path: root/squirrel_3_0_1_stable/sqplus/sqplus.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 2327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/squirrel_3_0_1_stable/sqplus/sqplus.h b/squirrel_3_0_1_stable/sqplus/sqplus.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6116d50ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/squirrel_3_0_1_stable/sqplus/sqplus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2327 @@
+// SqPlus.h
+// Created by John Schultz 9/05/05, major update 10/05/05.
+// Template function call design from LuaPlusCD by Joshua C. Jensen,
+// inspired by luabind which was inspired by boost::python.
+// Const argument, const member functions, and Mac OS-X changes by Simon Michelmore.
+// DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE_NAME changes by Ben (Project5) from
+// Added Kamaitati's changes 5/28/06.
+// Free for any use.
+#ifndef _SQ_PLUS_H_
+#define _SQ_PLUS_H_
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ #include <malloc/malloc.h>
+ #include <malloc.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <limits.h> // For INT_MAX on GCC
+#include "squirrel.h" // Include to get SQUNICODE setting from here
+#ifndef _SC
+ #error No _SC macro - Usually defined in squirrel.h
+// Provide a _sqT(...) macros also (same as _SC but easier to know its for Squirrel)
+#ifndef _sqT
+ #define _sqT _SC
+// For backward compatibility, define _T if outside of Windows platform.
+// (really, _SC() or _sqT() are better, since that leaves us free to run
+// Squirrel in ASCII or wchar_t mode, regardless of the app being built).
+#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)
+ #ifndef _T
+ #define _T _SC
+ #endif
+// A comment about strings. We let squirrel.h determine whether to use
+// char or wchar_t strings. So here we follow the define SQUNICODE. This
+// opens up for using Unicode system calls on Windows while having the script
+// engine in ASCII mode, or vice versa. To enable this, also the macro
+// _SC("some string") is used instead of _T("some string").
+// To handle the case where function parameters are given in the opposite
+// character mode (char if SQChar is wchar_t and vice versa), such strings
+// can be converted on the fly to the other mode in the function call, if
+// the define SQPLUS_AUTOCONVERT_OTHER_CHAR is set below. Buffers are
+// allocated and kept around for the duration of the function call. The
+// same applies to returned strings of the opposite type.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+ #include <tchar.h>
+ #ifndef SQUNICODE
+ #define SCSNPRINTF _snprintf
+ #define SCPUTS puts
+ #else
+ #define SCSNPRINTF _snwprintf
+ #define SCPUTS _putws
+ #endif
+ #if defined(_MSC_VER)
+ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE // Disable warnings around various sprintf
+ #endif
+ #pragma warning(disable: 4996) // When above does not work
+ #endif
+ #ifdef SQUNICODE
+ #define SCSNPRINTF _snwprintf
+ #define SCPUTS _putws
+ #include <stdio.h> // for snprintf
+ #else
+ #define SCSNPRINTF snprintf
+ #include <stdio.h> // for snprintf
+ #define SCPUTS puts
+ #endif
+#ifndef _WINDEF_
+ typedef int BOOL;
+ typedef int INT;
+ typedef float FLOAT;
+ #define TRUE 1
+ #define FALSE 0
+#if 1
+#include "SquirrelObject.h"
+#include "SquirrelVM.h"
+#include "SquirrelBindingsUtils.h"
+// All setup defines have moved to its own file
+#include "SqPlusSetup.h"
+#define SQPLUS_AUTOCONVERT_MAX_INSTANCES 8 // In argument conversion, don't keep more than this alive
+#include "SqPlusOCharBuf.h"
+ #ifdef _MSC_VER
+ #pragma message("std::string and SQChar as wchar_t is not compatible!")
+ #else
+ #warning std::string and SQChar as wchar_t is not compatible!
+ #endif
+namespace SqPlus {
+template<class T> struct TypeWrapper {};
+struct SquirrelNull {};
+struct SQNoBaseClass {}; // For scripted classes with no base class (or no scripted base class)
+struct SQAnything { void * anything; }; // Needed for binding pointers to variables (cannot dereference void *).
+typedef SQAnything * SQAnythingPtr;
+typedef SQChar * SQCharPtr;
+// Helper struct to (sometimes) store a temporary return value as another type.
+// Useful when returning const char* and other types that require temp allocation.
+// For primitive types, it just maps onto itself.
+template<class T>
+struct Temporary {
+ typedef T type;
+// References are tricky, but they should just be filtered out usually
+template<class T>
+struct SqAssignableRef {
+ SqAssignableRef( ) : m_pt(0) { }
+ void operator = (T& tr){ m_pt=&tr; }
+ operator T& () { return *m_pt; }
+ T *m_pt;
+template<class T>
+struct Temporary<T&> {
+ typedef SqAssignableRef<T> type;
+// === Do not use directly: use one of the predefined sizes below ===
+struct ScriptStringVarBase {
+ const unsigned char MaxLength; // Real length is MaxLength+1.
+ SQChar s[1];
+ ScriptStringVarBase(int _MaxLength) : MaxLength(_MaxLength) {}
+ operator SQChar * () { return &s[0]; }
+ operator void * () { return (void *)&s[0]; }
+ const SQChar * operator = (const SQChar * _s) {
+ return safeStringCopy(s,_s,MaxLength);
+ }
+ // Special safe string copy where MaxLength is 1 less than true buffer length.
+ // strncpy() pads out nulls for the full length of the buffer specified by MaxLength.
+ static inline SQChar * safeStringCopy(SQChar * d,const SQChar * s,int MaxLength) {
+ int i=0;
+ while (s[i]) {
+ d[i] = s[i];
+ i++;
+ if (i == MaxLength) break;
+ } // while
+ d[i] = 0; // Null terminate.
+ return d;
+ } // safeStringCopy
+// === Do not use directly: use one of the predefined sizes below ===
+template<int MAXLENGTH> // MAXLENGTH is max printable characters (trailing NULL is accounted for in ScriptStringVarBase::s[1]).
+struct ScriptStringVar : ScriptStringVarBase {
+ ScriptStringVar() : ScriptStringVarBase(MAXLENGTH) {
+ s[0] = 0;
+ }
+ ScriptStringVar(const SQChar * _s) : ScriptStringVarBase(MAXLENGTH) {
+ *this = _s;
+ }
+ const SQChar * operator = (const SQChar * _s) {
+ return safeStringCopy(s,_s,MaxLength);
+ }
+ const SQChar * operator = (const ScriptStringVar & _s) {
+ return safeStringCopy(s,_s.s,MaxLength);
+ }
+ bool operator == (const ScriptStringVar & _s) {
+ return _strcmp(s,_s.s) == 0;
+ }
+ bool compareCaseInsensitive(const ScriptStringVar & _s) {
+ return _stricmp(s,_s.s) == 0;
+ }
+// === Fixed size strings for scripting ===
+typedef ScriptStringVar<8> ScriptStringVar8;
+typedef ScriptStringVar<16> ScriptStringVar16;
+typedef ScriptStringVar<32> ScriptStringVar32;
+typedef ScriptStringVar<64> ScriptStringVar64;
+typedef ScriptStringVar<128> ScriptStringVar128;
+typedef ScriptStringVar<256> ScriptStringVar256;
+// === Script Variable Types ===
+enum ScriptVarType {
+template <typename T>
+struct TypeInfo {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_NONE, Size=0, TypeMask='?', IsInstance=0};
+// === Common Variable Types ===
+struct TypeInfo<INT> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("int")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_INT,Size=sizeof(INT),TypeMask='i', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+struct TypeInfo<unsigned> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("uint")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_UINT,Size=sizeof(unsigned), IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+struct TypeInfo<FLOAT> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("float")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_FLOAT,Size=sizeof(FLOAT),TypeMask='f', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+struct TypeInfo<bool> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("bool")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_BOOL,Size=sizeof(bool),TypeMask='b', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+struct TypeInfo<short> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("short")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_INT,Size=sizeof(short),TypeMask='i', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+struct TypeInfo<char> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("char")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_INT,Size=sizeof(char),TypeMask='i', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+struct TypeInfo<SQUserPointer> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("SQUserPointer")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_USER_POINTER,Size=sizeof(SQUserPointer),TypeMask='u', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+struct TypeInfo<SQAnything> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("SQUserPointer")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_USER_POINTER,Size=sizeof(SQUserPointer),TypeMask='u', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+struct TypeInfo<SQNoBaseClass> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(0) {}
+ enum {TypeID=-1,Size=0,TypeMask=' ', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+struct TypeInfo<const SQChar *> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("const SQChar *")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_CONST_STRING,Size=sizeof(const SQChar *),TypeMask='s', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+struct TypeInfo<const SQOtherChar *> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("const SQOtherChar *")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_CONST_STRING,Size=sizeof(const SQOtherChar *),TypeMask='s', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+struct Temporary<SQOtherChar*> {
+ typedef SQOthCharBuf type;
+struct Temporary<const SQOtherChar*> {
+ typedef SQOthCharBuf type;
+// base case: raw pointer
+template<typename T, int is_inst>
+struct TypeInfoPtrBase {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfoPtrBase() : typeName(TypeInfo<T>().typeName) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_USER_POINTER,Size=sizeof(T*),TypeMask='u'};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+template<typename T>
+struct TypeInfoPtrBase<T,1> : public TypeInfo<T> { };
+// Partial specialization for pointers (to access type without pointer / or instance typeinfo)
+template<class T>
+struct TypeInfo<T*> : public TypeInfoPtrBase<T,TypeInfo<T>::IsInstance> { };
+// Same thing for references
+template<class T>
+struct TypeInfo<T&> : public TypeInfoPtrBase<T,TypeInfo<T>::IsInstance> { };
+struct TypeInfo<std::string> {
+ const SQChar *typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("std::string")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=SqPlus::VAR_TYPE_STD_STRING,Size=sizeof(std::string),TypeMask='s'};
+ operator ScriptVarType() {return ScriptVarType(TypeID);}
+struct TypeInfo<ScriptStringVarBase> {
+ const SQChar * typeName;
+ TypeInfo() : typeName(_SC("ScriptStringVarBase")) {}
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_STRING,Size=sizeof(ScriptStringVarBase),TypeMask='s', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+// === Fixed String Variants ===
+template<int N>
+struct TypeInfo<ScriptStringVar<N> > {
+ SQChar typeName[24];
+ TypeInfo() { scsprintf(typeName,_SC("ScriptStringVar<%d>"),N); }
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_STRING,Size=N*sizeof(ScriptStringVar<N>),TypeMask='s', IsInstance=0};
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); }
+ #include "SqPlusSmartPointer.h"
+// See VarRef and ClassType<> below: for instance assignment.
