path: root/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pympler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pympler/')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pympler/ b/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pympler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f1f28bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pympler/
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+This module exposes utilities to illustrate objects and their references as
+(directed) graphs. The current implementation requires 'graphviz' to be
+from pympler.asizeof import Asizer, named_refs
+from pympler.util.stringutils import safe_repr, trunc
+from gc import get_referents
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from copy import copy
+from sys import platform
+__all__ = ['ReferenceGraph']
+# Popen might lead to deadlocks when file descriptors are leaked to
+# sub-processes on Linux. On Windows, however, close_fds=True leads to
+# ValueError if stdin/stdout/stderr is piped:
+popen_flags = {}
+if platform not in ['win32']: # pragma: no branch
+ popen_flags['close_fds'] = True
+class _MetaObject(object):
+ """
+ The _MetaObject stores meta-information, like a string representation,
+ corresponding to each object passed to a ReferenceGraph.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ('size', 'id', 'type', 'str', 'group', 'cycle')
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.cycle = False
+class _Edge(object):
+ """
+ Describes a reference from one object `src` to another object `dst`.
+ """
+ __slots__ = ('src', 'dst', 'label', 'group')
+ def __init__(self, src, dst, label):
+ self.src = src
+ self.dst = dst
+ self.label = label
+ = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%08x => %08x, '%s', %s>" % (self.src, self.dst, self.label,
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return (self.src, self.dst, self.label).__hash__()
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
+class ReferenceGraph(object):
+ """
+ The ReferenceGraph illustrates the references between a collection of
+ objects by rendering a directed graph. That requires that 'graphviz' is
+ installed.
+ >>> from pympler.refgraph import ReferenceGraph
+ >>> a = 42
+ >>> b = 'spam'
+ >>> c = {a: b}
+ >>> gb = ReferenceGraph([a,b,c])
+ >>> gb.render('spam.eps')
+ True
+ """
+ def __init__(self, objects, reduce=False):
+ """
+ Initialize the ReferenceGraph with a collection of `objects`.
+ """
+ self.objects = list(objects)
+ self.count = len(self.objects)
+ self.num_in_cycles = 'N/A'
+ self.edges = None
+ if reduce:
+ self.num_in_cycles = self._reduce_to_cycles()
+ self._reduced = self # TODO: weakref?
+ else:
+ self._reduced = None
+ self._get_edges()
+ self._annotate_objects()
+ def _eliminate_leafs(self, graph):
+ """
+ Eliminate leaf objects - that are objects not referencing any other
+ objects in the list `graph`. Returns the list of objects without the
+ objects identified as leafs.
+ """
+ result = []
+ idset = set([id(x) for x in graph])
+ for n in graph:
+ refset = set([id(x) for x in get_referents(n)])
+ if refset.intersection(idset):
+ result.append(n)
+ return result
+ def _reduce_to_cycles(self):
+ """
+ Iteratively eliminate leafs to reduce the set of objects to only those
+ that build cycles. Return the number of objects involved in reference
+ cycles. If there are no cycles, `self.objects` will be an empty list
+ and this method returns 0.
+ """
+ cycles = self.objects[:]
+ cnt = 0
+ while cnt != len(cycles):
+ cnt = len(cycles)
+ cycles = self._eliminate_leafs(cycles)
+ self.objects = cycles
+ return len(self.objects)
+ def reduce_to_cycles(self):
+ """
+ Iteratively eliminate leafs to reduce the set of objects to only those
+ that build cycles. Return the reduced graph. If there are no cycles,
+ None is returned.
+ """
+ if not self._reduced:
+ reduced = copy(self)
+ reduced.objects = self.objects[:]
+ reduced.metadata = []
+ reduced.edges = []
+ self.num_in_cycles = reduced._reduce_to_cycles()
+ reduced.num_in_cycles = self.num_in_cycles
+ if self.num_in_cycles:
+ reduced._get_edges()
+ reduced._annotate_objects()
+ for meta in reduced.metadata:
+ meta.cycle = True
+ else:
+ reduced = None
+ self._reduced = reduced
+ return self._reduced
+ def _get_edges(self):
+ """
+ Compute the edges for the reference graph.
+ The function returns a set of tuples (id(a), id(b), ref) if a
+ references b with the referent 'ref'.
+ """
+ idset = set([id(x) for x in self.objects])
+ self.edges = set([])
+ for n in self.objects:
+ refset = set([id(x) for x in get_referents(n)])
+ for ref in refset.intersection(idset):
+ label = ''
+ members = None
+ if isinstance(n, dict):
+ members = n.items()
+ if not members:
+ members = named_refs(n)
+ for (k, v) in members:
+ if id(v) == ref:
+ label = k
+ break
+ self.edges.add(_Edge(id(n), ref, label))
+ def _annotate_groups(self):
+ """
+ Annotate the objects belonging to separate (non-connected) graphs with
+ individual indices.
+ """
+ g = {}
+ for x in self.metadata:
+ g[] = x
+ idx = 0
+ for x in self.metadata:
+ if not hasattr(x, 'group'):
+ = idx
+ idx += 1
+ neighbors = set()
+ for e in self.edges:
+ if e.src ==
+ neighbors.add(e.dst)
+ if e.dst ==
+ neighbors.add(e.src)
+ for nb in neighbors:
+ g[nb].group = min(, getattr(g[nb], 'group', idx))
+ # Assign the edges to the respective groups. Both "ends" of the edge
+ # should share the same group so just use the first object's group.
