diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
5 files changed, 93 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a099e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+- repo:
+ rev: 4.3.21
+ hooks:
+ - id: isort
+ language_version: python3.6
+ additional_dependencies:
+ - toml
+- repo:
+ rev: 19.10b0
+ hooks:
+ - id: black
+ language_version: python3.6
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index fe3eb6a..3f76cf5 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ dist: xenial
language: python
- - 3.5
- 3.6
- 3.7
- 3.8-dev
- - pip install -r test-requirements.txt
+ - pip install .[dev]
- py.test
- python bdist_wheel
- pip install ./dist/glucometerutils-*.whl
+ - pre-commit install
+ - pre-commit run --all-files
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1898d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# NOTE: you have to use single-quoted strings in TOML for regular expressions.
+# It's the equivalent of r-strings in Python. Multiline strings are treated as
+# verbose regular expressions by Black. Use [ ] to denote a significant space
+# character.
+line-length = 88
+target-version = ['py35']
+exclude = '''
+ \.eggs
+ | \.git
+ | \.hg
+ | \.mypy_cache
+ | \.tox
+ | \.venv
+ | _build
+ | buck-out
+ | build
+ | dist
+line_length = 88
+multi_line_output = 3
+include_trailing_comma = true
+known_first_party = ['glucometerutils']
+known_third_party = ['construct', 'hidapi', 'pyserial', 'pyscsi']
diff --git a/ b/
index 48dd85c..d963e02 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,74 +4,69 @@
import sys
-from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+from setuptools import find_packages, setup
from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand
-with open('test-requirements.txt') as requirements:
- test_required =
+test_required = [
+ "absl-py",
+ "construct>=2.9",
+ "pytest>=3.6.0",
+ "pytest-timeout>=1.3.0",
+ "pyserial",
class PyTestCommand(TestCommand):
def run_tests(self):
# import here, cause outside the eggs aren't loaded
import pytest
errno = pytest.main([])
- name = 'glucometerutils',
- version = '1',
- description = 'Glucometer access utilities',
- author = 'Diego Elio Pettenò',
- author_email = '',
- url = '',
- download_url = '',
- keywords = ['glucometer', 'diabetes'],
- python_requires = '~=3.5',
- classifiers = [
- 'Programming Language :: Python',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
- 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
- 'Environment :: Console',
- 'Operating System :: OS Independent',
- 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
- 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
- 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.',
- ],
- packages = find_packages(
- exclude=['test', 'udev']),
- data_files = [
- ('lib/udev/rules', ['udev/69-glucometerutils.rules']),
+ name="glucometerutils",
+ version="1",
+ description="Glucometer access utilities",
+ author="Diego Elio Pettenò",
+ author_email="",
+ url="",
+ download_url="",
+ keywords=["glucometer", "diabetes"],
+ python_requires="~=3.5",
+ classifiers=[
+ "Programming Language :: Python",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
+ "Environment :: Console",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+ "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
+ "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop",
+ "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.",
- install_requires = [
- 'attrs',
- ],
- tests_require = test_required,
- extras_require = {
+ packages=find_packages(exclude=["test", "udev"]),
+ data_files=[("lib/udev/rules", ["udev/69-glucometerutils.rules"]),],
+ install_requires=["attrs",],
+ tests_require=test_required,
+ extras_require={
# These are all the drivers' dependencies. Optional dependencies are
# listed as mandatory for the feature.
- 'accucheck_reports': [],
- 'contourusb': ['construct', 'hidapi'],
- 'fsinsulinx': ['construct', 'hidapi'],
- 'fslibre': ['construct', 'hidapi'],
- 'fsoptium': ['pyserial'],
- 'fsprecisionneo': ['construct', 'hidapi'],
- 'otultra2': ['pyserial'],
- 'otultraeasy': ['construct', 'pyserial'],
- 'otverio2015': ['construct', 'python-scsi'],
- 'otverioiq': ['construct', 'pyserial'],
- 'sdcodefree': ['construct', 'pyserial'],
- 'td4277': ['construct', 'pyserial', 'hidapi'],
- },
- entry_points = {
- 'console_scripts': [
- 'glucometer=glucometerutils.glucometer:main'
- ]
- },
- cmdclass = {
- 'test': PyTestCommand,
+ "accucheck_reports": [],
+ "contourusb": ["construct", "hidapi"],
+ "fsinsulinx": ["construct", "hidapi"],
+ "fslibre": ["construct", "hidapi"],
+ "fsoptium": ["pyserial"],
+ "fsprecisionneo": ["construct", "hidapi"],
+ "otultra2": ["pyserial"],
+ "otultraeasy": ["construct", "pyserial"],
+ "otverio2015": ["construct", "python-scsi"],
+ "otverioiq": ["construct", "pyserial"],
+ "sdcodefree": ["construct", "pyserial"],
+ "td4277": ["construct", "pyserial", "hidapi"],
+ # Development and testing dependencies
+ "dev": test_required + ["pre-commit"],
+ entry_points={"console_scripts": ["glucometer=glucometerutils.glucometer:main"]},
+ cmdclass={"test": PyTestCommand,},
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a9c847..0000000
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@