#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "FurnaceRecipe.h"
#include "Item.h"
#include <fstream>
#define FURNACE_RECIPE_FILE "furnace.txt"
typedef std::list< cFurnaceRecipe::Recipe > RecipeList;
typedef std::list< cFurnaceRecipe::Fuel > FuelList;
struct cFurnaceRecipe::sFurnaceRecipeState
RecipeList Recipes;
FuelList Fuel;
: m_pState( new sFurnaceRecipeState)
delete m_pState;
m_pState = NULL;
void cFurnaceRecipe::ReloadRecipes(void)
LOGD("Loading furnace recipes...");
std::ifstream f(FURNACE_RECIPE_FILE, std::ios::in);
if (!f.good())
LOG("Could not open the furnace recipes file \"%s\". No furnace recipes are available.", FURNACE_RECIPE_FILE);
unsigned int LineNum = 0;
AString ParsingLine;
while (std::getline(f, ParsingLine))
ParsingLine.erase(std::remove_if(ParsingLine.begin(), ParsingLine.end(), isspace), ParsingLine.end()); // Remove ALL whitespace from the line
if (ParsingLine.empty())
switch (ParsingLine[0])
case '#':
// Comment
case '!':
AddFuelFromLine(ParsingLine, LineNum);
AddRecipeFromLine(ParsingLine, LineNum);
} // switch (ParsingLine[0])
} // while (getline(ParsingLine))
LOG("Loaded " SIZE_T_FMT " furnace recipes and " SIZE_T_FMT " fuels", m_pState->Recipes.size(), m_pState->Fuel.size());
void cFurnaceRecipe::AddFuelFromLine(const AString & a_Line, int a_LineNum)
// Fuel
int IItemID = 0, IItemCount = 0, IItemHealth = 0, IBurnTime = 0;
AString::size_type BeginPos = 1; // Begin at one after exclamation mark (bang)
if (
!ReadMandatoryNumber(BeginPos, ":", a_Line, a_LineNum, IItemID) || // Read item ID
!ReadOptionalNumbers(BeginPos, ":", "=", a_Line, a_LineNum, IItemCount, IItemHealth) || // Read item count (and optionally health)
!ReadMandatoryNumber(BeginPos, "0123456789", a_Line, a_LineNum, IBurnTime, true) // Read item burn time - last value
// Add to fuel list:
Fuel F;
F.In = new cItem((ENUM_ITEM_ID)IItemID, (char)IItemCount, (short)IItemHealth);
F.BurnTime = IBurnTime;
void cFurnaceRecipe::AddRecipeFromLine(const AString & a_Line, int a_LineNum)
int IItemID = 0, IItemCount = 0, IItemHealth = 0, IBurnTime = 0;
int OItemID = 0, OItemCount = 0, OItemHealth = 0;
AString::size_type BeginPos = 0; // Begin at start of line
if (
!ReadMandatoryNumber(BeginPos, ":", a_Line, a_LineNum, IItemID) || // Read item ID
!ReadOptionalNumbers(BeginPos, ":", "@", a_Line, a_LineNum, IItemCount, IItemHealth) || // Read item count (and optionally health)
!ReadMandatoryNumber(BeginPos, "=", a_Line, a_LineNum, IBurnTime) || // Read item burn time
!ReadMandatoryNumber(BeginPos, ":", a_Line, a_LineNum, OItemID) || // Read result ID
!ReadOptionalNumbers(BeginPos, ":", "012456789", a_Line, a_LineNum, OItemCount, OItemHealth, true) // Read result count (and optionally health) - last value
// Add to recipe list
Recipe R;
R.In = new cItem((ENUM_ITEM_ID)IItemID, (char)IItemCount, (short)IItemHealth);
R.Out = new cItem((ENUM_ITEM_ID)OItemID, (char)OItemCount, (short)OItemHealth);
R.CookTime = IBurnTime;
void cFurnaceRecipe::PrintParseError(unsigned int a_Line, size_t a_Position, const AString & a_CharactersMissing)
LOGWARN("Error parsing furnace recipes at line %i pos " SIZE_T_FMT ": missing '%s'", a_Line, a_Position, a_CharactersMissing.c_str());
bool cFurnaceRecipe::ReadMandatoryNumber(AString::size_type & a_Begin, const AString & a_Delimiter, const AString & a_Text, unsigned int a_Line, int & a_Value, bool a_IsLastValue)
