path: root/MCServer/Plugins/ProtectionAreas/Storage.lua
diff options
authorbearbin <>2013-07-29 14:55:26 +0200
committerbearbin <>2013-07-29 14:55:26 +0200
commitfb1044c4e55c726753d094b66756a1cb3bc60ee8 (patch)
treec61e56725da7dff0154d566722651e2c39c9d6c6 /MCServer/Plugins/ProtectionAreas/Storage.lua
parentWebAdmin: Removed the duplicate memory usage querying (diff)
parentChanged everyting to Unix line endings. (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'MCServer/Plugins/ProtectionAreas/Storage.lua')
1 files changed, 518 insertions, 518 deletions
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/ProtectionAreas/Storage.lua b/MCServer/Plugins/ProtectionAreas/Storage.lua
index 07825b172..a6cf564bf 100644
--- a/MCServer/Plugins/ProtectionAreas/Storage.lua
+++ b/MCServer/Plugins/ProtectionAreas/Storage.lua
@@ -1,518 +1,518 @@
--- Storage.lua
--- Implements the storage access object, shielding the rest of the code away from the DB
-The cStorage class is the interface to the underlying storage, the SQLite database.
-This class knows how to load player areas from the DB, how to add or remove areas in the DB
-and other such operations.
-Also, a g_Storage global variable is declared, it holds the single instance of the storage.
-cStorage = {};
-g_Storage = {};
---- Initializes the storage subsystem, creates the g_Storage object
--- Returns true if successful, false if not
-function InitializeStorage()
- g_Storage = cStorage:new();
- if (not(g_Storage:OpenDB())) then
- return false;
- end
- return true;
-function cStorage:new(obj)
- obj = obj or {};
- setmetatable(obj, self);
- self.__index = self;
- return obj;
---- Opens the DB and makes sure it has all the columns needed
--- Returns true if successful, false otherwise
-function cStorage:OpenDB()
- local ErrCode, ErrMsg;
- self.DB, ErrCode, ErrMsg ="ProtectionAreas.sqlite");
- if (self.DB == nil) then
- LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot open ProtectionAreas.sqlite, error " .. ErrCode .. " (" .. ErrMsg ..")");
- return false;
- end
- if (
- not(self:CreateTable("Areas", {"ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT", "MinX", "MaxX", "MinZ", "MaxZ", "WorldName", "CreatorUserName"})) or
- not(self:CreateTable("AllowedUsers", {"AreaID", "UserName"}))
- ) then
- LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot create DB tables!");
- return false;
- end
- return true;
---- Executes the SQL command given, calling the a_Callback for each result
--- If the SQL command fails, prints it out on the server console and returns false
--- Returns true on success
-function cStorage:DBExec(a_SQL, a_Callback, a_CallbackParam)
- local ErrCode = self.DB:exec(a_SQL, a_Callback, a_CallbackParam);
- if (ErrCode ~= sqlite3.OK) then
- LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Error " .. ErrCode .. " (" .. self.DB:errmsg() ..
