// // SqratClass: Class Binding // // // Copyright (c) 2009 Brandon Jones // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages // arising from the use of this software. // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be // appreciated but is not required. // // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be // misrepresented as being the original software. // // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source // distribution. // #if !defined(_SCRAT_CLASS_H_) #define _SCRAT_CLASS_H_ #include #include #include "sqratObject.h" #include "sqratClassType.h" #include "sqratMemberMethods.h" #include "sqratAllocator.h" namespace Sqrat { /** @tparam C class type to expose @tparam A allocator to use when instantiating and destroying class instances in Squirrel @remarks DefaultAllocator is used if no allocator is specified. This should be sufficent for most classes but if specific behavior is desired it can be overridden. If the class should not be instantiated from Squirrel the NoConstructor allocator may be used. */ /// Exposes a C++ class to Squirrel template > class Class : public Object { public: /** @param v Squirrel virtual machine to bind to */ /// Constructor Class(HSQUIRRELVM v = DefaultVM::Get(), bool createClass = true) : Object(v, false) { if(createClass && !ClassType::Initialized(v)) { HSQOBJECT& classObj = ClassType::ClassObject(v); sq_resetobject(&classObj); sq_newclass(vm, false); sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, &classObj); sq_addref(vm, &classObj); // must addref before the pop! sq_pop(vm, 1); InitClass(); ClassType::Initialized(v) = true; } } ~Class() { /*ClassType::deleteClassTypeData(vm);*/ /* it seems the original design by Tojo was that ClassType objects are static so they presist with the lifetime of the program; so we cannot delete the ClassType object here */ } /// Get the Squirrel Object for this Class (const) virtual HSQOBJECT GetObject() const { return ClassType::ClassObject(vm); } /// Get the Squirrel Object for this Class (ref) virtual HSQOBJECT& GetObject() { return ClassType::ClassObject(vm); } public: // // Variable Binding // /** @param name name of the static slot @param var value to assign */ /// Assign a static class slot a value template Class& SetStaticValue(const SQChar* name, const V& val) { BindValue(name, val, true); return *this; } /** @param name name of the slot @param var value to assign */ /// Assign a class slot a value template Class& SetValue(const SQChar* name, const V& val) { BindValue(name, val, false); return *this; } /** @param name name of the variable as it will appear in Squirrel @param var variable to bind */ /// Bind a class variable template Class& Var(const SQChar* name, V C::* var) { // Add the getter BindAccessor(name, &var, sizeof(var), &sqDefaultGet, ClassType::GetTable(vm)); // Add the setter BindAccessor(name, &var, sizeof(var), &sqDefaultSet, ClassType::SetTable(vm)); return *this; } /// Bind a class property (variable accessed via a setter and getter) template Class& Prop(const SQChar* name, V (C::*getMethod)() const, void (C::*setMethod)(const V&)) { if(getMethod != NULL) { // Add the getter BindAccessor(name, &getMethod, sizeof(getMethod), SqMemberFunc(getMethod), ClassType::GetTable(vm)); } if(setMethod != NULL) { // Add the setter BindAccessor(name, &setMethod, sizeof(setMethod), SqMemberFunc(setMethod), ClassType::SetTable(vm)); } return *this; } /// Bind a class property (variable accessed via a setter and getter) template Class& Prop(const SQChar* name, V (C::*getMethod)(), void (C::*setMethod)(V)) { if(getMethod != NULL) { // Add the getter BindAccessor(name, &getMethod, sizeof(getMethod), SqMemberFunc(getMethod), ClassType::GetTable(vm)); } if(setMethod != NULL) { // Add the setter BindAccessor(name, &setMethod, sizeof(setMethod), SqMemberFunc(setMethod), ClassType::SetTable(vm)); } return *this; } /// Bind a read only class property (variable accessed via a getter) template Class& Prop(const SQChar* name, V (C::*getMethod)() const) { // Add the getter BindAccessor(name, &getMethod, sizeof(getMethod), SqMemberFunc(getMethod), ClassType::GetTable(vm)); return *this; } /// Bind a read only class property (variable accessed via a getter) template Class& Prop(const SQChar* name, V (C::*getMethod)()) { // Add the getter BindAccessor(name, &getMethod, sizeof(getMethod), SqMemberFunc(getMethod), ClassType::GetTable(vm)); return *this; } // TODO: Handle static instance vars // // Function Binding // template Class& Func(const SQChar* name, F method) { BindFunc(name, &method, sizeof(method), SqMemberFunc(method)); return *this; } template Class& Overload(const SQChar* name, F method) { BindOverload(name, &method, sizeof(method), SqMemberFunc(method), SqOverloadFunc(method), SqGetArgCount(method)); return *this; } template Class& GlobalFunc(const SQChar* name, F method) { BindFunc(name, &method, sizeof(method), SqMemberGlobalFunc(method)); return *this; } template Class& StaticFunc(const SQChar* name, F method) { BindFunc(name, &method, sizeof(method), SqGlobalFunc(method)); return *this; } template Class& SquirrelFunc(const SQChar* name, SQFUNCTION