+typedef void (*CopyVarFunc)(void * dst,void * src);
+// === Class Type Helper class: returns an ID for each class type and provides base class pointer offset ===
+struct ClassTypeBase {
+ ClassTypeBase() : m_pbase(0), m_name(0), m_offset(0), m_may_have_offset(-1) { }
+ // Many types cannot have offset, since "this" is the same for all base classes of
+ // an instance. Detect this, to avoid sum up base offsets all the time.
+ int MayHaveOffset( ) {
+ if( m_may_have_offset<0 ){
+ if( m_offset ) m_may_have_offset = 1;
+ else m_may_have_offset = m_pbase ? m_pbase->MayHaveOffset() : 0;
+ }
+ return m_may_have_offset;
+ }
+ int GetOffsetTo( ClassTypeBase *pbase ){
+ if( !m_pbase ) { /*printf("ClassTypeBase::getOffsetTo - Warning - Base type pointer is NULL!\n" );*/ return 0; }
+ return m_pbase==pbase ? m_offset : m_offset+m_pbase->GetOffsetTo(pbase);
+ }
+ virtual CopyVarFunc vgetCopyFunc(void) = 0;
+ virtual const SQChar* GetTypeName() = 0;
+ ClassTypeBase *m_pbase;
+ const SQChar *m_name; // Name of type
+ int m_offset; // Adjustment of this pointer between this type and its base class
+ int m_may_have_offset; // Set to 0 for types that cannot possibly have offset
+// This level handles instance copying in different ways
+template<typename T,bool copyable>
+struct ClassTypeCopyImpl;
+// Helper struct to decide if type is copyable or not
+template<typename T>
+struct IsCopyable { enum { value=true }; };
+ template<> struct IsCopyable<TYPE> { enum { value=false }; };
+// Macro to declare a type that should _not_ be copied using ordinary
+// c++ copy expresssion: *(T*)pt1 = *(T*)pt2;
+#define DECLARE_NONCOPY_TYPE(TYPE) namespace SqPlus { \
+ template<> struct IsCopyable<TYPE> { enum { value=false }; }; \
+// Base class to do copying in ordinary C++ way
+template<typename T>
+struct ClassTypeCopyImpl<T,true> : public ClassTypeBase {
+ static void copy(T * dst,T * src) {
+ *dst = *src; // This works types with copy ctor / assign operator
+ } // copy
+// Base class to do copying with memcpy
+template<typename T>
+struct ClassTypeCopyImpl<T,false> : public ClassTypeBase {
+ static void copy(T * dst,T * src) {
+ memcpy(dst,src,sizeof(T)); // This works for raw data types
+ } // copy
+// Base classes to do avoid copying altogether (void case)
+struct ClassTypeCopyImpl<void,true> : public ClassTypeBase {
+ static void copy(void * dst,void * src) { } // copy
+struct ClassTypeCopyImpl<void,false> : public ClassTypeBase {
+ static void copy(void * dst,void * src) { } // copy
+template<typename T>
+struct ClassType : public ClassTypeCopyImpl<T,IsCopyable<T>::value> {
+ typedef ClassTypeCopyImpl<T,IsCopyable<T>::value> ClassTypeBase;
+ ClassType( ) { this->m_name=stGetName(); }
+ virtual CopyVarFunc vgetCopyFunc(void) { return (CopyVarFunc)&ClassTypeBase::copy; }
+ virtual const SQChar* GetTypeName(){ return this->m_name; }
+ template<class BC>
+ void SetBase(TypeWrapper<BC>) {
+ this->m_pbase = ClassType<BC>::Get();
+ T* pt = reinterpret_cast<T*>(this);
+ this->m_offset = ((char*)pt)-((char*)static_cast<BC*>(pt));
+ }
+ static ClassType* Get(){ static ClassType<T> st_ct; return &st_ct; }
+ static ClassTypeBase* type() { return Get(); }
+ static CopyVarFunc getCopyFunc(void) { return (CopyVarFunc)&ClassTypeBase::copy; }
+ static const SQChar* stGetName(){ return TypeInfo<T>().typeName; }
+ #include "SqPlusOverload.h"
+ #endif
+// === Variable references for script access ===
+#define SQ_PLUS_TYPE_TABLE _SC("__SqTypes")
+struct VarRef {
+ // In this case 'offsetOrAddrOrConst' is simpler than using an anonymous union.
+ void * offsetOrAddrOrConst; // Instance member variable offset from 'this' pointer base (as size_t), or address if static variable (void *), or constant value.
+ ScriptVarType m_type; // Variable type (from enum above).
+ ClassTypeBase* instanceType; // Class type of the containing class instance (for member vars only).
+ ClassTypeBase* varType; // The class type of the variable itself
+ short m_size; // ATS: Use for short and char support. For debugging only (size of item when pointer to item is dereferenced). Could be used for variable max string buffer length.
+ short m_access; // VarAccessType.
+ VarRef() : offsetOrAddrOrConst(0), m_type(VAR_TYPE_NONE), instanceType(0/*(SQUserPointer)-1*/), /*copyFunc(0),*/ m_size(0), m_access(VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) {}
+ VarRef(void * _offsetOrAddrOrConst, ScriptVarType _type, ClassTypeBase* _instanceType, ClassTypeBase* _varType, int _size, VarAccessType _access) :
+ offsetOrAddrOrConst(_offsetOrAddrOrConst), m_type(_type), instanceType(_instanceType), varType(_varType), m_size(_size), m_access(_access) {
+ SquirrelObject typeTable = SquirrelVM::GetRootTable().GetValue(SQ_PLUS_TYPE_TABLE);
+ if (typeTable.IsNull()) {
+ typeTable = SquirrelVM::CreateTable();
+ SquirrelObject root = SquirrelVM::GetRootTable();
+ root.SetValue(SQ_PLUS_TYPE_TABLE,typeTable);
+ } // if
+ typeTable.SetValue(INT((size_t)varType),varType->GetTypeName());
+ }
+typedef VarRef * VarRefPtr;
+// Internal use only.
+inline void getVarNameTag(SQChar * buff,INT maxSize,const SQChar * scriptName) {
+// assert(maxSize > 3);
+#if 1
+ SQChar * d = buff;
+ d[0] = '_';
+ d[1] = 'v';
+ d = &d[2];
+ maxSize -= (2+1); // +1 = space for null.
+ int pos=0;
+ while (scriptName[pos] && pos < maxSize) {
+ d[pos] = scriptName[pos];
+ pos++;
+ } // while
+ d[pos] = 0; // null terminate.
+ SCSNPRINTF(buff,maxSize,_SC("_v%s"),scriptName);
+} // getVarNameTag
+// Internal use only.
+int setVarFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v);
+int getVarFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v);
+int setInstanceVarFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v);
+int getInstanceVarFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v);
+// === BEGIN Helpers ===
+inline void createTableSetGetHandlers(SquirrelObject & so) {
+ SquirrelObject delegate = so.GetDelegate();
+ if (!delegate.Exists(_SC("_set"))) {
+ delegate = SquirrelVM::CreateTable();
+ SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(delegate,setVarFunc,_SC("_set"),_SC("sn|b|s")); // String var name = number(int or float) or bool or string.
+ SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(delegate,getVarFunc,_SC("_get"),_SC("s")); // String var name.
+ so.SetDelegate(delegate);
+ } // if
+} // createTableSetGetHandlers
+inline VarRefPtr createVarRef(SquirrelObject & so,const SQChar * scriptVarName) {
+ VarRefPtr pvr=0;
+ ScriptStringVar256 scriptVarTagName; getVarNameTag(scriptVarTagName,sizeof(scriptVarTagName),scriptVarName);
+ if (!so.GetUserData(scriptVarTagName,(SQUserPointer *)&pvr)) {
+ so.NewUserData(scriptVarTagName,sizeof(*pvr));
+ if (!so.GetUserData(scriptVarTagName,(SQUserPointer *)&pvr)) throw SquirrelError(_SC("Could not create UserData."));
+ } // if
+ return pvr;
+} // createVarRef
+template<typename T>
+void validateConstantType(T constant) {
+ switch(TypeInfo<T>()) {
+ case VAR_TYPE_INT:
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw SquirrelError(_SC("validateConstantType(): type must be INT, FLOAT, BOOL, or CONST CHAR *."));
+ } // case
+} // validateConstantType
+inline void createInstanceSetGetHandlers(SquirrelObject & so) {
+ if (!so.Exists(_SC("_set"))) {
+ SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(so,setInstanceVarFunc,_SC("_set"),_SC("sn|b|s|x")); // String var name = number(int or float) or bool or string or instance.
+ SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(so,getInstanceVarFunc,_SC("_get"),_SC("s")); // String var name.