- ") while processing SQL command >>" .. a_SQL .. "<<"
- );
- return false;
- end
- return true;
---- Creates the table of the specified name and columns[]
--- If the table exists, any columns missing are added; existing data is kept
-function cStorage:CreateTable(a_TableName, a_Columns)
- -- Try to create the table first
- local sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '" .. a_TableName .. "' (";
- sql = sql .. table.concat(a_Columns, ", ");
- sql = sql .. ")";
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
- LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot create DB Table " .. a_TableName);
- return false;
- end
- -- SQLite doesn't inform us if it created the table or not, so we have to continue anyway
- -- Check each column whether it exists
- -- Remove all the existing columns from a_Columns:
- local RemoveExistingColumn = function(UserData, NumCols, Values, Names)
- -- Remove the received column from a_Columns. Search for column name in the Names[] / Values[] pairs
- for i = 1, NumCols do
- if (Names[i] == "name") then
- local ColumnName = Values[i]:lower();
- -- Search the a_Columns if they have that column:
- for j = 1, #a_Columns do
- -- Cut away all column specifiers (after the first space), if any:
- local SpaceIdx = string.find(a_Columns[j], " ");
- if (SpaceIdx ~= nil) then
- SpaceIdx = SpaceIdx - 1;
- end
- local ColumnTemplate = string.lower(string.sub(a_Columns[j], 1, SpaceIdx));
- -- If it is a match, remove from a_Columns:
- if (ColumnTemplate == ColumnName) then
- table.remove(a_Columns, j);
- break; -- for j
- end
- end -- for j - a_Columns[]
- end
- end -- for i - Names[] / Values[]
- return 0;
- end
- if (not(self:DBExec("PRAGMA table_info(" .. a_TableName .. ")", RemoveExistingColumn))) then
- LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot query DB table structure");
- return false;
- end
- -- Create the missing columns
- -- a_Columns now contains only those columns that are missing in the DB
- if (#a_Columns > 0) then
- LOGINFO(PluginPrefix .. "Database table \"" .. a_TableName .. "\" is missing " .. #a_Columns .. " columns, fixing now.");
- for idx, ColumnName in ipairs(a_Columns) do
- if (not(self:DBExec("ALTER TABLE '" .. a_TableName .. "' ADD COLUMN " .. ColumnName))) then
- LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot add DB table \"" .. a_TableName .. "\" column \"" .. ColumnName .. "\"");
- return false;
- end
- end
- LOGINFO(PluginPrefix .. "Database table \"" .. a_TableName .. "\" columns fixed.");
- end
- return true;
---- Returns true if the specified area is allowed for the specified player
-function cStorage:IsAreaAllowed(a_AreaID, a_PlayerName, a_WorldName)
- assert(a_AreaID);
- assert(a_PlayerName);
- assert(a_WorldName);
- assert(self);
- local lcPlayerName = string.lower(a_PlayerName);
- local res = false;
- local sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AllowedUsers WHERE (AreaID = " .. a_AreaID ..
- ") AND (UserName ='" .. lcPlayerName .. "')";
- local function SetResTrue(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
- res = (tonumber(Values[1]) > 0);
- return 0;
- end
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql, SetResTrue))) then
- LOGWARNING("SQL error while determining area allowance");
- return false;
- end
- return res;
---- Loads cPlayerAreas for the specified player from the DB. Returns a cPlayerAreas object
-function cStorage:LoadPlayerAreas(a_PlayerName, a_PlayerX, a_PlayerZ, a_WorldName)
- assert(a_PlayerName);
- assert(a_PlayerX);
- assert(a_PlayerZ);
- assert(a_WorldName);
- assert(self);
- -- Bounds for which the areas are loaded
- local BoundsMinX = a_PlayerX - g_AreaBounds;
- local BoundsMaxX = a_PlayerX + g_AreaBounds;
- local BoundsMinZ = a_PlayerZ - g_AreaBounds;
- local BoundsMaxZ = a_PlayerZ + g_AreaBounds;
- local res = cPlayerAreas:new(
- BoundsMinX + g_AreaSafeEdge, BoundsMinZ + g_AreaSafeEdge,
- BoundsMaxX - g_AreaSafeEdge, BoundsMaxZ - g_AreaSafeEdge
- );
- --[[
- LOG("Loading protection areas for player " .. a_PlayerName .. " centered around {" .. a_PlayerX .. ", " .. a_PlayerZ ..
- "}, bounds are {" .. BoundsMinX .. ", " .. BoundsMinZ .. "} - {" ..
- BoundsMaxX .. ", " .. BoundsMaxZ .. "}"
- );
- --]]
- -- Load the areas from the DB, based on the player's location
- local lcWorldName = string.lower(a_WorldName);
- local sql =
- "SELECT ID, MinX, MaxX, MinZ, MaxZ FROM Areas WHERE " ..
- "MinX < " .. BoundsMaxX .. " AND MaxX > " .. BoundsMinX .. " AND " ..
- "MinZ < " .. BoundsMaxZ .. " AND MaxZ > " .. BoundsMinZ .. " AND " ..
