/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.example.android.systemupdatersample; import android.content.Context; import android.os.UpdateEngine; import android.os.UpdateEngineCallback; import android.util.Log; import com.example.android.systemupdatersample.services.PrepareStreamingService; import com.example.android.systemupdatersample.util.PayloadSpecs; import com.example.android.systemupdatersample.util.UpdateEngineErrorCodes; import com.example.android.systemupdatersample.util.UpdateEngineProperties; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.AtomicDouble; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.DoubleConsumer; import java.util.function.IntConsumer; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; /** * Manages the update flow. It has its own state (in memory), separate from * {@link UpdateEngine}'s state. Asynchronously interacts with the {@link UpdateEngine}. */ public class UpdateManager { private static final String TAG = "UpdateManager"; /** HTTP Header: User-Agent; it will be sent to the server when streaming the payload. */ private static final String HTTP_USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) " + "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36"; private final UpdateEngine mUpdateEngine; private final PayloadSpecs mPayloadSpecs; private AtomicInteger mUpdateEngineStatus = new AtomicInteger(UpdateEngine.UpdateStatusConstants.IDLE); private AtomicInteger mEngineErrorCode = new AtomicInteger(UpdateEngineErrorCodes.UNKNOWN); private AtomicDouble mProgress = new AtomicDouble(0); private UpdaterState mUpdaterState = new UpdaterState(UpdaterState.IDLE); private AtomicBoolean mManualSwitchSlotRequired = new AtomicBoolean(true); @GuardedBy("mLock") private UpdateData mLastUpdateData = null; @GuardedBy("mLock") private IntConsumer mOnStateChangeCallback = null; @GuardedBy("mLock") private IntConsumer mOnEngineStatusUpdateCallback = null; @GuardedBy("mLock") private DoubleConsumer mOnProgressUpdateCallback = null; @GuardedBy("mLock") private IntConsumer mOnEngineCompleteCallback = null; private final Object mLock = new Object(); private final UpdateManager.UpdateEngineCallbackImpl mUpdateEngineCallback = new UpdateManager.UpdateEngineCallbackImpl(); public UpdateManager(UpdateEngine updateEngine, PayloadSpecs payloadSpecs) { this.mUpdateEngine = updateEngine; this.mPayloadSpecs = payloadSpecs; } /** * Binds to {@link UpdateEngine}. */ public void bind() { this.mUpdateEngine.bind(mUpdateEngineCallback); } /** * Unbinds from {@link UpdateEngine}. */ public void unbind() { this.mUpdateEngine.unbind(); } /** * @return a number from {@code 0.0} to {@code 1.0}. */ public float getProgress() { return (float) this.mProgress.get(); } /** * Returns true if manual switching slot is required. Value depends on * the update config {@code ab_config.force_switch_slot}. */ public boolean isManualSwitchSlotRequired() { return mManualSwitchSlotRequired.get(); } /** * Sets SystemUpdaterSample app state change callback. Value of {@code state} will be one * of the values from {@link UpdaterState}. * * @param onStateChangeCallback a callback with parameter {@code state}. */ public void setOnStateChangeCallback(IntConsumer onStateChangeCallback) { synchronized (mLock) { this.mOnStateChangeCallback = onStateChangeCallback; } } private Optional getOnStateChangeCallback() { synchronized (mLock) { return mOnStateChangeCallback == null ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(mOnStateChangeCallback); } } /** * Sets update engine status update callback. Value of {@code status} will * be one of the values from {@link UpdateEngine.UpdateStatusConstants}. * * @param onStatusUpdateCallback a callback with parameter {@code status}. */ public void setOnEngineStatusUpdateCallback(IntConsumer onStatusUpdateCallback) { synchronized (mLock) { this.mOnEngineStatusUpdateCallback = onStatusUpdateCallback; } } private Optional getOnEngineStatusUpdateCallback() { synchronized (mLock) { return mOnEngineStatusUpdateCallback == null ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(mOnEngineStatusUpdateCallback); } } /** * Sets update engine payload application complete callback. Value of {@code errorCode} will * be one of the values from {@link UpdateEngine.ErrorCodeConstants}. * * @param onComplete a callback with parameter {@code errorCode}. */ public void setOnEngineCompleteCallback(IntConsumer onComplete) { synchronized (mLock) { this.mOnEngineCompleteCallback = onComplete; } } private Optional getOnEngineCompleteCallback() { synchronized (mLock) { return mOnEngineCompleteCallback == null ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(mOnEngineCompleteCallback); } } /** * Sets progress update callback. Progress is a number from {@code 0.0} to {@code 1.0}. * * @param onProgressCallback a callback with parameter {@code progress}. */ public void setOnProgressUpdateCallback(DoubleConsumer onProgressCallback) { synchronized (mLock) { this.mOnProgressUpdateCallback = onProgressCallback; } } private Optional getOnProgressUpdateCallback() { synchronized (mLock) { return mOnProgressUpdateCallback == null ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(mOnProgressUpdateCallback); } } /** * Updates {@link this.mState} and if state is changed, * it also notifies {@link this.mOnStateChangeCallback}. */ private void setUpdaterState(int updaterState) { int previousState = mUpdaterState.get(); try { mUpdaterState.set(updaterState); } catch (UpdaterState.InvalidTransitionException e) { // Note: invalid state transitions should be handled properly, // but to make sample app simple, we just throw runtime exception. throw new RuntimeException("Can't set state " + updaterState, e); } if (previousState != updaterState) { getOnStateChangeCallback().ifPresent(callback -> callback.accept(updaterState)); } } /** * Requests update engine to stop any ongoing update. If an update has been applied, * leave it as is. * *

