from os import environ import requests from functools import cached_property from importlib.metadata import version as get_package_version, PackageNotFoundError from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError, PIPE from .errors import VersionNotFoundError def get_pypi_version(package_name: str) -> str: """ Get the latest version of a package from PyPI. :param package_name: The name of the package. :return: The latest version of the package as a string. """ try: response = requests.get(f"{package_name}/json").json() return response["info"]["version"] except requests.RequestException as e: raise VersionNotFoundError(f"Failed to get PyPI version: {e}") def get_github_version(repo: str) -> str: """ Get the latest release version from a GitHub repository. :param repo: The name of the GitHub repository. :return: The latest release version as a string. """ try: response = requests.get(f"{repo}/releases/latest").json() return response["tag_name"] except requests.RequestException as e: raise VersionNotFoundError(f"Failed to get GitHub release version: {e}") def get_latest_version(): """ Get the latest release version from PyPI or the GitHub repository. :return: The latest release version as a string. """ try: # Is installed via package manager? get_package_version("g4f") return get_pypi_version("g4f") except PackageNotFoundError: # Else use Github version: return get_github_version("xtekky/gpt4free") class VersionUtils: """ Utility class for managing and comparing package versions. """ @cached_property def current_version(self) -> str: """ Get the current version of the g4f package. :return: The current version as a string. """ # Read from package manager try: return get_package_version("g4f") except PackageNotFoundError: pass # Read from docker environment version = environ.get("G4F_VERSION") if version: return version # Read from git repository try: command = ["git", "describe", "--tags", "--abbrev=0"] return check_output(command, text=True, stderr=PIPE).strip() except CalledProcessError: pass raise VersionNotFoundError("Version not found") @cached_property def latest_version(self) -> str: """ Get the latest version of the g4f package. :return: The latest version as a string. """ return get_latest_version() def check_version(self) -> None: """ Check if the current version is up to date with the latest version. """ try: if self.current_version != self.latest_version: print(f'New g4f version: {self.latest_version} (current: {self.current_version}) | pip install -U g4f') except Exception as e: print(f'Failed to check g4f version: {e}') utils = VersionUtils()