRadioInCar() == USERTRACK && !MusicManager.CheckForMusicInterruptions() ) boostMult = m_nMP3BoostVolume / 64.f; nStreamVolume[nStream] = vol; nStreamPan[nStream] = nPan; if ( mp3Stream[nStream] ) { if ( nEffectFlag ) { if ( nStream == 1 || nStream == 2 ) AIL_set_stream_volume(mp3Stream[nStream], 128*vol*m_nEffectsVolume >> 14); else AIL_set_stream_volume(mp3Stream[nStream], m_nEffectsFadeVolume*vol*m_nEffectsVolume >> 14); } else AIL_set_stream_volume(mp3Stream[nStream], (m_nMusicFadeVolume*vol*(uint32)(m_nMusicVolume * boostMult + m_nMusicVolume)) >> 14); AIL_set_stream_pan(mp3Stream[nStream], nPan); } } } int32 cSampleManager::GetStreamedFileLength(uint8 nStream) { if ( m_bInitialised ) return nStreamLength[nStream]; return 0; } bool8 cSampleManager::IsStreamPlaying(uint8 nStream) { if ( m_bInitialised ) { if ( mp3Stream[nStream] ) { if ( AIL_stream_status(mp3Stream[nStream]) == SMP_PLAYING ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } bool8 cSampleManager::InitialiseSampleBanks(void) { int32 nBank = SFX_BANK_0; fpSampleDescHandle = fopen(SampleBankDescFilename, "rb"); if ( fpSampleDescHandle == NULL ) return FALSE; fpSampleDataHandle = fopen(SampleBankDataFilename, "rb"); if ( fpSampleDataHandle == NULL ) { fclose(fpSampleDescHandle); fpSampleDescHandle = NULL; return FALSE; } fseek(fpSampleDataHandle, 0, SEEK_END); _nSampleDataEndOffset = ftell(fpSampleDataHandle); rewind(fpSampleDataHandle); fread(m_aSamples, sizeof(tSample), TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES, fpSampleDescHandle); fclose(fpSampleDescHandle); fpSampleDescHandle = NULL; for ( int32 i = 0; i < TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES; i++ ) { #ifdef FIX_BUGS if (nBank >= MAX_SFX_BANKS) break; #endif if ( BankStartOffset[nBank] == BankStartOffset[SFX_BANK_0] + i ) { nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[nBank] = m_aSamples[i].nOffset; nBank++; } } nSampleBankSize[SFX_BANK_0] = nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[SFX_BANK_PED_COMMENTS] - nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[SFX_BANK_0]; nSampleBankSize[SFX_BANK_PED_COMMENTS] = _nSampleDataEndOffset - nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[SFX_BANK_PED_COMMENTS]; return TRUE; } void cSampleManager::SetStreamedFileLoopFlag(bool8 nLoopFlag, uint8 nChannel) { if (m_bInitialised) nStreamLoopedFlag[nChannel] = nLoopFlag; } #endif