path: root/_receiver/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 375 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_receiver/ b/_receiver/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a9e2d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_receiver/
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+# KrakenSDR Receiver
+# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Carl Laufer, Tamás Pető
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Import built-in modules
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+from struct import pack, unpack
+import socket
+import _thread
+from threading import Lock
+import queue
+import logging
+#import copy
+# Import third party modules
+import numpy as np
+from scipy import signal
+from iq_header import IQHeader
+from shmemIface import inShmemIface
+class ReceiverRTLSDR():
+ def __init__(self, data_que, data_interface = "eth", logging_level=10):
+ """
+ Parameter:
+ ----------
+ :param: data_que: Que to communicate with the UI (web iface/Qt GUI)
+ :param: data_interface: This field is configured by the GUI during instantiation.
+ Valid values are the followings:
+ "eth" : The module will receiver IQ frames through an Ethernet connection
+ "shmem": The module will receiver IQ frames through a shared memory interface
+ :type : data_interface: string
+ """
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ self.logger.setLevel(logging_level)
+ # DAQ parameters
+ # These values are used by default to configure the DAQ through the configuration interface
+ # Values are configured externally upon configuration request
+ self.daq_center_freq = 100 # MHz
+ self.daq_rx_gain = 0 # [dB]
+ self.daq_squelch_th_dB = 0
+ # UI interface
+ self.data_que = data_que
+ # IQ data interface
+ self.data_interface = data_interface
+ # -> Ethernet
+ self.receiver_connection_status = False
+ self.port = 5000
+ self.rec_ip_addr = "" # Configured by the GUI prior to connection request
+ self.socket_inst = socket.socket()
+ self.receiverBufferSize = 2 ** 18 # Size of the Ethernet receiver buffer measured in bytes
+ # -> Shared memory
+ root_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+ daq_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(root_path),"heimdall_daq_fw")
+ self.daq_shmem_control_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(daq_path,"Firmware"),"_data_control/")
+ self.init_data_iface()
+ # Control interface
+ self.ctr_iface_socket = socket.socket()
+ self.ctr_iface_port = 5001
+ self.ctr_iface_thread_lock = Lock() # Used to synchronize the operation of the ctr_iface thread
+ self.iq_frame_bytes = None
+ self.iq_samples = None
+ self.iq_header = IQHeader()
+ self.M = 0 # Number of receiver channels, updated after establishing connection
+ def init_data_iface(self):
+ if self.data_interface == "shmem":
+ # Open shared memory interface to capture the DAQ firmware output
+ self.in_shmem_iface = inShmemIface("delay_sync_iq", self.daq_shmem_control_path)
+ if not self.in_shmem_iface.init_ok:
+ self.logger.critical("Shared memory initialization failed")
+ self.in_shmem_iface.destory_sm_buffer()
+ return -1
+ return 0
+ def eth_connect(self):
+ """
+ Compatible only with DAQ firmwares that has the IQ streaming mode.
+ HeIMDALL DAQ Firmware version: 1.0 or later
+ """
+ try:
+ if not self.receiver_connection_status:
+ if self.data_interface == "eth":
+ # Establlish IQ data interface connection
+ self.socket_inst.connect((self.rec_ip_addr, self.port))
+ self.socket_inst.sendall(str.encode('streaming'))
+ test_iq = self.receive_iq_frame()
+ self.M = self.iq_header.active_ant_chs
+ # Establish control interface connection
+ self.ctr_iface_socket.connect((self.rec_ip_addr, self.ctr_iface_port))
+ self.receiver_connection_status = True
+ self.ctr_iface_init()
+"CTR INIT Center freq: {0}".format(self.daq_center_freq))
+ self.set_center_freq(self.daq_center_freq)
+ self.set_if_gain(self.daq_rx_gain)
+ self.set_squelch_threshold(self.daq_squelch_th_dB)
+ except:
+ errorMsg = sys.exc_info()[0]
+ self.logger.error("Error message: "+str(errorMsg))
+ self.receiver_connection_status = False