+ for e in self.edges:
+ = g[e.src].group
+ self._max_group = idx
+ def _filter_group(self, group):
+ """
+ Eliminate all objects but those which belong to `group`.
+ ``self.objects``, ``self.metadata`` and ``self.edges`` are modified.
+ Returns `True` if the group is non-empty. Otherwise returns `False`.
+ """
+ self.metadata = [x for x in self.metadata if == group]
+ group_set = set([ for x in self.metadata])
+ self.objects = [obj for obj in self.objects if id(obj) in group_set]
+ self.count = len(self.metadata)
+ if self.metadata == []:
+ return False
+ self.edges = [e for e in self.edges if == group]
+ del self._max_group
+ return True
+ def split(self):
+ """
+ Split the graph into sub-graphs. Only connected objects belong to the
+ same graph. `split` yields copies of the Graph object. Shallow copies
+ are used that only replicate the meta-information, but share the same
+ object list ``self.objects``.
+ >>> from pympler.refgraph import ReferenceGraph
+ >>> a = 42
+ >>> b = 'spam'
+ >>> c = {a: b}
+ >>> t = (1,2,3)
+ >>> rg = ReferenceGraph([a,b,c,t])
+ >>> for subgraph in rg.split():
+ ... print (subgraph.index)
+ 0
+ 1
+ """
+ self._annotate_groups()
+ index = 0
+ for group in range(self._max_group):
+ subgraph = copy(self)
+ subgraph.metadata = self.metadata[:]
+ subgraph.edges = self.edges.copy()
+ if subgraph._filter_group(group):
+ subgraph.total_size = sum([x.size for x in subgraph.metadata])
+ subgraph.index = index
+ index += 1
+ yield subgraph
+ def split_and_sort(self):
+ """
+ Split the graphs into sub graphs and return a list of all graphs sorted
+ by the number of nodes. The graph with most nodes is returned first.
+ """
+ graphs = list(self.split())
+ graphs.sort(key=lambda x: -len(x.metadata))
+ for index, graph in enumerate(graphs):
+ graph.index = index
+ return graphs
+ def _annotate_objects(self):
+ """
+ Extract meta-data describing the stored objects.
+ """
+ self.metadata = []
+ sizer = Asizer()
+ sizes = sizer.asizesof(*self.objects)
+ self.total_size =
+ for obj, sz in zip(self.objects, sizes):
+ md = _MetaObject()
+ md.size = sz
+ = id(obj)
+ try:
+ md.type = obj.__class__.__name__
+ except (AttributeError, ReferenceError): # pragma: no cover
+ md.type = type(obj).__name__
+ md.str = safe_repr(obj, clip=128)
+ self.metadata.append(md)
+ def _get_graphviz_data(self):
+ """
+ Emit a graph representing the connections between the objects described
+ within the metadata list. The text representation can be transformed to
+ a graph with graphviz. Returns a string.
+ """
+ s = []
+ header = '// Process this file with graphviz\n'
+ s.append(header)
+ s.append('digraph G {\n')
+ s.append(' node [shape=box];\n')
+ for md in self.metadata:
+ label = trunc(md.str, 48).replace('"', "'")
+ extra = ''
+ if md.type == 'instancemethod':
+ extra = ', color=red'
+ elif md.type == 'frame':
+ extra = ', color=orange'
+ s.append(' "X%s" [ label = "%s\\n%s" %s ];\n' %
+ (hex([1:], label, md.type, extra))
+ for e in self.edges:
+ extra = ''
+ if e.label == '__dict__':
+ extra = ',weight=100'
+ s.append(' X%s -> X%s [label="%s"%s];\n' %
+ (hex(e.src)[1:], hex(e.dst)[1:], e.label, extra))
+ s.append('}\n')
+ return "".join(s)
+ def render(self, filename, cmd='dot', format='ps', unflatten=False):
+ """
+ Render the graph to `filename` using graphviz. The graphviz invocation
+ command may be overridden by specifying `cmd`. The `format` may be any
+ specifier recognized by the graph renderer ('-Txxx' command). The
+ graph can be preprocessed by the *unflatten* tool if the `unflatten`
+ parameter is True. If there are no objects to illustrate, the method
+ does not invoke graphviz and returns False. If the renderer returns
+ successfully (return code 0), True is returned.
+ An `OSError` is raised if the graphviz tool cannot be found.
+ """
+ if self.objects == []:
+ return False
+ data = self._get_graphviz_data()
+ options = ('-Nfontsize=10',
+ '-Efontsize=10',
+ '-Nstyle=filled',
+ '-Nfillcolor=#E5EDB8',
+ '-Ncolor=#CCCCCC')
+ cmdline = (cmd, '-T%s' % format, '-o', filename) + options
+ if unflatten:
+ p1 = Popen(('unflatten', '-l7'), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,
+ **popen_flags)
+ p2 = Popen(cmdline, stdin=p1.stdout, **popen_flags)
+ p1.communicate(data.encode())
+ p2.communicate()
+ return p2.returncode == 0
+ else:
+ p = Popen(cmdline, stdin=PIPE, **popen_flags)
+ p.communicate(data.encode())
+ return p.returncode == 0
+ def write_graph(self, filename):
+ """
+ Write raw graph data which can be post-processed using graphviz.
+ """
+ f = open(filename, 'w')
+ f.write(self._get_graphviz_data())
+ f.close()