""" pygments.lexers.data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexers for data file format. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2023 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from pygments.lexer import Lexer, ExtendedRegexLexer, LexerContext, \ include, bygroups from pygments.token import Comment, Error, Keyword, Literal, Name, Number, \ Punctuation, String, Whitespace __all__ = ['YamlLexer', 'JsonLexer', 'JsonBareObjectLexer', 'JsonLdLexer'] class YamlLexerContext(LexerContext): """Indentation context for the YAML lexer.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super().__init__(*args, **kwds) self.indent_stack = [] self.indent = -1 self.next_indent = 0 self.block_scalar_indent = None class YamlLexer(ExtendedRegexLexer): """ Lexer for YAML, a human-friendly data serialization language. .. versionadded:: 0.11 """ name = 'YAML' url = 'http://yaml.org/' aliases = ['yaml'] filenames = ['*.yaml', '*.yml'] mimetypes = ['text/x-yaml'] def something(token_class): """Do not produce empty tokens.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = match.group() if not text: return yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback def reset_indent(token_class): """Reset the indentation levels.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = match.group() context.indent_stack = [] context.indent = -1 context.next_indent = 0 context.block_scalar_indent = None yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback def save_indent(token_class, start=False): """Save a possible indentation level.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = match.group() extra = '' if start: context.next_indent = len(text) if context.next_indent < context.indent: while context.next_indent < context.indent: context.indent = context.indent_stack.pop() if context.next_indent > context.indent: extra = text[context.indent:] text = text[:context.indent] else: context.next_indent += len(text) if text: yield match.start(), token_class, text if extra: yield match.start()+len(text), token_class.Error, extra context.pos = match.end() return callback def set_indent(token_class, implicit=False): """Set the previously saved indentation level.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = match.group() if context.indent < context.next_indent: context.indent_stack.append(context.indent) context.indent = context.next_indent if not implicit: context.next_indent += len(text) yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback def set_block_scalar_indent(token_class): """Set an explicit indentation level for a block scalar.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = match.group() context.block_scalar_indent = None if not text: return increment = match.group(1) if increment: current_indent = max(context.indent, 0) increment = int(increment) context.block_scalar_indent = current_indent + increment if text: yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback def parse_block_scalar_empty_line(indent_token_class, content_token_class): """Process an empty line in a block scalar.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = match.group() if (context.block_scalar_indent is None or len(text) <= context.block_scalar_indent): if text: yield match.start(), indent_token_class, text else: indentation = text[:context.block_scalar_indent] content = text[context.block_scalar_indent:] yield match.start(), indent_token_class, indentation yield (match.start()+context.block_scalar_indent, content_token_class, content) context.pos = match.end() return callback def parse_block_scalar_indent(token_class): """Process indentation spaces in a block scalar.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = match.group() if context.block_scalar_indent is None: if len(text) <= max(context.indent, 0): context.stack.pop() context.stack.pop() return context.block_scalar_indent = len(text) else: if len(text) < context.block_scalar_indent: context.stack.pop() context.stack.pop() return if text: yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback def parse_plain_scalar_indent(token_class): """Process indentation spaces in a plain scalar.""" def callback(lexer, match, context): text = match.group() if len(text) <= context.indent: context.stack.pop() context.stack.pop() return if text: yield match.start(), token_class, text context.pos = match.end() return callback tokens = { # the root rules 'root': [ # ignored whitespaces (r'[ ]+(?=#|$)', Whitespace), # line breaks (r'\n+', Whitespace), # a comment (r'#[^\n]*', Comment.Single), # the '%YAML' directive (r'^%YAML(?=[ ]|$)', reset_indent(Name.Tag), 'yaml-directive'), # the %TAG directive (r'^%TAG(?=[ ]|$)', reset_indent(Name.Tag), 'tag-directive'), # document start and document end indicators (r'^(?:---|\.\.\.)(?