#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2019 The usbmon-tools Authors # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 The freestyle-hid Authors # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import logging import sys import textwrap from typing import BinaryIO import click import click_log import construct import usbmon import usbmon.chatter import usbmon.pcapng logger = logging.getLogger() click_log.basic_config(logger) _KEEPALIVE_TYPE = 0x22 _UNENCRYPTED_TYPES = ( 0x01, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x14, 0x15, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x71, _KEEPALIVE_TYPE, ) _ENCRYPTION_SETUP_TYPES = (0x14, 0x33) _START_AUTHORIZE_CMD = 0x11 _CHALLENGE_CMD = 0x16 _CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_CMD = 0x17 _CHALLENGE_ACCEPTED_CMD = 0x18 _ABBOTT_VENDOR_ID = 0x1A61 _LIBRE2_PRODUCT_ID = 0x3950 _ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE = construct.Struct( message_type=construct.Byte, encrypted_message=construct.Bytes(64 - 1 - 4 - 4), sequence_number=construct.Int32ul, mac=construct.Int32ul, ) @click.command() @click_log.simple_verbosity_option(logger, "--vlog") @click.option( "--device-address", help=( "Device address (busnum.devnum) of the device to extract capture" " of. If none provided, device descriptors will be relied on." ), ) @click.option( "--encrypted-protocol / --no-encrypted-protocol", default=False, help=( "Whether to expect encrypted protocol in the capture." " Ignored if the device descriptors are present in the capture." ), ) @click.option( "--verbose-encryption-setup / --no-verbose-encryption-setup", default=False, help=( "Whether to parse encryption setup commands and printing their component" " together with the raw messsage." ), ) @click.option( "--print-keepalive / --no-print-keepalive", default=False, help=( "Whether to print the keepalive messages sent by the device. " "Keepalive messages are usually safely ignored." ), ) @click.argument( "pcap-file", type=click.File(mode="rb"), ) def main( *, device_address: str, encrypted_protocol: bool, verbose_encryption_setup: bool, print_keepalive: bool, pcap_file: BinaryIO, ) -> None: if sys.version_info < (3, 7): raise Exception("Unsupported Python version, please use at least Python 3.7.") session = usbmon.pcapng.parse_stream(pcap_file, retag_urbs=False) if not device_address: for descriptor in session.device_descriptors.values(): if descriptor.vendor_id == _ABBOTT_VENDOR_ID: if device_address and device_address != descriptor.address: raise Exception( "Multiple Abbott device present in capture, please" " provide a --device-address flag." ) device_address = descriptor.address if device_address not in session.device_descriptors: logging.warning( f"Unable to find device {device_address} in the capture's descriptors." " Assuming non-encrypted protocol.", ) else: descriptor = session.device_descriptors[device_address] assert descriptor.vendor_id == _ABBOTT_VENDOR_ID if descriptor.product_id == _LIBRE2_PRODUCT_ID: encrypted_protocol = True for first, second in session.in_pairs(): # Ignore stray callbacks/errors. if not first.type == usbmon.constants.PacketType.SUBMISSION: continue if not first.address.startswith(f"{device_address}."): # No need to check second, they will be linked. continue if first.xfer_type == usbmon.constants.XferType.INTERRUPT: pass elif ( first.xfer_type == usbmon.constants.XferType.CONTROL and not first.setup_packet or first.setup_packet.type == usbmon.setup.Type.CLASS # type: ignore ): pass else: continue if first.direction == usbmon.constants.Direction.OUT: packet = first else: assert second is not None packet = second if not packet.payload: continue assert len(packet.payload) >= 2 message_type = packet.payload[0] if message_type == _KEEPALIVE_TYPE and not print_keepalive: continue message_metadata = [] if encrypted_protocol and message_type not in _UNENCRYPTED_TYPES: # With encrypted communication, the length of the message is also encrypted, # and all the packets use the full 64 bytes. So instead, we extract what # metadata we can. parsed = _ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE.parse(packet.payload) message_metadata.extend( [f"SEQUENCE_NUMBER={parsed.sequence_number}", f"MAC={parsed.mac:04x}"] ) message_type_str = f"x{message_type:02x}" message = parsed.encrypted_message elif verbose_encryption_setup and message_type in _ENCRYPTION_SETUP_TYPES: message_length = packet.payload[1] message_end_idx = 2 + message_length message = packet.payload[2:message_end_idx] if message[0] == _START_AUTHORIZE_CMD: message_metadata.append("START_AUTHORIZE") elif message[0] == _CHALLENGE_CMD: message_metadata.append("CHALLENGE") challenge = message[1:9] iv = message[9:16] message_metadata.append(f"CHALLENGE={challenge.hex()}") message_metadata.append(f"IV={iv.hex()}") elif message[0] == _CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_CMD: message_metadata.append("CHALLENGE_RESPONSE") encrypted_challenge = message[1:17] challenge_mac = message[18:26] message_metadata.append( f"ENCRYPTED_CHALLENGE={encrypted_challenge.hex()}" ) message_metadata.append(f"MAC={challenge_mac.hex()}") elif message[0] == _CHALLENGE_ACCEPTED_CMD: message_metadata.append("CHALLENGE_ACCEPTED") message_metadata.append(f"RAW_LENGTH={message_length}") message_type_str = f" {message_type:02x}" else: message_length = packet.payload[1] message_metadata.append(f"LENGTH={message_length}") message_end_idx = 2 + message_length message_type_str = f" {message_type:02x}" message = packet.payload[2:message_end_idx] if message_metadata: metadata_string = "\n".join( textwrap.wrap( " ".join(message_metadata), width=80, break_long_words=False ) ) print(metadata_string) print( usbmon.chatter.dump_bytes( packet.direction, message, prefix=f"[{message_type_str}]", print_empty=True, ), "\n", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()