+ } // if
+} // createInstanceSetGetHandlers
+// === END Helpers ===
+// Provide an overridable way of copying / deleting objects
+template<typename T>
+struct ObjectCloner {
+ static T* Clone(T* src){ return new T(src); }
+ static void Delete(T* dst){ if(dst) delete dst; }
+// specialization for void type
+//template<> inline void ClassType<void>::copy(void *dst, void *src) {}
+// === Bind a global or pre-allocated (not instance) class member variable or constant (for tables only (not classes)) ===
+template<typename T>
+void BindVariable(SquirrelObject & so,T * var,const SQChar * scriptVarName,VarAccessType access=VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) {
+ VarRefPtr pvr = createVarRef(so,scriptVarName);
+ *pvr = VarRef(var,TypeInfo<T>(),NULL,ClassType<T>::type(),sizeof(*var),access);
+ createTableSetGetHandlers(so);
+} // BindVariable
+// === Bind a constant by value: INT, FLOAT, BOOL, or CONST CHAR * (for tables only (not classes)) ===
+template<typename T>
+void BindConstant(SquirrelObject & so,T constant,const SQChar * scriptVarName) {
+ validateConstantType(constant);
+ VarRefPtr pvr = createVarRef(so,scriptVarName);
+ struct CV {
+ T var;
+ } cv; // Cast Variable helper.
+ cv.var = constant;
+ *pvr = VarRef(*(void **)&cv,TypeInfo<T>(),NULL,ClassType<T>::type(),sizeof(constant),VAR_ACCESS_CONSTANT);
+ createTableSetGetHandlers(so);
+} // BindConstant
+template<typename T>
+void BindVariable(T * var,const SQChar * scriptVarName,VarAccessType access=VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) {
+ SquirrelObject so = SquirrelVM::GetRootTable();
+ BindVariable(so,var,scriptVarName,access);
+} // BindVariable
+template<typename T>
+void BindConstant(T constant,const SQChar * scriptVarName) {
+ SquirrelObject so = SquirrelVM::GetRootTable();
+ BindConstant(so,constant,scriptVarName);
+} // BindConstant
+// === Register a class instance member variable or constant. var argument provides type and offset ( effectively &((ClassType *)0)->var ) ===
+// classType is the type of the member variable's containing class.
+ template<typename T>
+void RegisterInstanceVariable(SquirrelObject & so,ClassTypeBase* classType,T * var,const SQChar * scriptVarName,VarAccessType access=VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) {
+ VarRef * pvr = createVarRef(so,scriptVarName);
+ void * offsetOrAddrOrConst = (void *)var; // var must be passed in as &obj->var, where obj = 0 (the address is the offset), or as static/global address.
+ *pvr = VarRef(offsetOrAddrOrConst,TypeInfo<T>(),classType,ClassType<T>::type(),sizeof(*var),access);
+ createInstanceSetGetHandlers(so);
+} // RegisterInstanceVariable
+#include "SqPlusSmartPointer.h"
+template<typename T>
+void RegisterInstanceConstant(SquirrelObject & so,ClassTypeBase *classType,T constant,const SQChar * scriptVarName) {
+ validateConstantType(constant);
+ VarRef * pvr = createVarRef(so,scriptVarName);
+ struct CV {
+ T var;
+ size_t pad;
+ } cv; // Cast Variable helper.
+ cv.var = constant;
+ *pvr = VarRef(*(void **)&cv,TypeInfo<T>(),classType,ClassType<T>::type(),sizeof(constant),VAR_ACCESS_CONSTANT);
+ createInstanceSetGetHandlers(so);
+} // RegisterInstanceConstant
+/////////// BEGIN Generalized Class/Struct Instance Support //////////////
+// Was previously in SqPlus namespace
+//BOOL CreateNativeClassInstance(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SQChar * classname,SQUserPointer ud,SQRELEASEHOOK hook); // In SquirrelBindingUtils.cpp.
+// Create native class instance and leave on stack.
+//BOOL CreateConstructNativeClassInstance(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SQChar * className);
+// Create new instance, copy 'classToCopy', and store result on stack.
+template<typename T>
+inline BOOL CreateCopyInstance(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SQChar * className,const T & classToCopy) {
+ if (!CreateConstructNativeClassInstance(v,className)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } // if
+ SQUserPointer up=0;
+ sq_getinstanceup(v,-1,&up,ClassType<T>::type());
+ if (!up) return FALSE;
+ T * newClass = (T *)up;
+ *newClass = classToCopy; // <TODO> Optimized version that uses the copy constructor.
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+} // CreateCopyInstance
+// Create a new copy of type 'className' and copy 'classToCopy', return result via SquirrelObject.
+template<typename T>
+inline SquirrelObject NewClassCopy(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SQChar * className,const T & classToCopy) {
+ if (CreateCopyInstance(v, className,classToCopy)) {
+ sq_getstackobj(v,-1,&t);
+ SquirrelObject obj(t);
+ sq_poptop(v);
+ return obj;
+ } else {
+ throw SquirrelError(_SC("NewClassCopy(): could not create class"));
+ } // if
+ return SquirrelObject();
+} // NewClassCopy
+// Return a new class copy on the stack from a varArgs function call.
+template<typename T>
+inline int ReturnCopy(HSQUIRRELVM v,const T & classToCopy) {
+ SquirrelObject so(NewClassCopy(v,GetTypeName(classToCopy),classToCopy));
+ return StackHandler(v).Return(so);
+} // ReturnCopy
+// Katsuaki Kawachi's GetInstance<> exception change. 6/27/06 jcs
+// Get an instance of type T from the stack at idx (for function calls).
+template<typename T,bool ExceptionOnError>
+T * GetInstance(HSQUIRRELVM v,SQInteger idx) {
+ SQUserPointer up=0;
+ if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getinstanceup(v,idx,&up,ClassType<T>::type()))) {
+ up = 0;
+ }
+ if (ExceptionOnError) { // This code block should be compiled out when ExceptionOnError is false. In any case, the compiler should not generate a test condition (include or exclude the enclosed code block).
+ if (!up) {
+ throw SquirrelError(_SC("GetInstance: Invalid argument type"));
+ }
+ } // if
+ return (T *)up;
+} // GetInstance
+template<typename T> void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, T* pt);
+template<typename T> void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, T& t);
+template<typename T> bool Match(TypeWrapper<T&>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int ix);
+template<typename T> bool Match(TypeWrapper<T*>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int ix);
+template<typename T> T &Get(TypeWrapper<T&>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int ix);
+template<typename T> T *Get(TypeWrapper<T*>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int ix);
+// With template specialization, we get Push handlers per 'precise type match'
+// This adds a fallback level after that, where we can delegate the work to
+// wider C-style functions that can do something for a whole class hierarchy.
+// (GenPush, GenGet, GenMatch).
+// This macro allows for a a last generic cast operation before giving control
+// to one of GenPush/GenMatch/GenGet.
+ #define SQPLUS_GEN_CAST(TYPE,value) ((TYPE*)value)
+template<typename T> void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, T* pt){ GenPush(v,SQPLUS_GEN_CAST(T,pt)); }
+template<typename T> void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, T& t){ GenPush(v,SQPLUS_GEN_CAST(T,&t)); }
+template<typename T> bool Match(TypeWrapper<T&>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int ix){
+ if((ScriptVarType)TypeInfo<T>::TypeID!=VAR_TYPE_NONE)
+ return GenMatch(SQPLUS_GEN_CAST(T*,0),TypeInfo<T>().typeName,v,ix);
+ else return false;
+template<typename T> bool Match(TypeWrapper<T*>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int ix){
+ if((ScriptVarType)TypeInfo<T>::TypeID!=VAR_TYPE_NONE)
+ return GenMatch(SQPLUS_GEN_CAST(T*,0),TypeInfo<T>().typeName,v,ix);
+ else return false;
+template<typename T> T &Get(TypeWrapper<T&>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int ix){
+ if((ScriptVarType)TypeInfo<T>::TypeID!=VAR_TYPE_NONE)
+ return *(T*)GenGet(SQPLUS_GEN_CAST(T*,0),TypeInfo<T>().typeName,v,ix);
+ else return *SQPLUS_GEN_CAST(T,0);
+template<typename T> T *Get(TypeWrapper<T*>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int ix){
+ if((ScriptVarType)TypeInfo<T>::TypeID!=VAR_TYPE_NONE)
+ return (T*)GenGet(SQPLUS_GEN_CAST(T*,0),TypeInfo<T>().typeName,v,ix);
+ else return NULL;
+// === BEGIN Function Call Handler Prototypes ===
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, char value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, unsigned char value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, short value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, unsigned short value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, int value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, unsigned int value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, long value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, unsigned long value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, double value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, float value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SQChar *value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQChar *value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SquirrelNull &);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQFUNCTION value);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQAnythingPtr value); // Cast to SQAnythingPtr instead of void * if USE_ARGUMENT_DEPENDANT_OVERLOADS can't be used by your compiler.
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, SquirrelObject &so);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4675) // Disable warning: "resolved overload was found by argument-dependent lookup" when class/struct pointers are used as function arguments.
+// === BEGIN Argument Dependent Overloads ===
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, bool value); // Pass bool as int if USE_ARGUMENT_DEPENDANT_OVERLOADS can't be used by your compiler.
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, const void *value); // Pass SQAnythingPtr instead of void * " "
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SQUserPointer &value);
+// === END Argument Dependent Overloads ===
+#define SQPLUS_CHECK_GET(res) if (!SQ_SUCCEEDED(res)) throw SquirrelError(_SC("sq_get*() failed (type error)"))
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<bool>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<char>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<unsigned char>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<short>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<unsigned short>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<int>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<unsigned int>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<long>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<unsigned long>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<float>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<double>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<const SQChar *>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<SQChar *>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<HSQUIRRELVM>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx); // See Get() for HSQUIRRELVM below (v is always present).