Sometimes it's possible that the * update engine would throw an error when the method is called, and the only way to * handle it is to catch the exception.

*/ public void cancelRunningUpdate() { try { mUpdateEngine.cancel(); setUpdaterState(UpdaterState.IDLE); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "UpdateEngine failed to stop the ongoing update", e); } } /** * Resets update engine to IDLE state. If an update has been applied it reverts it. * *

Sometimes it's possible that the * update engine would throw an error when the method is called, and the only way to * handle it is to catch the exception.

*/ public void resetUpdate() { try { mUpdateEngine.resetStatus(); setUpdaterState(UpdaterState.IDLE); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "UpdateEngine failed to reset the update", e); } } /** * Applies the given update. * *

UpdateEngine works asynchronously. This method doesn't wait until * end of the update.

*/ public void applyUpdate(Context context, UpdateConfig config) { mEngineErrorCode.set(UpdateEngineErrorCodes.UNKNOWN); setUpdaterState(UpdaterState.RUNNING); synchronized (mLock) { // Cleaning up previous update data. mLastUpdateData = null; } if (!config.getAbConfig().getForceSwitchSlot()) { mManualSwitchSlotRequired.set(true); } else { mManualSwitchSlotRequired.set(false); } if (config.getInstallType() == UpdateConfig.AB_INSTALL_TYPE_NON_STREAMING) { applyAbNonStreamingUpdate(config); } else { applyAbStreamingUpdate(context, config); } } private void applyAbNonStreamingUpdate(UpdateConfig config) { UpdateData.Builder builder = UpdateData.builder() .setExtraProperties(prepareExtraProperties(config)); try { builder.setPayload(mPayloadSpecs.forNonStreaming(config.getUpdatePackageFile())); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error creating payload spec", e); setUpdaterState(UpdaterState.ERROR); return; } updateEngineApplyPayload(builder.build()); } private void applyAbStreamingUpdate(Context context, UpdateConfig config) { UpdateData.Builder builder = UpdateData.builder() .setExtraProperties(prepareExtraProperties(config)); Log.d(TAG, "Starting PrepareStreamingService"); PrepareStreamingService.startService(context, config, (code, payloadSpec) -> { if (code == PrepareStreamingService.RESULT_CODE_SUCCESS) { builder.setPayload(payloadSpec); builder.addExtraProperty("USER_AGENT=" + HTTP_USER_AGENT); config.getStreamingMetadata() .getAuthorization() .ifPresent(s -> builder.addExtraProperty("AUTHORIZATION=" + s)); updateEngineApplyPayload(builder.build()); } else { Log.e(TAG, "PrepareStreamingService failed, result code is " + code); setUpdaterState(UpdaterState.ERROR); } }); } private List prepareExtraProperties(UpdateConfig config) { List extraProperties = new ArrayList<>(); if (!config.getAbConfig().getForceSwitchSlot()) { // Disable switch slot on reboot, which is enabled by default. // User will enable it manually by clicking "Switch Slot" button on the screen. extraProperties.add(UpdateEngineProperties.PROPERTY_DISABLE_SWITCH_SLOT_ON_REBOOT); } return extraProperties; } /** * Applies given payload. * *

UpdateEngine works asynchronously. This method doesn't wait until * end of the update.

