cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.7) # Without this, the MSVC variable isn't defined for MSVC builds ( ) enable_language(CXX C) # Enable the support for solution folders in MSVC if (MSVC) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) endif() # These env variables are used for configuring Travis CI builds. # See if(DEFINED ENV{TRAVIS_MCSERVER_BUILD_TYPE}) message("Setting build type to $ENV{TRAVIS_MCSERVER_BUILD_TYPE}") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE $ENV{TRAVIS_MCSERVER_BUILD_TYPE}) endif() if(DEFINED ENV{TRAVIS_MCSERVER_FORCE32}) set(FORCE32 $ENV{TRAVIS_MCSERVER_FORCE32}) endif() if(DEFINED ENV{TRAVIS_BUILD_WITH_COVERAGE}) set(BUILD_WITH_COVERAGE $ENV{TRAVIS_BUILD_WITH_COVERAGE}) endif() if(DEFINED ENV{MCSERVER_BUILD_ID}) # The build info is defined by the build system (Travis / Jenkins) set(BUILD_ID $ENV{MCSERVER_BUILD_ID}) set(BUILD_SERIES_NAME $ENV{MCSERVER_BUILD_SERIES_NAME}) set(BUILD_DATETIME $ENV{MCSERVER_BUILD_DATETIME}) if(DEFINED ENV{MCSERVER_BUILD_COMMIT_ID}) set(BUILD_COMMIT_ID $ENV{MCSERVER_BUILD_COMMIT_ID}) else() message("Commit id not set, attempting to determine id from git") execute_process( COMMAND git rev-parse HEAD RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_EXECUTED OUTPUT_VARIABLE BUILD_COMMIT_ID ) string(STRIP ${BUILD_COMMIT_ID} BUILD_COMMIT_ID) if (NOT (GIT_EXECUTED EQUAL 0)) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not identifiy git commit id") endif() endif() else() # This is a local build, stuff in some basic info: set(BUILD_ID "Unknown") set(BUILD_SERIES_NAME "local build") execute_process( COMMAND git rev-parse HEAD RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_EXECUTED OUTPUT_VARIABLE BUILD_COMMIT_ID ) if (NOT(GIT_EXECUTED EQUAL 0)) set(BUILD_COMMIT_ID "Unknown") endif() string(STRIP ${BUILD_COMMIT_ID} BUILD_COMMIT_ID) execute_process( COMMAND git log -1 --date=iso --pretty=format:%ai RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_EXECUTED OUTPUT_VARIABLE BUILD_DATETIME ) if (NOT(GIT_EXECUTED EQUAL 0)) set(BUILD_DATETIME "Unknown") endif() string(STRIP ${BUILD_DATETIME} BUILD_DATETIME) # The BUILD_COMMIT_ID and BUILD_DATETIME aren't updated on each repo pull # They are only updated when cmake re-configures the project # Therefore mark them as "approx: " set(BUILD_COMMIT_ID "approx: ${BUILD_COMMIT_ID}") set(BUILD_DATETIME "approx: ${BUILD_DATETIME}") endif() # We need C++11 features, Visual Studio has those from VS2012, but it needs a new platform toolset for those; VS2013 supports them natively: # Adapted from if(MSVC OR MSVC_IDE) if( MSVC_VERSION LESS 1700 ) # VC10- / VS2010- message(FATAL_ERROR "The project requires C++11 features. " "You need at least Visual Studio 11 (Microsoft Visual Studio 2012), " "with Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Nov 2012 CTP (v120_CTP_Nov2012).") elseif( MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1700 ) # VC11 / VS2012 message( "VC11: using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 " "with Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Nov 2012 CTP (v120_CTP_Nov2012)" ) set(CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET "v120_CTP_Nov2012" CACHE STRING "Platform Toolset" FORCE) else() # VC12+, assuming C++11 supported. endif() endif() set(BUILD_TOOLS OFF CACHE BOOL "") set(SELF_TEST OFF CACHE BOOL "") # This has to be done before any flags have been set up. if(${BUILD_TOOLS}) message("Building tools") add_subdirectory(Tools/MCADefrag/) add_subdirectory(Tools/ProtoProxy/) endif() if(${BUILD_UNSTABLE_TOOLS}) message("Building unstable tools") add_subdirectory(Tools/GeneratorPerformanceTest/) endif() include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) include(SetFlags.cmake) set_flags() set_lib_flags() enable_profile() # Under Windows, we need Lua as DLL; on *nix we need it linked statically: if (WIN32) add_definitions(-DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL) endif() # The Expat library is linked in statically, make the source files aware of that: add_definitions(-DXML_STATIC) # Let Lua use additional checks on its C API. This is only compiled into Debug builds: add_definitions(-DLUA_USE_APICHECK) # Self Test Mode enables extra checks at startup if(${SELF_TEST}) add_definitions(-DSELF_TEST) endif() project (MCServer) # Set options for SQLiteCpp, disable all their tests and lints: set(SQLITECPP_RUN_CPPLINT OFF CACHE BOOL "Run tool for Google C++ StyleGuide." FORCE) set(SQLITECPP_RUN_CPPCHECK OFF CACHE BOOL "Run cppcheck C++ static analysis tool." FORCE) set(SQLITECPP_RUN_DOXYGEN OFF CACHE BOOL "Run Doxygen C++ documentation tool." FORCE) set(SQLITECPP_BUILD_EXAMPLES OFF CACHE BOOL "Build examples." FORCE) set(SQLITECPP_BUILD_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Build and run tests." FORCE) set(SQLITECPP_INTERNAL_SQLITE OFF CACHE BOOL "Add the internal SQLite3 source to the project." FORCE) set(SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) # Set options for LibEvent, disable all their tests and benchmarks: set(EVENT__DISABLE_OPENSSL YES CACHE BOOL "Disable OpenSSL in LibEvent" FORCE) set(EVENT__DISABLE_BENCHMARK YES CACHE BOOL "Disable LibEvent benchmarks" FORCE) set(EVENT__DISABLE_TESTS YES CACHE BOOL "Disable LibEvent tests" FORCE) set(EVENT__DISABLE_REGRESS YES CACHE BOOL "Disable LibEvent regression tests" FORCE) set(EVENT__DISABLE_SAMPLES YES CACHE BOOL "Disable LibEvent samples" FORCE) # Set options for JsonCPP, disabling all of their tests # Additionally, their library is output to a strange location; make sure the linker knows where to find it set(JSONCPP_WITH_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Compile and (for jsoncpp_check) run JsonCpp test executables") set(JSONCPP_WITH_POST_BUILD_UNITTEST OFF CACHE BOOL "Automatically run unit-tests as a post build step") set(JSONCPP_WITH_PKGCONFIG_SUPPORT OFF CACHE BOOL "Generate and install .pc files") link_directories(lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json) # Check that the libraries are present: if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/SQLiteCpp/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "SQLiteCpp is missing in folder lib/SQLiteCpp. Have you initialized the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/polarssl/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "PolarSSL is missing in folder lib/polarssl. Have you initialized the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/libevent/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "LibEvent is missing in folder lib/libevent. Have you initialized and updated the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() # Include all the libraries: add_subdirectory(lib/jsoncpp/) add_subdirectory(lib/zlib/) add_subdirectory(lib/lua/) add_subdirectory(lib/tolua++/) add_subdirectory(lib/sqlite/) add_subdirectory(lib/SQLiteCpp/) add_subdirectory(lib/expat/) add_subdirectory(lib/luaexpat/) add_subdirectory(lib/libevent/ EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # Add proper include directories so that SQLiteCpp can find SQLite3: get_property(SQLITECPP_INCLUDES DIRECTORY "lib/SQLiteCpp/" PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) set(SQLITECPP_INCLUDES "${SQLITECPP_INCLUDES}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/sqlite/") set_property(DIRECTORY lib/SQLiteCpp/ PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${SQLITECPP_INCLUDES}") set_property(TARGET SQLiteCpp PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${SQLITECPP_INCLUDES}") # Add proper includes for LibEvent's event-config.h header: include_directories(SYSTEM ${LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Prettify jsoncpp_lib_static name in VS solution explorer set_property(TARGET jsoncpp_lib_static PROPERTY PROJECT_LABEL "jsoncpp") if (WIN32) add_subdirectory(lib/luaproxy/) endif() # We use EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL so that only the explicit dependencies are used # (PolarSSL also has test and example programs in their CMakeLists.txt, we don't want those) include(lib/polarssl.cmake EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) set_exe_flags() add_subdirectory (src) if(${SELF_TEST}) message("Tests enabled") enable_testing() add_subdirectory (tests) endif() # Put projects into solution folders in MSVC: if (MSVC) set_target_properties( event_core event_extra expat jsoncpp_lib_static lua luaexpat mbedtls sqlite SQLiteCpp tolualib zlib PROPERTIES FOLDER Lib ) set_target_properties( luaproxy tolua PROPERTIES FOLDER Support ) if (${SELF_TEST}) set_target_properties( Network PROPERTIES FOLDER Lib ) set_target_properties( arraystocoords-exe ChunkBuffer coordinates-exe copies-exe copyblocks-exe creatable-exe EchoServer Google-exe LoadablePieces NameLookup PROPERTIES FOLDER Tests ) endif() if(${BUILD_TOOLS}) set_target_properties( MCADefrag ProtoProxy PROPERTIES FOLDER Tools ) endif() endif()