from __future__ import annotations import os import json import random import re from aiohttp import ClientSession try: from import By from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC except ImportError: pass from ...typing import Messages, Cookies, ImageType, AsyncResult from ..base_provider import AsyncGeneratorProvider from ..helper import format_prompt, get_cookies from ...errors import MissingAuthError, MissingRequirementsError from ...image import to_bytes, ImageResponse from ...webdriver import get_browser, get_driver_cookies REQUEST_HEADERS = { "authority": "", "origin": "", "referer": "", 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'x-same-domain': '1', } REQUEST_BL_PARAM = "boq_assistant-bard-web-server_20240201.08_p8" REQUEST_URL = "" UPLOAD_IMAGE_URL = "" UPLOAD_IMAGE_HEADERS = { "authority": "", "accept": "*/*", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.7", "authorization": "Basic c2F2ZXM6cyNMdGhlNmxzd2F2b0RsN3J1d1U=", "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8", "origin": "", "push-id": "feeds/mcudyrk2a4khkz", "referer": "", "x-goog-upload-command": "start", "x-goog-upload-header-content-length": "", "x-goog-upload-protocol": "resumable", "x-tenant-id": "bard-storage", } class Gemini(AsyncGeneratorProvider): url = "" needs_auth = True working = True supports_stream = False @classmethod async def create_async_generator( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, proxy: str = None, cookies: Cookies = None, image: ImageType = None, image_name: str = None, **kwargs ) -> AsyncResult: prompt = format_prompt(messages) if not cookies: cookies = get_cookies("", False, True) if "__Secure-1PSID" not in cookies or "__Secure-1PSIDCC" not in cookies: driver = None try: driver = get_browser(proxy=proxy) try: driver.get(f"{cls.url}/app") WebDriverWait(driver, 5).until( EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.ql-editor.textarea")) ) except: login_url = os.environ.get("G4F_LOGIN_URL") if login_url: yield f"Please login: [Google Gemini]({login_url})\n\n" WebDriverWait(driver, 240).until( EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.ql-editor.textarea")) ) cookies = get_driver_cookies(driver) except MissingRequirementsError: pass finally: if driver: driver.close() if "__Secure-1PSID" not in cookies: raise MissingAuthError('Missing "__Secure-1PSID" cookie') image_url = await cls.upload_image(to_bytes(image), image_name, proxy) if image else None async with ClientSession( cookies=cookies, headers=REQUEST_HEADERS ) as session: async with session.get(cls.url, proxy=proxy) as response: text = await response.text() open("test.html", "w").write(text) match ='SNlM0e\":\"(.*?)\"', text) if match: snlm0e = else: raise RuntimeError("SNlM0e not found") params = { 'bl': REQUEST_BL_PARAM, '_reqid': random.randint(1111, 9999), 'rt': 'c' } data = { 'at': snlm0e, 'f.req': json.dumps([None, json.dumps(cls.build_request( prompt, image_url=image_url, image_name=image_name ))]) } async with REQUEST_URL, data=data, params=params, proxy=proxy ) as response: response = await response.text() response_part = json.loads(json.loads(response.splitlines()[-5])[0][2]) if response_part[4] is None: response_part = json.loads(json.loads(response.splitlines()[-7])[0][2]) content = response_part[4][0][1][0] image_prompt = None match ='\[Imagen of (.*?)\]', content) if match: image_prompt = content = content.replace(, '') yield content if image_prompt: images = [image[0][3][3] for image in response_part[4][0][12][7][0]] resolved_images = [] for image in images: async with session.get(image, allow_redirects=False) as fetch: image = fetch.headers["location"] async with session.get(image, allow_redirects=False) as fetch: image = fetch.headers["location"] resolved_images.append(image) yield ImageResponse(resolved_images, image_prompt, {"orginal_links": images}) def build_request( prompt: str, conversation_id: str = "", response_id: str = "", choice_id: str = "", image_url: str = None, image_name: str = None, tools: list[list[str]] = [] ) -> list: image_list = [[[image_url, 1], image_name]] if image_url else [] return [ [prompt, 0, None, image_list, None, None, 0], ["en"], [conversation_id, response_id, choice_id, None, None, []], None, None, None, [1], 0, [], tools, 1, 0, ] async def upload_image(image: bytes, image_name: str = None, proxy: str = None): async with ClientSession( headers=UPLOAD_IMAGE_HEADERS ) as session: async with session.options(UPLOAD_IMAGE_URL, proxy=proxy) as reponse: reponse.raise_for_status() headers = { "size": str(len(image)), "x-goog-upload-command": "start" } data = f"File name: {image_name}" if image_name else None async with UPLOAD_IMAGE_URL, headers=headers, data=data, proxy=proxy ) as response: response.raise_for_status() upload_url = response.headers["X-Goog-Upload-Url"] async with session.options(upload_url, headers=headers) as response: response.raise_for_status() headers["x-goog-upload-command"] = "upload, finalize" headers["X-Goog-Upload-Offset"] = "0" async with upload_url, headers=headers, data=image, proxy=proxy ) as response: response.raise_for_status() return await response.text()