path: root/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pydub/
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Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pydub/')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pydub/ b/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pydub/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0210521a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pydub/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+import sys
+import math
+import array
+from .utils import (
+ db_to_float,
+ ratio_to_db,
+ register_pydub_effect,
+ make_chunks,
+ audioop,
+ get_min_max_value
+from .silence import split_on_silence
+from .exceptions import TooManyMissingFrames, InvalidDuration
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
+ xrange = range
+def apply_mono_filter_to_each_channel(seg, filter_fn):
+ n_channels = seg.channels
+ channel_segs = seg.split_to_mono()
+ channel_segs = [filter_fn(channel_seg) for channel_seg in channel_segs]
+ out_data = seg.get_array_of_samples()
+ for channel_i, channel_seg in enumerate(channel_segs):
+ for sample_i, sample in enumerate(channel_seg.get_array_of_samples()):
+ index = (sample_i * n_channels) + channel_i
+ out_data[index] = sample
+ return seg._spawn(out_data)
+def normalize(seg, headroom=0.1):
+ """
+ headroom is how close to the maximum volume to boost the signal up to (specified in dB)
+ """
+ peak_sample_val = seg.max
+ # if the max is 0, this audio segment is silent, and can't be normalized
+ if peak_sample_val == 0:
+ return seg
+ target_peak = seg.max_possible_amplitude * db_to_float(-headroom)
+ needed_boost = ratio_to_db(target_peak / peak_sample_val)
+ return seg.apply_gain(needed_boost)
+def speedup(seg, playback_speed=1.5, chunk_size=150, crossfade=25):
+ # we will keep audio in 150ms chunks since one waveform at 20Hz is 50ms long
+ # (20 Hz is the lowest frequency audible to humans)
+ # portion of AUDIO TO KEEP. if playback speed is 1.25 we keep 80% (0.8) and
+ # discard 20% (0.2)
+ atk = 1.0 / playback_speed
+ if playback_speed < 2.0:
+ # throwing out more than half the audio - keep 50ms chunks
+ ms_to_remove_per_chunk = int(chunk_size * (1 - atk) / atk)
+ else:
+ # throwing out less than half the audio - throw out 50ms chunks
+ ms_to_remove_per_chunk = int(chunk_size)
+ chunk_size = int(atk * chunk_size / (1 - atk))
+ # the crossfade cannot be longer than the amount of audio we're removing
+ crossfade = min(crossfade, ms_to_remove_per_chunk - 1)
+ #print("chunk: {0}, rm: {1}".format(chunk_size, ms_to_remove_per_chunk))
+ chunks = make_chunks(seg, chunk_size + ms_to_remove_per_chunk)
+ if len(chunks) < 2:
+ raise Exception("Could not speed up AudioSegment, it was too short {2:0.2f}s for the current settings:\n{0}ms chunks at {1:0.1f}x speedup".format(
+ chunk_size, playback_speed, seg.duration_seconds))
+ # we'll actually truncate a bit less than we calculated to make up for the
+ # crossfade between chunks
+ ms_to_remove_per_chunk -= crossfade
+ # we don't want to truncate the last chunk since it is not guaranteed to be
+ # the full chunk length
+ last_chunk = chunks[-1]
+ chunks = [chunk[:-ms_to_remove_per_chunk] for chunk in chunks[:-1]]
+ out = chunks[0]
+ for chunk in chunks[1:]:
+ out = out.append(chunk, crossfade=crossfade)
+ out += last_chunk
+ return out
+def strip_silence(seg, silence_len=1000, silence_thresh=-16, padding=100):
+ if padding > silence_len:
+ raise InvalidDuration("padding cannot be longer than silence_len")
+ chunks = split_on_silence(seg, silence_len, silence_thresh, padding)
+ crossfade = padding / 2
+ if not len(chunks):
+ return seg[0:0]
+ seg = chunks[0]
+ for chunk in chunks[1:]:
+ seg = seg.append(chunk, crossfade=crossfade)
+ return seg
+def compress_dynamic_range(seg, threshold=-20.0, ratio=4.0, attack=5.0, release=50.0):
+ """
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ threshold - default: -20.0
+ Threshold in dBFS. default of -20.0 means -20dB relative to the
+ maximum possible volume. 0dBFS is the maximum possible value so
+ all values for this argument sould be negative.
