path: root/_ont/
blob: bc31a8440a489663068b09e27b497d2205ea4f8e (plain) (tree)































title: Nokia G-010S-A
has_children: false
layout: default
parent: Nokia

# Hardware Specifications

|                  |                                          |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| Vendor/Brand     | Nokia                                    |
| Model            | G-010S-A                                 |
| ODM              | ✅[^oem]                                 |
| Chipset          | Lantiq PEB98035                          |
| Flash            | 16 MB                                    |
| RAM              | 64 MB                                    |
| CPU              | MIPS 34Kc interAptiv                     |
| CPU Clock        | 400MHz                                   |
| System           | OpenWRT                                  |
| HSGMII           | Yes                                      |
| Optics           | SC/UPC                                   |
| IP address       |                             |
| Web Gui          | ✅ user `adminadmin`, password `ALC#FGU` |
| SSH              | ✅ user `ONTUSER`, password `SUGAR2A041` |
| Telnet           |                                          |
| Serial           | ✅ on SFP                                |
| Serial baud      | 115200                                   |
| Serial encoding  | 8-N-1                                    |
| Form Factor      | miniONT SFP                              |

{% include image.html file="g-010s-a.png"  alt="G-010S-A" caption="G-010S-A" %}
{% include image.html file="g-010s-a-teardown.jpg"  alt="G-010S-A Teardown" caption="G-010S-A Teardown" %}

## Modifying firmware

The Nokia G-010S-A can be flashed with the [Nokia G-010S-P](/ont-nokia-g-010s-p) firmware, provided the MTD layout has been changed beforehand to match the new one. For the full procedure, see this post on [](

## List of software versions

- [](

## Serial

The stick has a TTL 3.3v UART console (configured as 115200 8-N-1) that can be accessed from the SFP connector.

| USB TTL(UART) Adapter | SFP 20pins Molex connector |
| --------------------- | -------------------------- |
| 3.3V                  | pin #15 and #16            |
| TX                    | pin #3                     |
| RX                    | pin #6                     |
| GND                   | pin #14 and #10            |

{% include alert.html content="Try PIN 10 or other GND PINs if the connection doesn't work by using PIN 14." alert="Note"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

{% include alert.html content="Some USB TTL adapters label TX and RX pins the other way around: try to swap them if the connection doesn't work." alert="Note"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

## List of partitions

| dev   | size     | erasesize | name          |
| ----- | -------- | --------- | ------------- |
| mtd0  | 00040000 | 00010000  | "uboot"       |
| mtd1  | 00080000 | 00010000  | "uboot_env"   |
| mtd2  | 00600000 | 00010000  | "linux"       |
| mtd3  | 004d81b6 | 00010000  | "rootfs"      |
| mtd4  | 000b0000 | 00010000  | "rootfs_data" |
| mtd5  | 00600000 | 00010000  | "image1"      |
| mtd6  | 00100000 | 00010000  | "configfs"    |
| mtd7  | 00210000 | 00010000  | "logfs"       |
| mtd8  | 00010000 | 00010000  | "ri"          |
| mtd9  | 00010000 | 00010000  | "sfp"         |
| mtd10 | 00010000 | 00010000  | "ribackup"    |

## List of software versions

- 3FE46398AFGA95
- 3FE46398AFGB89
- 3FE46398BFGA06
- 3FE46398BFGB18
- 3FE46398BFIB36
- 3FE46398BGCB22
- 3FE47111AFGB89
- 3FE47111BFHB32

See more info on: [Firmwares G-010S-A](

# Usage

## Enabling serial

fw_setenv bootdelay 5
fw_setenv asc0 0
fw_setenv preboot

# GPON ONU status

## Getting the operational status of the ONU

onu ploamsg

## Getting information on the OLT vendor

```sh meg 131 0

## Querying a particular OMCI ME

```sh meg MIB_IDX ME_IN
Where `MIB_IDX` is the MIB ID and `ME_IN` is the ME instance number

