#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "Player.h" #include #include "../ChatColor.h" #include "../Server.h" #include "../UI/InventoryWindow.h" #include "../UI/WindowOwner.h" #include "../World.h" #include "../Bindings/PluginManager.h" #include "../BlockEntities/BlockEntity.h" #include "../BlockEntities/EnderChestEntity.h" #include "../Root.h" #include "../Chunk.h" #include "../Items/ItemHandler.h" #include "../Vector3.h" #include "../FastRandom.h" #include #include "../WorldStorage/StatSerializer.h" #include "../CompositeChat.h" #include "../Blocks/BlockHandler.h" #include "../Blocks/BlockSlab.h" #include "../Blocks/ChunkInterface.h" #include "../IniFile.h" #include "json/json.h" // 6000 ticks or 5 minutes #define PLAYER_INVENTORY_SAVE_INTERVAL 6000 // 1000 = once per second #define PLAYER_LIST_TIME_MS std::chrono::milliseconds(1000) const int cPlayer::MAX_HEALTH = 20; const int cPlayer::MAX_FOOD_LEVEL = 20; /** Number of ticks it takes to eat an item */ const int cPlayer::EATING_TICKS = 30; cPlayer::cPlayer(cClientHandlePtr a_Client, const AString & a_PlayerName) : super(etPlayer, 0.6, 1.8), m_bVisible(true), m_FoodLevel(MAX_FOOD_LEVEL), m_FoodSaturationLevel(5.0), m_FoodTickTimer(0), m_FoodExhaustionLevel(0.0), m_LastGroundHeight(0), m_bTouchGround(false), m_Stance(0.0), m_Inventory(*this), m_EnderChestContents(9, 3), m_CurrentWindow(nullptr), m_InventoryWindow(nullptr), m_GameMode(eGameMode_NotSet), m_IP(""), m_ClientHandle(a_Client), m_NormalMaxSpeed(1.0), m_SprintingMaxSpeed(1.3), m_FlyingMaxSpeed(1.0), m_IsCrouched(false), m_IsSprinting(false), m_IsFlying(false), m_IsSwimming(false), m_IsSubmerged(false), m_IsFishing(false), m_CanFly(false), m_EatingFinishTick(-1), m_LifetimeTotalXp(0), m_CurrentXp(0), m_bDirtyExperience(false), m_IsChargingBow(false), m_BowCharge(0), m_FloaterID(cEntity::INVALID_ID), m_Team(nullptr), m_TicksUntilNextSave(PLAYER_INVENTORY_SAVE_INTERVAL), m_bIsTeleporting(false), m_UUID((a_Client != nullptr) ? a_Client->GetUUID() : ""), m_CustomName("") { m_InventoryWindow = new cInventoryWindow(*this); m_CurrentWindow = m_InventoryWindow; m_InventoryWindow->OpenedByPlayer(*this); SetMaxHealth(MAX_HEALTH); m_Health = MAX_HEALTH; m_LastPlayerListTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); m_PlayerName = a_PlayerName; cWorld * World = nullptr; if (!LoadFromDisk(World)) { m_Inventory.Clear(); SetPosX(World->GetSpawnX()); SetPosY(World->GetSpawnY()); SetPosZ(World->GetSpawnZ()); SetBedPos(Vector3i(static_cast(World->GetSpawnX()), static_cast(World->GetSpawnY()), static_cast(World->GetSpawnZ()))); LOGD("Player \"%s\" is connecting for the first time, spawning at default world spawn {%.2f, %.2f, %.2f}", a_PlayerName.c_str(), GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ() ); } m_LastGroundHeight = static_cast(GetPosY()); m_Stance = GetPosY() + 1.62; if (m_GameMode == gmNotSet) { if (World->IsGameModeCreative()) { m_CanFly = true; } if (World->IsGameModeSpectator()) // Otherwise Player will fall out of the world on join { m_CanFly = true; m_IsFlying = true; } } if (m_GameMode == gmSpectator) // If player is reconnecting to the server in spectator mode { m_CanFly = true; m_IsFlying = true; m_bVisible = false; } cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->PlayerCreated(this); } cPlayer::~cPlayer(void) { ASSERT((m_World == nullptr) || m_World->HasEntity(m_UniqueID)); if (!cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookPlayerDestroyed(*this)) { cRoot::Get()->BroadcastChatLeave(Printf("%s has left the game", GetName().c_str())); LOGINFO("Player %s has left the game", GetName().c_str()); } LOGD("Deleting cPlayer \"%s\" at %p, ID %d", GetName().c_str(), static_cast(this), GetUniqueID()); // Notify the server that the player is being destroyed cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->PlayerDestroying(this); SaveToDisk(); m_ClientHandle = nullptr; delete m_InventoryWindow; m_InventoryWindow = nullptr; LOGD("Player %p deleted", static_cast(this)); ASSERT((m_World == nullptr) || m_World->HasEntity(m_UniqueID)); } void cPlayer::Destroyed() { CloseWindow(false); } void cPlayer::SpawnOn(cClientHandle & a_Client) { if (!m_bVisible || (m_ClientHandle.get() == (&a_Client))) { return; } a_Client.SendPlayerSpawn(*this); a_Client.SendEntityHeadLook(*this); a_Client.SendEntityEquipment(*this, 0, m_Inventory.GetEquippedItem()); a_Client.SendEntityEquipment(*this, 1, m_Inventory.GetEquippedBoots()); a_Client.SendEntityEquipment(*this, 2, m_Inventory.GetEquippedLeggings()); a_Client.SendEntityEquipment(*this, 3, m_Inventory.GetEquippedChestplate()); a_Client.SendEntityEquipment(*this, 4, m_Inventory.GetEquippedHelmet()); } void cPlayer::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { if (m_ClientHandle != nullptr) { if (m_ClientHandle->IsDestroyed()) { // This should not happen, because destroying a client will remove it from the world, but just in case ASSERT(!"Player ticked whilst in the process of destruction!"); m_ClientHandle = nullptr; return; } if (!m_ClientHandle->IsPlaying()) { // We're not yet in the game, ignore everything return; } } else { ASSERT(!"Player ticked whilst in the process of destruction!"); } m_Stats.AddValue(statMinutesPlayed, 1); if (!a_Chunk.IsValid()) { // This may happen if the cPlayer is created before the chunks have the chance of being loaded / generated (#83) return; } super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk); // Handle charging the bow: if (m_IsChargingBow) { m_BowCharge += 1; } // Handle updating experience if (m_bDirtyExperience) { SendExperience(); } BroadcastMovementUpdate(m_ClientHandle.get()); if (m_Health > 0) // make sure player is alive { m_World->CollectPickupsByPlayer(*this); if ((m_EatingFinishTick >= 0) && (m_EatingFinishTick <= m_World->GetWorldAge())) { FinishEating(); } HandleFood(); } if (m_IsFishing) { HandleFloater(); } // Update items (e.g. Maps) m_Inventory.UpdateItems(); // Send Player List (Once per m_LastPlayerListTime/1000 ms) if (m_LastPlayerListTime + PLAYER_LIST_TIME_MS <= std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) { m_World->BroadcastPlayerListUpdatePing(*this); m_LastPlayerListTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); } if (m_TicksUntilNextSave == 0) { SaveToDisk(); m_TicksUntilNextSave = PLAYER_INVENTORY_SAVE_INTERVAL; } else { m_TicksUntilNextSave--; } } int cPlayer::CalcLevelFromXp(int a_XpTotal) { // level 0 to 15 if (a_XpTotal <= XP_TO_LEVEL15) { return a_XpTotal / XP_PER_LEVEL_TO15; } // level 30+ if (a_XpTotal > XP_TO_LEVEL30) { return static_cast((151.5 + sqrt( 22952.25 - (14 * (2220 - a_XpTotal)))) / 7); } // level 16 to 30 return static_cast((29.5 + sqrt( 870.25 - (6 * ( 360 - a_XpTotal)))) / 3); } int cPlayer::XpForLevel(int a_Level) { // level 0 to 15 if (a_Level <= 15) { return a_Level * XP_PER_LEVEL_TO15; } // level 30+ if (a_Level >= 31) { return static_cast((3.5 * a_Level * a_Level) - (151.5 * a_Level) + 2220); } // level 16 to 30 return static_cast((1.5 * a_Level * a_Level) - (29.5 * a_Level) + 360); } int cPlayer::GetXpLevel() { return CalcLevelFromXp(m_CurrentXp); } float cPlayer::GetXpPercentage() { int currentLevel = CalcLevelFromXp(m_CurrentXp); int currentLevel_XpBase = XpForLevel(currentLevel); return static_cast(m_CurrentXp - currentLevel_XpBase) / static_cast(XpForLevel(1 + currentLevel) - currentLevel_XpBase); } bool cPlayer::SetCurrentExperience(int a_CurrentXp) { if (!(a_CurrentXp >= 0) || (a_CurrentXp > (std::numeric_limits::max() - m_LifetimeTotalXp))) { LOGWARNING("Tried to update experiece with an invalid Xp value: %d", a_CurrentXp); return false; // oops, they gave us a dodgey number } m_CurrentXp = a_CurrentXp; // Set experience to be updated m_bDirtyExperience = true; return true; } int cPlayer::DeltaExperience(int a_Xp_delta) { if (a_Xp_delta > (std::numeric_limits().max() - m_CurrentXp)) { // Value was bad, abort and report LOGWARNING("Attempt was made to increment Xp by %d, which overflowed the int datatype. Ignoring.", a_Xp_delta); return -1; // Should we instead just return the current Xp? } m_CurrentXp += a_Xp_delta; // Make sure they didn't subtract too much m_CurrentXp = std::max(m_CurrentXp, 0); // Update total for score calculation if (a_Xp_delta > 0) { m_LifetimeTotalXp += a_Xp_delta; } LOGD("Player \"%s\" gained / lost %d experience, total is now: %d", GetName().c_str(), a_Xp_delta, m_CurrentXp); // Set experience to be updated m_bDirtyExperience = true; return m_CurrentXp; } void cPlayer::StartChargingBow(void) { LOGD("Player \"%s\" started charging their bow", GetName().c_str()); m_IsChargingBow = true; m_BowCharge = 0; m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this, m_ClientHandle.get()); } int cPlayer::FinishChargingBow(void) { LOGD("Player \"%s\" finished charging their bow at a charge of %d", GetName().c_str(), m_BowCharge); int res = m_BowCharge; m_IsChargingBow = false; m_BowCharge = 0; m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this, m_ClientHandle.get()); return res; } void cPlayer::CancelChargingBow(void) { LOGD("Player \"%s\" cancelled charging their bow at a charge of %d", GetName().c_str(), m_BowCharge); m_IsChargingBow = false; m_BowCharge = 0; m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this, m_ClientHandle.get()); } void cPlayer::SetTouchGround(bool a_bTouchGround) { if (IsGameModeSpectator()) // You can fly through the ground in Spectator { return; } /* Not pretty looking, and is more suited to wherever server-sided collision detection is implemented. The following condition sets on-ground-ness if The player isn't swimming or flying (client hardcoded conditions) and they're on a block (Y is exact) - ensure any they could be standing on (including on the edges) is solid or they're on a slab (Y significand is 0.5) - ditto with slab check they're on a snow layer (Y divisible by 0.125) - ditto with snow layer check */ static const auto HalfWidth = GetWidth() / 2; static const auto EPS = 0.0001; /* Since swimming is decided in a tick and is asynchronous to this, we have to check for dampeners ourselves. The behaviour as of 1.8.8 is the following: - Landing in water alleviates all fall damage - Passing through any liquid (water + lava) and cobwebs "slows" the player down, i.e. resets the fall distance to that block, but only after checking for fall damage (this means that plummeting into lava will still kill the player via fall damage, although cobwebs will slow players down enough to have multiple updates that keep them alive) With this in mind, we first check the block at the player's feet, and decide which behaviour we want to go with. */ BLOCKTYPE BlockAtFoot = (cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(GetPosY())) ? GetWorld()->GetBlock(POS_TOINT) : E_BLOCK_AIR; bool IsFootInWater = IsBlockWater(BlockAtFoot); bool IsFootInLiquid = IsFootInWater || IsBlockLava(BlockAtFoot) || (BlockAtFoot == E_BLOCK_COBWEB); // okay so cobweb is not _technically_ a liquid... if ( !IsFlying() && ( ( (cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(GetPosY()) && ((GetPosY() - POSY_TOINT) <= EPS)) && ( cBlockInfo::IsSolid(GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(0, -1, 0)).Floor())) || cBlockInfo::IsSolid(GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(HalfWidth, -1, 0)).Floor())) || cBlockInfo::IsSolid(GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(-HalfWidth, -1, 0)).Floor())) || cBlockInfo::IsSolid(GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(0, -1, HalfWidth)).Floor())) || cBlockInfo::IsSolid(GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(0, -1, -HalfWidth)).Floor())) ) ) || ( (cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(GetPosY()) && (GetPosY() >= POSY_TOINT) && ((GetPosY() - (POSY_TOINT + 0.5)) <= EPS)) && ( cBlockSlabHandler::IsAnySlabType(GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(0, 0, 0)).Floor())) || cBlockSlabHandler::IsAnySlabType(GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(HalfWidth, 0, 0)).Floor())) || cBlockSlabHandler::IsAnySlabType(GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(-HalfWidth, 0, 0)).Floor())) || cBlockSlabHandler::IsAnySlabType(GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(0, 0, HalfWidth)).Floor())) || cBlockSlabHandler::IsAnySlabType(GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(0, 0, -HalfWidth)).Floor())) ) ) || ( (cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(GetPosY()) && (fmod(GetPosY(), 0.125) <= EPS)) && ( (GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(0, 0, 