path: root/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jinja2/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jinja2/')
1 files changed, 755 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jinja2/ b/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jinja2/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b5f5a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jinja2/
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+import enum
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import typing as t
+from collections import abc
+from collections import deque
+from random import choice
+from random import randrange
+from threading import Lock
+from types import CodeType
+from urllib.parse import quote_from_bytes
+import markupsafe
+ import typing_extensions as te
+F = t.TypeVar("F", bound=t.Callable[..., t.Any])
+# special singleton representing missing values for the runtime
+missing: t.Any = type("MissingType", (), {"__repr__": lambda x: "missing"})()
+internal_code: t.MutableSet[CodeType] = set()
+concat = "".join
+def pass_context(f: F) -> F:
+ """Pass the :class:`~jinja2.runtime.Context` as the first argument
+ to the decorated function when called while rendering a template.
+ Can be used on functions, filters, and tests.
+ If only ``Context.eval_context`` is needed, use
+ :func:`pass_eval_context`. If only ``Context.environment`` is
+ needed, use :func:`pass_environment`.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.0.0
+ Replaces ``contextfunction`` and ``contextfilter``.
+ """
+ f.jinja_pass_arg = _PassArg.context # type: ignore
+ return f
+def pass_eval_context(f: F) -> F:
+ """Pass the :class:`~jinja2.nodes.EvalContext` as the first argument
+ to the decorated function when called while rendering a template.
+ See :ref:`eval-context`.
+ Can be used on functions, filters, and tests.
+ If only ``EvalContext.environment`` is needed, use
+ :func:`pass_environment`.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.0.0
+ Replaces ``evalcontextfunction`` and ``evalcontextfilter``.
+ """
+ f.jinja_pass_arg = _PassArg.eval_context # type: ignore
+ return f
+def pass_environment(f: F) -> F:
+ """Pass the :class:`~jinja2.Environment` as the first argument to
+ the decorated function when called while rendering a template.
+ Can be used on functions, filters, and tests.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.0.0
+ Replaces ``environmentfunction`` and ``environmentfilter``.
+ """
+ f.jinja_pass_arg = _PassArg.environment # type: ignore
+ return f
+class _PassArg(enum.Enum):
+ context =
+ eval_context =
+ environment =
+ @classmethod
+ def from_obj(cls, obj: F) -> t.Optional["_PassArg"]:
+ if hasattr(obj, "jinja_pass_arg"):
+ return obj.jinja_pass_arg # type: ignore
+ return None
+def internalcode(f: F) -> F:
+ """Marks the function as internally used"""
+ internal_code.add(f.__code__)
+ return f
+def is_undefined(obj: t.Any) -> bool:
+ """Check if the object passed is undefined. This does nothing more than
+ performing an instance check against :class:`Undefined` but looks nicer.
+ This can be used for custom filters or tests that want to react to
+ undefined variables. For example a custom default filter can look like
+ this::
+ def default(var, default=''):
+ if is_undefined(var):
+ return default
+ return var
+ """
+ from .runtime import Undefined
+ return isinstance(obj, Undefined)
+def consume(iterable: t.Iterable[t.Any]) -> None:
+ """Consumes an iterable without doing anything with it."""
+ for _ in iterable:
+ pass
+def clear_caches() -> None:
+ """Jinja keeps internal caches for environments and lexers. These are
+ used so that Jinja doesn't have to recreate environments and lexers all
+ the time. Normally you don't have to care about that but if you are
+ measuring memory consumption you may want to clean the caches.
+ """
+ from .environment import get_spontaneous_environment
+ from .lexer import _lexer_cache
+ get_spontaneous_environment.cache_clear()
+ _lexer_cache.clear()
+def import_string(import_name: str, silent: bool = False) -> t.Any:
+ """Imports an object based on a string. This is useful if you want to
+ use import paths as endpoints or something similar. An import path can
+ be specified either in dotted notation (``xml.sax.saxutils.escape``)
+ or with a colon as object delimiter (``xml.sax.saxutils:escape``).
+ If the `silent` is True the return value will be `None` if the import
+ fails.
+ :return: imported object
+ """
+ try:
+ if ":" in import_name:
+ module, obj = import_name.split(":", 1)
+ elif "." in import_name:
+ module, _, obj = import_name.rpartition(".")
+ else:
+ return __import__(import_name)
+ return getattr(__import__(module, None, None, [obj]), obj)
+ except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+ if not silent:
+ raise
+def open_if_exists(filename: str, mode: str = "rb") -> t.Optional[t.IO]:
+ """Returns a file descriptor for the filename if that file exists,
+ otherwise ``None``.
