path: root/src/LightingThread.cpp
blob: 33bc084672173ab08a745ab0ea3593c2d0bdf281 (plain) (tree)

























































// LightingThread.cpp

// Implements the cLightingThread class representing the thread that processes requests for lighting

#include "Globals.h"
#include "LightingThread.h"
#include "ChunkMap.h"
#include "ChunkStay.h"
#include "World.h"

/// Chunk data callback that takes the chunk data and puts them into cLightingThread's m_BlockTypes[] / m_HeightMap[]:
class cReader :
	public cChunkDataCallback
	virtual void ChunkData(const cChunkData & a_ChunkBuffer) override
		BLOCKTYPE * OutputRows = m_BlockTypes;
		int InputIdx = 0;
		int OutputIdx = m_ReadingChunkX + m_ReadingChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width * 3;
		int MaxHeight = std::min(+cChunkDef::Height, m_MaxHeight + 16);  // Need 16 blocks above the highest
		for (int y = 0; y < MaxHeight; y++)
			for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
				a_ChunkBuffer.CopyBlockTypes(OutputRows + OutputIdx * 16, InputIdx * 16, 16);
				OutputIdx += 3;
			}  // for z
			// Skip into the next y-level in the 3x3 chunk blob; each level has cChunkDef::Width * 9 rows
			// We've already walked cChunkDef::Width * 3 in the "for z" cycle, that makes cChunkDef::Width * 6 rows left to skip
			OutputIdx += cChunkDef::Width * 6;
		}  // for y
	}  // BlockTypes()
	virtual void HeightMap(const cChunkDef::HeightMap * a_Heightmap) override
		// Copy the entire heightmap, distribute it into the 3x3 chunk blob:
		typedef struct {HEIGHTTYPE m_Row[16]; } ROW;
		ROW * InputRows  = (ROW *)a_Heightmap;
		ROW * OutputRows = (ROW *)m_HeightMap;
		int InputIdx = 0;
		int OutputIdx = m_ReadingChunkX + m_ReadingChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width * 3;
		for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
			OutputRows[OutputIdx] = InputRows[InputIdx++];
			OutputIdx += 3;
		}  // for z

		// Find the highest block in the entire chunk, use it as a base for m_MaxHeight:
		HEIGHTTYPE MaxHeight = m_MaxHeight;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(*a_Heightmap); i++)
			if ((*a_Heightmap)[i] > MaxHeight)
				MaxHeight = (*a_Heightmap)[i];
		m_MaxHeight = MaxHeight;
	int m_ReadingChunkX;  // 0, 1 or 2; x-offset of the chunk we're reading from the BlockTypes start
	int m_ReadingChunkZ;  // 0, 1 or 2; z-offset of the chunk we're reading from the BlockTypes start
	HEIGHTTYPE m_MaxHeight;  // Maximum value in this chunk's heightmap
	BLOCKTYPE * m_BlockTypes;  // 3x3 chunks of block types, organized as a single XZY blob of data (instead of 3x3 XZY blobs)
	HEIGHTTYPE * m_HeightMap;  // 3x3 chunks of height map,  organized as a single XZY blob of data (instead of 3x3 XZY blobs)
	cReader(BLOCKTYPE * a_BlockTypes, HEIGHTTYPE * a_HeightMap) :
} ;

// cLightingThread:

cLightingThread::cLightingThread(void) :


bool cLightingThread::Start(cWorld * a_World)
	ASSERT(m_World == NULL);  // Not started yet
	m_World = a_World;
	return super::Start();

void cLightingThread::Stop(void)
		cCSLock Lock(m_CS);
		for (cChunkStays::iterator itr = m_PendingQueue.begin(), end = m_PendingQueue.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
			delete *itr;
		for (cChunkStays::iterator itr = m_Queue.begin(), end = m_Queue.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
			delete *itr;
	m_ShouldTerminate = true;

void cLightingThread::QueueChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkCoordCallback * a_CallbackAfter)
	ASSERT(m_World != NULL);  // Did you call Start() properly?
	cChunkStay * ChunkStay = new cLightingChunkStay(*this, a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, a_CallbackAfter);
		// The ChunkStay will enqueue itself using the QueueChunkStay() once it is fully loaded
		// In the meantime, put it into the PendingQueue so that it can be removed when stopping the thread
		cCSLock Lock(m_CS);

void cLightingThread::WaitForQueueEmpty(void)
	cCSLock Lock(m_CS);
	while (!m_ShouldTerminate && (!m_Queue.empty() || !m_PendingQueue.empty()))
		cCSUnlock Unlock(Lock);

