// LightingThread.cpp // Implements the cLightingThread class representing the thread that processes requests for lighting #include "Globals.h" #include "LightingThread.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cLightingThread: cLightingThread::cLightingThread(void) : super("cLightingThread") { } cLightingThread::~cLightingThread() { Stop(); } void cLightingThread::Stop(void) { { cCSLock Lock(m_CS); for (cLightingBufferQueue::iterator itr = m_Queue.begin(); itr != m_Queue.end(); ++itr) { delete *itr; } // for itr - m_Queue[] } m_ShouldTerminate = true; m_Event.Set(); Wait(); } void cLightingThread::QueueLighting(cWorld * a_World, int a_MinX, int a_MaxX, int a_MinY, int a_MaxY, int a_MinZ, int a_MaxZ) { // TODO } void cLightingThread::Execute(void) { // TODO } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cLightingThread::cLightingBuffer: cLightingThread::cLightingBuffer::cLightingBuffer(int a_MinX, int a_MaxX, int a_MinY, int a_MaxY, int a_MinZ, int a_MaxZ) : m_MinX(a_MinX), m_MaxX(a_MaxX), m_MinY(a_MinY), m_MaxY(a_MaxY), m_MinZ(a_MinZ), m_MaxZ(a_MaxZ) { // TODO: initialize strides } void cLightingThread::cLightingBuffer::GetFromWorld(cWorld * a_World) { // TODO: Set m_BlockData, m_SkyLight and m_BlockLight from the world's chunks } void cLightingThread::cLightingBuffer::SetToWorld (cWorld * a_World) { // TODO: Set world's chunks from m_BlockData, m_SkyLight and m_BlockLight } void cLightingThread::cLightingBuffer::Process(void) { // TODO: Does the actual lighting on this buffer }