- "WorldName = '" .. lcWorldName .."'";
- local function AddAreas(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
- if ((NumValues < 5) or ((Values[1] and Values[2] and Values[3] and Values[4] and Values[5]) == nil)) then
- LOGWARNING("SQL query didn't return all data");
- return 0;
- end
- res:AddArea(cCuboid(Values[2], 0, Values[4], Values[3], 255, Values[5]), self:IsAreaAllowed(Values[1], a_PlayerName, a_WorldName));
- return 0;
- end
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql, AddAreas))) then
- LOGWARNING("SQL error while querying areas");
- return res;
- end
- return res;
---- Adds a new area into the DB. a_AllowedNames is a table listing all the players that are allowed in the area
--- Returns the ID of the new area, or -1 on failure
-function cStorage:AddArea(a_Cuboid, a_WorldName, a_CreatorName, a_AllowedNames)
- assert(a_Cuboid);
- assert(a_WorldName);
- assert(a_CreatorName);
- assert(a_AllowedNames);
- assert(self);
- -- Store the area in the DB
- local ID = -1;
- local function RememberID(UserData, NumCols, Values, Names)
- for i = 1, NumCols do
- if (Names[i] == "ID") then
- ID = Values[i];
- end
- end
- return 0;
- end
- local lcWorldName = string.lower(a_WorldName);
- local lcCreatorName = string.lower(a_CreatorName);
- local sql =
- "INSERT INTO Areas (ID, MinX, MaxX, MinZ, MaxZ, WorldName, CreatorUserName) VALUES (NULL, " ..
- a_Cuboid.p1.x .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p2.x .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p1.z .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p2.z ..
- ", '" .. lcWorldName .. "', '" .. lcCreatorName ..
- "'); SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS ID";
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql, RememberID))) then
- LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while inserting new area");
- return -1;
- end
- if (ID == -1) then
- LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while retrieving INSERTion ID");
- return -1;
- end
- -- Store each allowed player in the DB
- for idx, Name in ipairs(a_AllowedNames) do
- local lcName = string.lower(Name);
- local sql = "INSERT INTO AllowedUsers (AreaID, UserName) VALUES (" .. ID .. ", '" .. lcName .. "')";
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
- LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while inserting new area's allowed player " .. Name);
- end
- end
- return ID;
-function cStorage:DelArea(a_WorldName, a_AreaID)
- assert(a_WorldName);
- assert(a_AreaID);
- assert(self);
- -- Since all areas are stored in a single DB (for now), the worldname parameter isn't used at all
- -- Later if we change to a per-world DB, we'll need the world name
- -- Delete from both tables simultaneously
- local sql =
- "DELETE FROM Areas WHERE ID = " .. a_AreaID .. ";" ..
- "DELETE FROM AllowedUsers WHERE AreaID = " .. a_AreaID;
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
- LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL error while deleting area " .. a_AreaID .. " from world \"" .. a_WorldName .. "\"");
- return false;
- end
- return true;
---- Removes the user from the specified area
-function cStorage:RemoveUser(a_AreaID, a_UserName, a_WorldName)
- assert(a_AreaID);
- assert(a_UserName);
- assert(a_WorldName);
- assert(self);
- -- WorldName is not used yet, because all the worlds share the same DB in this version
- local lcUserName = string.lower(a_UserName);
- local sql = "DELETE FROM AllowedUsers WHERE " ..
- "AreaID = " .. a_AreaID .. " AND UserName = '" .. lcUserName .. "'";
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
- LOGWARNING("SQL error while removing user " .. a_UserName .. " from area ID " .. a_AreaID);
- return false;
- end
- return true;
---- Removes the user from all areas in the specified world
-function cStorage:RemoveUserAll(a_UserName, a_WorldName)
- assert(a_UserName);
- assert(a_WorldName);
- assert(self);
- local lcUserName = string.lower(a_UserName);
- local sql = "DELETE FROM AllowedUsers WHERE UserName = '" .. lcUserName .."'";
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
- LOGWARNING("SQL error while removing user " .. a_UserName .. " from all areas");
- return false;
- end
- return true;
---- Calls the callback for each area intersecting the specified coords
--- Callback signature: function(ID, MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorName)
-function cStorage:ForEachArea(a_BlockX, a_BlockZ, a_WorldName, a_Callback)
- assert(a_BlockX);
- assert(a_BlockZ);
- assert(a_WorldName);
- assert(a_Callback);
- assert(self);
- -- SQL callback that parses the values and calls our callback
- function CallCallback(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
- if (NumValues ~= 6) then
- -- Not enough values returned, skip this row
- return 0;
- end
- local ID = Values[1];
- local MinX = Values[2];
- local MinZ = Values[3];
- local MaxX = Values[4];
- local MaxZ = Values[5];
- local CreatorName = Values[6];
- a_Callback(ID, MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorName);
- return 0;
- end
- local lcWorldName = string.lower(a_WorldName);
- local sql = "SELECT ID, MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorUserName FROM Areas WHERE " ..