+ """
+ if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+ return None
+ return open(filename, mode)
+def object_type_repr(obj: t.Any) -> str:
+ """Returns the name of the object's type. For some recognized
+ singletons the name of the object is returned instead. (For
+ example for `None` and `Ellipsis`).
+ """
+ if obj is None:
+ return "None"
+ elif obj is Ellipsis:
+ return "Ellipsis"
+ cls = type(obj)
+ if cls.__module__ == "builtins":
+ return f"{cls.__name__} object"
+ return f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__} object"
+def pformat(obj: t.Any) -> str:
+ """Format an object using :func:`pprint.pformat`."""
+ from pprint import pformat # type: ignore
+ return pformat(obj)
+_http_re = re.compile(
+ r"""
+ ^
+ (
+ (https?://|www\.) # scheme or www
+ (([\w%-]+\.)+)? # subdomain
+ (
+ [a-z]{2,63} # basic tld
+ |
+ xn--[\w%]{2,59} # idna tld
+ )
+ |
+ ([\w%-]{2,63}\.)+ # basic domain
+ (com|net|int|edu|gov|org|info|mil) # basic tld
+ |
+ (https?://) # scheme
+ (
+ (([\d]{1,3})(\.[\d]{1,3}){3}) # IPv4
+ |
+ (\[([\da-f]{0,4}:){2}([\da-f]{0,4}:?){1,6}]) # IPv6
+ )
+ )
+ (?::[\d]{1,5})? # port
+ (?:[/?#]\S*)? # path, query, and fragment
+ $
+ """,
+_email_re = re.compile(r"^\S+@\w[\w.-]*\.\w+$")
+def urlize(
+ text: str,
+ trim_url_limit: t.Optional[int] = None,
+ rel: t.Optional[str] = None,
+ target: t.Optional[str] = None,
+ extra_schemes: t.Optional[t.Iterable[str]] = None,
+) -> str:
+ """Convert URLs in text into clickable links.
+ This may not recognize links in some situations. Usually, a more
+ comprehensive formatter, such as a Markdown library, is a better
+ choice.
+ Works on ``http://``, ``https://``, ``www.``, ``mailto:``, and email
+ addresses. Links with trailing punctuation (periods, commas, closing
+ parentheses) and leading punctuation (opening parentheses) are
+ recognized excluding the punctuation. Email addresses that include
+ header fields are not recognized (for example,
+ ````).
+ :param text: Original text containing URLs to link.
+ :param trim_url_limit: Shorten displayed URL values to this length.
+ :param target: Add the ``target`` attribute to links.
+ :param rel: Add the ``rel`` attribute to links.
+ :param extra_schemes: Recognize URLs that start with these schemes
+ in addition to the default behavior.
+ .. versionchanged:: 3.0
+ The ``extra_schemes`` parameter was added.
+ .. versionchanged:: 3.0
+ Generate ``https://`` links for URLs without a scheme.
+ .. versionchanged:: 3.0
+ The parsing rules were updated. Recognize email addresses with
+ or without the ``mailto:`` scheme. Validate IP addresses. Ignore
+ parentheses and brackets in more cases.
+ """
+ if trim_url_limit is not None:
+ def trim_url(x: str) -> str:
+ if len(x) > trim_url_limit: # type: ignore
+ return f"{x[:trim_url_limit]}..."
+ return x
+ else:
+ def trim_url(x: str) -> str:
+ return x
+ words = re.split(r"(\s+)", str(markupsafe.escape(text)))
+ rel_attr = f' rel="{markupsafe.escape(rel)}"' if rel else ""
+ target_attr = f' target="{markupsafe.escape(target)}"' if target else ""
+ for i, word in enumerate(words):
+ head, middle, tail = "", word, ""
+ match = re.match(r"^([(<]|&lt;)+", middle)
+ if match:
+ head =
+ middle = middle[match.end() :]
+ # Unlike lead, which is anchored to the start of the string,
+ # need to check that the string ends with any of the characters
+ # before trying to match all of them, to avoid backtracking.
+ if middle.endswith((")", ">", ".", ",", "\n", "&gt;")):
+ match ="([)>.,\n]|&gt;)+$", middle)
+ if match:
+ tail =
+ middle = middle[: match.start()]
+ # Prefer balancing parentheses in URLs instead of ignoring a
+ # trailing character.
