from __future__ import annotations import logging import json from typing import Iterator from g4f import version, models from g4f import get_last_provider, ChatCompletion from g4f.errors import VersionNotFoundError from g4f.Provider import ProviderType, __providers__, __map__ from g4f.providers.base_provider import ProviderModelMixin from import patch_provider from g4f.providers.conversation import BaseConversation conversations: dict[dict[str, BaseConversation]] = {} class Api(): def get_models(self) -> list[str]: """ Return a list of all models. Fetches and returns a list of all available models in the system. Returns: List[str]: A list of model names. """ return models._all_models def get_provider_models(self, provider: str) -> list[dict]: if provider in __map__: provider: ProviderType = __map__[provider] if issubclass(provider, ProviderModelMixin): return [{"model": model, "default": model == provider.default_model} for model in provider.get_models()] elif provider.supports_gpt_35_turbo or provider.supports_gpt_4: return [ *([{"model": "gpt-4", "default": not provider.supports_gpt_4}] if provider.supports_gpt_4 else []), *([{"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "default": not provider.supports_gpt_4}] if provider.supports_gpt_35_turbo else []) ] else: return []; def get_providers(self) -> list[str]: """ Return a list of all working providers. """ return [provider.__name__ for provider in __providers__ if provider.working] def get_version(self): """ Returns the current and latest version of the application. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the current and latest version. """ try: current_version = version.utils.current_version except VersionNotFoundError: current_version = None return { "version": current_version, "latest_version": version.utils.latest_version, } def generate_title(self): """ Generates and returns a title based on the request data. Returns: dict: A dictionary with the generated title. """ return {'title': ''} def _prepare_conversation_kwargs(self, json_data: dict, kwargs: dict): """ Prepares arguments for chat completion based on the request data. Reads the request and prepares the necessary arguments for handling a chat completion request. Returns: dict: Arguments prepared for chat completion. """ provider = json_data.get('provider', None) if "image" in kwargs and provider is None: provider = "Bing" if provider == 'OpenaiChat': kwargs['auto_continue'] = True messages = json_data['messages'] if json_data.get('web_search'): if provider == "Bing": kwargs['web_search'] = True else: from .internet import get_search_message messages[-1]["content"] = get_search_message(messages[-1]["content"]) conversation_id = json_data.get("conversation_id") if conversation_id and provider in conversations and conversation_id in conversations[provider]: kwargs["conversation"] = conversations[provider][conversation_id] model = json_data.get('model') model = model if model else models.default patch = patch_provider if json_data.get('patch_provider') else None return { "model": model, "provider": provider, "messages": messages, "stream": True, "ignore_stream": True, "patch_provider": patch, "return_conversation": True, **kwargs } def _create_response_stream(self, kwargs: dict, conversation_id: str, provider: str) -> Iterator: """ Creates and returns a streaming response for the conversation. Args: kwargs (dict): Arguments for creating the chat completion. Yields: str: JSON formatted response chunks for the stream. Raises: Exception: If an error occurs during the streaming process. """ try: first = True for chunk in ChatCompletion.create(**kwargs): if first: first = False yield self._format_json("provider", get_last_provider(True)) if isinstance(chunk, BaseConversation): if provider not in conversations: conversations[provider] = {} conversations[provider][conversation_id] = chunk yield self._format_json("conversation", conversation_id) elif isinstance(chunk, Exception): logging.exception(chunk) yield self._format_json("message", get_error_message(chunk)) else: yield self._format_json("content", str(chunk)) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) yield self._format_json('error', get_error_message(e)) def _format_json(self, response_type: str, content): """ Formats and returns a JSON response. Args: response_type (str): The type of the response. content: The content to be included in the response. Returns: str: A JSON formatted string. """ return { 'type': response_type, response_type: content } def get_error_message(exception: Exception) -> str: """ Generates a formatted error message from an exception. Args: exception (Exception): The exception to format. Returns: str: A formatted error message string. """ return f"{get_last_provider().__name__}: {type(exception).__name__}: {exception}"