## Getting/Setting Speed LAN Mode

| Velue | Speed                              |
| ----- | ---------------------------------- |
| 4     | 1 Gbps / SGMII                     |
| 5     | 2.5 Gbps / HSGMII with auto-neg on |

To enable the interface to sync at 2.5 Gbps speeds / using HSGMII with auto-neg on:

fw_setenv sgmii_mode 5

To revert the change back to default:
fw_setenv sgmii_mode

To get the (H)SGMII Mode:

onu lanpsg 0
The `link_status` variable tells the current speed

# GPON/OMCI settings

## Enabling parameter modification
This setting must be set in order to perform other parameter modifications
ritool set OperatorID 0000

## Getting/Setting ONU GPON Serial Number
To check the current serial number:
onu gtcsng

To set the current serial number:
ritool set MfrID ABCD
ritool set G984Serial 012345678
ritool set YPSerialNum 012345678

## Getting/Setting ONU GPON PLOAM password
To check the current password (the password field contains decimal values of ASCII characters):
onu gtccg

This value can be changed using the web interface.

## Getting/Setting OMCI software version (ME 7)

The software version must be changed by directly modifying firmware by using the patches found in the wiki's page about the [Nokia G-010-A]( ONT and then adding a folder `0001_swversion` that contins a file `` with the following content:

set -e


echo "Changing to software version desidered"
sed -i s/3FE46398BGCB22/3FE45655BOCK99/g "$ROOTFS/usr/etc/buildinfo"
Where `3FE46398BGCB22` is the current software version and `3FE45655BOCK99` the desired software version

## Getting/Setting OMCI hardware version (ME 256)

ritool set HardwareVersion 3FE47211EGAA
ritool set ICS 01

## Getting/Setting OMCI equipment ID (ME 257)

This ONT is designed to save Nokia's equipment ID, specifically to set the equipment ID of a Nokia G-010G-Q the following commands are to be used:

ritool set CleiCode __________
ritool set Mnemonic G-010G-Q__
Where `CleiCode` is the prefix and `Mnemonic` the postfix.

# Advanced settings

## Transferring files to the stick

{% include alert.html content="If you use a modern OpenSSH version (e.g. >= 8.8) you will have to use the legacy protocol and enable some deprecated algorithms: scp `-oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss [...]`" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

# scp rootfs.bin root@

## Backup of all partition

Make a backup of all partitions, an easy way is to run these commands:
- On the stick run:
cat /proc/mtd
- For each mtdX run this command in the lantiq shell:
cp /dev/mtdX /tmp

{% include alert.html content="If you use a modern OpenSSH version (e.g. >= 8.8) you will have to use the legacy protocol and enable some deprecated algorithms: `scp -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss [...]`" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

And in the computer shell:
scp ONTUSER@ ./

## Checking the currently active image


## Setting management MAC

ritool set MACAddress 12:34:56:78:9A:BC

## Setting management IP

ifconfig eth0:1 netmask

## Flashing a new rootfs via SSH

{% include alert.html content="Only the inactive image can be flashed" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

{% include alert.html content="It is recommended to enable serial access via TTL" alert="Info" icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

The following commands are used to flash a new rootfs to image1 and then boot to it:
mtd write /tmp/rootfs.bin image1
update_env_flag 1

##  Disabling Dying Gasp
uci set gpon.gtc.nDyingGaspEnable='0'; uci commit gpon

## Rebooting the ONU

## Miscellaneous commands

cat /configs/image_version
cat /usr/etc/buildinfo
ritool dump

# Miscellaneous Links

- [G-010S-A](
- [Usage GPON module SFP in Spain](
- [Bypassing the HH3K up to 2.5Gbps using a BCM57810S NIC](
- [Nokia G-010S-A Pin 6 Iusse -](


[^oem]: The last model letter in a Nokia/Alcatel ONT indicates the variant: A-M ALu ONT Manufacturer, P-Z external Manufacturer