+ for start_char, end_char in ("(", ")"), ("<", ">"), ("&lt;", "&gt;"):
+ start_count = middle.count(start_char)
+ if start_count <= middle.count(end_char):
+ # Balanced, or lighter on the left
+ continue
+ # Move as many as possible from the tail to balance
+ for _ in range(min(start_count, tail.count(end_char))):
+ end_index = tail.index(end_char) + len(end_char)
+ # Move anything in the tail before the end char too
+ middle += tail[:end_index]
+ tail = tail[end_index:]
+ if _http_re.match(middle):
+ if middle.startswith("https://") or middle.startswith("http://"):
+ middle = (
+ f'<a href="{middle}"{rel_attr}{target_attr}>{trim_url(middle)}</a>'
+ )
+ else:
+ middle = (
+ f'<a href="https://{middle}"{rel_attr}{target_attr}>'
+ f"{trim_url(middle)}</a>"
+ )
+ elif middle.startswith("mailto:") and _email_re.match(middle[7:]):
+ middle = f'<a href="{middle}">{middle[7:]}</a>'
+ elif (
+ "@" in middle
+ and not middle.startswith("www.")
+ and ":" not in middle
+ and _email_re.match(middle)
+ ):
+ middle = f'<a href="mailto:{middle}">{middle}</a>'
+ elif extra_schemes is not None:
+ for scheme in extra_schemes:
+ if middle != scheme and middle.startswith(scheme):
+ middle = f'<a href="{middle}"{rel_attr}{target_attr}>{middle}</a>'
+ words[i] = f"{head}{middle}{tail}"
+ return "".join(words)
+def generate_lorem_ipsum(
+ n: int = 5, html: bool = True, min: int = 20, max: int = 100
+) -> str:
+ """Generate some lorem ipsum for the template."""
+ from .constants import LOREM_IPSUM_WORDS
+ words = LOREM_IPSUM_WORDS.split()
+ result = []
+ for _ in range(n):
+ next_capitalized = True
+ last_comma = last_fullstop = 0
+ word = None
+ last = None
+ p = []
+ # each paragraph contains out of 20 to 100 words.
+ for idx, _ in enumerate(range(randrange(min, max))):
+ while True:
+ word = choice(words)
+ if word != last:
+ last = word
+ break
+ if next_capitalized:
+ word = word.capitalize()
+ next_capitalized = False
+ # add commas
+ if idx - randrange(3, 8) > last_comma:
+ last_comma = idx
+ last_fullstop += 2
+ word += ","
+ # add end of sentences
+ if idx - randrange(10, 20) > last_fullstop:
+ last_comma = last_fullstop = idx
+ word += "."
+ next_capitalized = True
+ p.append(word)
+ # ensure that the paragraph ends with a dot.
+ p_str = " ".join(p)
+ if p_str.endswith(","):
+ p_str = p_str[:-1] + "."
+ elif not p_str.endswith("."):
+ p_str += "."
+ result.append(p_str)
+ if not html:
+ return "\n\n".join(result)
+ return markupsafe.Markup(
+ "\n".join(f"<p>{markupsafe.escape(x)}</p>" for x in result)
+ )
+def url_quote(obj: t.Any, charset: str = "utf-8", for_qs: bool = False) -> str:
+ """Quote a string for use in a URL using the given charset.
+ :param obj: String or bytes to quote. Other types are converted to
+ string then encoded to bytes using the given charset.
+ :param charset: Encode text to bytes using this charset.
+ :param for_qs: Quote "/" and use "+" for spaces.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(obj, bytes):
+ if not isinstance(obj, str):
+ obj = str(obj)
+ obj = obj.encode(charset)
+ safe = b"" if for_qs else b"/"
+ rv = quote_from_bytes(obj, safe)
+ if for_qs:
+ rv = rv.replace("%20", "+")
+ return rv
+class LRUCache:
+ """A simple LRU Cache implementation."""
+ # this is fast for small capacities (something below 1000) but doesn't
+ # scale. But as long as it's only used as storage for templates this
+ # won't do any harm.
+ def __init__(self, capacity: int) -> None:
+ self.capacity = capacity
+ self._mapping: t.Dict[t.Any, t.Any] = {}
+ self._queue: "te.Deque[t.Any]" = deque()
+ self._postinit()
+ def _postinit(self) -> None:
+ # alias all queue methods for faster lookup
+ self._popleft = self._queue.popleft
+ self._pop = self._queue.pop
+ self._remove = self._queue.remove
+ self._wlock = Lock()
+ self._append = self._queue.append
+ def __getstate__(self) -> t.Mapping[str, t.Any]:
+ return {
+ "capacity": self.capacity,
+ "_mapping": self._mapping,
+ "_queue": self._queue,
+ }
+ def __setstate__(self, d: t.Mapping[str, t.Any]) -> None:
+ self.__dict__.update(d)
+ self._postinit()
+ def __getnewargs__(self) -> t.Tuple:
+ return (self.capacity,)
+ def copy(self) -> "LRUCache":
+ """Return a shallow copy of the instance."""