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<void*>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<SquirrelObject>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx); // See sq_getstackobj(): always returns true.
+void Get(TypeWrapper<void>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int);
+bool Get(TypeWrapper<bool>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+char Get(TypeWrapper<char>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+unsigned char Get(TypeWrapper<unsigned char>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+short Get(TypeWrapper<short>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+unsigned short Get(TypeWrapper<unsigned short>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+int Get(TypeWrapper<int>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+unsigned int Get(TypeWrapper<unsigned int>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+long Get(TypeWrapper<long>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+unsigned long Get(TypeWrapper<unsigned long>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+float Get(TypeWrapper<float>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+double Get(TypeWrapper<double>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+const SQChar *Get(TypeWrapper<const SQChar *>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+SquirrelNull Get(TypeWrapper<SquirrelNull>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+void *Get(TypeWrapper<void *>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+HSQUIRRELVM Get(TypeWrapper<HSQUIRRELVM>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int /*idx*/); // sq_poptop(v): remove UserData from stack so GetParamCount() matches normal behavior.
+SquirrelObject Get(TypeWrapper<SquirrelObject>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+ void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SQOtherChar *value);
+ void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQOtherChar *value);
+ bool Match(TypeWrapper<const SQOtherChar *>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+ bool Match(TypeWrapper<SQOtherChar *>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+ SQOthCharBuf Get(TypeWrapper<const SQOtherChar *>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v, const std::string& value);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<const std::string&>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+std::string Get(TypeWrapper<const std::string&>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+// Added jflanglois suggestion, 8/20/06. jcs
+typedef std::basic_string<SQChar> sq_std_string;
+void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,const sq_std_string & value);
+bool Match(TypeWrapper<const sq_std_string &>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+sq_std_string Get(TypeWrapper<const sq_std_string &>, HSQUIRRELVM v, int idx);
+// Specialization to support void return type.
+void GetRet(TypeWrapper<void>, HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx);
+// GetRet() restores the stack for SquirrelFunction<>() calls.
+// Hold on to a reference since return value might be temporary string/instance
+template<typename RT>
+inline RT GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) {
+ static SquirrelObject st_sq_ret;
+ static typename Temporary<RT>::type st_ret;
+ st_ret = Get(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,idx);
+ st_sq_ret.AttachToStackObject(idx);
+ sq_pop(v,2); // restore stack after function call.
+ return st_ret; }
+# include "SqPlusFunctionCallImpl.h"
+// === END Function Call Handlers ===
+// Helper, only implement function bodies
+#define IMPLEMENT_ENUM_TYPE(TYPE) namespace SqPlus { \
+ bool Match(TypeWrapper<TYPE>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return Match(TypeWrapper<int>(),v,idx); } \
+ TYPE Get(TypeWrapper<TYPE>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return (TYPE)Get(TypeWrapper<int>(),v,idx); } \
+ void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE value) { sq_pushinteger(v,(int)value); } \
+} // nameSpace SqPlus
+// To register simple types (like enums) so they can be used as arguments
+// (however, this does not handle enums as return values correctly, since
+// we C++ gets problems with references to temporaries)
+namespace SqPlus { \
+ template<> struct TypeInfo<TYPE> : public TypeInfo<int> { }; \
+} // nameSpace SqPlus
+// As above but use when function bodies should not be generated
+// (for a header file).
+#define PROTOS_ENUM_TYPE(TYPE) namespace SqPlus { \
+ bool Match(TypeWrapper<TYPE>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx); \
+ TYPE Get(TypeWrapper<TYPE>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx); \
+ void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE value); \
+ template<> struct TypeInfo<TYPE> : public TypeInfo<int> { }; \
+} // nameSpace SqPlus
+// NAME and macro changes from Ben's (Project5) forum post. 2/26/06 jcs
+// Kamaitati's NULL_INSTANCE support. 5/28/06 jcs
+// ATS: Splitting the macros in different parts to support custom Push implementation (covariant return type)
+ inline const SQChar * GetTypeName(const TYPE & n) { return _SC(#NAME); } \
+ template<> \
+ struct TypeInfo<TYPE> { \
+ const SQChar * typeName; \
+ TypeInfo() : typeName( _SC(#NAME)) {} \
+ enum {TypeID=VAR_TYPE_INSTANCE,Size=sizeof(TYPE),TypeMask='x', IsInstance=1}; \
+ operator ScriptVarType() { return ScriptVarType(TypeID); } \
+ };
+#define DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPEINFO(TYPE) namespace SqPlus { \
+} // namespace SqPlus
+} // namespace SqPlus
+// Macro part shared by 'derived' macros
+ template<> inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<TYPE &>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return GetInstance<TYPE,false>(v,idx) != NULL; } \
+ template<> inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<TYPE *>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { \
+ return (sq_gettype(v,idx)==OT_NULL) || (GetInstance<TYPE,false>(v,idx) != NULL); } \
+ template<> inline TYPE & Get(TypeWrapper<TYPE &>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return *GetInstance<TYPE,true>(v,idx); } \
+ template<> inline TYPE * Get(TypeWrapper<TYPE *>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { \
+ if (sq_gettype(v,idx)==OT_NULL) return NULL; \
+ return GetInstance<TYPE,true>(v,idx); }
+// Ordinary case
+#define DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE_NAME_(TYPE,NAME) namespace SqPlus { \
+ template<> inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE * value) { \
+ if (!value) sq_pushnull(v); \
+ else if (!CreateNativeClassInstance(v,GetTypeName(*value),value,0)) \
+ throw SquirrelError( _SC( "Push(): could not create INSTANCE (check registration name)")); } \
+ template<> inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE & value) { if (!CreateCopyInstance(v,GetTypeName(value),value)) throw SquirrelError( _SC( "Push(): could not create INSTANCE copy (check registration name)")); } \
+} // nameSpace SqPlus
+// Allows for providing custom Push handlers (protos here, impl must be provided by app)
+ template<> void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE * value); \
+ template<> void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE & value); \
+} // nameSpace SqPlus
+#define DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE_NAME_(TYPE,NAME) namespace SqPlus { \
+ template<> inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE * value) { if (!CreateNativeClassInstance(v,GetTypeName(*value),value,0)) throw SquirrelError( _SC( "Push(): could not create INSTANCE (check registration name)")); } \
+ template<> inline void Push(HSQUIRRELVM v,TYPE & value) { if (!CreateCopyInstance(v,GetTypeName(value),value)) throw SquirrelError( _SC( "Push(): could not create INSTANCE copy (check registration name)")); } \
+ template<> inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<TYPE &>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return GetInstance<TYPE,false>(v,idx) != NULL; } \
+ template<> inline bool Match(TypeWrapper<TYPE *>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return GetInstance<TYPE,false>(v,idx) != NULL; } \
+ template<> inline TYPE & Get(TypeWrapper<TYPE &>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return *GetInstance<TYPE,true>(v,idx); } \
+ template<> inline TYPE * Get(TypeWrapper<TYPE *>,HSQUIRRELVM v,int idx) { return GetInstance<TYPE,true>(v,idx); } \
+} // nameSpace SqPlus
+// TYPE or NAME below must match the string name used in SQClassDef<>, otherwise name lookup won't match and Squirrel will throw a "can't create instance" error.