size_t cLightingThread::GetQueueLength(void)
	cCSLock Lock(m_CS);
	return m_Queue.size() + m_PendingQueue.size();

void cLightingThread::Execute(void)
	for (;;)
			cCSLock Lock(m_CS);
			if (m_Queue.size() == 0)
				cCSUnlock Unlock(Lock);
		if (m_ShouldTerminate)
		// Process one items from the queue:
		cLightingChunkStay * Item;
			cCSLock Lock(m_CS);
			if (m_Queue.empty())
			Item = (cLightingChunkStay *)m_Queue.front();
			if (m_Queue.empty())
		}  // CSLock(m_CS)

void cLightingThread::LightChunk(cLightingChunkStay & a_Item)
	cChunkDef::BlockNibbles BlockLight, SkyLight;
	ReadChunks(a_Item.m_ChunkX, a_Item.m_ChunkZ);
	// DEBUG: Save chunk data with highlighted seeds for visual inspection:
	cFile f4;
	if (
		f4.Open(Printf("Chunk_%d_%d_seeds.grab", a_Item.m_ChunkX, a_Item.m_ChunkZ), cFile::fmWrite)
		for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width * 3; z++)
			for (int y = cChunkDef::Height / 2; y >= 0; y--)
				unsigned char Seeds     [cChunkDef::Width * 3];
				memcpy(Seeds, m_BlockTypes + y * BlocksPerYLayer + z * cChunkDef::Width * 3, cChunkDef::Width * 3);
				for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width * 3; x++)
					if (m_IsSeed1[y * BlocksPerYLayer + z * cChunkDef::Width * 3 + x])
						Seeds[x] = E_BLOCK_DIAMOND_BLOCK;
				f4.Write(Seeds, cChunkDef::Width * 3);
	// DEBUG: Save XY slices of the chunk data and lighting for visual inspection:
	cFile f1, f2, f3;
	if (
		f1.Open(Printf("Chunk_%d_%d_data.grab",  a_Item.m_ChunkX, a_Item.m_ChunkZ), cFile::fmWrite) &&
		f2.Open(Printf("Chunk_%d_%d_sky.grab",   a_Item.m_ChunkX, a_Item.m_ChunkZ), cFile::fmWrite) &&
		f3.Open(Printf("Chunk_%d_%d_glow.grab",  a_Item.m_ChunkX, a_Item.m_ChunkZ), cFile::fmWrite)
		for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width * 3; z++)
			for (int y = cChunkDef::Height / 2; y >= 0; y--)
				f1.Write(m_BlockTypes + y * BlocksPerYLayer + z * cChunkDef::Width * 3, cChunkDef::Width * 3);
				unsigned char SkyLight  [cChunkDef::Width * 3];
				unsigned char BlockLight[cChunkDef::Width * 3];
				for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width * 3; x++)
					SkyLight[x]   = m_SkyLight  [y * BlocksPerYLayer + z * cChunkDef::Width * 3 + x] << 4;
					BlockLight[x] = m_BlockLight[y * BlocksPerYLayer + z * cChunkDef::Width * 3 + x] << 4;
				f2.Write(SkyLight,   cChunkDef::Width * 3);
				f3.Write(BlockLight, cChunkDef::Width * 3);
	CompressLight(m_BlockLight, BlockLight);
	CompressLight(m_SkyLight, SkyLight);
	m_World->ChunkLighted(a_Item.m_ChunkX, a_Item.m_ChunkZ, BlockLight, SkyLight);

	if (a_Item.m_CallbackAfter != NULL)
		a_Item.m_CallbackAfter->Call(a_Item.m_ChunkX, a_Item.m_ChunkZ);
	delete &a_Item;

void cLightingThread::ReadChunks(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ)
	cReader Reader(m_BlockTypes, m_HeightMap);
	for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++)
		Reader.m_ReadingChunkZ = z;
		for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
			Reader.m_ReadingChunkX = x;
			VERIFY(m_World->GetChunkData(a_ChunkX + x - 1, a_ChunkZ + z - 1, Reader));
		}  // for z
	}  // for x
	memset(m_BlockLight, 0, sizeof(m_BlockLight));
	memset(m_SkyLight,   0, sizeof(m_SkyLight));
	m_MaxHeight = Reader.m_MaxHeight;