+ rv = self.__class__(self.capacity)
+ rv._mapping.update(self._mapping)
+ rv._queue.extend(self._queue)
+ return rv
+ def get(self, key: t.Any, default: t.Any = None) -> t.Any:
+ """Return an item from the cache dict or `default`"""
+ try:
+ return self[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ return default
+ def setdefault(self, key: t.Any, default: t.Any = None) -> t.Any:
+ """Set `default` if the key is not in the cache otherwise
+ leave unchanged. Return the value of this key.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ self[key] = default
+ return default
+ def clear(self) -> None:
+ """Clear the cache."""
+ with self._wlock:
+ self._mapping.clear()
+ self._queue.clear()
+ def __contains__(self, key: t.Any) -> bool:
+ """Check if a key exists in this cache."""
+ return key in self._mapping
+ def __len__(self) -> int:
+ """Return the current size of the cache."""
+ return len(self._mapping)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"<{type(self).__name__} {self._mapping!r}>"
+ def __getitem__(self, key: t.Any) -> t.Any:
+ """Get an item from the cache. Moves the item up so that it has the
+ highest priority then.
+ Raise a `KeyError` if it does not exist.
+ """
+ with self._wlock:
+ rv = self._mapping[key]
+ if self._queue[-1] != key:
+ try:
+ self._remove(key)
+ except ValueError:
+ # if something removed the key from the container
+ # when we read, ignore the ValueError that we would
+ # get otherwise.
+ pass
+ self._append(key)
+ return rv
+ def __setitem__(self, key: t.Any, value: t.Any) -> None:
+ """Sets the value for an item. Moves the item up so that it
+ has the highest priority then.
+ """
+ with self._wlock:
+ if key in self._mapping:
+ self._remove(key)
+ elif len(self._mapping) == self.capacity:
+ del self._mapping[self._popleft()]
+ self._append(key)
+ self._mapping[key] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, key: t.Any) -> None:
+ """Remove an item from the cache dict.
+ Raise a `KeyError` if it does not exist.
+ """
+ with self._wlock:
+ del self._mapping[key]
+ try:
+ self._remove(key)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ def items(self) -> t.Iterable[t.Tuple[t.Any, t.Any]]:
+ """Return a list of items."""
+ result = [(key, self._mapping[key]) for key in list(self._queue)]
+ result.reverse()
+ return result
+ def values(self) -> t.Iterable[t.Any]:
+ """Return a list of all values."""
+ return [x[1] for x in self.items()]
+ def keys(self) -> t.Iterable[t.Any]:
+ """Return a list of all keys ordered by most recent usage."""
+ return list(self)
+ def __iter__(self) -> t.Iterator[t.Any]:
+ return reversed(tuple(self._queue))
+ def __reversed__(self) -> t.Iterator[t.Any]:
+ """Iterate over the keys in the cache dict, oldest items
+ coming first.
+ """
+ return iter(tuple(self._queue))
+ __copy__ = copy
+def select_autoescape(
+ enabled_extensions: t.Collection[str] = ("html", "htm", "xml"),
+ disabled_extensions: t.Collection[str] = (),
+ default_for_string: bool = True,
+ default: bool = False,
+) -> t.Callable[[t.Optional[str]], bool]:
+ """Intelligently sets the initial value of autoescaping based on the
+ filename of the template. This is the recommended way to configure
+ autoescaping if you do not want to write a custom function yourself.
+ If you want to enable it for all templates created from strings or
+ for all templates with `.html` and `.xml` extensions::
+ from jinja2 import Environment, select_autoescape
+ env = Environment(autoescape=select_autoescape(
+ enabled_extensions=('html', 'xml'),
+ default_for_string=True,
+ ))
+ Example configuration to turn it on at all times except if the template
+ ends with `.txt`::
+ from jinja2 import Environment, select_autoescape
+ env = Environment(autoescape=select_autoescape(
+ disabled_extensions=('txt',),
+ default_for_string=True,
+ default=True,
+ ))
+ The `enabled_extensions` is an iterable of all the extensions that
+ autoescaping should be enabled for. Likewise `disabled_extensions` is
+ a list of all templates it should be disabled for. If a template is
+ loaded from a string then the default from `default_for_string` is used.