+#include "SqPlusConst.h"
+#include "SqPlusOverload.h"
+// Versions of above for types that aren't copy constructable
+//////////// END Generalized Class/Struct Instance Support ///////////////
+ #define sq_argassert(arg,_index_) if (!Match(TypeWrapper<P##arg>(),v,_index_)) return sq_throwerror(v,_SC("Incorrect function argument"))
+ #define sq_argassert(arg,_index_)
+// === Return value variants ===
+template<class RT>
+struct ReturnSpecialization {
+ // === Standard Function calls ===
+ static int Call(RT (*func)(),HSQUIRRELVM v,int /*index*/) {
+ RT ret = func();
+ Push(v,ret);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ template<typename P1>
+ static int Call(RT (*func)(P1),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ RT ret = func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0)
+ );
+ Push(v,ret);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2>
+ static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ RT ret = func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1)
+ );
+ Push(v,ret);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3>
+ static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ sq_argassert(3,index + 2);
+ RT ret = func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2)
+ );
+ Push(v,ret);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4>
+ static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ sq_argassert(3,index + 2);
+ sq_argassert(4,index + 3);
+ RT ret = func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3)
+ );
+ Push(v,ret);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5>
+ static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ sq_argassert(3,index + 2);
+ sq_argassert(4,index + 3);
+ sq_argassert(5,index + 4);
+ RT ret = func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4)
+ );
+ Push(v,ret);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6>
+ static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ sq_argassert(3,index + 2);
+ sq_argassert(4,index + 3);
+ sq_argassert(5,index + 4);
+ sq_argassert(6,index + 5);
+ RT ret = func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5)
+ );
+ Push(v,ret);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6,typename P7>
+ static int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ sq_argassert(3,index + 2);
+ sq_argassert(4,index + 3);
+ sq_argassert(5,index + 4);
+ sq_argassert(6,index + 5);
+ sq_argassert(7,index + 6);
+ RT ret = func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P7>(),v,index + 6)
+ );
+ Push(v,ret);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // === Member Function calls ===
+#include "SqPlusCallTemplates.h"
+#include "SqPlusConst.h"
+// === No return value variants ===
+struct ReturnSpecialization<void> {
+ // === Standard function calls ===
+ static int Call(void (*func)(),HSQUIRRELVM v,int /*index*/) {
+ (void)v;
+ func();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template<typename P1>
+ static int Call(void (*func)(P1),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0)
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2>
+ static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1)
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3>
+ static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2,P3),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ sq_argassert(3,index + 2);
+ func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2)
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4>
+ static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ sq_argassert(3,index + 2);
+ sq_argassert(4,index + 3);
+ func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3)
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5>
+ static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ sq_argassert(3,index + 2);
+ sq_argassert(4,index + 3);
+ sq_argassert(5,index + 4);
+ func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4)
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6>
+ static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ sq_argassert(3,index + 2);
+ sq_argassert(4,index + 3);
+ sq_argassert(5,index + 4);
+ sq_argassert(6,index + 5);
+ func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5)
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6,typename P7>
+ static int Call(void (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ sq_argassert(1,index + 0);
+ sq_argassert(2,index + 1);
+ sq_argassert(3,index + 2);
+ sq_argassert(4,index + 3);
+ sq_argassert(5,index + 4);
+ sq_argassert(6,index + 5);
+ sq_argassert(7,index + 6);
+ func(
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P1>(),v,index + 0),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P2>(),v,index + 1),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P3>(),v,index + 2),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P4>(),v,index + 3),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P5>(),v,index + 4),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P6>(),v,index + 5),
+ Get(TypeWrapper<P7>(),v,index + 6)
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // === Member function calls ===
+#include "SqPlusCallTemplates.h"
+#include "SqPlusConst.h"
+// === STANDARD Function return value specialized call handlers ===
+template<typename RT>
+int Call(RT (*func)(),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index);
+template<typename RT,typename P1>
+int Call(RT (*func)(P1),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index);
+template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2>
+int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index);
+template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3>
+int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index);
+template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4>
+int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index);
+template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5>
+int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index);
+template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6>
+int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index);
+template<typename RT,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6,typename P7>
+int Call(RT (*func)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7),HSQUIRRELVM v,int index) {
+ return ReturnSpecialization<RT>::Call(func,v,index);
+// === MEMBER Function return value specialized call handlers ===
+#include "SqPlusCallTemplates.h"
+#include "SqPlusConst.h"
+// === Direct Call Standard Function handler ===
+template<typename Func>
+struct DirectCallFunction {
+ static inline int Dispatch(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
+ if( v==SquirrelVM::GetSandboxVMPtr() ){
+ return sq_throwerror(v, _SC("SqPlus: Cannot exec function from sandbox VM"));
+ }
+ StackHandler sa(v);
+ int paramCount = sa.GetParamCount();
+ Func * func = (Func *)sa.GetUserData(paramCount);
+ return Call(*func,v,2);
+ } // Dispatch
+// === Direct Call Member Function handler ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+class DirectCallMemberFunction {
+ static inline int Dispatch(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
+ if( v==SquirrelVM::GetSandboxVMPtr() ){
+ return sq_throwerror(v, _SC("SqPlus: Cannot exec function from sandbox VM"));
+ }
+ StackHandler sa(v);
+ int paramCount = sa.GetParamCount();
+ unsigned char * ud = (unsigned char *)sa.GetUserData(paramCount);
+ return Call(**(Callee**)ud,*(Func*)(ud + sizeof(Callee*)),v,2);
+ } // Dispatch
+// === Direct Call Function handlers ===
+#define SQ_CLASS_HIER_ARRAY _SC("__ca")
+template<typename Callee, typename Func>
+struct DirectCallInstanceFuncPicker {
+ Callee *instance;
+ Func *func;
+ DirectCallInstanceFuncPicker(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
+ if( v==SquirrelVM::GetSandboxVMPtr() ){
+ instance = NULL;
+ func = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ StackHandler sa(v);
+ instance = static_cast<Callee*>(sa.GetInstanceUp(1, 0));
+ const int paramCount = sa.GetParamCount();
+ func = static_cast<Func*>(sa.GetUserData(paramCount));
+ SquirrelObject so(sa.GetObjectHandle(1)); // 'this'
+ SQUserPointer typetag; so.GetTypeTag(&typetag);
+ SQUserPointer calleeType = ClassType<Callee>::type();
+ if (typetag != calleeType) {
+ SquirrelObject typeTable = so.GetValue(SQ_CLASS_OBJECT_TABLE_NAME);
+ instance = static_cast<Callee*>(
+ // <TODO> 64-bit compatible version.
+ typeTable.GetUserPointer(INT((size_t)ClassType<Callee>::type()))
+ );
+ }
+ SquirrelObject so(sa.GetObjectHandle(1)); // 'this'
+ ClassTypeBase *instType; so.GetTypeTag((SQUserPointer*)&instType);
+ ClassTypeBase *calleeType = ClassType<Callee>::type();
+ if (instType!=calleeType && instType->MayHaveOffset() ) {
+ // instance type is nore derived than callee, adjust pointer
+ int offset = instType->GetOffsetTo(calleeType);
+ instance = (Callee*)((char*)instance-offset);
+ }
+ }
+// === Direct Call Instance Member Function handler ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+class DirectCallInstanceMemberFunction {
+ static inline int Dispatch(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
+ DirectCallInstanceFuncPicker<Callee, Func> p(v);
+ return p.instance && p.func ?
+ Call(*(p.instance), *(p.func), v, 2) :
+ sq_throwerror(v, _SC("Invalid Instance Type"));
+ }
+// === Direct Call Instance Global Function handler ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+class DirectCallInstanceGlobalFunction {
+ static inline int Dispatch(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
+ DirectCallInstanceFuncPicker<Callee, Func> p(v);
+ return p.func ?
+ Call(*(p.func), v, 1) :
+ sq_throwerror(v, _SC("Invalid Instance Type"));
+ }
+// === Direct Call Instance Global Function Var Args handler ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+class DirectCallInstanceGlobalFunctionVarArgs {
+ static inline int Dispatch(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
+ DirectCallInstanceFuncPicker<Callee, Func> p(v);
+ return p.func && p.instance ?
+ (*p.func)(p.instance,v) :
+ sq_throwerror(v, _SC("Invalid Instance Type"));
+ }
+// === Direct Call Instance Member Function Variable Argument handler ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+class DirectCallInstanceMemberFunctionVarArgs {
+ static inline int Dispatch(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
+ DirectCallInstanceFuncPicker<Callee, Func> p(v);
+ sq_poptop(v); // Remove UserData from stack: so sa.GetParamCount() returns actual param count.
+ return p.func && p.instance ?
+ (p.instance->*(*p.func))(v) :
+ sq_throwerror(v, _SC("Invalid Instance Type"));
+ }
+#include "SqPlusSmartPointer.h"
+// Code fragment useful for debugging new implementations.
+#if 0
+HSQOBJECT ho = sa.GetObjectHandle(paramCount);
+SquirrelObject so(ho);
+SQObjectType sot = so.GetType();
+ #include "SqPlusTypeMask.h"
+// === Standard function call ===
+template<typename Func>
+inline void sq_pushdirectclosure(HSQUIRRELVM v,Func func,SQUnsignedInteger nupvalues) {
+ SQUserPointer up = sq_newuserdata(v,sizeof(func)); // Also pushed on stack.
+ memcpy(up,&func,sizeof(func));
+ sq_newclosure(v,DirectCallFunction<Func>::Dispatch,nupvalues+1);
+ sq_setparamscheck(v,0,sqTypeMask<Func>::Get());
+} // sq_pushdirectclosure
+// === Fixed Class pointer call (always calls with object pointer that was registered) ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+inline void sq_pushdirectclosure(HSQUIRRELVM v,const Callee & callee,Func func,SQUnsignedInteger nupvalues) {
+ unsigned char * up = (unsigned char *)sq_newuserdata(v,sizeof(Callee*)+sizeof(func)); // Also pushed on stack.
+ const SQUserPointer pCallee = (SQUserPointer)&callee;
+ memcpy(up,&pCallee,sizeof(Callee*));
+ memcpy(up + sizeof(Callee*),&func,sizeof(func));
+ sq_newclosure(v,DirectCallMemberFunction<Callee,Func>::Dispatch,nupvalues+1);
+ sq_setparamscheck(v,0,sqTypeMask<Func>::Get());
+} // sq_pushdirectclosure
+#include "SqPlusSmartPointer.h"
+// === Class Instance call: class pointer retrieved from script class instance ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+inline void sq_pushdirectinstanceclosure(HSQUIRRELVM v,const Callee & callee,Func func,SQUnsignedInteger nupvalues) {
+ unsigned char * up = (unsigned char *)sq_newuserdata(v,sizeof(func)); // Also pushed on stack.
+ memcpy(up,&func,sizeof(func));
+ sq_newclosure(v,DirectCallInstanceMemberFunction<Callee,Func>::Dispatch,nupvalues+1);
+ sq_setparamscheck(v,0,sqTypeMask<Func>::Get());
+} // sq_pushdirectinstanceclosure
+// === Global function using this: class pointer retrieved from script class instance ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+inline void sq_pushdirectinstanceclosureglobal(HSQUIRRELVM v,const Callee & callee,Func func,SQUnsignedInteger nupvalues) {
+ unsigned char * up = (unsigned char *)sq_newuserdata(v,sizeof(func)); // Also pushed on stack.
+ memcpy(up,&func,sizeof(func));
+ // Could check that 1st arg of Func is a Callee
+ sq_newclosure(v,DirectCallInstanceGlobalFunction<Callee,Func>::Dispatch,nupvalues+1);
+ SQChar *tm = (SQChar*)sqTypeMask<Func>::Get();
+ if( tm ) {
+ // Censor out the 1st arg, since SqPlus adds that automatically
+ tm[1] = _SC('x'); //tm[0];
+ tm++;
+ }
+ sq_setparamscheck(v,0,tm?tm:_SC(""));
+} // sq_pushdirectinstanceclosureglobal
+// === Global function using this: class pointer retrieved from script class instance ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+inline void sq_pushdirectinstanceclosureglobalvarargs(HSQUIRRELVM v,const Callee & callee,Func func,SQUnsignedInteger nupvalues) {
+ unsigned char * up = (unsigned char *)sq_newuserdata(v,sizeof(func)); // Also pushed on stack.