- "MinX <= " .. a_BlockX .. " AND MaxX >= " .. a_BlockX .. " AND " ..
- "MinZ <= " .. a_BlockZ .. " AND MaxZ >= " .. a_BlockZ .. " AND " ..
- "WorldName = '" .. lcWorldName .. "'";
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql, CallCallback))) then
- LOGWARNING("SQL Error while iterating through areas (cStorage:ForEachArea())");
- return false;
- end
- return true;
---- Returns the info on the specified area
--- Returns MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorName on success, or nothing on failure
-function cStorage:GetArea(a_AreaID, a_WorldName)
- assert(a_AreaID);
- assert(a_WorldName);
- assert(self);
- local MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorName;
- local HasValues = false;
- -- SQL callback that parses the values and remembers them in variables
- function RememberValues(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
- if (NumValues ~= 5) then
- -- Not enough values returned, skip this row
- return 0;
- end
- MinX = Values[1];
- MinZ = Values[2];
- MaxX = Values[3];
- MaxZ = Values[4];
- CreatorName = Values[5];
- HasValues = true;
- return 0;
- end
- local lcWorldName = string.lower(a_WorldName);
- local sql = "SELECT MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorUserName FROM Areas WHERE " ..
- "ID = " .. a_AreaID .. " AND WorldName = '" .. lcWorldName .. "'";
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql, RememberValues))) then
- LOGWARNING("SQL Error while getting area info (cStorage:ForEachArea())");
- return;
- end
- -- If no data has been retrieved, return nothing
- if (not(HasValues)) then
- return;
- end
- return MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorName;
---- Calls the callback for each allowed user for the specified area
--- Callback signature: function(UserName)
-function cStorage:ForEachUserInArea(a_AreaID, a_WorldName, a_Callback)
- assert(a_AreaID);
- assert(a_WorldName);
- assert(a_Callback);
- assert(self);
- -- Since in this version all the worlds share a single DB, the a_WorldName parameter is not actually used
- -- But this may change in the future, when we have a per-world DB
- local function CallCallback(UserData, NumValues, Values)
- if (NumValues ~= 1) then
- return 0;
- end
- a_Callback(Values[1]);
- return 0;
- end
- local sql = "SELECT UserName FROM AllowedUsers WHERE AreaID = " .. a_AreaID;
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql, CallCallback))) then
- LOGWARNING("SQL error while iterating area users for AreaID" .. a_AreaID);
- return false;
- end
- return true;
---- Adds the specified usernames to the specified area, if not already present
--- a_Users is an array table of usernames to add
-function cStorage:AddAreaUsers(a_AreaID, a_WorldName, a_AddedBy, a_Users)
- assert(a_AreaID);
- assert(a_WorldName);
- assert(a_Users);
- assert(self);
- -- Convert all usernames to lowercase
- for idx, Name in ipairs(a_Users) do
- a_Users[idx] = string.lower(Name);
- end
- -- Remove from a_Users the usernames already present in the area
- local sql = "SELECT UserName FROM AllowedUsers WHERE AreaID = " .. a_AreaID;
- local function RemovePresent(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
- if (NumValues ~= 1) then
- -- Invalid response format
- return 0;
- end
- local DBName = Values[1];
- -- Remove the name from a_Users, if exists
- for idx, Name in ipairs(a_Users) do
- if (Name == DBName) then
- table.remove(a_Users, idx);
- return 0;
- end
- end
- return 0;
- end
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql, RemovePresent))) then
- LOGWARNING("SQL error while iterating through users");
- return false;
- end
- -- Add the users
- for idx, Name in ipairs(a_Users) do
- local sql = "INSERT INTO AllowedUsers (AreaID, UserName) VALUES (" .. a_AreaID .. ", '" .. Name .. "')";
- if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
- LOGWARNING("SQL error while adding user " .. Name .. " to area " .. a_AreaID);
- end
- end
- return true;
+-- Storage.lua
+-- Implements the storage access object, shielding the rest of the code away from the DB
+The cStorage class is the interface to the underlying storage, the SQLite database.
