path: root/_ont/
blob: 0812c99e566b9f36f7e9951d2cd5d06ccbfc788d (plain) (tree)








title: Root Procedure for Huawei MA5671A
has_children: false
parent: Huawei MA5671A
layout: default

1. Take the SFP molex and four coloured cables and solder them to the molex according to the following diagram:

| USB TTL(UART) Adapter | wire colour in picture | SFP 20pins Molex connector |
| --------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------- |
| 3.3V                  | red                    | pin #15 and #16            |
| TX                    | orange                 | pin #2                     |
| RX                    | yellow                 | pin #7                     |
| GND                   | green                  | pin #14                    |

{% include alert.html content="Use the GND wire as an ON/OFF switch, otherwise there will be a slight delay before data is displayed on the console (putty/TeraTerm)." alert="Important"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

{% include alert.html content="Try PIN 10 or other GND PINs if the connection doesn't work with PIN 14." alert="Note"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

{% include alert.html content="Some USB TTL adapters label TX and RX pins the other way around: try to swap them if the connection doesn't work." alert="Note"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

1. Install python and `pyserial` with `pip`
pip install pyserial
1. Make the connections as shown to a TTL adapter except for GND (which should remain detached as it is used as a switch)

{% include image.html file="ma5671a-root-1.jpg"  alt="Example of how the sfp-ttl connection should look like" caption="Example of how the sfp-ttl connection should look like" %}
{% include image.html file="new-root-procedure\board-molex-arduino.jpg"  alt="Example of how the sfp-ttl connection should look like with a custom board" caption="Example of how the sfp-ttl connection should look like with a custom board" %}
{% include image.html file="ma5671a-root-2.jpg"  alt="SFP Molex" caption="SFP Molex" %}

1. Open Tera Term (or other serial terminal emulators), find the correct serial port of the TTL adapter, change the port on the script on line 7 instead of `COM8`.
1. After this, run the following python script and connect the GND pin:

import sys
import time


    ser = serial.Serial("COM8", 115200, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS)
    print('[+] Use serial port device:',
    print('[+] Waiting for trigger characters...')
    while True:
            recv = ser.readline().decode()
        except Exception as x:
            print("Decode errore", x)
        if recv.startswith('U-Boot'):
            print('[+] Received! transfer enable command...')
            print('[+] Transfer command sequence 1')
            t_end = time.time() + 3
            while time.time() < t_end:
            print('[+] Transfer command sequence 2')
            ser.write('setenv bootdelay 3\n'.encode())
            print('[+] Transfer command sequence 3')
            ser.write('setenv asc0 0\n'.encode())
            print('[+] Transfer command sequence 4')
                'setenv preboot "gpio input 105;gpio input 106;gpio input 107;gpio input 108;gpio set 3;gpio set 109;gpio set 110;gpio clear 423;gpio clear 422;gpio clear 325;gpio clear 402;gpio clear 424"\n'.encode())
            print('[+] Transfer command sequence 5')
            print('[+] Transfer command sequence 6')
            print('[+] Enable command transfer complete! rebooting...')
except Exception as e:
        print('[!] Error:', e)
        e = None
        del e

except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

1. Reboot the stick
1. Open Tera Term (or other serial terminal emulators), after it has loaded press `enter` to activate the console

{% include image.html file="new-root-procedure\press-enter.jpg"  alt="Press enter to activate the console" caption="Press enter to activate the console" %}

1. With `sed` change the default shell from `/opt/lantiq/bin/minishell` to `/bin/ash` by editing the file `/etc/passwd`:

sed -i  "s|/opt/lantiq/bin/minishell|/bin/ash|g" /etc/passwd
{% include alert.html content="Do not use `vim`!" alert="Important" icon="svg-warning" color="red" %}

{% include alert.html content="Be aware that kernel panics happen often! If a kernel panic happens wait for the reboot and quickly try again." alert="Important"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

[   34.612000] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt
[   34.612000] Rebooting in 3 seconds..

{% include alert.html content="The cause of these kernel panics could be insufficient supply of power." alert="Info"  icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

1. After this is done, reboot the stick, after connecting it to the router via an ethernet mediaconverter or directly plug it in an SFP port, with the port's IP set to whatever IP of the subnet (the stick has the IP

{% include alert.html content="If your subnet is make sure you have no ip conflicts." alert="Note"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

{% include alert.html content="Make sure to disable SFP TX fault detection, otherwise the RX loss will prevent you from connecting to the mini SFP ONT at this point. Don't simply attach the fiber cable to work around this issue as the OLT may ban you." alert="Note"  icon="svg-warning" color="yellow" %}

1. Run the terminal and login to the stick with ssh

ssh root@

The password is `admin123`.

{% include alert.html content="If you use a modern OpenSSH version (e.g. >= 8.8) you will have to enable some deprecated algorithms: ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss [...]" alert="Info"  icon="svg-info" color="blue" %}

# Miscellaneous Links
- [Come avere i 2.5 Gbps su un unico dispositivo senza il Fastgate](
- [Support MA5671A SFP GPON](
- [La fibre Orange à 2Gbps, sur un routeur MikroTik 10Gbps CCR2004, via un ONT SFP+](
- [Bypassing the HH3K up to 2.5Gbps using a BCM57810S NIC](
- [Bypassing the HH3K up to 2.5Gbps using a BCM57810S NIC](