+ memcpy(up,&func,sizeof(func));
+ // Could check that 1st arg of Func is a Callee
+ sq_newclosure(v,DirectCallInstanceGlobalFunctionVarArgs<Callee,Func>::Dispatch,nupvalues+1);
+ sq_setparamscheck(v,-1,_SC("x"));
+} // sq_pushdirectinstanceclosureglobal
+// === Class Instance call: class pointer retrieved from script class instance (variable arguments) ===
+template<typename Callee>
+inline void sq_pushdirectinstanceclosurevarargs(HSQUIRRELVM v,const Callee & callee,int (Callee::*func)(HSQUIRRELVM),SQUnsignedInteger nupvalues) {
+ unsigned char * up = (unsigned char *)sq_newuserdata(v,sizeof(func)); // Also pushed on stack.
+ memcpy(up,&func,sizeof(func));
+ typedef int (Callee::*FuncType)(HSQUIRRELVM);
+ sq_newclosure(v,DirectCallInstanceMemberFunctionVarArgs<Callee, FuncType>::Dispatch,nupvalues+1);
+} // sq_pushdirectinstanceclosurevarargs
+// === Register a STANDARD function (table or class on stack) ===
+template<typename Func>
+inline void Register(HSQUIRRELVM v,Func func,const SQChar * name) {
+ sq_pushstring(v,name,-1);
+ sq_pushdirectclosure(v,func,0);
+ sq_createslot(v,-3); // Stack is restored after this call (same state as before Register() call).
+} // Register
+// === Register a MEMBER function (table or class on stack) ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+inline void Register(HSQUIRRELVM v,Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) {
+ sq_pushstring(v,name,-1);
+ sq_pushdirectclosure(v,callee,func,0);
+ sq_createslot(v,-3); // Stack is restored after this call (same state as before Register() call).
+} // Register
+// === Register a STANDARD global function (root table) ===
+template<typename Func>
+inline void RegisterGlobal(HSQUIRRELVM v,Func func,const SQChar * name) {
+ sq_pushroottable(v);
+ Register(v,func,name);
+ sq_poptop(v); // Remove root table.
+} // RegisterGlobal
+template<typename Func>
+inline void RegisterGlobal(Func func,const SQChar * name) {
+ RegisterGlobal(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(),func,name);
+} // RegisterGlobal
+// === Register a MEMBER global function (root table) ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+inline void RegisterGlobal(HSQUIRRELVM v,Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) {
+ sq_pushroottable(v);
+ Register(v,callee,func,name);
+ sq_poptop(v); // Remove root table.
+} // RegisterGlobal
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+inline void RegisterGlobal(Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) {
+ RegisterGlobal(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(),callee,func,name);
+} // RegisterGlobal
+// === Register a STANDARD function (hso is table or class) ===
+template<typename Func>
+inline void Register(HSQUIRRELVM v,HSQOBJECT hso,Func func,const SQChar * name) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,hso);
+ Register(v,func,name);
+ sq_poptop(v); // Remove hso.
+} // Register
+// === Register a MEMBER function (hso is table or class) ===
+// === Fixed Class pointer call (always calls with object pointer that was registered) ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+inline void Register(HSQUIRRELVM v,HSQOBJECT hso,Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,hso);
+ Register(v,callee,func,name);
+ sq_poptop(v); // Remove hso.
+} // Register
+// === Register an INSTANCE MEMBER function ===
+// === Class Instance call: class pointer retrieved from script class instance ===
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+inline void RegisterInstance(HSQUIRRELVM v,HSQOBJECT hclass,Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,hclass);
+ sq_pushstring(v,name,-1);
+ sq_pushdirectinstanceclosure(v,callee,func,0);
+ sq_createslot(v,-3);
+ sq_poptop(v); // Remove hclass.
+} // RegisterInstance
+// === Register an INSTANCE GLOBAL MEMBER function ===
+// === Class Instance call: class pointer retrieved from script class instance ===
+// Allows embedding global func that takes Callee as 1st arg as a member func
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+inline void RegisterInstanceGlobalFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v,HSQOBJECT hclass,Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,hclass);
+ sq_pushstring(v,name,-1);
+ sq_pushdirectinstanceclosureglobal(v,callee,func,0);
+ sq_createslot(v,-3);
+ sq_poptop(v); // Remove hclass.
+} // RegisterInstanceGlobaFunc
+// === Register an INSTANCE GLOBAL MEMBER WITH VAR ARGS function ===
+// === Class Instance call: class pointer retrieved from script class instance ===
+// Allows embedding global func that takes Callee as 1st arg as a member func
+template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+inline void RegisterInstanceGlobalFuncVarArgs(HSQUIRRELVM v,HSQOBJECT hclass,Callee & callee,Func func,const SQChar * name) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,hclass);
+ sq_pushstring(v,name,-1);
+ sq_pushdirectinstanceclosureglobalvarargs(v,callee,func,0);
+ sq_createslot(v,-3);
+ sq_poptop(v); // Remove hclass.
+} // RegisterInstanceGlobaFunc
+#include "SqPlusSmartPointer.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable : 4995) // Deprecated _snprintf
+// === Register an INSTANCE MEMBER function Variable Arguments ===
+// typeMask: "*" means don't check parameters, typeMask=0 means function takes no arguments (and is type checked for that case).
+// All the other Squirrel type-masks are passed normally.
+template<typename Callee>
+inline void RegisterInstanceVarArgs(HSQUIRRELVM v,HSQOBJECT hclass,Callee & callee,int (Callee::*func)(HSQUIRRELVM),const SQChar * name,const SQChar * typeMask=_SC("*")) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,hclass);
+ sq_pushstring(v,name,-1);
+ sq_pushdirectinstanceclosurevarargs(v,callee,func,0);
+ SQChar tm[64];
+ SQChar * ptm = tm;
+ if (typeMask) {
+ if (typeMask[0] == '*') {
+ ptm = 0; // Variable args: don't check parameters.
+// numParams = 0; // Clear SQ_MATCHTYPEMASKSTRING (does not mean match 0 params. See sq_setparamscheck()).
+ } else {
+ if (SCSNPRINTF(tm,sizeof(tm),_SC("x%s"),typeMask) < 0) { // Must be an instance.
+ throw SquirrelError(_SC("RegisterInstanceVarArgs: typeMask string too long."));
+ } // if
+ } // if
+ } else { // <TODO> Need to check object type on stack: table, class, instance, etc.
+// _snprintf(tm,sizeof(tm),"x"); // instance.
+ tm[0] = 'x';
+ tm[1] = 0;
+ } // if
+ if (ptm) { // If ptm == 0, don't check type.
+ sq_setparamscheck(v,numParams,ptm); // Determine arg count from type string.
+ } // if
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ sq_setnativeclosurename(v,-1,name); // For debugging only.
+ sq_createslot(v,-3);
+ sq_poptop(v); // Remove hclass.
+} // RegisterInstanceVarArgs
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(default : 4995)
+// === Call Squirrel Functions from C/C++ ===
+// No type checking is performed for Squirrel functions as Squirrel types are dynamic:
+// Incoming types are passed unchanged to Squirrel functions. The parameter count is checked: an exception is thrown if mismatched.
+// Return values must match the RT template argument type, else an exception can be thrown on return.
+template<typename RT>
+struct SquirrelFunction {
+ SquirrelObject object; // Table or class.
+ SquirrelObject func;
+ SquirrelFunction() : v(0) {}
+ SquirrelFunction(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SquirrelObject & _object,const SquirrelObject & _func) : v(_v), object(_object), func(_func) {}
+ SquirrelFunction(const SquirrelObject & _object,const SquirrelObject & _func) : v(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr()), object(_object), func(_func) {}
+ SquirrelFunction(const SquirrelObject & _object,const SQChar * name) {
+ v = SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr();
+ object = _object;
+ func = object.GetValue(name);
+ }
+ SquirrelFunction(const SQChar * name) {
+ v = SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr();
+ object = SquirrelVM::GetRootTable();
+ func = object.GetValue(name);
+ }
+ // Release references and reset internal objects to null.