+This class knows how to load player areas from the DB, how to add or remove areas in the DB
+and other such operations.
+Also, a g_Storage global variable is declared, it holds the single instance of the storage.
+cStorage = {};
+g_Storage = {};
+--- Initializes the storage subsystem, creates the g_Storage object
+-- Returns true if successful, false if not
+function InitializeStorage()
+ g_Storage = cStorage:new();
+ if (not(g_Storage:OpenDB())) then
+ return false;
+ end
+ return true;
+function cStorage:new(obj)
+ obj = obj or {};
+ setmetatable(obj, self);
+ self.__index = self;
+ return obj;
+--- Opens the DB and makes sure it has all the columns needed
+-- Returns true if successful, false otherwise
+function cStorage:OpenDB()
+ local ErrCode, ErrMsg;
+ self.DB, ErrCode, ErrMsg ="ProtectionAreas.sqlite");
+ if (self.DB == nil) then
+ LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot open ProtectionAreas.sqlite, error " .. ErrCode .. " (" .. ErrMsg ..")");
+ return false;
+ end
+ if (
+ not(self:CreateTable("Areas", {"ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT", "MinX", "MaxX", "MinZ", "MaxZ", "WorldName", "CreatorUserName"})) or
+ not(self:CreateTable("AllowedUsers", {"AreaID", "UserName"}))
+ ) then
+ LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot create DB tables!");
+ return false;
+ end
+ return true;
+--- Executes the SQL command given, calling the a_Callback for each result
+-- If the SQL command fails, prints it out on the server console and returns false
+-- Returns true on success
+function cStorage:DBExec(a_SQL, a_Callback, a_CallbackParam)
+ local ErrCode = self.DB:exec(a_SQL, a_Callback, a_CallbackParam);
+ if (ErrCode ~= sqlite3.OK) then
+ LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Error " .. ErrCode .. " (" .. self.DB:errmsg() ..
+ ") while processing SQL command >>" .. a_SQL .. "<<"
+ );
+ return false;
+ end
+ return true;
+--- Creates the table of the specified name and columns[]
+-- If the table exists, any columns missing are added; existing data is kept
+function cStorage:CreateTable(a_TableName, a_Columns)
+ -- Try to create the table first
+ local sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '" .. a_TableName .. "' (";
+ sql = sql .. table.concat(a_Columns, ", ");
+ sql = sql .. ")";
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
+ LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot create DB Table " .. a_TableName);
+ return false;
+ end
+ -- SQLite doesn't inform us if it created the table or not, so we have to continue anyway
+ -- Check each column whether it exists
+ -- Remove all the existing columns from a_Columns:
+ local RemoveExistingColumn = function(UserData, NumCols, Values, Names)
+ -- Remove the received column from a_Columns. Search for column name in the Names[] / Values[] pairs
+ for i = 1, NumCols do
+ if (Names[i] == "name") then
+ local ColumnName = Values[i]:lower();
+ -- Search the a_Columns if they have that column:
+ for j = 1, #a_Columns do
+ -- Cut away all column specifiers (after the first space), if any:
+ local SpaceIdx = string.find(a_Columns[j], " ");
+ if (SpaceIdx ~= nil) then
+ SpaceIdx = SpaceIdx - 1;
+ end
+ local ColumnTemplate = string.lower(string.sub(a_Columns[j], 1, SpaceIdx));
+ -- If it is a match, remove from a_Columns:
+ if (ColumnTemplate == ColumnName) then
+ table.remove(a_Columns, j);
+ break; -- for j
+ end
+ end -- for j - a_Columns[]
+ end
+ end -- for i - Names[] / Values[]
+ return 0;
+ end
+ if (not(self:DBExec("PRAGMA table_info(" .. a_TableName .. ")", RemoveExistingColumn))) then
+ LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot query DB table structure");
+ return false;
+ end
+ -- Create the missing columns
+ -- a_Columns now contains only those columns that are missing in the DB
+ if (#a_Columns > 0) then
+ LOGINFO(PluginPrefix .. "Database table \"" .. a_TableName .. "\" is missing " .. #a_Columns .. " columns, fixing now.");
+ for idx, ColumnName in ipairs(a_Columns) do
+ if (not(self:DBExec("ALTER TABLE '" .. a_TableName .. "' ADD COLUMN " .. ColumnName))) then
+ LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "Cannot add DB table \"" .. a_TableName .. "\" column \"" .. ColumnName .. "\"");
+ return false;
+ end
+ end
+ LOGINFO(PluginPrefix .. "Database table \"" .. a_TableName .. "\" columns fixed.");
+ end
+ return true;
+--- Returns true if the specified area is allowed for the specified player
+function cStorage:IsAreaAllowed(a_AreaID, a_PlayerName, a_WorldName)
+ assert(a_AreaID);
+ assert(a_PlayerName);
+ assert(a_WorldName);
+ assert(self);
+ local lcPlayerName = string.lower(a_PlayerName);
+ local res = false;
+ local sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AllowedUsers WHERE (AreaID = " .. a_AreaID ..
