path: root/_ont_xgs/
blob: bdfb7334ef99fc8e792859bf0d2ee7de4b199e1e (plain) (tree)








































title: Generic Compatible XGSPON Stick ONU with MAC SFP+ (XGS-ONU-25-20NI)
has_children: true
layout: default

# Hardware Specifications

|                  |                                                                            |
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Vendor/Brand     | FS                                                                         |
| Model            | XGS-ONU-25-20NI                                                            |
| ODM              | CIG                                                                        |
| ODM Product Code | XG-99S                                                                     |
| Chipset          | Cortina CA8271A                                                            |
| Flash            | MX35LF1GE4AB 128MB                                                         |
| RAM              | 128MB                                                                      |
| CPU              | Taroko V0.2 (MIPS)                                                         |
| CPU Clock        | 500MHz                                                                     |
| Bootloader       | SATURN uboot                                                               |
| System           | Custom Linux by Cortina (Saturn SDK) based on Kernel 4.4 Saturn-sfpplus-r1 |
| 2.5GBaseX        | Yes                                                                        |
| XGMII/XSGMII     | Yes                                                                        |
| Optics           | SC/APC                                                                     |
| IP address       |                                                              |
| Web Gui          |                                                                            |
| SSH              | No                                                                         |
| Telnet           | ✅                                                                        |
| Serial           | ✅                                                                        |
| Serial baud      | 115200                                                                     |
| Serial encoding  | 8-N-1                                                                      |
| Form Factor      | miniONT SFP                                                                |

{% include image.html file="XGS-ONU-25-20NI/front.jpg" alt="XGS-ONU-25-20NI front plate" caption="XGS-ONU-25-20NI front plate" %}
{% include image.html file="XGS-ONU-25-20NI/internal.jpg" alt="XGS-ONU-25-20NI internal" caption="XGS-ONU-25-20NI internal layout" %}

## Serial

The stick has a TTL 3.3V UART console (configured as 115200 8-N-1) that can be accessed from the SFP connector, but no components are mounted.

The UART can be accessed by any of the following methods.
- Touch the needle to a specific point
- Shorting a specific pad to access from SFP

### Access from PCB
The UART can be accessed by connecting a wire or touching a needle to the following points.

{% include image.html file="XGS-ONU-25-20NI/UART_needle.png" alt="XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART Touch point" caption="XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART Touch point" %}

### Access from SFP
By shorting these two points with solder, you can access the UART from SFP pins 2 and 7.

| USB - TTL Adapter     | SFP Connector (Molex, etc) |
| --------------------- | -------------------------- |
| Vcc (3.3V)            | pin #15 , #16              |
| TX                    | pin #7                     |
| RX                    | pin #2                     |
| GND                   | pin #10                    |

{% include alert.html content="USB TTL adapter may not work due to insufficient power supply. If possible, obtain 3.3V from a dedicated power supply instead of the USB TTL adapter." alert="Note"  icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

{% include image.html file="XGS-ONU-25-20NI/UART_SFP.png" alt="XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART Short point" caption="XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART Short point" %}

{% include image.html file="XGS-ONU-25-20NI/UART_bridge.png" alt="XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART solder bridge" caption="XGS-ONU-25-20NI UART solder bridge" %}

## Firmware is interchangeable with
The firmware is compatible with the following.
- CIG XG-99S
- CIG XE-99S (10G-EPON mode)

## List of software versions
Available from `#ONT/system>ontver build` and `#ONT/system/shell>cat /etc/version`.
- R4.4.20.016 (from docs)
- R4.4.20.018 - 20230426061821
- R4.4.20.022 - 20230612033149

## List of partitions

| dev    | size     | erasesize | name              |
| ------ | -------- | --------- | ----------------- |
| mtd0   | 00040000 | 00020000  | "ssb"             |
| mtd1   | 00002000 | 00020000  | "uboot-env"       |
| mtd2   | 00002000 | 00020000  | "dtb0"            |
| mtd3   | 0003c000 | 00020000  | "kernel0"         |
| mtd4   | 00300000 | 00020000  | "rootfs0"         |
| mtd5   | 004c0000 | 00020000  | "dtb1"            |
| mtd6   | 00300000 | 00020000  | "kernel1"         |
| mtd7   | 004c0000 | 00020000  | "rootfs1"         |
| mtd8   | 00001000 | 00020000  | "userdata"        |
| mtd9   | 00001000 | 00020000  | "mfginfo1"        |
| mtd10  | 00001000 | 00020000  | "mfginfo2"        |
| mtd11  | 00001000 | 00020000  | "uboot-env2"      |

This ONT supports dual boot. 

