from __future__ import annotations import random import json import uuid import time import asyncio from urllib import parse from datetime import datetime from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientTimeout, BaseConnector, WSMsgType from ..typing import AsyncResult, Messages, ImageType, Cookies from ..image import ImageRequest from ..errors import ResponseStatusError from .base_provider import AsyncGeneratorProvider, ProviderModelMixin from .helper import get_connector, get_random_hex from .bing.upload_image import upload_image from .bing.conversation import Conversation, create_conversation, delete_conversation from .BingCreateImages import BingCreateImages from .. import debug class Tones: """ Defines the different tone options for the Bing provider. """ creative = "Creative" balanced = "Balanced" precise = "Precise" copilot = "Balanced" class Bing(AsyncGeneratorProvider, ProviderModelMixin): """ Bing provider for generating responses using the Bing API. """ url = "" working = True supports_message_history = True supports_gpt_4 = True default_model = "balanced" models = [key for key in Tones.__dict__ if not key.startswith("__")] @classmethod def create_async_generator( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, proxy: str = None, timeout: int = 900, cookies: Cookies = None, connector: BaseConnector = None, tone: str = None, image: ImageType = None, web_search: bool = False, context: str = None, **kwargs ) -> AsyncResult: """ Creates an asynchronous generator for producing responses from Bing. :param model: The model to use. :param messages: Messages to process. :param proxy: Proxy to use for requests. :param timeout: Timeout for requests. :param cookies: Cookies for the session. :param tone: The tone of the response. :param image: The image type to be used. :param web_search: Flag to enable or disable web search. :return: An asynchronous result object. """ prompt = messages[-1]["content"] if context is None: context = create_context(messages[:-1]) if len(messages) > 1 else None if tone is None: tone = tone if model.startswith("gpt-4") else model tone = cls.get_model("" if tone is None else tone.lower()) gpt4_turbo = True if model.startswith("gpt-4-turbo") else False return stream_generate( prompt, tone, image, context, cookies, get_connector(connector, proxy, True), proxy, web_search, gpt4_turbo, timeout, **kwargs ) def create_context(messages: Messages) -> str: """ Creates a context string from a list of messages. :param messages: A list of message dictionaries. :return: A string representing the context created from the messages. """ return "".join( f"[{message['role']}]" + ("(#message)" if message['role'] != "system" else "(#additional_instructions)") + f"\n{message['content']}" for message in messages ) + "\n\n" def get_ip_address() -> str: return f"13.{random.randint(104, 107)}.{random.randint(0, 255)}.{random.randint(0, 255)}" def get_default_cookies(): return { 'SRCHD' : 'AF=NOFORM', 'PPLState' : '1', 'KievRPSSecAuth': '', 'SUID' : '', 'SRCHUSR' : '', 'SRCHHPGUSR' : f'HV={int(time.time())}', } def create_headers(cookies: Cookies = None) -> dict: if cookies is None: cookies = get_default_cookies() headers = Defaults.headers.copy() headers["cookie"] = "; ".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in cookies.items()) headers["x-forwarded-for"] = get_ip_address() return headers class Defaults: """ Default settings and configurations for the Bing provider. """ delimiter = "\x1e" # List of allowed message types for Bing responses allowedMessageTypes = [ "ActionRequest","Chat", "ConfirmationCard", "Context", "InternalSearchQuery", #"InternalSearchResult", #"Disengaged", "InternalLoaderMessage", "Progress", "RenderCardRequest", "RenderContentRequest", "AdsQuery", "SemanticSerp", "GenerateContentQuery", "SearchQuery", "GeneratedCode", "InternalTasksMessage" ] sliceIds = { "balanced": [ "supllmnfe","archnewtf", "stpstream", "stpsig", "vnextvoicecf", "scmcbase", "cmcpupsalltf", "sydtransctrl", "thdnsrch", "220dcl1s0", "0215wcrwips0", "0305hrthrots0", "0130gpt4t", "bingfc", "0225unsticky1", "0228scss0", "defquerycf", "defcontrol", "3022tphpv" ], "creative": [ "bgstream", "fltltst2c", "stpstream", "stpsig", "vnextvoicecf", "cmcpupsalltf", "sydtransctrl", "0301techgnd", "220dcl1bt15", "0215wcrwip", "0305hrthrot", "0130gpt4t", "bingfccf", "0225unsticky1", "0228scss0", "3022tpvs0" ], "precise": [ "bgstream", "fltltst2c", "stpstream", "stpsig", "vnextvoicecf", "cmcpupsalltf", "sydtransctrl", "0301techgnd", "220dcl1bt15", "0215wcrwip", "0305hrthrot", "0130gpt4t", "bingfccf", "0225unsticky1", "0228scss0", "defquerycf", "3022tpvs0" ], "copilot": [] } optionsSets = { "balanced": { "default": [ "nlu_direct_response_filter", "deepleo", "disable_emoji_spoken_text", "responsible_ai_policy_235", "enablemm", "dv3sugg", "autosave", "iyxapbing", "iycapbing", "galileo", "saharagenconv5", "gldcl1p", "gpt4tmncnp" ], "nosearch": [ "nlu_direct_response_filter", "deepleo", "disable_emoji_spoken_text", "responsible_ai_policy_235", "enablemm", "dv3sugg", "autosave", "iyxapbing", "iycapbing", "galileo", "sunoupsell", "base64filter", "uprv4p1upd", "hourthrot", "noctprf", "gndlogcf", "nosearchall" ] }, "creative": { "default": [ "nlu_direct_response_filter", "deepleo", "disable_emoji_spoken_text", "responsible_ai_policy_235", "enablemm", "dv3sugg", "iyxapbing", "iycapbing", "h3imaginative", "techinstgnd", "hourthrot", "clgalileo", "gencontentv3", "gpt4tmncnp" ], "nosearch": [ "nlu_direct_response_filter", "deepleo", "disable_emoji_spoken_text", "responsible_ai_policy_235", "enablemm", "dv3sugg", "autosave", "iyxapbing", "iycapbing", "h3imaginative", "sunoupsell", "base64filter", "uprv4p1upd", "hourthrot", "noctprf", "gndlogcf", "nosearchall", "clgalileo", "nocache", "up4rp14bstcst" ] }, "precise": { "default": [ "nlu_direct_response_filter", "deepleo", "disable_emoji_spoken_text", "responsible_ai_policy_235", "enablemm", "dv3sugg", "iyxapbing", "iycapbing", "h3precise", "techinstgnd", "hourthrot", "techinstgnd", "hourthrot", "clgalileo", "gencontentv3" ], "nosearch": [ "nlu_direct_response_filter", "deepleo", "disable_emoji_spoken_text", "responsible_ai_policy_235", "enablemm", "dv3sugg", "autosave", "iyxapbing", "iycapbing", "h3precise", "sunoupsell", "base64filter", "uprv4p1upd", "hourthrot", "noctprf", "gndlogcf", "nosearchall", "clgalileo", "nocache", "up4rp14bstcst" ] }, "copilot": [ "nlu_direct_response_filter", "deepleo", "disable_emoji_spoken_text", "responsible_ai_policy_235", "enablemm", "dv3sugg", "iyxapbing", "iycapbing", "h3precise", "clgalileo", "gencontentv3", "prjupy" ], } # Default location settings location = { "locale": "en-US", "market": "en-US", "region": "US", "location":"lat:34.0536909;long:-118.242766;re=1000m;", "locationHints": [{ "country": "United States", "state": "California", "city": "Los Angeles", "timezoneoffset": 8, "countryConfidence": 8, "Center": {"Latitude": 34.0536909, "Longitude": -118.242766}, "RegionType": 2, "SourceType": 1 }], } # Default headers for requests home = '' headers = { 'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="122", "Not(A:Brand";v="24", "Google Chrome";v="122"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'sec-ch-ua-arch': '"x86"', 'sec-ch-ua-full-version': '"122.0.6261.69"', 'accept': 'application/json', 'sec-ch-ua-platform-version': '"15.0.0"', "x-ms-client-request-id": str(uuid.uuid4()), 'sec-ch-ua-full-version-list': '"Chromium";v="122.0.6261.69", "Not(A:Brand";v="", "Google Chrome";v="122.0.6261.69"', 'x-ms-useragent': 'azsdk-js-api-client-factory/1.0.0-beta.1 core-rest-pipeline/1.12.3 OS/Windows', 'sec-ch-ua-model': '""', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'referer': home, 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9', } def format_message(msg: dict) -> str: """ Formats a message dictionary into a JSON string with a delimiter. :param msg: The message dictionary to format. :return: A formatted string representation of the message. """ return json.dumps(msg, ensure_ascii=False) + Defaults.delimiter def create_message( conversation: Conversation, prompt: str, tone: str, context: str = None, image_request: ImageRequest = None, web_search: bool = False, gpt4_turbo: bool = False, new_conversation: bool = True ) -> str: """ Creates a message for the Bing API with specified parameters. :param conversation: The current conversation object. :param prompt: The user's input prompt. :param tone: The desired tone for the response. :param context: Additional context for the prompt. :param image_request: The image request with the url. :param web_search: Flag to enable web search. :param gpt4_turbo: Flag to enable GPT-4 Turbo. :return: A formatted string message for the Bing API. """ options_sets = Defaults.optionsSets[tone] if not web_search and "nosearch" in options_sets: options_sets = options_sets["nosearch"] elif "default" in options_sets: options_sets = options_sets["default"] options_sets = options_sets.copy() if gpt4_turbo: options_sets.append("dlgpt4t") request_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) struct = { "arguments":[{ "source": "cib", "optionsSets": options_sets, "allowedMessageTypes": Defaults.allowedMessageTypes, "sliceIds": Defaults.sliceIds[tone], "verbosity": "verbose", "scenario": "CopilotMicrosoftCom", # "SERP", "plugins": [{"id": "c310c353-b9f0-4d76-ab0d-1dd5e979cf68", "category": 1}] if web_search else [], "traceId": get_random_hex(40), "conversationHistoryOptionsSets": ["autosave","savemem","uprofupd","uprofgen"], "gptId": "copilot", "isStartOfSession": new_conversation, "requestId": request_id, "message":{ **Defaults.location, "userIpAddress": get_ip_address(), "timestamp":, "author": "user", "inputMethod": "Keyboard", "text": prompt, "messageType": "Chat", "requestId": request_id, "messageId": request_id }, "tone": getattr(Tones, tone), "spokenTextMode": "None", "conversationId": conversation.conversationId, "participant": {"id": conversation.clientId} }], "invocationId": "0", "target": "chat", "type": 4 } if image_request and image_request.get('imageUrl') and image_request.get('originalImageUrl'): struct['arguments'][0]['message']['originalImageUrl'] = image_request.get('originalImageUrl') struct['arguments'][0]['message']['imageUrl'] = image_request.get('imageUrl') struct['arguments'][0]['experienceType'] = None struct['arguments'][0]['attachedFileInfo'] = {"fileName": None, "fileType": None} if context: struct['arguments'][0]['previousMessages'] = [{ "author": "user", "description": context, "contextType": "ClientApp", "messageType": "Context", "messageId": "discover-web--page-ping-mriduna-----" }] return format_message(struct) async def stream_generate( prompt: str, tone: str, image: ImageType = None, context: str = None, cookies: dict = None, connector: BaseConnector = None, proxy: str = None, web_search: bool = False, gpt4_turbo: bool = False, timeout: int = 900, conversation: Conversation = None, return_conversation: bool = False, raise_apology: bool = False, max_retries: int = None, sleep_retry: int = 15, **kwargs ): """ Asynchronously streams generated responses from the Bing API. :param prompt: The user's input prompt. :param tone: The desired tone for the response. :param image: The image type involved in the response. :param context: Additional context for the prompt. :param cookies: Cookies for the session. :param web_search: Flag to enable web search. :param gpt4_turbo: Flag to enable GPT-4 Turbo. :param timeout: Timeout for the request. :return: An asynchronous generator yielding responses. """ headers = create_headers(cookies) new_conversation = conversation is None max_retries = (5 if new_conversation else 0) if max_retries is None else max_retries async with ClientSession( timeout=ClientTimeout(total=timeout), connector=connector ) as session: first = True while first or conversation is None: first = False do_read = True try: if conversation is None: conversation = await create_conversation(session, headers, tone) if return_conversation: yield conversation except ResponseStatusError as e: max_retries -= 1 if max_retries < 1: raise e if debug.logging: print(f"Bing: Retry: {e}") headers = create_headers() await asyncio.sleep(sleep_retry) continue image_request = await upload_image(session, image, getattr(Tones, tone), headers) if image else None async with session.ws_connect( 'wss://' if tone == "copilot" else 'wss://', autoping=False, params={'sec_access_token': conversation.conversationSignature}, headers=headers ) as wss: await wss.send_str(format_message({'protocol': 'json', 'version': 1})) await wss.send_str(format_message({"type": 6})) await wss.receive(timeout=timeout) await wss.send_str(create_message( conversation, prompt, tone, context if new_conversation else None, image_request, web_search, gpt4_turbo, new_conversation )) response_txt = '' returned_text = '' message_id = None while do_read: msg = await wss.receive(timeout=timeout) if msg.type == WSMsgType.CLOSED: break if msg.type != WSMsgType.TEXT or not continue objects = for obj in objects: if obj is None or not obj: continue response = json.loads(obj) if response and response.get('type') == 1 and response['arguments'][0].get('messages'): message = response['arguments'][0]['messages'][0] if message_id is not None and message_id != message["messageId"]: returned_text = '' message_id = message["messageId"] image_response = None if (raise_apology and message['contentOrigin'] == 'Apology'): raise RuntimeError("Apology Response Error") if 'adaptiveCards' in message: card = message['adaptiveCards'][0]['body'][0] if "text" in card: response_txt = card.get('text') if message.get('messageType') and "inlines" in card: inline_txt = card['inlines'][0].get('text') response_txt += inline_txt + '\n' elif message.get('contentType') == "IMAGE": prompt = message.get('text') try: image_client = BingCreateImages(cookies, proxy) image_response = await image_client.create_async(prompt) except Exception as e: if debug.logging: print(f"Bing: Failed to create images: {e}") image_response = f"\n{parse.quote(prompt)}" if response_txt.startswith(returned_text): new = response_txt[len(returned_text):] if new not in ("", "\n"): yield new returned_text = response_txt if image_response is not None: yield image_response elif response.get('type') == 2: result = response['item']['result'] if result.get('error'): max_retries -= 1 if max_retries < 1: if result["value"] == "CaptchaChallenge": raise RuntimeError(f"{result['value']}: Use other cookies or/and ip address") else: raise RuntimeError(f"{result['value']}: {result['message']}") if debug.logging: print(f"Bing: Retry: {result['value']}: {result['message']}") headers = create_headers() do_read = False conversation = None await asyncio.sleep(sleep_retry) break return await delete_conversation(session, conversation, headers)