+ ") AND (UserName ='" .. lcPlayerName .. "')";
+ local function SetResTrue(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
+ res = (tonumber(Values[1]) > 0);
+ return 0;
+ end
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql, SetResTrue))) then
+ LOGWARNING("SQL error while determining area allowance");
+ return false;
+ end
+ return res;
+--- Loads cPlayerAreas for the specified player from the DB. Returns a cPlayerAreas object
+function cStorage:LoadPlayerAreas(a_PlayerName, a_PlayerX, a_PlayerZ, a_WorldName)
+ assert(a_PlayerName);
+ assert(a_PlayerX);
+ assert(a_PlayerZ);
+ assert(a_WorldName);
+ assert(self);
+ -- Bounds for which the areas are loaded
+ local BoundsMinX = a_PlayerX - g_AreaBounds;
+ local BoundsMaxX = a_PlayerX + g_AreaBounds;
+ local BoundsMinZ = a_PlayerZ - g_AreaBounds;
+ local BoundsMaxZ = a_PlayerZ + g_AreaBounds;
+ local res = cPlayerAreas:new(
+ BoundsMinX + g_AreaSafeEdge, BoundsMinZ + g_AreaSafeEdge,
+ BoundsMaxX - g_AreaSafeEdge, BoundsMaxZ - g_AreaSafeEdge
+ );
+ --[[
+ LOG("Loading protection areas for player " .. a_PlayerName .. " centered around {" .. a_PlayerX .. ", " .. a_PlayerZ ..
+ "}, bounds are {" .. BoundsMinX .. ", " .. BoundsMinZ .. "} - {" ..
+ BoundsMaxX .. ", " .. BoundsMaxZ .. "}"
+ );
+ --]]
+ -- Load the areas from the DB, based on the player's location
+ local lcWorldName = string.lower(a_WorldName);
+ local sql =
+ "SELECT ID, MinX, MaxX, MinZ, MaxZ FROM Areas WHERE " ..
+ "MinX < " .. BoundsMaxX .. " AND MaxX > " .. BoundsMinX .. " AND " ..
+ "MinZ < " .. BoundsMaxZ .. " AND MaxZ > " .. BoundsMinZ .. " AND " ..
+ "WorldName = '" .. lcWorldName .."'";
+ local function AddAreas(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
+ if ((NumValues < 5) or ((Values[1] and Values[2] and Values[3] and Values[4] and Values[5]) == nil)) then
+ LOGWARNING("SQL query didn't return all data");
+ return 0;
+ end
+ res:AddArea(cCuboid(Values[2], 0, Values[4], Values[3], 255, Values[5]), self:IsAreaAllowed(Values[1], a_PlayerName, a_WorldName));
+ return 0;
+ end
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql, AddAreas))) then
+ LOGWARNING("SQL error while querying areas");
+ return res;
+ end
+ return res;
+--- Adds a new area into the DB. a_AllowedNames is a table listing all the players that are allowed in the area
+-- Returns the ID of the new area, or -1 on failure
+function cStorage:AddArea(a_Cuboid, a_WorldName, a_CreatorName, a_AllowedNames)
+ assert(a_Cuboid);
+ assert(a_WorldName);
+ assert(a_CreatorName);
+ assert(a_AllowedNames);
+ assert(self);
+ -- Store the area in the DB
+ local ID = -1;
+ local function RememberID(UserData, NumCols, Values, Names)
+ for i = 1, NumCols do
+ if (Names[i] == "ID") then
+ ID = Values[i];
+ end
+ end
+ return 0;
+ end
+ local lcWorldName = string.lower(a_WorldName);
+ local lcCreatorName = string.lower(a_CreatorName);
+ local sql =
+ "INSERT INTO Areas (ID, MinX, MaxX, MinZ, MaxZ, WorldName, CreatorUserName) VALUES (NULL, " ..