`kernel0` and `rootfs0` respectively contain the kernel and firmware of the first image, `kernel1` and `rootfs1` the kernel and firmware of the second one.

# Useful files and binaries

## scfg.txt
In the XGS-ONU-25-20NI ONT, the settings are loaded by four `scfg.txt` files.
For overwriting settings, `/userdata/scfg.txt` and `/tmp/scfg.txt` are used.

- `/config/default_scfg.txt`  (read only): Contains the manufacturer's default settings, which are read first at ONT startup and are the lowest priority settings.
- `/config/scfg.txt`  (read only): Contains settings set by the firmware creator, which have higher priority than `default_scfg.txt` and will overwrite the settings if there is a conflict.
- `/userdata/scfg.txt` (read/write): Contains settings set by the user or ISP. It has a higher priority than `/config/scfg.txt` and will overwrite the settings if there is a conflict. Can be edited and saved.
- `/tmp/scfg.txt` (temp): It contains dynamically generated settings based on values stored on its custom ROM (mtd9, mtd10). Because they are generated on tmpfs and cannot be saved directly, they are rewritten via the `#ONT> system/misc` command on the ONT.

The settings are overwritten and loaded at startup with the following priority:

***(High)*** `/tmp/scfg.txt` > `/userdata/scfg.txt` > `/config/scfg.txt` > `/config/default_scfg.txt` ***(Low)***

## Misc Command
To configure settings using the MISC command, execute the following command:
#ONT> system/misc

# Usage

## Login and Enable

This stick does not have a web UI.
To configure it, you must log in via `UART` or `telnet`.

{% include alert.html content=" Stick XGS-ONU-25-20NI does not have its PON S/N on the label: the S/N field stamped on the label is's internal S/N, not the PON S/N. In order to obtain the actual PON S/N, either ask an sales representative or check the boot log from the UART!" alert="Note"  icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

| User                     | Password (Enable Password)                                  |
| ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| ONU GPON Serial Number   | 8 digit HMAC-MD5 based on Uppercase ONU GPON Serial Number  |

Use the following form to generate login credentials:

{% include cig_password_xgspon.html password_len="8" %}

Or follow this external documentation on how to [emulate the ONT in QEMU](, use at your own risk.

UART does not ask for a login, it is possible to get a root shell without knowing the password.

## Root procedure
After logging in via `telnet` or `UART`, you will first access the MiniShell with user privileges:

The root MiniShell can be accessed by executing the `enable` command on this MiniShell:
ONT> enable

Switching to the Linux root shell is possible by executing the following command:

#ONT> system/shell
#ONT/system/Shell> sh

# GPON ONU status

## Getting the operational status of the ONU
Check the ONU Registration State with the following command:

#ONT> traffic/pon/show onu

------------------------- ONU INFO --------------------------

Onu id 65535
sdThreshold:   0
sfThreshold:   0
TO1:   80000
TO2:   1
eqd:   0
Serial Number(vendor code): GPON
Serial Number(sn):          abcd1234
Password:                   30 31 32 33 34 353 36 37 38 39
Registration ID:           0x44454641554c540000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
------------------------- INFO END --------------------------


Check the ONU operation state with the following command:

#ONT>traffic/pon/show link

 ----------------- LINK STATE -----------------
 Operation State Machine: INIT (O1)
 ----------------- STATE  END -----------------


## Getting OLT vendor information
OLT information can be extracted from MIB 131 with the following command:

#ONT>system/mib/show 131
Table Oltg, Olt-g, total 1 instances

EntityID                  = 0x0000
VendorId                  = ""
EquipmentId               = ""
Version                   = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
TimeOfDay                 = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


## Querying a particular OMCI ME
You can browse the MIB with the following command:
#ONT> system/mib

### Showing a list of supported MIBs

#ONT/system/mib> show
This command prints out the content of a MIB table.
Usage: show CLASSID
      the class ID of the ME, defined in 983.2/984.4, currently
the following MEs are supported:
ClassID  Name            Desc
256      Ontg            Ont-g