// TODO: replace atoi with std::stoi
AString::size_type End;
if (a_IsLastValue)
End = a_Text.find_first_not_of(a_Delimiter, a_Begin);
End = a_Text.find_first_of(a_Delimiter, a_Begin);
if (End == AString::npos)
PrintParseError(a_Line, a_Begin, a_Delimiter);
return false;
// stoi won't throw an exception if the string is alphanumeric, we should check for this
if (!DoesStringContainOnlyNumbers(a_Text.substr(a_Begin, End - a_Begin)))
PrintParseError(a_Line, a_Begin, "number");
return false;
a_Value = atoi(a_Text.substr(a_Begin, End - a_Begin).c_str());
a_Begin = End + 1; // Jump over delimiter
return true;
bool cFurnaceRecipe::ReadOptionalNumbers(AString::size_type & a_Begin, const AString & a_DelimiterOne, const AString & a_DelimiterTwo, const AString & a_Text, unsigned int a_Line, int & a_ValueOne, int & a_ValueTwo, bool a_IsLastValue)
// TODO: replace atoi with std::stoi
AString::size_type End, Begin = a_Begin;
End = a_Text.find_first_of(a_DelimiterOne, Begin);
if (End != AString::npos)
if (DoesStringContainOnlyNumbers(a_Text.substr(Begin, End - Begin)))
a_ValueOne = std::atoi(a_Text.substr(Begin, End - Begin).c_str());
Begin = End + 1;
if (a_IsLastValue)
End = a_Text.find_first_not_of(a_DelimiterTwo, Begin);
End = a_Text.find_first_of(a_DelimiterTwo, Begin);
if (End == AString::npos)
PrintParseError(a_Line, Begin, a_DelimiterTwo);
return false;
// stoi won't throw an exception if the string is alphanumeric, we should check for this
if (!DoesStringContainOnlyNumbers(a_Text.substr(Begin, End - Begin)))
PrintParseError(a_Line, Begin, "number");
return false;
a_ValueTwo = atoi(a_Text.substr(Begin, End - Begin).c_str());
a_Begin = End + 1; // Jump over delimiter
return true;
return ReadMandatoryNumber(a_Begin, a_DelimiterTwo, a_Text, a_Line, a_ValueOne, a_IsLastValue);
return ReadMandatoryNumber(a_Begin, a_DelimiterTwo, a_Text, a_Line, a_ValueOne, a_IsLastValue);
bool cFurnaceRecipe::DoesStringContainOnlyNumbers(const AString & a_String)
// TODO: replace this with std::all_of(a_String.begin(), a_String.end(), isdigit)
return (a_String.find_first_not_of("0123456789") == AString::npos);
void cFurnaceRecipe::ClearRecipes(void)
for (RecipeList::iterator itr = m_pState->Recipes.begin(); itr != m_pState->Recipes.end(); ++itr)
Recipe R = *itr;
delete R.In;
R.In = NULL;
delete R.Out;
R.Out = NULL;
for (FuelList::iterator itr = m_pState->Fuel.begin(); itr != m_pState->Fuel.end(); ++itr)
Fuel F = *itr;
delete F.In;
F.In = NULL;
const cFurnaceRecipe::Recipe * cFurnaceRecipe::GetRecipeFrom(const cItem & a_Ingredient) const
const Recipe * BestRecipe = 0;
for (RecipeList::const_iterator itr = m_pState->Recipes.begin(); itr != m_pState->Recipes.end(); ++itr)
const Recipe & R = *itr;
if ((R.In->m_ItemType == a_Ingredient.m_ItemType) && (R.In->m_ItemCount <= a_Ingredient.m_ItemCount))
if (BestRecipe && (BestRecipe->In->m_ItemCount > R.In->m_ItemCount))
BestRecipe = &R;
return BestRecipe;
int cFurnaceRecipe::GetBurnTime(const cItem & a_Fuel) const
int BestFuel = 0;
for (FuelList::const_iterator itr = m_pState->Fuel.begin(); itr != m_pState->Fuel.end(); ++itr)
const Fuel & F = *itr;
if ((F.In->m_ItemType == a_Fuel.m_ItemType) && (F.In->m_ItemCount <= a_Fuel.m_ItemCount))
if (BestFuel > 0 && (BestFuel > F.BurnTime))
BestFuel = F.BurnTime;
return BestFuel;