+ If nothing matches then the initial value of autoescaping is set to the
+ value of `default`.
+ For security reasons this function operates case insensitive.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.9
+ """
+ enabled_patterns = tuple(f".{x.lstrip('.').lower()}" for x in enabled_extensions)
+ disabled_patterns = tuple(f".{x.lstrip('.').lower()}" for x in disabled_extensions)
+ def autoescape(template_name: t.Optional[str]) -> bool:
+ if template_name is None:
+ return default_for_string
+ template_name = template_name.lower()
+ if template_name.endswith(enabled_patterns):
+ return True
+ if template_name.endswith(disabled_patterns):
+ return False
+ return default
+ return autoescape
+def htmlsafe_json_dumps(
+ obj: t.Any, dumps: t.Optional[t.Callable[..., str]] = None, **kwargs: t.Any
+) -> markupsafe.Markup:
+ """Serialize an object to a string of JSON with :func:`json.dumps`,
+ then replace HTML-unsafe characters with Unicode escapes and mark
+ the result safe with :class:`~markupsafe.Markup`.
+ This is available in templates as the ``|tojson`` filter.
+ The following characters are escaped: ``<``, ``>``, ``&``, ``'``.
+ The returned string is safe to render in HTML documents and
+ ``<script>`` tags. The exception is in HTML attributes that are
+ double quoted; either use single quotes or the ``|forceescape``
+ filter.
+ :param obj: The object to serialize to JSON.
+ :param dumps: The ``dumps`` function to use. Defaults to
+ ``env.policies["json.dumps_function"]``, which defaults to
+ :func:`json.dumps`.
+ :param kwargs: Extra arguments to pass to ``dumps``. Merged onto
+ ``env.policies["json.dumps_kwargs"]``.
+ .. versionchanged:: 3.0
+ The ``dumper`` parameter is renamed to ``dumps``.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.9
+ """
+ if dumps is None:
+ dumps = json.dumps
+ return markupsafe.Markup(
+ dumps(obj, **kwargs)
+ .replace("<", "\\u003c")
+ .replace(">", "\\u003e")
+ .replace("&", "\\u0026")
+ .replace("'", "\\u0027")
+ )
+class Cycler:
+ """Cycle through values by yield them one at a time, then restarting
+ once the end is reached. Available as ``cycler`` in templates.
+ Similar to ``loop.cycle``, but can be used outside loops or across
+ multiple loops. For example, render a list of folders and files in a
+ list, alternating giving them "odd" and "even" classes.
+ .. code-block:: html+jinja
+ {% set row_class = cycler("odd", "even") %}
+ <ul class="browser">
+ {% for folder in folders %}
+ <li class="folder {{ }}">{{ folder }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for file in files %}
+ <li class="file {{ }}">{{ file }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ :param items: Each positional argument will be yielded in the order
+ given for each cycle.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.1
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *items: t.Any) -> None:
+ if not items:
+ raise RuntimeError("at least one item has to be provided")
+ self.items = items
+ self.pos = 0
+ def reset(self) -> None:
+ """Resets the current item to the first item."""
+ self.pos = 0
+ @property
+ def current(self) -> t.Any:
+ """Return the current item. Equivalent to the item that will be
+ returned next time :meth:`next` is called.
+ """
+ return self.items[self.pos]
+ def next(self) -> t.Any:
+ """Return the current item, then advance :attr:`current` to the
+ next item.
+ """
+ rv = self.current
+ self.pos = (self.pos + 1) % len(self.items)
+ return rv
+ __next__ = next
+class Joiner:
+ """A joining helper for templates."""
+ def __init__(self, sep: str = ", ") -> None:
+ self.sep = sep
+ self.used = False
+ def __call__(self) -> str:
+ if not self.used:
+ self.used = True
+ return ""
+ return self.sep
+class Namespace:
+ """A namespace object that can hold arbitrary attributes. It may be
+ initialized from a dictionary or with keyword arguments."""
+ def __init__(*args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: # noqa: B902
+ self, args = args[0], args[1:]
+ self.__attrs = dict(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __getattribute__(self, name: str) -> t.Any:
+ # __class__ is needed for the awaitable check in async mode
+ if name in {"_Namespace__attrs", "__class__"}:
+ return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
+ try:
+ return self.__attrs[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AttributeError(name) from None
+ def __setitem__(self, name: str, value: t.Any) -> None:
+ self.__attrs[name] = value
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"<Namespace {self.__attrs!r}>"