### Showing a specific MIB
For example, to display MIB 256 (Ont-g):

#ONT/system/mib>show 256
Table Ontg, Ont-g, total 1 instances

EntityID                  = 0x0000
VID                       = "GPON"
Version                   = 58 47 2d 39 39 53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
SerialNum                 = 47 50 4f 4e ab cd 12 34
TraffMgtOpt               = 2
AtmCCOpt                  = 0
BatteryBack               = 1
AdminState                = 0
OpState                   = 0
OnuSurvivalTime           = 0
Loid                      = ""
Password                  = ""
AuthState                 = 0
OntState                  = 1


### Dumping a MIB
Output a dump of MIB to `/tmp/mibdump.txt`
#ONT/system/mib> dump
MIB is saved to the file /tmp/mibdump.txt.

## Getting Speed LAN Mode
LAN Speed Mode can be verified from the `Status` column displayed by the following command:

#ONT>traffic/eth/show pack

build time Apr 26 2023: 06:23:15

-------------------- Line Pack -- PWR 0X0      --
Line Slot 10, NumOfPorts 1, type 49, subtype 75, state 2
-------------------- Configuration -------------------
port | enable | loop | Mode | RL Type | RL Us Rate| RL Ds Rate|
1       Yes     No      Auto            0       0       0

-------------------- Status -------------------
1) link state: Up, link mode: 2.5G Full

-------------------- Bridge Pack -------------------
Type:       75
State:      2
MAC Table:  0
MAC Aging:  0
MTU:        0
-------------------- Chip Data -------------------
eth Fd:         7
port Mask:      0x0018
type            28

********** DEBUG INFO **********
                 EmrLogId  : 5
               EmrAdminEn  : 0
              EmrbeInited  : 1
              EmrDumpConn  : 0
             EmrPwrShedEn  : 0x0
           EmrConnItemNum  : 0
         EmrUsDsReverseEn  : 1
       EmrConnAllVidCheck  : 0
      EmrMcastGemVlanOpEn  : 1
       gEmrSaveConnItemEn  : 1
      gEmrMcastCrossVlanEn : 1
    EmrUniExtractPriMatch  : 1

# GPON/OMCI settings
XGS-ONU-25-20NI ONT uses the `scfg.txt` file and misc command for configuration.

## Getting/Setting ONU GPON Serial Number
This setting must be changed with the `misc` CLI option and the `eqsn set "<serialnumber>"` command.
For example, if the desired S/N is `GPONabcd1234` (`47504f4eabcd1234`):
#ONT/system/misc> eqsn set "GPONabcd1234"

The get command can also be used to retrieve the configured PON S/N.
#ONT/system/misc> eqsn get
eqsn: GPONabcd1234

## Getting/Setting ONU GPON PLOAM password
This setting must be changed with the `misc` CLI option and the `exeep_w8 "<password>"` command.
For example, if the desired PLOAM password is `0123456789`:
#ONT/system/misc> exeep_w8 "0123456789"

The `exeep_r8` command can also be used to retrieve the configured PLOAM password.

#ONT/system/misc> exeep_r8
[00, 000] 44 45 46 41 55 4c 54 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     |  DEFAULT......
[10, 016] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     |  .............
[20, 032] 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[30, 048] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[40, 064] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[50, 080] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[60, 096] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[70, 112] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[80, 128] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[90, 144] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[a0, 160] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[b0, 176] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[c0, 192] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[d0, 208] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[e0, 224] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff     |  .............
[f0, 240] ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff 15 91 f3 9f     |  ............k

## Getting/Setting ONU GPON LOID
This setting must be changed in `scfg.txt`, using the key `CHAR-ARRAY CFG_ID_LOID`. 
To modify the LOID username, add the following line to `/userdata/scfg.txt`:
CHAR-ARRAY CFG_ID_LOID = { 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX, 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX, 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX, 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX, 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX, 0xXX,0xXX,0xXX,0xXX };

For example, if the desired LOID is `0123456`:
CHAR-ARRAY CFG_ID_LOID = { 0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33, 0x34,0x35,0x36,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };

## Getting/Setting ONU GPON LOID password
This setting must be changed with the `misc` CLI option and the `pon_passwd set <password>` command.
For example, if the desired LOID password is `0123456789`:
#ONT/system/misc> pon_passwd set 0123456789