void cLightingThread::PrepareSkyLight(void)
	// Clear seeds:
	memset(m_IsSeed1, 0, sizeof(m_IsSeed1));
	m_NumSeeds = 0;
	// Walk every column that has all XZ neighbors
	for (int z = 1; z < cChunkDef::Width * 3 - 1; z++)
		int BaseZ = z * cChunkDef::Width * 3;
		for (int x = 1; x < cChunkDef::Width * 3 - 1; x++)
			int idx = BaseZ + x;
			int Current   = m_HeightMap[idx] + 1;
			int Neighbor1 = m_HeightMap[idx + 1] + 1;  // X + 1
			int Neighbor2 = m_HeightMap[idx - 1] + 1;  // X - 1
			int Neighbor3 = m_HeightMap[idx + cChunkDef::Width * 3] + 1;  // Z + 1
			int Neighbor4 = m_HeightMap[idx - cChunkDef::Width * 3] + 1;  // Z - 1
			int MaxNeighbor = std::max(std::max(Neighbor1, Neighbor2), std::max(Neighbor3, Neighbor4));  // Maximum of the four neighbors
			// Fill the column from the top down to Current with all-light:
			for (int y = cChunkDef::Height - 1, Index = idx + y * BlocksPerYLayer; y >= Current; y--, Index -= BlocksPerYLayer)
				m_SkyLight[Index] = 15;
			// Add Current as a seed:
			if (Current < cChunkDef::Height)
				int CurrentIdx = idx + Current * BlocksPerYLayer;
				m_IsSeed1[CurrentIdx] = true;
				m_SeedIdx1[m_NumSeeds++] = CurrentIdx;
			// Add seed from Current up to the highest neighbor:
			for (int y = Current + 1, Index = idx + y * BlocksPerYLayer; y < MaxNeighbor; y++, Index += BlocksPerYLayer)
				m_IsSeed1[Index] = true;
				m_SeedIdx1[m_NumSeeds++] = Index;

void cLightingThread::PrepareBlockLight(void)
	// Clear seeds:
	memset(m_IsSeed1, 0, sizeof(m_IsSeed1));
	memset(m_IsSeed2, 0, sizeof(m_IsSeed2));
	m_NumSeeds = 0;

	// Walk every column that has all XZ neighbors, make a seed for each light-emitting block:
	for (int z = 1; z < cChunkDef::Width * 3 - 1; z++)
		int BaseZ = z * cChunkDef::Width * 3;
		for (int x = 1; x < cChunkDef::Width * 3 - 1; x++)
			int idx = BaseZ + x;
			for (int y = m_HeightMap[idx], Index = idx + y * BlocksPerYLayer; y >= 0; y--, Index -= BlocksPerYLayer)
				if (cBlockInfo::GetLightValue(m_BlockTypes[Index]) == 0)
				// Add current block as a seed:
				m_IsSeed1[Index] = true;
				m_SeedIdx1[m_NumSeeds++] = Index;

				// Light it up:
				m_BlockLight[Index] = cBlockInfo::GetLightValue(m_BlockTypes[Index]);

void cLightingThread::PrepareBlockLight2(void)
	// Clear seeds:
	memset(m_IsSeed1, 0, sizeof(m_IsSeed1));
	memset(m_IsSeed2, 0, sizeof(m_IsSeed2));
	m_NumSeeds = 0;
	// Add each emissive block into the seeds:
	for (int y = 0; y < m_MaxHeight; y++)
		int BaseY = y * BlocksPerYLayer;  // Partial offset into m_BlockTypes for the Y coord
		for (int z = 1; z < cChunkDef::Width * 3 - 1; z++)
			int HBaseZ = z * cChunkDef::Width * 3;  // Partial offset into m_Heightmap for the Z coord
			int BaseZ = BaseY + HBaseZ;  // Partial offset into m_BlockTypes for the Y and Z coords
			for (int x = 1; x < cChunkDef::Width * 3 - 1; x++)
				int idx = BaseZ + x;
				if (y > m_HeightMap[HBaseZ + x])
					// We're above the heightmap, ignore the block
				if (cBlockInfo::GetLightValue(m_BlockTypes[idx]) == 0)
					// Not a light-emissive block
				// Add current block as a seed:
				m_IsSeed1[idx] = true;
				m_SeedIdx1[m_NumSeeds++] = idx;