=[ ]|$)', reset_indent(Name.Namespace), 'block-line'), # indentation spaces (r'[ ]*(?!\s|$)', save_indent(Whitespace, start=True), ('block-line', 'indentation')), ], # trailing whitespaces after directives or a block scalar indicator 'ignored-line': [ # ignored whitespaces (r'[ ]+(?=#|$)', Whitespace), # a comment (r'#[^\n]*', Comment.Single), # line break (r'\n', Whitespace, '#pop:2'), ], # the %YAML directive 'yaml-directive': [ # the version number (r'([ ]+)([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)', bygroups(Whitespace, Number), 'ignored-line'), ], # the %TAG directive 'tag-directive': [ # a tag handle and the corresponding prefix (r'([ ]+)(!|![\w-]*!)' r'([ ]+)(!|!?[\w;/?:@&=+$,.!~*\'()\[\]%-]+)', bygroups(Whitespace, Keyword.Type, Whitespace, Keyword.Type), 'ignored-line'), ], # block scalar indicators and indentation spaces 'indentation': [ # trailing whitespaces are ignored (r'[ ]*$', something(Whitespace), '#pop:2'), # whitespaces preceding block collection indicators (r'[ ]+(?=[?:-](?:[ ]|$))', save_indent(Whitespace)), # block collection indicators (r'[?:-](?=[ ]|$)', set_indent(Punctuation.Indicator)), # the beginning a block line (r'[ ]*', save_indent(Whitespace), '#pop'), ], # an indented line in the block context 'block-line': [ # the line end (r'[ ]*(?=#|$)', something(Whitespace), '#pop'), # whitespaces separating tokens (r'[ ]+', Whitespace), # key with colon (r'''([^#,?\[\]{}"'\n]+)(:)(?=[ ]|$)''', bygroups(Name.Tag, set_indent(Punctuation, implicit=True))), # tags, anchors and aliases, include('descriptors'), # block collections and scalars include('block-nodes'), # flow collections and quoted scalars include('flow-nodes'), # a plain scalar (r'(?=[^\s?:,\[\]{}#&*!|>\'"%@`-]|[?:-]\S)', something(Name.Variable), 'plain-scalar-in-block-context'), ], # tags, anchors, aliases 'descriptors': [ # a full-form tag (r'!<[\w#;/?:@&=+$,.!~*\'()\[\]%-]+>', Keyword.Type), # a tag in the form '!', '!suffix' or '!handle!suffix' (r'!(?:[\w-]+!)?' r'[\w#;/?:@&=+$,.!~*\'()\[\]%-]*', Keyword.Type), # an anchor (r'&[\w-]+', Name.Label), # an alias (r'\*[\w-]+', Name.Variable), ], # block collections and scalars 'block-nodes': [ # implicit key (r':(?=[ ]|$)', set_indent(Punctuation.Indicator, implicit=True)), # literal and folded scalars (r'[|>]', Punctuation.Indicator, ('block-scalar-content', 'block-scalar-header')), ], # flow collections and quoted scalars 'flow-nodes': [ # a flow sequence (r'\[', Punctuation.Indicator, 'flow-sequence'), # a flow mapping (r'\{', Punctuation.Indicator, 'flow-mapping'), # a single-quoted scalar (r'\'', String, 'single-quoted-scalar'), # a double-quoted scalar (r'\"', String, 'double-quoted-scalar'), ], # the content of a flow collection 'flow-collection': [ # whitespaces (r'[ ]+', Whitespace), # line breaks (r'\n+', Whitespace), # a comment (r'#[^\n]*', Comment.Single), # simple indicators (r'[?:,]', Punctuation.Indicator), # tags, anchors and aliases include('descriptors'), # nested collections and quoted scalars include('flow-nodes'), # a plain scalar (r'(?=[^\s?:,\[\]{}#&*!|>\'"%@`])', something(Name.Variable), 'plain-scalar-in-flow-context'), ], # a flow sequence indicated by '[' and ']' 'flow-sequence': [ # include flow collection rules include('flow-collection'), # the closing indicator (r'\]', Punctuation.Indicator, '#pop'), ], # a flow mapping indicated by '{' and '}' 'flow-mapping': [ # key with colon (r'''([^,:?\[\]{}"'\n]+)(:)(?=[ ]|$)''', bygroups(Name.Tag, Punctuation)), # include flow collection rules include('flow-collection'), # the closing indicator (r'\}', Punctuation.Indicator, '#pop'), ], # block scalar lines 'block-scalar-content': [ # line break (r'\n', Whitespace), # empty line (r'^[ ]+$', parse_block_scalar_empty_line(Whitespace, Name.Constant)), # indentation spaces (we may leave the state here) (r'^[ ]*', parse_block_scalar_indent(Whitespace)), # line content (r'[\S\t ]+', Name.Constant), ], # the content of a literal or folded scalar 'block-scalar-header': [ # indentation indicator followed by chomping flag (r'([1-9])?[+-]?(?=[ ]|$)', set_block_scalar_indent(Punctuation.Indicator), 'ignored-line'), # chomping flag followed by indentation indicator (r'[+-]?([1-9])?(?