#pragma once #include "../Entities/Pawn.h" #include "../Defines.h" #include "../BlockID.h" #include "../Item.h" #include "../Enchantments.h" #include "Components/AllComponents.h" class cClientHandle; class cWorld; class cNewMonster : public cPawn { typedef cPawn super; public: /// This identifies individual monster type, as well as their network type-ID enum eType { mtInvalidType = -1, mtBat = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_BAT, mtBlaze = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_BLAZE, mtCaveSpider = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_CAVE_SPIDER, mtChicken = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_CHICKEN, mtCow = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_COW, mtCreeper = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_CREEPER, mtEnderDragon = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_ENDER_DRAGON, mtEnderman = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_ENDERMAN, mtGhast = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_GHAST, mtGiant = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_GIANT, mtHorse = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_HORSE, mtIronGolem = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_IRON_GOLEM, mtMagmaCube = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_MAGMA_CUBE, mtMooshroom = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_MOOSHROOM, mtOcelot = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_OCELOT, mtPig = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_PIG, mtSheep = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SHEEP, mtSilverfish = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SILVERFISH, mtSkeleton = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SKELETON, mtSlime = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SLIME, mtSnowGolem = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SNOW_GOLEM, mtSpider = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SPIDER, mtSquid = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_SQUID, mtVillager = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_VILLAGER, mtWitch = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_WITCH, mtWither = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_WITHER, mtWolf = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_WOLF, mtZombie = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_ZOMBIE, mtZombiePigman = E_META_SPAWN_EGG_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN, }; protected: eType m_MobType; public: cNewMonster(const AString & a_ConfigName, eType a_MobType, const AString & a_SoundHurt, const AString & a_SoundDeath, double a_Width, double a_Height); virtual void SpawnOn(cClientHandle & a_ClientHandle) override; eType GetMobType() const { return m_MobType; } virtual bool IsBaby (void) const { return false; } virtual bool IsTame (void) const { return false; } protected: /** Adds a random number of a_Item between a_Min and a_Max to itemdrops a_Drops*/ void AddRandomDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, unsigned int a_Min, unsigned int a_Max, short a_Item, short a_ItemHealth = 0); /** Adds a item a_Item with the chance of a_Chance (in percent) to itemdrops a_Drops*/ void AddRandomUncommonDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, float a_Chance, short a_Item, short a_ItemHealth = 0); /** Adds one rare item out of the list of rare items a_Items modified by the looting level a_LootingLevel(I-III or custom) to the itemdrop a_Drops*/ void AddRandomRareDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, cItems & a_Items, short a_LootingLevel); /** Adds armor that is equipped with the chance saved in m_DropChance[...] (this will be greter than 1 if piccked up or 0.085 + (0.01 per LootingLevel) if born with) to the drop*/ void AddRandomArmorDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, short a_LootingLevel); /** Adds weapon that is equipped with the chance saved in m_DropChance[...] (this will be greter than 1 if piccked up or 0.085 + (0.01 per LootingLevel) if born with) to the drop*/ void AddRandomWeaponDropItem(cItems & a_Drops, short a_LootingLevel); AString m_SoundHurt; AString m_SoundDeath; cAIComponent * m_AI; cAttackComponent * m_Attack; cEnvironmentComponent * m_Environment; cMovementComponent * m_Movement; // Temporary placement till I figure out where to put it float m_DropChanceWeapon; float m_DropChanceHelmet; float m_DropChanceChestplate; float m_DropChanceLeggings; float m_DropChanceBoots; };