+ void reset(void) {
+ func.Reset();
+ object.Reset();
+ } // Reset
+#define SQPLUS_CHECK_FNCALL(res) if (!SQ_SUCCEEDED(res)) throw SquirrelError(_SC("SquirrelFunction<> call failed"))
+ RT operator()(void) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle());
+ sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle());
+ return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1);
+ }
+ template<typename P1>
+ RT operator()(P1 p1) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle());
+ sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle());
+ Push(v,p1);
+ return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1);
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2>
+ RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle());
+ sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle());
+ Push(v,p1);
+ Push(v,p2);
+ return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1);
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3>
+ RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2,P3 p3) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle());
+ sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle());
+ Push(v,p1);
+ Push(v,p2);
+ Push(v,p3);
+ return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1);
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4>
+ RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2,P3 p3,P4 p4) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle());
+ sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle());
+ Push(v,p1);
+ Push(v,p2);
+ Push(v,p3);
+ Push(v,p4);
+ return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1);
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5>
+ RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2,P3 p3,P4 p4,P5 p5) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle());
+ sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle());
+ Push(v,p1);
+ Push(v,p2);
+ Push(v,p3);
+ Push(v,p4);
+ Push(v,p5);
+ return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1);
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6>
+ RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2,P3 p3,P4 p4,P5 p5,P6 p6) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle());
+ sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle());
+ Push(v,p1);
+ Push(v,p2);
+ Push(v,p3);
+ Push(v,p4);
+ Push(v,p5);
+ Push(v,p6);
+ return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1);
+ }
+ template<typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5,typename P6,typename P7>
+ RT operator()(P1 p1,P2 p2,P3 p3,P4 p4,P5 p5,P6 p6,P7 p7) {
+ sq_pushobject(v,func.GetObjectHandle());
+ sq_pushobject(v,object.GetObjectHandle());
+ Push(v,p1);
+ Push(v,p2);
+ Push(v,p3);
+ Push(v,p4);
+ Push(v,p5);
+ Push(v,p6);
+ Push(v,p7);
+ return GetRet(TypeWrapper<RT>(),v,-1);
+ }
+// === Class/Struct registration ===
+#define SQ_DELETE_CLASS(CLASSTYPE) if (up) { CLASSTYPE * self = (CLASSTYPE *)up; delete self;} return 0
+ static int release(SQUserPointer up,SQInteger size) { \
+ }
+template<typename T>
+struct ReleaseClassPtrPtr {
+ static int release(SQUserPointer up,SQInteger size) {
+ if (up) {
+ T ** self = (T **)up;
+ delete *self;
+ } // if
+ return 0;
+ } // release
+template<typename T>
+struct ReleaseClassPtr {
+ static int release(SQUserPointer up,SQInteger size) {
+ if (up) {
+ T * self = (T *)up;
+ delete self;
+ } // if
+ return 0;
+ } // release
+BOOL CreateClass(HSQUIRRELVM v,SquirrelObject & newClass,SQUserPointer classType,const SQChar * name,const SQChar * baseName=0);
+template<typename T>
+inline void PopulateAncestry(HSQUIRRELVM v,
+ SquirrelObject &instance,
+ T *newClass)
+ // 11/2/05: Create a new table for this instance.
+ SquirrelObject newObjectTable = SquirrelVM::CreateTable();
+ // <TODO> 64-bit compatible version.
+ newObjectTable.SetUserPointer(INT((size_t)ClassType<T>::type()), newClass);
+ instance.SetValue(SQ_CLASS_OBJECT_TABLE_NAME, newObjectTable);
+ SquirrelObject classHierArray = instance.GetValue(SQ_CLASS_HIER_ARRAY);
+ INT count = classHierArray.Len();
+ // This will be true when more than one C/C++ class is in the hierarchy.
+ if (count > 1) {
+ --count; // Skip the most-derived class.
+ for (INT i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ // Kamaitati's changes for C++ inheritance support. jcs 5/28/06
+ SquirrelObject so = classHierArray.GetValue(i);
+ sq_pushobject(v,so.GetObjectHandle());
+ SQUserPointer typeTag;
+ sq_gettypetag(v,-1,&typeTag);
+ newObjectTable.SetUserPointer(INT(size_t(typeTag)),newClass);
+ sq_poptop(v);
+ }
+ }
+// Call PostConstruct() at the end of custom constructors.
+template<typename T>
+inline int PostConstruct(HSQUIRRELVM v, T *newClass, SQRELEASEHOOK hook)
+ StackHandler sa(v);
+ HSQOBJECT ho = sa.GetObjectHandle(1); // OT_INSTANCE
+ SquirrelObject instance(ho);
+ PopulateAncestry(v, instance, newClass);
+ sq_setinstanceup(v, 1, newClass);
+ sq_setreleasehook(v, 1, hook);
+ return TRUE;
+} // PostConstruct
+inline int PostConstructSimple(HSQUIRRELVM v, void *newClass, SQRELEASEHOOK hook){
+ sq_setinstanceup(v, 1, newClass);
+ sq_setreleasehook(v, 1, hook);
+ return TRUE;
+} // PostConstructSimple
+template<typename T>
+struct ConstructReleaseClass {
+ static int construct(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
+ return PostConstruct<T>(v,new T(),release);
+ } // construct
+template<typename T>
+int sq_typeof(HSQUIRRELVM v) {
+ sq_pushstring(v,TypeInfo<T>().typeName,-1);
+ return 1;
+# endif
+// === Helper for RegisterClassType*() ===
+inline void setupClassHierarchy(SquirrelObject newClass) {
+ // <NOTE> New member vars cannot be added to instances (OT_INSTANCE): additions must occur on the defining class (OT_CLASS), before any instances are instantiated.
+ if (!newClass.Exists(SQ_CLASS_OBJECT_TABLE_NAME)) { // Will always get table from most-derived registered class.
+ SquirrelObject objectTable = SquirrelVM::CreateTable();
+ newClass.SetValue(SQ_CLASS_OBJECT_TABLE_NAME,objectTable); // Constructors must add their 'this' pointer indexed by type to this table. See PostConstruct() above.
+ // 11/2/05: This table will behave as a static global for each instance unless overwritten during construction (see PostConstruct() above).
+ } // if
+ SquirrelObject classHierArray;
+ if (!newClass.Exists(SQ_CLASS_HIER_ARRAY)) { // Will always get table from most-derived registered class.
+ classHierArray = SquirrelVM::CreateArray(0); // The only constructor called will be the most-derived class: this array contains all classes in the hierarchy to be constructed.
+ newClass.SetValue(SQ_CLASS_HIER_ARRAY,classHierArray);
+ } else {
+ classHierArray = newClass.GetValue(SQ_CLASS_HIER_ARRAY);
+ } // if
+ classHierArray.ArrayAppend(newClass); // Add the class to the hierarchy array. The array values will be released and replaced with UserData to free created ancestor classes.
+} // setupClassHierarchy
+template<typename T>
+inline SquirrelObject RegisterClassType(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SQChar * scriptClassName,const SQChar * baseScriptClassName=0) {
+ int top = sq_gettop(v);
+ SquirrelObject newClass;
+ if (CreateClass(v,newClass,(SQUserPointer)ClassType<T>::type(),scriptClassName,baseScriptClassName)) {
+ SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(newClass,&ConstructReleaseClass<T>::construct,_SC("constructor"));
+ setupClassHierarchy(newClass);
+# endif
+ SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(newClass,&sq_typeof<T>,_SC("_typeof"));
+# endif
+ } // if
+ sq_settop(v,top);
+ return newClass;
+} // RegisterClassType
+template<typename T>
+inline SquirrelObject RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor(HSQUIRRELVM v,const SQChar * scriptClassName,const SQChar * baseScriptClassName=0) {
+ int top = sq_gettop(v);
+ SquirrelObject newClass;
+ if (CreateClass(v,newClass,(SQUserPointer)ClassType<T>::type(),scriptClassName,baseScriptClassName)) {
+ setupClassHierarchy(newClass);
+# endif
+ SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(newClass,&sq_typeof<T>,_SC("_typeof"));
+# endif
+ } // if
+ sq_settop(v,top);
+ return newClass;
+} // RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor
+// === Define and register a C++ class and its members for use with Squirrel ===
+// Constructors+destructors are automatically created. Custom constructors must use the
+// standard SQFUNCTION signature if variable argument types are required (overloads).
+// See testSqPlus2.cpp for examples.
+// <NOTE> Do not use SQClassDefBase<> directly, use SQClassDef<> or SQClassDefNoConstructor<>, below.
+template<typename TClassType, typename TClassBase>
+struct SQClassDefBase {
+ const SQChar * name;
+ SquirrelObject newClass;
+ const SQChar * base;
+ // Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
+ SQClassDefBase(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name=0,const SQChar * _base=0) : v(_v), name(_name), base(_base) {InitBase();}
+ // Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
+ SQClassDefBase(const SQChar * _name=0,const SQChar * _base=0) : v(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr()), name(_name), base(_base) {InitBase(TypeWrapper<TClassBase>());}
+ template<class Base>
+ void InitBase(TypeWrapper<Base>){ /*assert(base);*/ ClassType<TClassType>::Get()->SetBase(TypeWrapper<Base>()); CheckInitDefaultNames(); }
+ void InitBase(TypeWrapper<SQNoBaseClass>){ /*assert(!base);*/ CheckInitDefaultNames(); }
+ void CheckInitDefaultNames(){ if( !name ) name=TypeInfo<TClassType>().typeName; if( !base ) base=TypeInfo<TClassBase>().typeName; }
+ SQClassDefBase(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name=0) : v(_v), name(_name) { CheckInitDefaultName(); }
+ SQClassDefBase(const SQChar * _name=0) : v(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr()), name(_name) { CheckInitDefaultName(); }
+ void CheckInitDefaultName(){ if( !name ) name=TypeInfo<TClassType>().typeName; }
+ // Register a member function.
+ template<typename Func>
+ SQClassDefBase & func(Func pfunc,const SQChar * name) {
+ RegisterInstance(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle(),*(TClassType *)0,pfunc,name);
+ return *this;
+ } // func
+ // Register a global function as a member function (the global takes a Callee*/& as first arg).
+ template<typename Func>
+ SQClassDefBase & globMembFunc(Func pfunc,const SQChar * name) {
+ RegisterInstanceGlobalFunc(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle(),*(TClassType *)0,pfunc,name);
+ return *this;
+ } // globMemberFunc
+ // Register a global function as a member function (the global takes a Callee*/& as first arg and SQVM* as 2nd).
+ template<typename Func>
+ SQClassDefBase & globMembFuncVarArgs(Func pfunc,const SQChar * name) {
+ RegisterInstanceGlobalFuncVarArgs(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle(),*(TClassType *)0,pfunc,name);
+ return *this;
+ } // globMemberFuncVarArgs
+#include "SqPlusSmartPointer.h"
+ // Register a variable-argument member function (supports variable+multiple return values).
+ // typeMask: "*" means don't check parameters, typeMask=0 means function takes no arguments (and is type checked for that case).
+ // All the other Squirrel type-masks are passed normally.