+ self.logger.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(sys.exc_info()[0]))
+ # Re-instantiating sockets
+ self.socket_inst = socket.socket()
+ self.ctr_iface_socket = socket.socket()
+ return -1
+"Connection established")
+ que_data_packet = []
+ que_data_packet.append(['conn-ok',])
+ self.data_que.put(que_data_packet)
+ def eth_close(self):
+ """
+ Close Ethernet conenctions including the IQ data and the control interfaces
+ """
+ try:
+ if self.receiver_connection_status:
+ if self.data_interface == "eth":
+ self.socket_inst.sendall(str.encode('q')) # Send exit message
+ self.socket_inst.close()
+ self.socket_inst = socket.socket() # Re-instantiating socket
+ # Close control interface connection
+ exit_message_bytes=("EXIT".encode()+bytearray(124))
+ self.ctr_iface_socket.send(exit_message_bytes)
+ self.ctr_iface_socket.close()
+ self.ctr_iface_socket = socket.socket()
+ self.receiver_connection_status = False
+ que_data_packet = []
+ que_data_packet.append(['disconn-ok',])
+ self.data_que.put(que_data_packet)
+ except:
+ errorMsg = sys.exc_info()[0]
+ self.logger.error("Error message: {0}".format(errorMsg))
+ return -1
+ if self.data_interface == "shmem":
+ self.in_shmem_iface.destory_sm_buffer()
+ return 0
+ def get_iq_online(self):
+ """
+ This function obtains a new IQ data frame through the Ethernet IQ data or the shared memory interface
+ """
+ # Check connection
+ if not self.receiver_connection_status:
+ fail = self.eth_connect()
+ if fail:
+ return -1
+ if self.data_interface == "eth":
+ self.socket_inst.sendall(str.encode("IQDownload")) # Send iq request command
+ self.iq_samples = self.receive_iq_frame()
+ elif self.data_interface == "shmem":
+ active_buff_index = self.in_shmem_iface.wait_buff_free()
+ if active_buff_index < 0 or active_buff_index > 1:
+"Terminating.., signal: {:d}".format(active_buff_index))
+ return -1
+ buffer = self.in_shmem_iface.buffers[active_buff_index]
+ iq_header_bytes = buffer[0:1024].tobytes()
+ self.iq_header.decode_header(iq_header_bytes)
+ # Inititalization from header - Set channel numbers
+ if self.M == 0:
+ self.M = self.iq_header.active_ant_chs
+ incoming_payload_size = self.iq_header.cpi_length*self.iq_header.active_ant_chs*2*int(self.iq_header.sample_bit_depth/8)
+ if incoming_payload_size > 0:
+ iq_samples_in = (buffer[1024:1024 + incoming_payload_size].view(dtype=np.complex64))\
+ .reshape(self.iq_header.active_ant_chs, self.iq_header.cpi_length)
+ self.iq_samples = iq_samples_in.copy() # Must be .copy
+ self.in_shmem_iface.send_ctr_buff_ready(active_buff_index)
+ def receive_iq_frame(self):
+ """
+ Called by the get_iq_online function. Receives IQ samples over the establed Ethernet connection
+ """
+ total_received_bytes = 0
+ recv_bytes_count = 0
+ iq_header_bytes = bytearray(self.iq_header.header_size) # allocate array
+ view = memoryview(iq_header_bytes) # Get buffer
+ self.logger.debug("Starting IQ header reception")
+ while total_received_bytes < self.iq_header.header_size:
+ # Receive into buffer
+ recv_bytes_count = self.socket_inst.recv_into(view, self.iq_header.header_size-total_received_bytes)
+ view = view[recv_bytes_count:] # reset memory region
+ total_received_bytes += recv_bytes_count
+ self.iq_header.decode_header(iq_header_bytes)
+ # Uncomment to check the content of the IQ header
+ #self.iq_header.dump_header()
+ incoming_payload_size = self.iq_header.cpi_length*self.iq_header.active_ant_chs*2*int(self.iq_header.sample_bit_depth/8)
+ if incoming_payload_size > 0:
+ # Calculate total bytes to receive from the iq header data
+ total_bytes_to_receive = incoming_payload_size
+ receiver_buffer_size = 2**18
+ self.logger.debug("Total bytes to receive: {:d}".format(total_bytes_to_receive))
+ total_received_bytes = 0
+ recv_bytes_count = 0
+ iq_data_bytes = bytearray(total_bytes_to_receive + receiver_buffer_size) # allocate array
+ view = memoryview(iq_data_bytes) # Get buffer
+ while total_received_bytes < total_bytes_to_receive:
+ # Receive into buffer
+ recv_bytes_count = self.socket_inst.recv_into(view, receiver_buffer_size)