func) { sq_pushobject(vm, ClassType::ClassObject(vm)); sq_pushstring(vm, name, -1); sq_newclosure(vm, func, 0); sq_newslot(vm, -3, false); sq_pop(vm, 1); // pop table return *this; } // // Function Calls // Function GetFunction(const SQChar* name) { HSQOBJECT funcObj; sq_pushobject(vm, ClassType::ClassObject(vm)); sq_pushstring(vm, name, -1); if(SQ_FAILED(sq_get(vm, -2))) { sq_pushnull(vm); } sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, &funcObj); sq_pop(vm, 2); return Function(vm, ClassType::ClassObject(vm), funcObj); } protected: static SQInteger ClassWeakref(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { sq_weakref(vm, -1); return 1; } // Initialize the required data structure for the class void InitClass() { ClassType::CopyFunc(vm) = &A::Copy; // push the class sq_pushobject(vm, ClassType::ClassObject(vm)); // add the default constructor sq_pushstring(vm,_SC("constructor"), -1); sq_newclosure(vm, &A::New, 0); sq_newslot(vm, -3, false); // add the set table (static) HSQOBJECT& setTable = ClassType::SetTable(vm); sq_resetobject(&setTable); sq_pushstring(vm,_SC("__setTable"), -1); sq_newtable(vm); sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, &setTable); sq_addref(vm, &setTable); sq_newslot(vm, -3, true); // add the get table (static) HSQOBJECT& getTable = ClassType::GetTable(vm); sq_resetobject(&getTable); sq_pushstring(vm,_SC("__getTable"), -1); sq_newtable(vm); sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, &getTable); sq_addref(vm, &getTable); sq_newslot(vm, -3, true); // override _set sq_pushstring(vm, _SC("_set"), -1); sq_pushobject(vm, setTable); // Push the set table as a free variable sq_newclosure(vm, &sqVarSet, 1); sq_newslot(vm, -3, false); // override _get sq_pushstring(vm, _SC("_get"), -1); sq_pushobject(vm, getTable); // Push the get table as a free variable sq_newclosure(vm, &sqVarGet, 1); sq_newslot(vm, -3, false); // add weakref (apparently not provided by default) sq_pushstring(vm, _SC("weakref"), -1); sq_newclosure(vm, &Class::ClassWeakref, 0); sq_newslot(vm, -3, false); // pop the class sq_pop(vm, 1); } // Helper function used to bind getters and setters inline void BindAccessor(const SQChar* name, void* var, size_t varSize, SQFUNCTION func, HSQOBJECT table) { // Push the get or set table sq_pushobject(vm, table); sq_pushstring(vm, name, -1); // Push the variable offset as a free variable SQUserPointer varPtr = sq_newuserdata(vm, static_cast(varSize)); memcpy(varPtr, var, varSize); // Create the accessor function sq_newclosure(vm, func, 1); // Add the accessor to the table sq_newslot(vm, -3, false); // Pop get/set table sq_pop(vm, 1); } }; /** @tparam C class type to expose @tparam B base class type (must already be bound) @tparam A allocator to use when instantiating and destroying class instances in Squirrel @remarks DefaultAllocator is used if no allocator is specified. This should be sufficent for most classes but if specific behavior is desired it can be overridden. If the class should not be instantiated from Squirrel the NoConstructor allocator may be used. @remarks Classes in Squirrel are single-inheritance only, and as such Sqrat only allows for single inheritance as well */ /// Exposes a C++ class with a base class to Squirrel template > class DerivedClass : public Class { public: DerivedClass(HSQUIRRELVM v = DefaultVM::Get()) : Class(v, false) { if(!ClassType::Initialized(v)) { HSQOBJECT& classObj = ClassType::ClassObject(v); sq_resetobject(&classObj); sq_pushobject(v, ClassType::ClassObject(v)); sq_newclass(v, true); sq_getstackobj(v, -1, &classObj); sq_addref(v, &classObj); // must addref before the pop! sq_pop(v, 1); InitDerivedClass(v); ClassType::Initialized(v) = true; } } protected: void InitDerivedClass(HSQUIRRELVM vm) { ClassType::CopyFunc(vm) = &A::Copy; // push the class sq_pushobject(vm, ClassType::ClassObject(vm)); // add the default constructor sq_pushstring(vm,_SC("constructor"), -1); sq_newclosure(vm, &A::New, 0); sq_newslot(vm, -3, false); // clone the base classes set table (static) HSQOBJECT& setTable = ClassType::SetTable(vm); sq_resetobject(&setTable); sq_pushobject(vm, ClassType::SetTable(vm)); sq_pushstring(vm,_SC("__setTable"), -1); sq_clone(vm, -2); sq_remove(vm, -3); sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, &setTable); sq_addref(vm, &setTable); sq_newslot(vm, -3, true); // clone the base classes get table (static) HSQOBJECT& getTable = ClassType::GetTable(vm); sq_resetobject(&getTable); sq_pushobject(vm, ClassType::GetTable(vm)); sq_pushstring(vm,_SC("__getTable"), -1); sq_clone(vm, -2); sq_remove(vm, -3); sq_getstackobj(vm, -1, &getTable); sq_addref(vm, &getTable); sq_newslot(vm, -3, true); // override _set sq_pushstring(vm, _SC("_set"), -1); sq_pushobject(vm, setTable); // Push the set table as a free variable sq_newclosure(vm, sqVarSet, 1); sq_newslot(vm, -3, false); // override _get sq_pushstring(vm, _SC("_get"), -1); sq_pushobject(vm, getTable); // Push the get table as a free variable sq_newclosure(vm, sqVarGet, 1); sq_newslot(vm, -3, false); // add weakref (apparently not provided by default) sq_pushstring(vm, _SC("weakref"), -1); sq_newclosure(vm, &Class::ClassWeakref, 0); sq_newslot(vm, -3, false); // pop the class sq_pop(vm, 1); } }; } #endif