# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2017 The glucometerutils Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """Common routines to implement the FreeStyle common protocol. Protocol documentation available at https://protocols.glucometers.tech/abbott/shared-hid-protocol """ import datetime import pathlib from typing import Optional import freestyle_hid from glucometerutils import driver, exceptions def convert_ketone_unit(raw_value: float) -> float: """Convert raw ketone value as read in the device to its value in mmol/L. As per https://protocols.glucometers.tech/abbott/freestyle-libre this is actually not using any mg/dL→mmol/L conversion, but rather the same as the meter uses for blood glucose. """ return raw_value / 18.0 ABBOTT_VENDOR_ID = 0x1A61 class FreeStyleHidDevice(driver.GlucometerDevice): """Base class implementing the FreeStyle HID common protocol. This class implements opening, initializing the connection and sending commands to the device, reading the response and confirming the checksums. Commands sent to the devices over this protocol have a "message type" prefixed to the command itself. Text command are usually sent with message type 0x60, and the replied received with the same. Some devices may diverge though. """ def __init__( self, product_id: int, device_path: Optional[str], text_cmd: int = 0x60, text_reply_cmd: int = 0x60, ) -> None: super().__init__(device_path) try: self._session = freestyle_hid.Session( product_id, pathlib.Path(device_path) if device_path else None, text_cmd, text_reply_cmd, ) except Exception as e: raise exceptions.ConnectionFailed(str(e)) def connect(self) -> None: """Open connection to the device, starting the knocking sequence.""" try: self._session.connect() except Exception as e: raise exceptions.ConnectionFailed(str(e)) def disconnect(self) -> None: """Disconnect the device, nothing to be done.""" pass # Some of the commands are also shared across devices that use this HID # protocol, but not many. Only provide here those that do seep to change # between them. def _get_version(self) -> str: """Return the software version of the device.""" return self._session.send_text_command(b"$swver?").rstrip("\r\n") def get_serial_number(self) -> str: """Returns the serial number of the device.""" return self._session.send_text_command(b"$serlnum?").rstrip("\r\n") def get_patient_name(self) -> Optional[str]: patient_name = self._session.send_text_command(b"$ptname?").rstrip("\r\n") if not patient_name: return None return patient_name def set_patient_name(self, name: str) -> None: try: encoded_name = name.encode("ascii") except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ValueError("Only ASCII-safe names are tested working") self._session.send_text_command(b"$ptname," + encoded_name) def get_datetime(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Gets the date and time as reported by the device. This is one of the few commands that appear common to many of the FreeStyle devices that use the HID framing protocol. """ date = self._session.send_text_command(b"$date?").rstrip("\r\n") time = self._session.send_text_command(b"$time?").rstrip("\r\n") # Year is returned as an offset to 2000. month, day, year = (int(x) for x in date.split(",")) hour, minute = (int(x) for x in time.split(",")) # At least Precision Neo devices can have an invalid date (bad RTC?), # and report 255 for each field, which is not valid for # datetime.datetime(). try: return datetime.datetime(year + 2000, month, day, hour, minute) except ValueError: raise exceptions.InvalidDateTime() def _set_device_datetime(self, date: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.datetime: # The format used by the FreeStyle devices is not composable based on # standard strftime() (namely it includes no leading zeros), so we need # to build it manually. date_cmd = f"$date,{date.month},{date.day},{date.year - 2000}" time_cmd = f"$time,{date.hour},{date.minute}" self._session.send_text_command(bytes(date_cmd, "ascii")) self._session.send_text_command(bytes(time_cmd, "ascii")) return self.get_datetime()