+ view = view[recv_bytes_count:] # reset memory region
+ total_received_bytes += recv_bytes_count
+ self.logger.debug(" IQ data succesfully received")
+ # Convert raw bytes to Complex float64 IQ samples
+ self.iq_samples = np.frombuffer(iq_data_bytes[0:total_bytes_to_receive], dtype=np.complex64).reshape(self.iq_header.active_ant_chs, self.iq_header.cpi_length)
+ self.iq_frame_bytes = bytearray()+iq_header_bytes+iq_data_bytes
+ return self.iq_samples
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def set_squelch_threshold(self, threshold_dB):
+ """
+ Configures the threshold level of the squelch module in the DAQ FW through the control interface
+ """
+ if self.receiver_connection_status: # Check connection
+ self.daq_squelch_th_dB = threshold_dB
+ if threshold_dB == -80: threshold = 0
+ else: threshold = 10**(threshold_dB/20)
+ # Assembling message
+ cmd="STHU"
+ th_bytes=pack("f",threshold)
+ msg_bytes=(cmd.encode()+th_bytes+bytearray(120))
+ try:
+ _thread.start_new_thread(self.ctr_iface_communication, (msg_bytes,))
+ except:
+ errorMsg = sys.exc_info()[0]
+ self.logger.error("Unable to start communication thread")
+ self.logger.error("Error message: {:s}".format(errorMsg))
+ def ctr_iface_init(self):
+ """
+ Initialize connection with the DAQ FW through the control interface
+ """
+ if self.receiver_connection_status: # Check connection
+ # Assembling message
+ cmd="INIT"
+ msg_bytes=(cmd.encode()+bytearray(124))
+ try:
+ _thread.start_new_thread(self.ctr_iface_communication, (msg_bytes,))
+ except:
+ errorMsg = sys.exc_info()[0]
+ self.logger.error("Unable to start communication thread")
+ self.logger.error("Error message: {:s}".format(errorMsg))
+ def ctr_iface_communication(self, msg_bytes):
+ """
+ Handles communication on the control interface with the DAQ FW
+ Parameters:
+ -----------
+ :param: msg: Message bytes, that will be sent ont the control interface
+ :type: msg: Byte array
+ """
+ self.ctr_iface_thread_lock.acquire()
+ self.logger.debug("Sending control message")
+ self.ctr_iface_socket.send(msg_bytes)
+ # Waiting for the command to take effect
+ reply_msg_bytes = self.ctr_iface_socket.recv(128)
+ self.logger.debug("Control interface communication finished")
+ self.ctr_iface_thread_lock.release()
+ status = reply_msg_bytes[0:4].decode()
+ if status == "FNSD":
+"Reconfiguration succesfully finished")
+ que_data_packet = []
+ que_data_packet.append(['config-ok',])
+ self.data_que.put(que_data_packet)
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Failed to set the requested parameter, reply: {0}".format(status))
+ def set_center_freq(self, center_freq):
+ """
+ Configures the RF center frequency of the receiver through the control interface
+ Paramters:
+ ----------
+ :param: center_freq: Required center frequency to set [Hz]
+ :type: center_freq: float
+ """
+ if self.receiver_connection_status: # Check connection
+ self.daq_center_freq = int(center_freq)
+ # Set center frequency
+ cmd="FREQ"
+ freq_bytes=pack("Q",int(center_freq))
+ msg_bytes=(cmd.encode()+freq_bytes+bytearray(116))
+ try:
+ _thread.start_new_thread(self.ctr_iface_communication, (msg_bytes,))
+ except:
+ errorMsg = sys.exc_info()[0]
+ self.logger.error("Unable to start communication thread")
+ self.logger.error("Error message: {:s}".format(errorMsg))
+ def set_if_gain(self, gain):
+ """
+ Configures the IF gain of the receiver through the control interface
+ Paramters:
+ ----------
+ :param: gain: IF gain value [dB]
+ :type: gain: int
+ """
+ if self.receiver_connection_status: # Check connection
+ self.daq_rx_gain = gain
+ # Set center frequency
+ cmd="GAIN"
+ gain_list=[297, 37] #[int(gain*10)]*self.M
+ gain_bytes=pack("I"*self.M, *gain_list)
+ msg_bytes=(cmd.encode()+gain_bytes+bytearray(128-(self.M+1)*4))
+ try:
+ _thread.start_new_thread(self.ctr_iface_communication, (msg_bytes,))
+ except:
+ errorMsg = sys.exc_info()[0]
+ self.logger.error("Unable to start communication thread")
+ self.logger.error("Error message: {:s}".format(errorMsg))
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Disconnet the receiver module and the DAQ FW
+ """
+ self.eth_close()