+ ratio - default: 4.0
+ Compression ratio. Audio louder than the threshold will be
+ reduced to 1/ratio the volume. A ratio of 4.0 is equivalent to
+ a setting of 4:1 in a pro-audio compressor like the Waves C1.
+ attack - default: 5.0
+ Attack in milliseconds. How long it should take for the compressor
+ to kick in once the audio has exceeded the threshold.
+ release - default: 50.0
+ Release in milliseconds. How long it should take for the compressor
+ to stop compressing after the audio has falled below the threshold.
+ For an overview of Dynamic Range Compression, and more detailed explanation
+ of the related terminology, see:
+ """
+ thresh_rms = seg.max_possible_amplitude * db_to_float(threshold)
+ look_frames = int(seg.frame_count(ms=attack))
+ def rms_at(frame_i):
+ return seg.get_sample_slice(frame_i - look_frames, frame_i).rms
+ def db_over_threshold(rms):
+ if rms == 0: return 0.0
+ db = ratio_to_db(rms / thresh_rms)
+ return max(db, 0)
+ output = []
+ # amount to reduce the volume of the audio by (in dB)
+ attenuation = 0.0
+ attack_frames = seg.frame_count(ms=attack)
+ release_frames = seg.frame_count(ms=release)
+ for i in xrange(int(seg.frame_count())):
+ rms_now = rms_at(i)
+ # with a ratio of 4.0 this means the volume will exceed the threshold by
+ # 1/4 the amount (of dB) that it would otherwise
+ max_attenuation = (1 - (1.0 / ratio)) * db_over_threshold(rms_now)
+ attenuation_inc = max_attenuation / attack_frames
+ attenuation_dec = max_attenuation / release_frames
+ if rms_now > thresh_rms and attenuation <= max_attenuation:
+ attenuation += attenuation_inc
+ attenuation = min(attenuation, max_attenuation)
+ else:
+ attenuation -= attenuation_dec
+ attenuation = max(attenuation, 0)
+ frame = seg.get_frame(i)
+ if attenuation != 0.0:
+ frame = audioop.mul(frame,
+ seg.sample_width,
+ db_to_float(-attenuation))
+ output.append(frame)
+ return seg._spawn(data=b''.join(output))
+# Invert the phase of the signal.
+def invert_phase(seg, channels=(1, 1)):
+ """
+ channels- specifies which channel (left or right) to reverse the phase of.
+ Note that mono AudioSegments will become stereo.
+ """
+ if channels == (1, 1):
+ inverted = audioop.mul(seg._data, seg.sample_width, -1.0)
+ return seg._spawn(data=inverted)
+ else:
+ if seg.channels == 2:
+ left, right = seg.split_to_mono()
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Can't implicitly convert an AudioSegment with " + str(seg.channels) + " channels to stereo.")