+ template<typename Func>
+ SQClassDefBase & funcVarArgs(Func pfunc,const SQChar * name,const SQChar * typeMask=_SC("*")) {
+ RegisterInstanceVarArgs(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle(),*(TClassType *)0,pfunc,name,typeMask);
+ return *this;
+ } // funcVarArgs
+ // === BEGIN static-member+global function registration ===
+ // === This version is for static member functions only, such as custom constructors where 'this' is not yet valid ===
+ // typeMask: "*" means don't check parameters, typeMask=0 means function takes no arguments (and is type checked for that case).
+ // All the other Squirrel type-masks are passed normally.
+ template<typename Func>
+ SQClassDefBase & staticFuncVarArgs(Func pfunc,const SQChar * name,const SQChar * typeMask=_SC("*")) {
+ SquirrelVM::PushObject(newClass);
+ SquirrelVM::CreateFunction(pfunc,name,typeMask);
+ SquirrelVM::Pop(1);
+ return *this;
+ } // staticFuncVarArgs
+ // Register a standard global function (effectively embedding a global function in TClassType's script namespace: does not need or use a 'this' pointer).
+ template<typename Func>
+ SQClassDefBase & staticFunc(Func pfunc,const SQChar * name) {
+ Register(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle(),pfunc,name);
+ return *this;
+ } // staticFunc
+ // Register a function to a pre-allocated class/struct member function: will use callee's 'this' (effectively embedding a global function in TClassType's script namespace).
+ template<typename Callee,typename Func>
+ SQClassDefBase & staticFunc(Callee & callee,Func pfunc,const SQChar * name) {
+ Register(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle(),callee,pfunc,name);
+ return *this;
+ } // staticFunc
+ // === END static+global function registration ===
+ // Register a member variable.
+ template<typename VarType>
+ SQClassDefBase & var(VarType TClassType::* pvar,const SQChar * name,VarAccessType access=VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) {
+ struct CV {
+ VarType TClassType::* var;
+ } cv; // Cast Variable helper.
+ cv.var = pvar;
+ RegisterInstanceVariable(newClass,ClassType<TClassType>::type(),*(VarType **)&cv,name,access);
+ return *this;
+ } // var
+ // Register a member variable as a UserPointer (read only).
+ template<typename VarType>
+ SQClassDefBase & varAsUserPointer(VarType TClassType::* pvar,const SQChar * name) {
+ struct CV {
+ VarType TClassType::* var;
+ } cv; // Cast Variable helper.
+ cv.var = pvar;
+ RegisterInstanceVariable(newClass,ClassType<TClassType>::type(),*(SQAnything **)&cv,name,VAR_ACCESS_READ_ONLY);
+ return *this;
+ } // varAsUserPointer
+#include "SqPlusSmartPointer.h"
+ template<typename VarType>
+ SQClassDefBase & staticVar(VarType * pvar,const SQChar * name,VarAccessType access=VAR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE) {
+ struct CV {
+ VarType * var;
+ } cv; // Cast Variable helper.
+ cv.var = pvar;
+ RegisterInstanceVariable(newClass,ClassType<TClassType>::type(),*(VarType **)&cv,name,VarAccessType(access|VAR_ACCESS_STATIC));
+ return *this;
+ } // staticVar
+#include "SqPlusConst.h"
+ // Member / static member script vars (ordinary Squirrel vars)
+ SQClassDefBase & scriptVar( const SQChar* name, int ival, SQBool static_var=SQFalse ) {
+ HSQUIRRELVM v = SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr();
+ sq_pushobject(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle());
+ sq_pushstring(v,name,-1);
+ sq_pushinteger(v,ival);
+ sq_newslot(v,-3,static_var);
+ sq_pop(v,1);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ SQClassDefBase & scriptVar( const SQChar* name, double fval, SQBool static_var=SQFalse ) {
+ HSQUIRRELVM v = SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr();
+ sq_pushobject(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle());
+ sq_pushstring(v,name,-1);
+ sq_pushfloat(v,fval);
+ sq_newslot(v,-3,static_var);
+ sq_pop(v,1);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ SQClassDefBase & scriptVar( const SQChar* name, const SQChar* sval, SQBool static_var=SQFalse ) {
+ HSQUIRRELVM v = SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr();
+ sq_pushobject(v,newClass.GetObjectHandle());
+ sq_pushstring(v,name,-1);
+ sq_pushstring(v,sval,-1);
+ sq_newslot(v,-3,static_var);
+ sq_pop(v,1);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Register a constant (read-only in script, passed by value (only INT, FLOAT, or BOOL types)).
+ template<typename ConstantType>
+ SQClassDefBase & constant(ConstantType constant,const SQChar * name) {
+ RegisterInstanceConstant(newClass,ClassType<TClassType>::type(),constant,name);
+ return *this;
+ } // constant
+ // Register an enum as an integer (read-only in script).
+ SQClassDefBase & enumInt(int constant,const SQChar * name) {
+ RegisterInstanceConstant(newClass,ClassType<TClassType>::type(),constant,name);
+ return *this;
+ } // enumInt
+#include "SqPlusOverload.h"
+#include "SqPlusOverload.h"
+template<typename TClassType, typename TClassBase=SQNoBaseClass>
+struct SQClassDef : public SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase> {
+ // Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
+ SQClassDef(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name=0,const SQChar * _base=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>(_v,_name,_base) {
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::newClass =
+ RegisterClassType<TClassType>( SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::v,
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::name,
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::base );
+ }
+ // Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
+ SQClassDef(const SQChar * _name=0,const SQChar * _base=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>(_name,_base) {
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::newClass =
+ RegisterClassType< TClassType>( SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::v,
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::name,
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::base );
+ }
+ SQClassDef(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>(_v,_name) {
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::newClass =
+ RegisterClassType<TClassType>(SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::v,
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::name );
+ }
+ SQClassDef(const SQChar * _name=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>(_name) {
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::newClass =
+ RegisterClassType<TClassType>(SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::v,
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::name );
+ }
+template<typename TClassType, typename TClassBase=SQNoBaseClass>
+struct SQClassDefNoConstructor : public SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase> {
+ // Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
+ SQClassDefNoConstructor(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name=0,const SQChar * _base=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>(_v,_name,_base) {
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::newClass = RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor<TClassType>(SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::v,SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::name,SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::base);
+ }
+ // Optional base arg is the name of a base class to inherit from (must already be defined in the Squirrel VM).
+ SQClassDefNoConstructor(const SQChar * _name=0,const SQChar * _base=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>(_name,_base) {
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::newClass = RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor<TClassType>(SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::v,SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::name,SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::base);
+ }
+ SQClassDefNoConstructor(HSQUIRRELVM _v,const SQChar * _name=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>(_v,_name) {
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::newClass = RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor<TClassType>(SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::v,SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::name);
+ }
+ SQClassDefNoConstructor(const SQChar * _name=0) : SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>(_name) {
+ SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::newClass = RegisterClassTypeNoConstructor<TClassType>(SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::v,SQClassDefBase<TClassType,TClassBase>::name);
+ }
+// === Macros for old style registration. SQClassDef registration is now easier to use (SQ_DECLARE_CLASS() is not needed) ===
+static int _##CLASSNAME##_release(SQUserPointer up,SQInteger size) { \
+ if (up) { \
+ CLASSNAME * self = (CLASSNAME *)up; \
+ delete self; \
+ } \
+ return 0; \
+} \
+static int _##CLASSNAME##_constructor(HSQUIRRELVM v) { \
+ CLASSNAME * pc = new CLASSNAME(); \
+ sq_setinstanceup(v,1,pc); \
+ sq_setreleasehook(v,1,_##CLASSNAME##_release); \
+ return 1; \
+ RegisterClassType(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(),_SC(#CLASSNAME),_##CLASSNAME##_constructor)
+ RegisterInstance(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(),NEWSQCLASS.GetObjectHandle(),*(CCLASS *)0,&CCLASS::FUNCNAME,_SC(#FUNCNAME));
+ RegisterInstanceVarArgs(SquirrelVM::GetVMPtr(),NEWSQCLASS.GetObjectHandle(),*(CCLASS *)0,&CCLASS::FUNCNAME,_SC(#FUNCNAME));
+ RegisterInstanceVariable(NEWSQCLASS,&((CCLASS *)0)->VARNAME,_SC(#VARNAME));
+#pragma warning (default:4675)
+}; // namespace SqPlus
+// === BEGIN code suggestion from the Wiki ===
+// Get any bound type from this SquirrelObject. Note that Squirrel's
+// handling of references and pointers still holds here.
+template<typename _ty>
+inline _ty SquirrelObject::Get(void) {
+ sq_pushobject(SquirrelVM::_VM,GetObjectHandle());
+ _ty val = SqPlus::Get(SqPlus::TypeWrapper<_ty>(),SquirrelVM::_VM,-1);
+ sq_poptop(SquirrelVM::_VM);
+ return val;
+// Set any bound type to this SquirrelObject. Note that Squirrel's
+// handling of references and pointers still holds here.
+template<typename _ty>
+inline SquirrelObject SquirrelObject::SetByValue(_ty val) { // classes/structs should be passed by ref (below) to avoid an extra copy.
+ SqPlus::Push(SquirrelVM::_VM,val);
+ AttachToStackObject(-1);
+ sq_poptop(SquirrelVM::_VM);
+ return *this;
+// Set any bound type to this SquirrelObject. Note that Squirrel's
+// handling of references and pointers still holds here.
+template<typename _ty>
+inline SquirrelObject &SquirrelObject::Set(_ty & val) {
+ SqPlus::Push(SquirrelVM::_VM,val);
+ AttachToStackObject(-1);
+ sq_poptop(SquirrelVM::_VM);
+ return *this;
+// === END code suggestion from the Wiki ===
+#endif //_SQ_PLUS_H_