The `get` option can also be used to retrieve the configured LOID password:
#ONT/system/misc> pon_passwd get
eqsn: 01234567890000000000

## Getting/Setting OMCI hardware version (ME 256)
This setting must be changed with the `misc` CLI option and the `eqvid set "<hwver>"` command.
For example, if the desired hardware version is `abc123`:
#ONT/system/misc> eqvid set "abc123"

The `get` option can also be used to retrieve the configured hardware version.
#ONT/system/misc> eqvid get
eqvid: abc123

## Getting/Setting OMCI vendor ID (ME 256)
This setting must be changed with the `misc` CLI option and the `vendor set "<vendor>"` command.
For example, if the desired vendor is `GPON`:
#ONT/system/misc> vendor set "GPON"

The `get` option can also be used to retrieve the configured PON S/N vendor field:
#ONT/system/misc> vendor get
vendor: GPON

In this ONT, the MIB OntG Vendor can be set to a value different from the S/N vendor value:
#ONT/system/misc> eqsn get
eqsn: GPONabcd1234
#ONT/system/misc> vendor get
vendor: ZTEG

# Advanced settings
See the link below for other MiniShell commands.
- [MiniShell command tree](/xgs/ont-fs-XGS-ONU-25-20NI-cli)

## Transferring files to the stick
Stick's busybox (Linux shell) supports netcat and TFTP, which allow to send and receive files:
# tar cf - localfile | nc remotehost-ip 10000

# tftp -r remotefile.bin -g remotehost-ip

## Backing up all partitions
To obtain a backup, use the `dd` command to save it on `/tmp`: 
# dd if=/dev/mtdX of=/tmp/mtdX.bin
# tftp -l /tmp/mtdX.bin -r remotehost-ip

Or use the `cat` command to transfer it via netcat:

# cat /dev/mtdX | nc remotehost-ip 10000

When partition writing to the stick, use the flash command set.
(Do not write with the `dd` command because ECC is enabled).
# flash_eraseall /dev/mtdX
# flashcp -v targetfile /dev/mtdX

## Setting management IP
To change the management IP, set it with the `misc` CLI option and the `admin_ip set <ip>` command.
For example, if the desired management IP is ``:
#ONT/system/misc> admin_ip set

To change the management IP netmask, set it with the `misc` CLI option and the `admin_mask set <netmask>` command.
For example, if the desired management IP mask is ``:
#ONT/system/misc> admin_mask set

# Random notes

## Bricked stick Repair
{% include alert.html content="This is an external file ([mtd dump](, so use it at your own risk!" alert="Note"  icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

If the stick is bricked, it can be repaired by accessing uboot from the UART.

If stick fails to boot, uboot will enable text input.
ERROR: can't get kernel image!

Download the stick's mtd dump from [GitHub.](

Enable NAND with the following command:
SATURN# spi_nand probe 0
SPI_NAND ID: 0x12c200
SPI-NAND: MX35LF1GE4AB is found.

Receive the file with the `loadb` command.
SATURN# loadb 0x80000000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x80000000 at 115200 bps...

Using Tera Term, send the Kernel image (mtd3 or mtd6) by kermit transfer.
{% include image.html file="XGS-ONU-25-20NI/Stick_Rep.png" alt="XGS-ONU-25-20NI Repair" caption="XGS-ONU-25-20NI Repair" %}

Erase the NAND and write the transferred kernel.
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000000600000 0x600000
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000003500000 0x600000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000000600000 0x600000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x80000000 0x000003500000 0x600000

Receive the file with the `loadb` command.
Using Tera Term, send the rootfs image (mtd4 or mtd7) by kermit transfer.
SATURN# loadb 0x81000000
## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x81000000 at 115200 bps...

Erase the NAND and write the transferred rootfs.
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000000c00000 0x2800000
SATURN# spi_nand erase 0x000003b00000 0x2800000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x81000000 0x000000c00000 0x2800000
SATURN# spi_nand write 0x81000000 0x000003b00000 0x2800000

When the stick turns back on, it will boot with the transferred kernel and rootfs.

# Known Bugs
- There is a bug in the `register_id` command in the `misc` CLI option that changes the value of `pon_passwd` (LOID Password) instead of `register_id` (PLOAM).

# Miscellaneous Links
- [GitHub - CA8271x](