0)).Floor()) == E_BLOCK_SNOW) || (GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(HalfWidth, 0, 0)).Floor()) == E_BLOCK_SNOW) || (GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(-HalfWidth, 0, 0)).Floor()) == E_BLOCK_SNOW) || (GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(0, 0, HalfWidth)).Floor()) == E_BLOCK_SNOW) || (GetWorld()->GetBlock((GetPosition() + Vector3d(0, 0, -HalfWidth)).Floor()) == E_BLOCK_SNOW) ) ) ) ) { auto Damage = static_cast(m_LastGroundHeight - GetPosY() - 3.0); if ((Damage > 0) && !IsFootInWater) { // cPlayer makes sure damage isn't applied in creative, no need to check here TakeDamage(dtFalling, nullptr, Damage, Damage, 0); // Fall particles Damage = std::min(15, Damage); GetClientHandle()->SendParticleEffect( "blockdust", GetPosition(), { 0, 0, 0 }, (Damage - 1.f) * ((0.3f - 0.1f) / (15.f - 1.f)) + 0.1f, // Map damage (1 - 15) to particle speed (0.1 - 0.3) static_cast((Damage - 1.f) * ((50.f - 20.f) / (15.f - 1.f)) + 20.f), // Map damage (1 - 15) to particle quantity (20 - 50) { { GetWorld()->GetBlock(POS_TOINT - Vector3i(0, 1, 0)), 0 } } ); } m_bTouchGround = true; m_LastGroundHeight = GetPosY(); } else { m_bTouchGround = false; } /* Note: it is currently possible to fall through lava and still die from fall damage because of the client skipping an update about the lava block. This can only be resolved by interpolating between positions. */ if (IsFlying() || IsFootInLiquid || IsClimbing()) { m_LastGroundHeight = GetPosY(); } UNUSED(a_bTouchGround); /* Unfortunately whatever the reason, there are still desyncs in on-ground status between the client and server. For example: 1. Walking off a ledge (whatever height) 2. Initial login Thus, it is too risky to compare their value against ours and kick them for hacking */ } void cPlayer::Heal(int a_Health) { super::Heal(a_Health); SendHealth(); } void cPlayer::SetFoodLevel(int a_FoodLevel) { int FoodLevel = Clamp(a_FoodLevel, 0, MAX_FOOD_LEVEL); if (cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookPlayerFoodLevelChange(*this, FoodLevel)) { m_FoodSaturationLevel = 5.0; return; } m_FoodLevel = FoodLevel; SendHealth(); } void cPlayer::SetFoodSaturationLevel(double a_FoodSaturationLevel) { m_FoodSaturationLevel = Clamp(a_FoodSaturationLevel, 0.0, static_cast(m_FoodLevel)); } void cPlayer::SetFoodTickTimer(int a_FoodTickTimer) { m_FoodTickTimer = a_FoodTickTimer; } void cPlayer::SetFoodExhaustionLevel(double a_FoodExhaustionLevel) { m_FoodExhaustionLevel = Clamp(a_FoodExhaustionLevel, 0.0, 40.0); } bool cPlayer::Feed(int a_Food, double a_Saturation) { if (IsSatiated()) { return false; } SetFoodSaturationLevel(m_FoodSaturationLevel + a_Saturation); SetFoodLevel(m_FoodLevel + a_Food); return true; } void cPlayer::AddFoodExhaustion(double a_Exhaustion) { if (!(IsGameModeCreative() || IsGameModeSpectator())) { m_FoodExhaustionLevel = std::min(m_FoodExhaustionLevel + a_Exhaustion, 40.0); } } void cPlayer::StartEating(void) { // Set the timer: m_EatingFinishTick = m_World->GetWorldAge() + EATING_TICKS; // Send the packets: m_World->BroadcastEntityAnimation(*this, 3); m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } void cPlayer::FinishEating(void) { // Reset the timer: m_EatingFinishTick = -1; // Send the packets: m_ClientHandle->SendEntityStatus(*this, esPlayerEatingAccepted); m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); // consume the item: cItem Item(GetEquippedItem()); Item.m_ItemCount = 1; cItemHandler * ItemHandler = cItemHandler::GetItemHandler(Item.m_ItemType); if (!ItemHandler->EatItem(this, &Item)) { return; } ItemHandler->OnFoodEaten(m_World, this, &Item); } void cPlayer::AbortEating(void) { m_EatingFinishTick = -1; m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } void cPlayer::SendHealth(void) { if (m_ClientHandle != nullptr) { m_ClientHandle->SendHealth(); } } void cPlayer::SendExperience(void) { if (m_ClientHandle != nullptr) { m_ClientHandle->SendExperience(); m_bDirtyExperience = false; } } void cPlayer::ClearInventoryPaintSlots(void) { // Clear the list of slots that are being inventory-painted. Used by cWindow only m_InventoryPaintSlots.clear(); } void cPlayer::AddInventoryPaintSlot(int a_SlotNum) { // Add a slot to the list for inventory painting. Used by cWindow only m_InventoryPaintSlots.push_back(a_SlotNum); } const cSlotNums & cPlayer::GetInventoryPaintSlots(void) const { // Return the list of slots currently stored for inventory painting. Used by cWindow only return m_InventoryPaintSlots; } double cPlayer::GetMaxSpeed(void) const { if (m_IsFlying) { return m_FlyingMaxSpeed; } else if (m_IsSprinting) { return m_SprintingMaxSpeed; } else { return m_NormalMaxSpeed; } } void cPlayer::SetNormalMaxSpeed(double a_Speed) { m_NormalMaxSpeed = a_Speed; if (!m_IsSprinting && !m_IsFlying) { m_ClientHandle->SendPlayerMaxSpeed(); } } void cPlayer::SetSprintingMaxSpeed(double a_Speed) { m_SprintingMaxSpeed = a_Speed; if (m_IsSprinting && !m_IsFlying) { m_ClientHandle->SendPlayerMaxSpeed(); } } void cPlayer::SetFlyingMaxSpeed(double a_Speed) { m_FlyingMaxSpeed = a_Speed; // Update the flying speed, always: m_ClientHandle->SendPlayerAbilities(); } void cPlayer::SetCrouch(bool a_IsCrouched) { // Set the crouch status, broadcast to all visible players if (a_IsCrouched == m_IsCrouched) { // No change return; } m_IsCrouched = a_IsCrouched; m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } void cPlayer::SetSprint(bool a_IsSprinting) { if (a_IsSprinting == m_IsSprinting) { // No change return; } m_IsSprinting = a_IsSprinting; m_ClientHandle->SendPlayerMaxSpeed(); } void cPlayer::SetCanFly(bool a_CanFly) { if (a_CanFly == m_CanFly) { return; } m_CanFly = a_CanFly; m_ClientHandle->SendPlayerAbilities(); } void cPlayer::SetCustomName(const AString & a_CustomName) { if (m_CustomName == a_CustomName) { return; } m_World->BroadcastPlayerListRemovePlayer(*this); m_CustomName = a_CustomName; if (m_CustomName.length() > 16) { m_CustomName = m_CustomName.substr(0, 16); } m_World->BroadcastPlayerListAddPlayer(*this); m_World->BroadcastSpawnEntity(*this, GetClientHandle()); } void cPlayer::SetFlying(bool a_IsFlying) { if (a_IsFlying == m_IsFlying) { return; } m_IsFlying = a_IsFlying; m_ClientHandle->SendPlayerAbilities(); } bool cPlayer::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI) { if ((a_TDI.DamageType != dtInVoid) && (a_TDI.DamageType != dtPlugin)) { if (IsGameModeCreative() || IsGameModeSpectator()) { // No damage / health in creative or spectator mode if not void or plugin damage return false; } } if ((a_TDI.Attacker != nullptr) && (a_TDI.Attacker->IsPlayer())) { cPlayer * Attacker = reinterpret_cast(a_TDI.Attacker); if ((m_Team != nullptr) && (m_Team == Attacker->m_Team)) { if (!m_Team->AllowsFriendlyFire()) { // Friendly fire is disabled return false; } } } if (super::DoTakeDamage(a_TDI)) { // Any kind of damage adds food exhaustion AddFoodExhaustion(0.3f); SendHealth(); m_Stats.AddValue(statDamageTaken, FloorC(a_TDI.FinalDamage * 10 + 0.5)); return true; } return false; } void cPlayer::KilledBy(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI) { super::KilledBy(a_TDI); if (m_Health > 0) { return; // not dead yet =] } m_bVisible = false; // So new clients don't see the player // Puke out all the items cItems Pickups; m_Inventory.CopyToItems(Pickups); m_Inventory.Clear(); if (GetName() == "Notch") { Pickups.Add(cItem(E_ITEM_RED_APPLE)); } m_Stats.AddValue(statItemsDropped, static_cast(Pickups.Size())); m_World->SpawnItemPickups(Pickups, GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), 10); SaveToDisk(); // Save it, yeah the world is a tough place ! cPluginManager * PluginManager = cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager(); if ((a_TDI.Attacker == nullptr) && m_World->ShouldBroadcastDeathMessages()) { AString DamageText; switch (a_TDI.DamageType) { case dtRangedAttack: DamageText = "was shot"; break; case dtLightning: DamageText = "was plasmified by lightining"; break; case dtFalling: DamageText = (GetWorld()->GetTickRandomNumber(10) % 2 == 0) ? "fell to death" : "hit the ground too hard"; break; case dtDrowning: DamageText = "drowned"; break; case dtSuffocating: DamageText = (GetWorld()->GetTickRandomNumber(10) % 2 == 0) ? "git merge'd into a block" : "fused with a block"; break; case dtStarving: DamageText = "forgot the importance of food"; break; case dtCactusContact: DamageText = "was impaled on a cactus"; break; case dtLavaContact: DamageText = "was melted by lava"; break; case dtPoisoning: DamageText = "died from septicaemia"; break; case dtWithering: DamageText = "is a husk of their former selves"; break; case dtOnFire: DamageText = "forgot to stop, drop, and roll"; break; case dtFireContact: DamageText = "burnt themselves to death"; break; case dtInVoid: DamageText = "somehow fell out of the world"; break; case dtPotionOfHarming: DamageText = "was magicked to death"; break; case dtEnderPearl: DamageText = "misused an ender pearl"; break; case dtAdmin: DamageText = "was administrator'd"; break; case dtExplosion: DamageText = "blew up"; break; default: DamageText = "died, somehow; we've no idea how though"; break; } AString DeathMessage = Printf("%s %s", GetName().c_str(), DamageText.c_str()); PluginManager->CallHookKilled(*this, a_TDI, DeathMessage); if (DeathMessage != AString("")) { GetWorld()->BroadcastChatDeath(DeathMessage); } } else if (a_TDI.Attacker == nullptr) // && !m_World->ShouldBroadcastDeathMessages() by fallthrough { // no-op } else if (a_TDI.Attacker->IsPlayer()) { cPlayer * Killer = reinterpret_cast(a_TDI.Attacker); AString DeathMessage = Printf("%s was killed by %s", GetName().c_str(), Killer->GetName().c_str()); PluginManager->CallHookKilled(*this, a_TDI, DeathMessage); if (DeathMessage != AString("")) { GetWorld()->BroadcastChatDeath(DeathMessage); } } else { AString KillerClass = a_TDI.Attacker->GetClass(); KillerClass.erase(KillerClass.begin()); // Erase the 'c' of the class (e.g. "cWitch" -> "Witch") AString DeathMessage = Printf("%s was killed by a %s", GetName().c_str(), KillerClass.c_str()); PluginManager->CallHookKilled(*this, a_TDI, DeathMessage); if (DeathMessage != AString("")) { GetWorld()->BroadcastChatDeath(DeathMessage); } } m_Stats.AddValue(statDeaths); m_World->GetScoreBoard().AddPlayerScore(GetName(), cObjective::otDeathCount, 1); } void cPlayer::Killed(cEntity * a_Victim) { cScoreboard & ScoreBoard = m_World->GetScoreBoard(); if (a_Victim->IsPlayer()) { m_Stats.AddValue(statPlayerKills); ScoreBoard.AddPlayerScore(GetName(), cObjective::otPlayerKillCount, 1); } else if (a_Victim->IsMob()) { if (reinterpret_cast(a_Victim)->GetMobFamily() == cMonster::mfHostile) { AwardAchievement(achKillMonster); } m_Stats.AddValue(statMobKills); } ScoreBoard.AddPlayerScore(GetName(), cObjective::otTotalKillCount, 1); } void cPlayer::Respawn(void) { ASSERT(m_World != nullptr); m_Health = GetMaxHealth(); SetInvulnerableTicks(20); // Reset food level: m_FoodLevel = MAX_FOOD_LEVEL; m_FoodSaturationLevel = 5.0; m_FoodExhaustionLevel = 0.0; // Reset Experience m_CurrentXp = 0; m_LifetimeTotalXp = 0; // ToDo: send score to client? How? m_ClientHandle->SendRespawn(GetWorld()->GetDimension(), true); // Extinguish the fire: StopBurning(); TeleportToCoords(GetLastBedPos().x, GetLastBedPos().y, GetLastBedPos().z); SetVisible(true); } double cPlayer::GetEyeHeight(void) const { return m_Stance; } Vector3d cPlayer::GetEyePosition(void) const { return Vector3d( GetPosX(), m_Stance, GetPosZ()); } bool cPlayer::IsGameModeCreative(void) const { return (m_GameMode == gmCreative) || // Either the player is explicitly in Creative ((m_GameMode == gmNotSet) && m_World->IsGameModeCreative()); // or they inherit from the world and the world is Creative } bool cPlayer::IsGameModeSurvival(void) const { return (m_GameMode == gmSurvival) || // Either the player is explicitly in Survival ((m_GameMode == gmNotSet) && m_World->IsGameModeSurvival()); // or they inherit from the world and the world is Survival } bool cPlayer::IsGameModeAdventure(void) const { return (m_GameMode == gmAdventure) || // Either the player is explicitly in Adventure ((m_GameMode == gmNotSet) && m_World->IsGameModeAdventure()); // or they inherit from the world and the world is Adventure } bool cPlayer::IsGameModeSpectator(void) const { return (m_GameMode == gmSpectator) || // Either the player is explicitly in Spectator ((m_GameMode == gmNotSet) && m_World->IsGameModeSpectator()); // or they inherit from the world and the world is Spectator } void cPlayer::SetTeam(cTeam * a_Team) { if (m_Team == a_Team) { return; } if (m_Team) { m_Team->RemovePlayer(GetName()); } m_Team = a_Team; if (m_Team) { m_Team->AddPlayer(GetName()); } } cTeam * cPlayer::UpdateTeam(void) { if (m_World == nullptr) { SetTeam(nullptr); } else { cScoreboard & Scoreboard = m_World->GetScoreBoard(); SetTeam(Scoreboard.QueryPlayerTeam(GetName())); } return m_Team; } void cPlayer::OpenWindow(cWindow * a_Window) { if (a_Window != m_CurrentWindow) { CloseWindow(false); } a_Window->OpenedByPlayer(*this); m_CurrentWindow = a_Window; a_Window->SendWholeWindow(*GetClientHandle()); } void cPlayer::CloseWindow(bool a_CanRefuse) { if (m_CurrentWindow == nullptr) { m_CurrentWindow = m_InventoryWindow; return; } if (m_CurrentWindow->ClosedByPlayer(*this, a_CanRefuse) || !a_CanRefuse) { // Close accepted, go back to inventory window (the default): m_CurrentWindow = m_InventoryWindow; } else { // Re-open the window m_CurrentWindow->OpenedByPlayer(*this); m_CurrentWindow->SendWholeWindow(*GetClientHandle()); } } void cPlayer::CloseWindowIfID(char a_WindowID, bool a_CanRefuse) { if ((m_CurrentWindow == nullptr) || (m_CurrentWindow->GetWindowID() != a_WindowID)) { return; } CloseWindow(); } void cPlayer::SetGameMode(eGameMode a_GameMode) { if ((a_GameMode < gmMin) || (a_GameMode >= gmMax)) { LOGWARNING("%s: Setting invalid gamemode: %d", GetName().c_str(), a_GameMode); return; } if (m_GameMode == a_GameMode) { // Gamemode already set return; } m_GameMode = a_GameMode; m_ClientHandle->SendGameMode(a_GameMode); SetCapabilities(); m_World->BroadcastPlayerListUpdateGameMode(*this); } void cPlayer::LoginSetGameMode( eGameMode a_GameMode) { m_GameMode = a_GameMode; SetCapabilities(); } void cPlayer::SetCapabilities() { if (!IsGameModeCreative() || IsGameModeSpectator()) { SetFlying(false); SetCanFly(false); } if (IsGameModeSpectator()) { SetVisible(false); } else { SetVisible(true); } } void cPlayer::SetIP(const AString & a_IP) { m_IP = a_IP; } unsigned int cPlayer::AwardAchievement(const eStatistic a_Ach) { eStatistic Prerequisite = cStatInfo::GetPrerequisite(a_Ach); // Check if the prerequisites are met if (Prerequisite != statInvalid) { if (m_Stats.GetValue(Prerequisite) == 0) { return 0; } } StatValue Old = m_Stats.GetValue(a_Ach); if (Old > 0) { return static_cast(m_Stats.AddValue(a_Ach)); } else { if (m_World->ShouldBroadcastAchievementMessages()) { cCompositeChat Msg; Msg.SetMessageType(mtSuccess); Msg.AddShowAchievementPart(GetName(), cStatInfo::GetName(a_Ach)); m_World->BroadcastChat(Msg); } // Increment the statistic StatValue New = m_Stats.AddValue(a_Ach); // Achievement Get! m_ClientHandle->SendStatistics(m_Stats); return static_cast(New); } } void cPlayer::TeleportToCoords(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ) { // ask plugins to allow teleport to the new position. if (!cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookEntityTeleport(*this, m_LastPosition, Vector3d(a_PosX, a_PosY, a_PosZ))) { SetPosition(a_PosX, a_PosY, a_PosZ); m_LastGroundHeight = static_cast(a_PosY); m_bIsTeleporting = true; m_World->BroadcastTeleportEntity(*this, GetClientHandle()); m_ClientHandle->SendPlayerMoveLook(); } } void cPlayer::SendRotation(double a_YawDegrees, double a_PitchDegrees) { SetYaw(a_YawDegrees); SetPitch(a_PitchDegrees); m_ClientHandle->SendPlayerMoveLook(); } Vector3d cPlayer::GetThrowStartPos(void) const { Vector3d res = GetEyePosition(); // Adjust the position to be just outside the player's bounding box: res.x += 0.16 * cos(GetPitch()); res.y += -0.1; res.z += 0.16 * sin(GetPitch()); return res; } Vector3d cPlayer::GetThrowSpeed(double a_SpeedCoeff) const { Vector3d res = GetLookVector(); res.Normalize(); // TODO: Add a slight random change (+-0.0075 in each direction) return res * a_SpeedCoeff; } void cPlayer::ForceSetSpeed(const Vector3d & a_Speed) { SetSpeed(a_Speed); } void cPlayer::DoSetSpeed(double a_SpeedX, double a_SpeedY, double a_SpeedZ) { super::DoSetSpeed(a_SpeedX, a_SpeedY, a_SpeedZ); // Send the speed to the client so he actualy moves m_ClientHandle->SendEntityVelocity(*this); } void cPlayer::SetVisible(bool a_bVisible) { // Need to Check if the player or other players are in gamemode spectator, but will break compatibility if (a_bVisible && !m_bVisible) // Make visible { m_bVisible = true; m_World->BroadcastSpawnEntity(*this); } if (!a_bVisible && m_bVisible) { m_bVisible = false; m_World->BroadcastDestroyEntity(*this, m_ClientHandle.get()); // Destroy on all clients } } bool cPlayer::HasPermission(const AString & a_Permission) { if (a_Permission.empty()) { // Empty permission request is always granted return true; } AStringVector Split = StringSplit(a_Permission, "."); // Iterate over all restrictions; if any matches, then return failure: for (auto & Restriction: m_SplitRestrictions) { if (PermissionMatches(Split, Restriction)) { return false; } } // for Restriction - m_SplitRestrictions[] // Iterate over all granted permissions; if any matches, then return success: for (auto & Permission: m_SplitPermissions) { if (PermissionMatches(Split, Permission)) { return true; } } // for Permission - m_SplitPermissions[] // No granted permission matches return false; } bool cPlayer::PermissionMatches(const AStringVector & a_Permission, const AStringVector & a_Template) { // Check the sub-items if they are the same or there's a wildcard: size_t lenP = a_Permission.size(); size_t lenT = a_Template.size(); size_t minLen = std::min(lenP, lenT); for (size_t i = 0; i < minLen; i++) { if (a_Template[i] == "*") { // Has matched so far and now there's a wildcard in the template, so the permission matches: return true; } if (a_Permission[i] != a_Template[i]) { // Found a mismatch return false; } } // So far all the sub-items have matched // If the sub-item count is the same, then the permission matches: if (lenP == lenT) { return true; } // There are more sub-items in either the permission or the template, not a match: return false; } AString cPlayer::GetColor(void) const { if (m_MsgNameColorCode.empty() || (m_MsgNameColorCode == "-")) { // Color has not been assigned, return an empty string: return AString(); } // Return the color, including the delimiter: return cChatColor::Delimiter + m_MsgNameColorCode; } AString cPlayer::GetPlayerListName(void) const { const AString & Color = GetColor(); if (HasCustomName()) { return m_CustomName; } else if ((GetName().length() <= 