				// Light it up:
				m_BlockLight[idx] = cBlockInfo::GetLightValue(m_BlockTypes[idx]);

void cLightingThread::CalcLight(NIBBLETYPE * a_Light)
	int NumSeeds2 = 0;
	while (m_NumSeeds > 0)
		// Buffer 1 -> buffer 2
		memset(m_IsSeed2, 0, sizeof(m_IsSeed2));
		NumSeeds2 = 0;
		CalcLightStep(a_Light, m_NumSeeds, m_IsSeed1, m_SeedIdx1, NumSeeds2, m_IsSeed2, m_SeedIdx2);
		if (NumSeeds2 == 0)
		// Buffer 2 -> buffer 1
		memset(m_IsSeed1, 0, sizeof(m_IsSeed1));
		m_NumSeeds = 0;
		CalcLightStep(a_Light, NumSeeds2, m_IsSeed2, m_SeedIdx2, m_NumSeeds, m_IsSeed1, m_SeedIdx1);

void cLightingThread::CalcLightStep(
	NIBBLETYPE * a_Light, 
	int a_NumSeedsIn,    unsigned char * a_IsSeedIn,  unsigned int * a_SeedIdxIn,
	int & a_NumSeedsOut, unsigned char * a_IsSeedOut, unsigned int * a_SeedIdxOut
	int NumSeedsOut = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < a_NumSeedsIn; i++)
		int SeedIdx = a_SeedIdxIn[i];
		int SeedX = SeedIdx % (cChunkDef::Width * 3);
		int SeedZ = (SeedIdx / (cChunkDef::Width * 3)) % (cChunkDef::Width * 3);
		int SeedY = SeedIdx / BlocksPerYLayer;
		// Propagate seed:
		if (SeedX < cChunkDef::Width * 3 - 1)
			PropagateLight(a_Light, SeedIdx, SeedIdx + 1, NumSeedsOut, a_IsSeedOut, a_SeedIdxOut);
		if (SeedX > 0)
			PropagateLight(a_Light, SeedIdx, SeedIdx - 1, NumSeedsOut, a_IsSeedOut, a_SeedIdxOut);
		if (SeedZ < cChunkDef::Width * 3 - 1)
			PropagateLight(a_Light, SeedIdx, SeedIdx + cChunkDef::Width * 3, NumSeedsOut, a_IsSeedOut, a_SeedIdxOut);
		if (SeedZ > 0)
			PropagateLight(a_Light, SeedIdx, SeedIdx - cChunkDef::Width * 3, NumSeedsOut, a_IsSeedOut, a_SeedIdxOut);
		if (SeedY < cChunkDef::Height - 1)
			PropagateLight(a_Light, SeedIdx, SeedIdx + cChunkDef::Width * cChunkDef::Width * 3 * 3, NumSeedsOut, a_IsSeedOut, a_SeedIdxOut);
		if (SeedY > 0)
			PropagateLight(a_Light, SeedIdx, SeedIdx - cChunkDef::Width * cChunkDef::Width * 3 * 3, NumSeedsOut, a_IsSeedOut, a_SeedIdxOut);
	}  // for i - a_SeedIdxIn[]
	a_NumSeedsOut = NumSeedsOut;

void cLightingThread::CompressLight(NIBBLETYPE * a_LightArray, NIBBLETYPE * a_ChunkLight)
	int InIdx = cChunkDef::Width * 49;  // Index to the first nibble of the middle chunk in the a_LightArray
	int OutIdx = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < cChunkDef::Height; y++)
		for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
			for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x += 2)
				a_ChunkLight[OutIdx++] = (a_LightArray[InIdx + 1] << 4) | a_LightArray[InIdx];
				InIdx += 2;
			InIdx += cChunkDef::Width * 2;
		// Skip into the next y-level in the 3x3 chunk blob; each level has cChunkDef::Width * 9 rows
		// We've already walked cChunkDef::Width * 3 in the "for z" cycle, that makes cChunkDef::Width * 6 rows left to skip
		InIdx += cChunkDef::Width * cChunkDef::Width * 6;

void cLightingThread::QueueChunkStay(cLightingChunkStay & a_ChunkStay)
	// Move the ChunkStay from the Pending queue to the lighting queue.
		cCSLock Lock(m_CS);

// cLightingThread::cLightingChunkStay:

cLightingThread::cLightingChunkStay::cLightingChunkStay(cLightingThread & a_LightingThread, int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkCoordCallback * a_CallbackAfter) :
	Add(a_ChunkX + 1, a_ChunkZ + 1);
	Add(a_ChunkX + 1, a_ChunkZ);
	Add(a_ChunkX + 1, a_ChunkZ - 1);
	Add(a_ChunkX,     a_ChunkZ + 1);
	Add(a_ChunkX,     a_ChunkZ);
	Add(a_ChunkX,     a_ChunkZ - 1);
	Add(a_ChunkX - 1, a_ChunkZ + 1);
	Add(a_ChunkX - 1, a_ChunkZ);
	Add(a_ChunkX - 1, a_ChunkZ - 1);

bool cLightingThread::cLightingChunkStay::OnAllChunksAvailable(void)
	// Keep the ChunkStay alive:
	return false;

void cLightingThread::cLightingChunkStay::OnDisabled(void)
	// Nothing needed in this callback