+ a_Cuboid.p1.x .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p2.x .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p1.z .. ", " .. a_Cuboid.p2.z ..
+ ", '" .. lcWorldName .. "', '" .. lcCreatorName ..
+ "'); SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS ID";
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql, RememberID))) then
+ LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while inserting new area");
+ return -1;
+ end
+ if (ID == -1) then
+ LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while retrieving INSERTion ID");
+ return -1;
+ end
+ -- Store each allowed player in the DB
+ for idx, Name in ipairs(a_AllowedNames) do
+ local lcName = string.lower(Name);
+ local sql = "INSERT INTO AllowedUsers (AreaID, UserName) VALUES (" .. ID .. ", '" .. lcName .. "')";
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
+ LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL Error while inserting new area's allowed player " .. Name);
+ end
+ end
+ return ID;
+function cStorage:DelArea(a_WorldName, a_AreaID)
+ assert(a_WorldName);
+ assert(a_AreaID);
+ assert(self);
+ -- Since all areas are stored in a single DB (for now), the worldname parameter isn't used at all
+ -- Later if we change to a per-world DB, we'll need the world name
+ -- Delete from both tables simultaneously
+ local sql =
+ "DELETE FROM Areas WHERE ID = " .. a_AreaID .. ";" ..
+ "DELETE FROM AllowedUsers WHERE AreaID = " .. a_AreaID;
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
+ LOGWARNING(PluginPrefix .. "SQL error while deleting area " .. a_AreaID .. " from world \"" .. a_WorldName .. "\"");
+ return false;
+ end
+ return true;
+--- Removes the user from the specified area
+function cStorage:RemoveUser(a_AreaID, a_UserName, a_WorldName)
+ assert(a_AreaID);
+ assert(a_UserName);
+ assert(a_WorldName);
+ assert(self);
+ -- WorldName is not used yet, because all the worlds share the same DB in this version
+ local lcUserName = string.lower(a_UserName);
+ local sql = "DELETE FROM AllowedUsers WHERE " ..
+ "AreaID = " .. a_AreaID .. " AND UserName = '" .. lcUserName .. "'";
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
+ LOGWARNING("SQL error while removing user " .. a_UserName .. " from area ID " .. a_AreaID);
+ return false;
+ end
+ return true;
+--- Removes the user from all areas in the specified world
+function cStorage:RemoveUserAll(a_UserName, a_WorldName)
+ assert(a_UserName);
+ assert(a_WorldName);
+ assert(self);
+ local lcUserName = string.lower(a_UserName);
+ local sql = "DELETE FROM AllowedUsers WHERE UserName = '" .. lcUserName .."'";
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
+ LOGWARNING("SQL error while removing user " .. a_UserName .. " from all areas");
+ return false;
+ end
+ return true;
+--- Calls the callback for each area intersecting the specified coords
+-- Callback signature: function(ID, MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorName)
+function cStorage:ForEachArea(a_BlockX, a_BlockZ, a_WorldName, a_Callback)
+ assert(a_BlockX);
+ assert(a_BlockZ);
+ assert(a_WorldName);
+ assert(a_Callback);
+ assert(self);
+ -- SQL callback that parses the values and calls our callback
+ function CallCallback(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
+ if (NumValues ~= 6) then
+ -- Not enough values returned, skip this row
+ return 0;
+ end
+ local ID = Values[1];
+ local MinX = Values[2];
+ local MinZ = Values[3];
+ local MaxX = Values[4];
+ local MaxZ = Values[5];
+ local CreatorName = Values[6];
+ a_Callback(ID, MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorName);
+ return 0;
+ end
+ local lcWorldName = string.lower(a_WorldName);
+ local sql = "SELECT ID, MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorUserName FROM Areas WHERE " ..