=[ ]|$)', set_block_scalar_indent(Punctuation.Indicator), 'ignored-line'), ], # ignored and regular whitespaces in quoted scalars 'quoted-scalar-whitespaces': [ # leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored (r'^[ ]+', Whitespace), (r'[ ]+$', Whitespace), # line breaks are ignored (r'\n+', Whitespace), # other whitespaces are a part of the value (r'[ ]+', Name.Variable), ], # single-quoted scalars 'single-quoted-scalar': [ # include whitespace and line break rules include('quoted-scalar-whitespaces'), # escaping of the quote character (r'\'\'', String.Escape), # regular non-whitespace characters (r'[^\s\']+', String), # the closing quote (r'\'', String, '#pop'), ], # double-quoted scalars 'double-quoted-scalar': [ # include whitespace and line break rules include('quoted-scalar-whitespaces'), # escaping of special characters (r'\\[0abt\tn\nvfre "\\N_LP]', String), # escape codes (r'\\(?:x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})', String.Escape), # regular non-whitespace characters (r'[^\s"\\]+', String), # the closing quote (r'"', String, '#pop'), ], # the beginning of a new line while scanning a plain scalar 'plain-scalar-in-block-context-new-line': [ # empty lines (r'^[ ]+$', Whitespace), # line breaks (r'\n+', Whitespace), # document start and document end indicators (r'^(?=---|\.\.\.)', something(Name.Namespace), '#pop:3'), # indentation spaces (we may leave the block line state here) (r'^[ ]*', parse_plain_scalar_indent(Whitespace), '#pop'), ], # a plain scalar in the block context 'plain-scalar-in-block-context': [ # the scalar ends with the ':' indicator (r'[ ]*(?=:[ ]|:$)', something(Whitespace), '#pop'), # the scalar ends with whitespaces followed by a comment (r'[ ]+(?=#)', Whitespace, '#pop'), # trailing whitespaces are ignored (r'[ ]+$', Whitespace), # line breaks are ignored (r'\n+', Whitespace, 'plain-scalar-in-block-context-new-line'), # other whitespaces are a part of the value (r'[ ]+', Literal.Scalar.Plain), # regular non-whitespace characters (r'(?::(?!\s)|[^\s:])+', Literal.Scalar.Plain), ], # a plain scalar is the flow context 'plain-scalar-in-flow-context': [ # the scalar ends with an indicator character (r'[ ]*(?=[,:?\[\]{}])', something(Whitespace), '#pop'), # the scalar ends with a comment (r'[ ]+(?=#)', Whitespace, '#pop'), # leading and trailing whitespaces are ignored (r'^[ ]+', Whitespace), (r'[ ]+$', Whitespace), # line breaks are ignored (r'\n+', Whitespace), # other whitespaces are a part of the value (r'[ ]+', Name.Variable), # regular non-whitespace characters (r'[^\s,:?\[\]{}]+', Name.Variable), ], } def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text=None, context=None): if context is None: context = YamlLexerContext(text, 0) return super().get_tokens_unprocessed(text, context) class JsonLexer(Lexer): """ For JSON data structures. Javascript-style comments are supported (like ``/* */`` and ``//``), though comments are not part of the JSON specification. This allows users to highlight JSON as it is used in the wild. No validation is performed on the input JSON document. .. versionadded:: 1.5 """ name = 'JSON' url = 'https://www.json.org' aliases = ['json', 'json-object'] filenames = ['*.json', 'Pipfile.lock'] mimetypes = ['application/json', 'application/json-object'] # No validation of integers, floats, or constants is done. # As long as the characters are members of the following # sets, the token will be considered valid. For example, # # "--1--" is parsed as an integer # "1...eee" is parsed as a float # "trustful" is parsed as a constant # integers = set('-0123456789') floats = set('.eE+') constants = set('truefalsenull') # true|false|null hexadecimals = set('0123456789abcdefABCDEF') punctuations = set('{}[],') whitespaces = {'\u0020', '\u000a', '\u000d', '\u0009'} def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): """Parse JSON data.""" in_string = False in_escape = False in_unicode_escape = 0 in_whitespace = False in_constant = False in_number = False in_float = False in_punctuation = False in_comment_single = False in_comment_multiline = False expecting_second_comment_opener = False # // or /* expecting_second_comment_closer = False # */ start = 0 # The queue is used to store data that may need to be tokenized # differently based on what follows. In particular, JSON object # keys are tokenized differently than string values, but cannot # be distinguished until punctuation is encountered outside the # string. # # A ":" character after the string indicates that the string is # an object key; any other character indicates the string is a # regular string value. # # The queue holds tuples that contain the following data: # # (start_index, token_type, text) # # By default the token type of text in double quotes is # String.Double. The token type will be replaced if a colon # is encountered after the string closes. # queue = [] for stop, character in enumerate(text): if in_string: if in_unicode_escape: if character in self.hexadecimals: in_unicode_escape -= 1 if not in_unicode_escape: in_escape = False else: in_unicode_escape = 0 in_escape = False elif in_escape: if character == 'u': in_unicode_escape = 4 else: in_escape = False elif character == '\\': in_escape = True elif character == '"': queue.append((start, String.Double, text[start:stop + 1])) in_string = False in_escape = False in_unicode_escape = 0 continue elif in_whitespace: if character