+ if channels == (1, 0):
+ left = left.invert_phase()
+ else:
+ right = right.invert_phase()
+ return seg.from_mono_audiosegments(left, right)
+# High and low pass filters based on implementation found on Stack Overflow:
+def low_pass_filter(seg, cutoff):
+ """
+ cutoff - Frequency (in Hz) where higher frequency signal will begin to
+ be reduced by 6dB per octave (doubling in frequency) above this point
+ """
+ RC = 1.0 / (cutoff * 2 * math.pi)
+ dt = 1.0 / seg.frame_rate
+ alpha = dt / (RC + dt)
+ original = seg.get_array_of_samples()
+ filteredArray = array.array(seg.array_type, original)
+ frame_count = int(seg.frame_count())
+ last_val = [0] * seg.channels
+ for i in range(seg.channels):
+ last_val[i] = filteredArray[i] = original[i]
+ for i in range(1, frame_count):
+ for j in range(seg.channels):
+ offset = (i * seg.channels) + j
+ last_val[j] = last_val[j] + (alpha * (original[offset] - last_val[j]))
+ filteredArray[offset] = int(last_val[j])
+ return seg._spawn(data=filteredArray)
+def high_pass_filter(seg, cutoff):
+ """
+ cutoff - Frequency (in Hz) where lower frequency signal will begin to
+ be reduced by 6dB per octave (doubling in frequency) below this point
+ """
+ RC = 1.0 / (cutoff * 2 * math.pi)
+ dt = 1.0 / seg.frame_rate
+ alpha = RC / (RC + dt)
+ minval, maxval = get_min_max_value(seg.sample_width * 8)
+ original = seg.get_array_of_samples()
+ filteredArray = array.array(seg.array_type, original)
+ frame_count = int(seg.frame_count())
+ last_val = [0] * seg.channels
+ for i in range(seg.channels):
+ last_val[i] = filteredArray[i] = original[i]
+ for i in range(1, frame_count):
+ for j in range(seg.channels):
+ offset = (i * seg.channels) + j
+ offset_minus_1 = ((i-1) * seg.channels) + j
+ last_val[j] = alpha * (last_val[j] + original[offset] - original[offset_minus_1])
+ filteredArray[offset] = int(min(max(last_val[j], minval), maxval))
+ return seg._spawn(data=filteredArray)
+def pan(seg, pan_amount):
+ """
+ pan_amount should be between -1.0 (100% left) and +1.0 (100% right)
+ When pan_amount == 0.0 the left/right balance is not changed.
+ Panning does not alter the *perceived* loundness, but since loudness
+ is decreasing on one side, the other side needs to get louder to
+ compensate. When panned hard left, the left channel will be 3dB louder.
+ """
+ if not -1.0 <= pan_amount <= 1.0:
+ raise ValueError("pan_amount should be between -1.0 (100% left) and +1.0 (100% right)")
+ max_boost_db = ratio_to_db(2.0)
+ boost_db = abs(pan_amount) * max_boost_db
+ boost_factor = db_to_float(boost_db)
+ reduce_factor = db_to_float(max_boost_db) - boost_factor
+ reduce_db = ratio_to_db(reduce_factor)
+ # Cut boost in half (max boost== 3dB) - in reality 2 speakers
+ # do not sum to a full 6 dB.
+ boost_db = boost_db / 2.0
+ if pan_amount < 0:
+ return seg.apply_gain_stereo(boost_db, reduce_db)
+ else:
+ return seg.apply_gain_stereo(reduce_db, boost_db)
+def apply_gain_stereo(seg, left_gain=0.0, right_gain=0.0):
+ """
+ left_gain - amount of gain to apply to the left channel (in dB)
+ right_gain - amount of gain to apply to the right channel (in dB)
+ note: mono audio segments will be converted to stereo
+ """
+ if seg.channels == 1:
+ left = right = seg
+ elif seg.channels == 2:
+ left, right = seg.split_to_mono()
+ l_mult_factor = db_to_float(left_gain)
+ r_mult_factor = db_to_float(right_gain)
+ left_data = audioop.mul(left._data, left.sample_width, l_mult_factor)
+ left_data = audioop.tostereo(left_data, left.sample_width, 1, 0)
+ right_data = audioop.mul(right._data, right.sample_width, r_mult_factor)
+ right_data = audioop.tostereo(right_data, right.sample_width, 0, 1)
+ output = audioop.add(left_data, right_data, seg.sample_width)
+ return seg._spawn(data=output,
+ overrides={'channels': 2,
+ 'frame_width': 2 * seg.sample_width})