+ "MinX <= " .. a_BlockX .. " AND MaxX >= " .. a_BlockX .. " AND " ..
+ "MinZ <= " .. a_BlockZ .. " AND MaxZ >= " .. a_BlockZ .. " AND " ..
+ "WorldName = '" .. lcWorldName .. "'";
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql, CallCallback))) then
+ LOGWARNING("SQL Error while iterating through areas (cStorage:ForEachArea())");
+ return false;
+ end
+ return true;
+--- Returns the info on the specified area
+-- Returns MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorName on success, or nothing on failure
+function cStorage:GetArea(a_AreaID, a_WorldName)
+ assert(a_AreaID);
+ assert(a_WorldName);
+ assert(self);
+ local MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorName;
+ local HasValues = false;
+ -- SQL callback that parses the values and remembers them in variables
+ function RememberValues(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
+ if (NumValues ~= 5) then
+ -- Not enough values returned, skip this row
+ return 0;
+ end
+ MinX = Values[1];
+ MinZ = Values[2];
+ MaxX = Values[3];
+ MaxZ = Values[4];
+ CreatorName = Values[5];
+ HasValues = true;
+ return 0;
+ end
+ local lcWorldName = string.lower(a_WorldName);
+ local sql = "SELECT MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorUserName FROM Areas WHERE " ..
+ "ID = " .. a_AreaID .. " AND WorldName = '" .. lcWorldName .. "'";
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql, RememberValues))) then
+ LOGWARNING("SQL Error while getting area info (cStorage:ForEachArea())");
+ return;
+ end
+ -- If no data has been retrieved, return nothing
+ if (not(HasValues)) then
+ return;
+ end
+ return MinX, MinZ, MaxX, MaxZ, CreatorName;
+--- Calls the callback for each allowed user for the specified area
+-- Callback signature: function(UserName)
+function cStorage:ForEachUserInArea(a_AreaID, a_WorldName, a_Callback)
+ assert(a_AreaID);
+ assert(a_WorldName);
+ assert(a_Callback);
+ assert(self);
+ -- Since in this version all the worlds share a single DB, the a_WorldName parameter is not actually used
+ -- But this may change in the future, when we have a per-world DB
+ local function CallCallback(UserData, NumValues, Values)
+ if (NumValues ~= 1) then
+ return 0;
+ end
+ a_Callback(Values[1]);
+ return 0;
+ end
+ local sql = "SELECT UserName FROM AllowedUsers WHERE AreaID = " .. a_AreaID;
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql, CallCallback))) then
+ LOGWARNING("SQL error while iterating area users for AreaID" .. a_AreaID);
+ return false;
+ end
+ return true;
+--- Adds the specified usernames to the specified area, if not already present
+-- a_Users is an array table of usernames to add
+function cStorage:AddAreaUsers(a_AreaID, a_WorldName, a_AddedBy, a_Users)
+ assert(a_AreaID);
+ assert(a_WorldName);
+ assert(a_Users);
+ assert(self);
+ -- Convert all usernames to lowercase
+ for idx, Name in ipairs(a_Users) do
+ a_Users[idx] = string.lower(Name);
+ end
+ -- Remove from a_Users the usernames already present in the area
+ local sql = "SELECT UserName FROM AllowedUsers WHERE AreaID = " .. a_AreaID;
+ local function RemovePresent(UserData, NumValues, Values, Names)
+ if (NumValues ~= 1) then
+ -- Invalid response format
+ return 0;
+ end
+ local DBName = Values[1];
+ -- Remove the name from a_Users, if exists
+ for idx, Name in ipairs(a_Users) do
+ if (Name == DBName) then
+ table.remove(a_Users, idx);
+ return 0;
+ end
+ end
+ return 0;
+ end
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql, RemovePresent))) then
+ LOGWARNING("SQL error while iterating through users");
+ return false;
+ end
+ -- Add the users
+ for idx, Name in ipairs(a_Users) do
+ local sql = "INSERT INTO AllowedUsers (AreaID, UserName) VALUES (" .. a_AreaID .. ", '" .. Name .. "')";
+ if (not(self:DBExec(sql))) then
+ LOGWARNING("SQL error while adding user " .. Name .. " to area " .. a_AreaID);
+ end
+ end
+ return true;