in self.whitespaces: continue if queue: queue.append((start, Whitespace, text[start:stop])) else: yield start, Whitespace, text[start:stop] in_whitespace = False # Fall through so the new character can be evaluated. elif in_constant: if character in self.constants: continue yield start, Keyword.Constant, text[start:stop] in_constant = False # Fall through so the new character can be evaluated. elif in_number: if character in self.integers: continue elif character in self.floats: in_float = True continue if in_float: yield start, Number.Float, text[start:stop] else: yield start, Number.Integer, text[start:stop] in_number = False in_float = False # Fall through so the new character can be evaluated. elif in_punctuation: if character in self.punctuations: continue yield start, Punctuation, text[start:stop] in_punctuation = False # Fall through so the new character can be evaluated. elif in_comment_single: if character != '\n': continue if queue: queue.append((start, Comment.Single, text[start:stop])) else: yield start, Comment.Single, text[start:stop] in_comment_single = False # Fall through so the new character can be evaluated. elif in_comment_multiline: if character == '*': expecting_second_comment_closer = True elif expecting_second_comment_closer: expecting_second_comment_closer = False if character == '/': if queue: queue.append((start, Comment.Multiline, text[start:stop + 1])) else: yield start, Comment.Multiline, text[start:stop + 1] in_comment_multiline = False continue elif expecting_second_comment_opener: expecting_second_comment_opener = False if character == '/': in_comment_single = True continue elif character == '*': in_comment_multiline = True continue # Exhaust the queue. Accept the existing token types. yield from queue queue.clear() yield start, Error, text[start:stop] # Fall through so the new character can be evaluated. start = stop if character == '"': in_string = True elif character in self.whitespaces: in_whitespace = True elif character in {'f', 'n', 't'}: # The first letters of true|false|null # Exhaust the queue. Accept the existing token types. yield from queue queue.clear() in_constant = True elif character in self.integers: # Exhaust the queue. Accept the existing token types. yield from queue queue.clear() in_number = True elif character == ':': # Yield from the queue. Replace string token types. for _start, _token, _text in queue: # There can be only three types of tokens before a ':': # Whitespace, Comment, or a quoted string. # # If it's a quoted string we emit Name.Tag. # Otherwise, we yield the original token. # # In all other cases this would be invalid JSON, # but this is not a validating JSON lexer, so it's OK. if _token is String.Double: yield _start, Name.Tag, _text else: yield _start, _token, _text queue.clear() in_punctuation = True elif character in self.punctuations: # Exhaust the queue. Accept the existing token types. yield from queue queue.clear() in_punctuation = True elif character == '/': # This is the beginning of a comment. expecting_second_comment_opener = True else: # Exhaust the queue. Accept the existing token types. yield from queue queue.clear() yield start, Error, character # Yield any remaining text. yield from queue if in_string: yield start, Error, text[start:] elif in_float: yield start, Number.Float, text[start:] elif in_number: yield start, Number.Integer, text[start:] elif in_constant: yield start, Keyword.Constant, text[start:] elif in_whitespace: yield start, Whitespace, text[start:] elif in_punctuation: yield start, Punctuation, text[start:] elif in_comment_single: yield start, Comment.Single, text[start:] elif in_comment_multiline: yield start, Error, text[start:] elif expecting_second_comment_opener: yield start, Error, text[start:] class JsonBareObjectLexer(JsonLexer): """ For JSON data structures (with missing object curly braces). .. versionadded:: 2.2 .. deprecated:: 2.8.0 Behaves the same as `JsonLexer` now. """ name = 'JSONBareObject' aliases = [] filenames = [] mimetypes = [] class JsonLdLexer(JsonLexer): """ For JSON-LD linked data. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ name = 'JSON-LD' url = 'https://json-ld.org/' aliases = ['jsonld', 'json-ld'] filenames = ['*.jsonld'] mimetypes = ['application/ld+json'] json_ld_keywords = { '"@%s"' % keyword for keyword in ( 'base', 'container', 'context', 'direction', 'graph', 'id', 'import', 'included', 'index', 'json', 'language', 'list', 'nest', 'none', 'prefix', 'propagate', 'protected', 'reverse', 'set', 'type', 'value', 'version', 'vocab', ) } def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): for start, token, value in super().get_tokens_unprocessed(text): if token is Name.Tag and value in self.json_ld_keywords: yield start, Name.Decorator, value else: yield start, token, value