14) && !Color.empty()) { return Printf("%s%s", Color.c_str(), GetName().c_str()); } else { return GetName(); } } void cPlayer::TossEquippedItem(char a_Amount) { cItems Drops; cItem DroppedItem(GetInventory().GetEquippedItem()); if (!DroppedItem.IsEmpty()) { char NewAmount = a_Amount; if (NewAmount > GetInventory().GetEquippedItem().m_ItemCount) { NewAmount = GetInventory().GetEquippedItem().m_ItemCount; // Drop only what's there } GetInventory().GetHotbarGrid().ChangeSlotCount(GetInventory().GetEquippedSlotNum() /* Returns hotbar subslot, which HotbarGrid takes */, -a_Amount); DroppedItem.m_ItemCount = NewAmount; Drops.push_back(DroppedItem); } TossItems(Drops); } void cPlayer::TossHeldItem(char a_Amount) { cItems Drops; cItem & Item = GetDraggingItem(); if (!Item.IsEmpty()) { char OriginalItemAmount = Item.m_ItemCount; Item.m_ItemCount = std::min(OriginalItemAmount, a_Amount); Drops.push_back(Item); if (OriginalItemAmount > a_Amount) { Item.m_ItemCount = OriginalItemAmount - a_Amount; } else { Item.Empty(); } } TossItems(Drops); } void cPlayer::TossPickup(const cItem & a_Item) { cItems Drops; Drops.push_back(a_Item); TossItems(Drops); } void cPlayer::TossItems(const cItems & a_Items) { if (IsGameModeSpectator()) // Players can't toss items in spectator { return; } m_Stats.AddValue(statItemsDropped, static_cast(a_Items.Size())); double vX = 0, vY = 0, vZ = 0; EulerToVector(-GetYaw(), GetPitch(), vZ, vX, vY); vY = -vY * 2 + 1.f; m_World->SpawnItemPickups(a_Items, GetPosX(), GetEyeHeight(), GetPosZ(), vX * 3, vY * 3, vZ * 3, true); // 'true' because created by player } bool cPlayer::DoMoveToWorld(cWorld * a_World, bool a_ShouldSendRespawn, Vector3d a_NewPosition) { ASSERT(a_World != nullptr); if (GetWorld() == a_World) { // Don't move to same world return false; } // Ask the plugins if the player is allowed to changing the world if (cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookEntityChangingWorld(*this, *a_World)) { // A Plugin doesn't allow the player to changing the world return false; } // Send the respawn packet: if (a_ShouldSendRespawn && (m_ClientHandle != nullptr)) { m_ClientHandle->SendRespawn(a_World->GetDimension()); } // Broadcast for other people that the player is gone. GetWorld()->BroadcastDestroyEntity(*this); // Remove player from the old world SetWorldTravellingFrom(GetWorld()); // cChunk handles entity removal GetWorld()->RemovePlayer(this, false); SetPosition(a_NewPosition); // Queue adding player to the new world, including all the necessary adjustments to the object a_World->AddPlayer(this); cWorld * OldWorld = cRoot::Get()->GetWorld(GetWorld()->GetName()); // Required for the hook HOOK_ENTITY_CHANGED_WORLD SetWorld(a_World); // Chunks may be streamed before cWorld::AddPlayer() sets the world to the new value // Update the view distance. m_ClientHandle->SetViewDistance(m_ClientHandle->GetRequestedViewDistance()); // Send current weather of target world to player if (a_World->GetDimension() == dimOverworld) { m_ClientHandle->SendWeather(a_World->GetWeather()); } // Broadcast the player into the new world. a_World->BroadcastSpawnEntity(*this); // Player changed the world, call the hook cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookEntityChangedWorld(*this, *OldWorld); return true; } bool cPlayer::LoadFromDisk(cWorldPtr & a_World) { LoadRank(); // Load from the UUID file: if (LoadFromFile(GetUUIDFileName(m_UUID), a_World)) { return true; } // Load from the offline UUID file, if allowed: AString OfflineUUID = cClientHandle::GenerateOfflineUUID(GetName()); const char * OfflineUsage = " (unused)"; if (cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->ShouldLoadOfflinePlayerData()) { OfflineUsage = ""; if (LoadFromFile(GetUUIDFileName(OfflineUUID), a_World)) { return true; } } // Load from the old-style name-based file, if allowed: if (cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->ShouldLoadNamedPlayerData()) { AString OldStyleFileName = Printf("players/%s.json", GetName().c_str()); if (LoadFromFile(OldStyleFileName, a_World)) { // Save in new format and remove the old file if (SaveToDisk()) { cFile::Delete(OldStyleFileName); } return true; } } // None of the files loaded successfully LOG("Player data file not found for %s (%s, offline %s%s), will be reset to defaults.", GetName().c_str(), m_UUID.c_str(), OfflineUUID.c_str(), OfflineUsage ); if (a_World == nullptr) { a_World = cRoot::Get()->GetDefaultWorld(); } return false; } bool cPlayer::LoadFromFile(const AString & a_FileName, cWorldPtr & a_World) { // Load the data from the file: cFile f; if (!f.Open(a_FileName, cFile::fmRead)) { // This is a new player whom we haven't seen yet, bail out, let them have the defaults return false; } AString buffer; if (f.ReadRestOfFile(buffer) != f.GetSize()) { LOGWARNING("Cannot read player data from file \"%s\"", a_FileName.c_str()); return false; } f.Close(); // Parse the JSON format: Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(buffer, root, false)) { LOGWARNING("Cannot parse player data in file \"%s\"", a_FileName.c_str()); return false; } // Load the player data: Json::Value & JSON_PlayerPosition = root["position"]; if (JSON_PlayerPosition.size() == 3) { SetPosX(JSON_PlayerPosition[0].asDouble()); SetPosY(JSON_PlayerPosition[1].asDouble()); SetPosZ(JSON_PlayerPosition[2].asDouble()); m_LastPosition = GetPosition(); } Json::Value & JSON_PlayerRotation = root["rotation"]; if (JSON_PlayerRotation.size() == 3) { SetYaw (static_cast(JSON_PlayerRotation[0].asDouble())); SetPitch (static_cast(JSON_PlayerRotation[1].asDouble())); SetRoll (static_cast(JSON_PlayerRotation[2].asDouble())); } m_Health = root.get("health", 0).asInt(); m_AirLevel = root.get("air", MAX_AIR_LEVEL).asInt(); m_FoodLevel = root.get("food", MAX_FOOD_LEVEL).asInt(); m_FoodSaturationLevel = root.get("foodSaturation", MAX_FOOD_LEVEL).asDouble(); m_FoodTickTimer = root.get("foodTickTimer", 0).asInt(); m_FoodExhaustionLevel = root.get("foodExhaustion", 0).asDouble(); m_LifetimeTotalXp = root.get("xpTotal", 0).asInt(); m_CurrentXp = root.get("xpCurrent", 0).asInt(); m_IsFlying = root.get("isflying", 0).asBool(); m_GameMode = static_cast(root.get("gamemode", eGameMode_NotSet).asInt()); if (m_GameMode == eGameMode_Creative) { m_CanFly = true; } m_Inventory.LoadFromJson(root["inventory"]); cEnderChestEntity::LoadFromJson(root["enderchestinventory"], m_EnderChestContents); m_LoadedWorldName = root.get("world", "world").asString(); a_World = cRoot::Get()->GetWorld(GetLoadedWorldName(), false); if (a_World == nullptr) { a_World = cRoot::Get()->GetDefaultWorld(); } m_LastBedPos.x = root.get("SpawnX", a_World->GetSpawnX()).asInt(); m_LastBedPos.y = root.get("SpawnY", a_World->GetSpawnY()).asInt(); m_LastBedPos.z = root.get("SpawnZ", a_World->GetSpawnZ()).asInt(); // Load the player stats. // We use the default world name (like bukkit) because stats are shared between dimensions / worlds. cStatSerializer StatSerializer(cRoot::Get()->GetDefaultWorld()->GetName(), GetName(), &m_Stats); StatSerializer.Load(); LOGD("Player %s was read from file \"%s\", spawning at {%.2f, %.2f, %.2f} in world \"%s\"", GetName().c_str(), a_FileName.c_str(), GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), a_World->GetName().c_str() ); return true; } bool cPlayer::SaveToDisk() { cFile::CreateFolder(FILE_IO_PREFIX + AString("players/")); // Create the "players" folder, if it doesn't exist yet (#1268) cFile::CreateFolder(FILE_IO_PREFIX + AString("players/") + m_UUID.substr(0, 2)); // create the JSON data Json::Value JSON_PlayerPosition; JSON_PlayerPosition.append(Json::Value(GetPosX())); JSON_PlayerPosition.append(Json::Value(GetPosY())); JSON_PlayerPosition.append(Json::Value(GetPosZ())); Json::Value JSON_PlayerRotation; JSON_PlayerRotation.append(Json::Value(GetYaw())); JSON_PlayerRotation.append(Json::Value(GetPitch())); JSON_PlayerRotation.append(Json::Value(GetRoll())); Json::Value JSON_Inventory; m_Inventory.SaveToJson(JSON_Inventory); Json::Value JSON_EnderChestInventory; cEnderChestEntity::SaveToJson(JSON_EnderChestInventory, m_EnderChestContents); Json::Value root; root["position"] = JSON_PlayerPosition; root["rotation"] = JSON_PlayerRotation; root["inventory"] = JSON_Inventory; root["enderchestinventory"] = JSON_EnderChestInventory; root["health"] = m_Health; root["xpTotal"] = m_LifetimeTotalXp; root["xpCurrent"] = m_CurrentXp; root["air"] = m_AirLevel; root["food"] = m_FoodLevel; root["foodSaturation"] = m_FoodSaturationLevel; root["foodTickTimer"] = m_FoodTickTimer; root["foodExhaustion"] = m_FoodExhaustionLevel; root["isflying"] = IsFlying(); root["lastknownname"] = GetName(); root["SpawnX"] = GetLastBedPos().x; root["SpawnY"] = GetLastBedPos().y; root["SpawnZ"] = GetLastBedPos().z; if (m_World != nullptr) { root["world"] = m_World->GetName(); if (m_GameMode == m_World->GetGameMode()) { root["gamemode"] = static_cast(eGameMode_NotSet); } else { root["gamemode"] = static_cast(m_GameMode); } } else { // This happens if the player is saved to new format after loading from the old format root["world"] = m_LoadedWorldName; root["gamemode"] = static_cast(eGameMode_NotSet); } Json::StyledWriter writer; std::string JsonData = writer.write(root); AString SourceFile = GetUUIDFileName(m_UUID); cFile f; if (!f.Open(SourceFile, cFile::fmWrite)) { LOGWARNING("Error writing player \"%s\" to file \"%s\" - cannot open file. Player will lose their progress.", GetName().c_str(), SourceFile.c_str() ); return false; } if (f.Write(JsonData.c_str(), JsonData.size()) != static_cast(JsonData.size())) { LOGWARNING("Error writing player \"%s\" to file \"%s\" - cannot save data. Player will lose their progress. ", GetName().c_str(), SourceFile.c_str() ); return false; } // Save the player stats. // We use the default world name (like bukkit) because stats are shared between dimensions / worlds. cStatSerializer StatSerializer(cRoot::Get()->GetDefaultWorld()->GetName(), GetName(), &m_Stats); if (!StatSerializer.Save()) { LOGWARNING("Could not save stats for player %s", GetName().c_str()); return false; } return true; } void cPlayer::UseEquippedItem(int a_Amount) { if (IsGameModeCreative() || IsGameModeSpectator()) // No damage in creative or spectator { return; } // If the item has an unbreaking enchantment, give it a random chance of not breaking: cItem Item = GetEquippedItem(); int UnbreakingLevel = static_cast(Item.m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchUnbreaking)); if (UnbreakingLevel > 0) { int chance; if (ItemCategory::IsArmor(Item.m_ItemType)) { chance = 60 + (40 / (UnbreakingLevel + 1)); } else { chance = 100 / (UnbreakingLevel + 1); } cFastRandom Random; if (Random.NextInt(101) <= chance) { return; } } if (GetInventory().DamageEquippedItem(static_cast(a_Amount))) { m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("random.break", GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), 0.5f, static_cast(0.75 + (static_cast((GetUniqueID() * 23) % 32)) / 64)); } } void cPlayer::TickBurning(cChunk & a_Chunk) { // Don't burn in creative or spectator and stop burning in creative if necessary if (!IsGameModeCreative() && !IsGameModeSpectator()) { super::TickBurning(a_Chunk); } else if (IsOnFire()) { m_TicksLeftBurning = 0; OnFinishedBurning(); } } void cPlayer::HandleFood(void) { // Ref.: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Hunger if (IsGameModeCreative() || IsGameModeSpectator()) { // Hunger is disabled for Creative and Spectator return; } // Apply food exhaustion that has accumulated: if (m_FoodExhaustionLevel > 4.0) { m_FoodExhaustionLevel -= 4.0; if (m_FoodSaturationLevel > 0.0) { m_FoodSaturationLevel = std::max(m_FoodSaturationLevel - 1.0, 0.0); } else { SetFoodLevel(m_FoodLevel - 1); } } // Heal or damage, based on the food level, using the m_FoodTickTimer: if ((m_FoodLevel >= 18) || (m_FoodLevel <= 0)) { m_FoodTickTimer++; if (m_FoodTickTimer >= 80) { m_FoodTickTimer = 0; if ((m_FoodLevel >= 18) && (GetHealth() < GetMaxHealth())) { // Regenerate health from food, incur 3 pts of food exhaustion: Heal(1); AddFoodExhaustion(3.0); } else if ((m_FoodLevel <= 0) && (m_Health > 1)) { // Damage from starving TakeDamage(dtStarving, nullptr, 1, 1, 0); } } } else { m_FoodTickTimer = 0; } } void cPlayer::HandleFloater() { if (GetEquippedItem().m_ItemType == E_ITEM_FISHING_ROD) { return; } class cFloaterCallback : public cEntityCallback { public: virtual bool Item(cEntity * a_Entity) override { a_Entity->Destroy(true); return true; } } Callback; m_World->DoWithEntityByID(m_FloaterID, Callback); SetIsFishing(false); } bool cPlayer::IsClimbing(void) const { int PosX = POSX_TOINT; int PosY = POSY_TOINT; int PosZ = POSZ_TOINT; if ((PosY < 0) || (PosY >= cChunkDef::Height)) { return false; } BLOCKTYPE Block = m_World->GetBlock(PosX, PosY, PosZ); switch (Block) { case E_BLOCK_LADDER: case E_BLOCK_VINES: { return true; } default: return false; } } void cPlayer::UpdateMovementStats(const Vector3d & a_DeltaPos, bool a_PreviousIsOnGround) { if (m_bIsTeleporting) { m_bIsTeleporting = false; return; } StatValue Value = FloorC(a_DeltaPos.Length() * 100 + 0.5); if (m_AttachedTo == nullptr) { if (IsFlying()) { m_Stats.AddValue(statDistFlown, Value); // May be flying and doing any of the following: } if (IsClimbing()) { if (a_DeltaPos.y > 0.0) // Going up { m_Stats.AddValue(statDistClimbed, FloorC(a_DeltaPos.y * 100 + 0.5)); } } else if (IsSubmerged()) { m_Stats.AddValue(statDistDove, Value); AddFoodExhaustion(0.00015 * static_cast(Value)); } else if (IsSwimming()) { m_Stats.AddValue(statDistSwum, Value); AddFoodExhaustion(0.00015 * static_cast(Value)); } else if (IsOnGround()) { m_Stats.AddValue(statDistWalked, Value); AddFoodExhaustion((IsSprinting() ? 0.001 : 0.0001) * static_cast(Value)); } else { // If a jump just started, process food exhaustion: if ((a_DeltaPos.y > 0.0) && a_PreviousIsOnGround) { m_Stats.AddValue(statJumps, 1); AddFoodExhaustion((IsSprinting() ? 0.008 : 0.002) * static_cast(Value)); } else if (a_DeltaPos.y < 0.0) { // Increment statistic m_Stats.AddValue(statDistFallen, static_cast(std::abs(a_DeltaPos.y) * 100 + 0.5)); } // TODO: good opportunity to detect illegal flight (check for falling tho) } } else { switch (m_AttachedTo->GetEntityType()) { case cEntity::etMinecart: m_Stats.AddValue(statDistMinecart, Value); break; case cEntity::etBoat: m_Stats.AddValue(statDistBoat, Value); break; case cEntity::etMonster: { cMonster * Monster = reinterpret_cast(m_AttachedTo); switch (Monster->GetMobType()) { case mtPig: m_Stats.AddValue(statDistPig, Value); break; case mtHorse: m_Stats.AddValue(statDistHorse, Value); break; default: break; } break; } default: break; } } } void cPlayer::LoadRank(void) { // Load the values from cRankManager: cRankManager * RankMgr = cRoot::Get()->GetRankManager(); m_Rank = RankMgr->GetPlayerRankName(m_UUID); if (m_Rank.empty()) { m_Rank = RankMgr->GetDefaultRank(); } else { // Update the name: RankMgr->UpdatePlayerName(m_UUID, m_PlayerName); } m_Permissions = RankMgr->GetPlayerPermissions(m_UUID); m_Restrictions = RankMgr->GetPlayerRestrictions(m_UUID); RankMgr->GetRankVisuals(m_Rank, m_MsgPrefix, m_MsgSuffix, m_MsgNameColorCode); // Break up the individual permissions on each dot, into m_SplitPermissions: m_SplitPermissions.clear(); m_SplitPermissions.reserve(m_Permissions.size()); for (auto & Permission: m_Permissions) { m_SplitPermissions.push_back(StringSplit(Permission, ".")); } // for Permission - m_Permissions[] // Break up the individual restrictions on each dot, into m_SplitRestrictions: m_SplitRestrictions.clear(); m_SplitRestrictions.reserve(m_Restrictions.size()); for (auto & Restriction: m_Restrictions) { m_SplitRestrictions.push_back(StringSplit(Restriction, ".")); } // for itr - m_Restrictions[] } bool cPlayer::PlaceBlock(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) { sSetBlockVector blk{{a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta}}; return PlaceBlocks(blk); } void cPlayer::SendBlocksAround(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, int a_Range) { // Collect the coords of all the blocks to send: sSetBlockVector blks; for (int y = a_BlockY - a_Range + 1; y < a_BlockY + a_Range; y++) { for (int z = a_BlockZ - a_Range + 1; z < a_BlockZ + a_Range; z++) { for (int x = a_BlockX - a_Range + 1; x < a_BlockX + a_Range; x++) { blks.emplace_back(x, y, z, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0); // Use fake blocktype, it will get set later on. }; }; } // for y // Get the values of all the blocks: if (!m_World->GetBlocks(blks, false)) { LOGD("%s: Cannot query all blocks, not sending an update", __FUNCTION__); return; } // Divide the block changes by their respective chunks: std::unordered_map Changes; for (const auto & blk: blks) { Changes[cChunkCoords(blk.m_ChunkX, blk.m_ChunkZ)].push_back(blk); } // for blk - blks[] blks.clear(); // Send the blocks for each affected chunk: for (auto itr = Changes.cbegin(), end = Changes.cend(); itr != end; ++itr) { m_ClientHandle->SendBlockChanges(itr->first.m_ChunkX, itr->first.m_ChunkZ, itr->second); } } bool cPlayer::PlaceBlocks(const sSetBlockVector & a_Blocks) { // Call the "placing" hooks; if any fail, abort: cPluginManager * pm = cPluginManager::Get(); for (auto blk: a_Blocks) { if (pm->CallHookPlayerPlacingBlock(*this, blk)) { // Abort - re-send all the current blocks in the a_Blocks' coords to the client: for (auto blk2: a_Blocks) { m_World->SendBlockTo(blk2.GetX(), blk2.GetY(), blk2.GetZ(), this); } return false; } } // for blk - a_Blocks[] // Set the blocks: m_World->SetBlocks(a_Blocks); // Notify the blockhandlers: cChunkInterface ChunkInterface(m_World->GetChunkMap()); for (auto blk: a_Blocks) { cBlockHandler * newBlock = BlockHandler(blk.m_BlockType); newBlock->OnPlacedByPlayer(ChunkInterface, *m_World, this, blk); } // Call the "placed" hooks: for (auto blk: a_Blocks) { pm->CallHookPlayerPlacedBlock(*this, blk); } return true; } void cPlayer::Detach() { super::Detach(); int PosX = POSX_TOINT; int PosY = POSY_TOINT; int PosZ = POSZ_TOINT; // Search for a position within an area to teleport player after detachment // Position must be solid land, and occupied by a nonsolid block // If nothing found, player remains where they are for (int x = PosX - 2; x <= (PosX + 2); ++x) { for (int y = PosY; y <= (PosY + 3); ++y) { for (int z = PosZ - 2; z <= (PosZ + 2); ++z) { if (!cBlockInfo::IsSolid(m_World->GetBlock(x, y, z)) && cBlockInfo::IsSolid(m_World->GetBlock(x, y - 1, z))) { TeleportToCoords(x, y, z); return; } } } } } void cPlayer::RemoveClientHandle(void) { ASSERT(m_ClientHandle != nullptr); m_ClientHandle.reset(); } AString cPlayer::GetUUIDFileName(const AString & a_UUID) { AString UUID = cMojangAPI::MakeUUIDDashed(a_UUID); ASSERT(UUID.length() == 36); AString res("players/"); res.append(UUID, 0, 2); res.push_back('/'); res.append(UUID, 2, AString::npos); res.append(".json"); return res; }