from __future__ import annotations from aiohttp import ClientSession, BaseConnector from ..typing import AsyncResult, Messages from .base_provider import AsyncGeneratorProvider from .helper import get_random_string, get_connector from ..requests import raise_for_status, get_args_from_browser, WebDriver from ..webdriver import has_seleniumwire from ..errors import MissingRequirementsError class GptTalkRu(AsyncGeneratorProvider): url = "" working = True supports_gpt_35_turbo = True @classmethod async def create_async_generator( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, proxy: str = None, connector: BaseConnector = None, webdriver: WebDriver = None, **kwargs ) -> AsyncResult: if not model: model = "gpt-3.5-turbo" if not has_seleniumwire: raise MissingRequirementsError('Install "selenium-wire" package') args = get_args_from_browser(f"{cls.url}", webdriver) args["headers"]["accept"] = "application/json, text/plain, */*" async with ClientSession(connector=get_connector(connector, proxy), **args) as session: async with session.get("") as response: await raise_for_status(response) public_key = (await response.json())["response"]["key"]["publicKey"] random_string = get_random_string(8) data = { "model": model, "modelType": 1, "prompt": messages, "responseType": "stream", "security": { "randomMessage": random_string, "shifrText": encrypt(public_key, random_string) } } async with"{cls.url}/gpt2", json=data, proxy=proxy) as response: await raise_for_status(response) async for chunk in response.content.iter_any(): yield chunk.decode(errors="ignore") def encrypt(public_key: str, value: str) -> str: from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5 from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA import base64 rsa_key = RSA.importKey(public_key) cipher = return base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(value.encode())).decode()