* *

It's possible that the update engine throws a generic error, such as upon seeing invalid * payload properties (which come from OTA packages), or failing to set up the network * with the given id.

*/ private void updateEngineApplyPayload(UpdateData update) { synchronized (mLock) { mLastUpdateData = update; } ArrayList properties = new ArrayList<>(update.getPayload().getProperties()); properties.addAll(update.getExtraProperties()); try { mUpdateEngine.applyPayload( update.getPayload().getUrl(), update.getPayload().getOffset(), update.getPayload().getSize(), properties.toArray(new String[0])); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "UpdateEngine failed to apply the update", e); setUpdaterState(UpdaterState.ERROR); } } private void updateEngineReApplyPayload() { UpdateData lastUpdate; synchronized (mLock) { // mLastPayloadSpec might be empty in some cases. // But to make this sample app simple, we will not handle it. Preconditions.checkArgument( mLastUpdateData != null, "mLastUpdateData must be present."); lastUpdate = mLastUpdateData; } updateEngineApplyPayload(lastUpdate); } /** * Sets the new slot that has the updated partitions as the active slot, * which device will boot into next time. * This method is only supposed to be called after the payload is applied. * * Invoking {@link UpdateEngine#applyPayload} with the same payload url, offset, size * and payload metadata headers doesn't trigger new update. It can be used to just switch * active A/B slot. * * {@link UpdateEngine#applyPayload} might take several seconds to finish, and it will * invoke callbacks {@link this#onStatusUpdate} and {@link this#onPayloadApplicationComplete)}. */ public void setSwitchSlotOnReboot() { Log.d(TAG, "setSwitchSlotOnReboot invoked"); UpdateData.Builder builder; synchronized (mLock) { // To make sample app simple, we don't handle it. Preconditions.checkArgument( mLastUpdateData != null, "mLastUpdateData must be present."); builder = mLastUpdateData.toBuilder(); } // PROPERTY_SKIP_POST_INSTALL should be passed on to skip post-installation hooks. builder.setExtraProperties( Collections.singletonList(UpdateEngineProperties.PROPERTY_SKIP_POST_INSTALL)); // UpdateEngine sets property SWITCH_SLOT_ON_REBOOT=1 by default. // HTTP headers are not required, UpdateEngine is not expected to stream payload. updateEngineApplyPayload(builder.build()); } /** * Verifies if mUpdaterState matches mUpdateEngineStatus. * If they don't match, runs applyPayload to trigger onPayloadApplicationComplete * callback, which updates mUpdaterState. */ private void ensureCorrectUpdaterState() { // When mUpdaterState is one of IDLE, PAUSED, ERROR, SLOT_SWITCH_REQUIRED // then mUpdateEngineStatus must be IDLE. // When mUpdaterState is RUNNING, // then mUpdateEngineStatus must not be IDLE or UPDATED_NEED_REBOOT. // When mUpdaterState is REBOOT_REQUIRED, // then mUpdateEngineStatus must be UPDATED_NEED_REBOOT. int state = mUpdaterState.get(); int updateEngineStatus = mUpdateEngineStatus.get(); if (state == UpdaterState.IDLE || state == UpdaterState.ERROR || state == UpdaterState.PAUSED || state == UpdaterState.SLOT_SWITCH_REQUIRED) { ensureUpdateEngineStatusIdle(state, updateEngineStatus); } else if (state == UpdaterState.RUNNING) { ensureUpdateEngineStatusRunning(state, updateEngineStatus); } else if (state == UpdaterState.REBOOT_REQUIRED) { ensureUpdateEngineStatusReboot(state, updateEngineStatus); } } private void ensureUpdateEngineStatusIdle(int state, int updateEngineStatus) { if (updateEngineStatus == UpdateEngine.UpdateStatusConstants.IDLE) { return; } // It might happen when update is started not from the sample app. // To make the sample app simple, we won't handle this case. throw new RuntimeException("When mUpdaterState is " + state + " mUpdateEngineStatus expected to be " + UpdateEngine.UpdateStatusConstants.IDLE + ", but it is " + updateEngineStatus); } private void ensureUpdateEngineStatusRunning(int state, int updateEngineStatus) { if (updateEngineStatus != UpdateEngine.UpdateStatusConstants.UPDATED_NEED_REBOOT && updateEngineStatus != UpdateEngine.UpdateStatusConstants.IDLE) { return; } // Re-apply latest update. It makes update_engine to invoke // onPayloadApplicationComplete callback. The callback notifies // if update was successful or not. updateEngineReApplyPayload(); } private void ensureUpdateEngineStatusReboot(int state, int updateEngineStatus) { if (updateEngineStatus == UpdateEngine.UpdateStatusConstants.UPDATED_NEED_REBOOT) { return; } // This might happen when update is installed by other means, // and sample app is not aware of it. To make the sample app simple, // we won't handle this case. throw new RuntimeException("When mUpdaterState is " + state + " mUpdateEngineStatus expected to be " + UpdateEngine.UpdateStatusConstants.UPDATED_NEED_REBOOT + ", but it is " + updateEngineStatus); } /** * Invoked by update_engine whenever update status or progress changes. * It's also guaranteed to be invoked when app binds to the update_engine, except * when update_engine fails to initialize (as defined in * system/update_engine/binder_service_android.cc in * function BinderUpdateEngineAndroidService::bind). * * @param status one of {@link UpdateEngine.UpdateStatusConstants}. * @param progress a number from 0.0 to 1.0. */ private void onStatusUpdate(int status, float progress) { int previousStatus = mUpdateEngineStatus.get(); mUpdateEngineStatus.set(status); mProgress.set(progress); ensureCorrectUpdaterState(); getOnProgressUpdateCallback().ifPresent(callback -> callback.accept(progress)); if (previousStatus != status) { getOnEngineStatusUpdateCallback().ifPresent(callback -> callback.accept(status)); } } private void onPayloadApplicationComplete(int errorCode) { Log.d(TAG, "onPayloadApplicationComplete invoked, errorCode=" + errorCode); mEngineErrorCode.set(errorCode); if (errorCode == UpdateEngine.ErrorCodeConstants.SUCCESS || errorCode == UpdateEngineErrorCodes.UPDATED_BUT_NOT_ACTIVE) { setUpdaterState(isManualSwitchSlotRequired() ? UpdaterState.SLOT_SWITCH_REQUIRED : UpdaterState.REBOOT_REQUIRED); } else if (errorCode != UpdateEngineErrorCodes.USER_CANCELLED) { setUpdaterState(UpdaterState.ERROR); } getOnEngineCompleteCallback() .ifPresent(callback -> callback.accept(errorCode)); } /** * Helper class to delegate {@code update_engine} callback invocations to UpdateManager. */ class UpdateEngineCallbackImpl extends UpdateEngineCallback { @Override public void onStatusUpdate(int status, float percent) { UpdateManager.this.onStatusUpdate(status, percent); } @Override public void onPayloadApplicationComplete(int errorCode) { UpdateManager.this.onPayloadApplicationComplete(errorCode); } } /** * * Contains update data - PayloadSpec and extra properties list. * *

{@code mPayload} contains url, offset and size to {@code PAYLOAD_BINARY_FILE_NAME}. * {@code mExtraProperties} is a list of additional properties to pass to * {@link UpdateEngine#applyPayload}.

*/ private static class UpdateData { private final PayloadSpec mPayload; private final ImmutableList mExtraProperties; public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } UpdateData(Builder builder) { this.mPayload = builder.mPayload; this.mExtraProperties = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder.mExtraProperties); } public PayloadSpec getPayload() { return mPayload; } public ImmutableList getExtraProperties() { return mExtraProperties; } public Builder toBuilder() { return builder() .setPayload(mPayload) .setExtraProperties(mExtraProperties); } static class Builder { private PayloadSpec mPayload; private List mExtraProperties; public Builder setPayload(PayloadSpec payload) { this.mPayload = payload; return this; } public Builder setExtraProperties(List extraProperties) { this.mExtraProperties = new ArrayList<>(extraProperties); return this; } public Builder addExtraProperty(String property) { if (this.mExtraProperties == null) { this.mExtraProperties = new ArrayList<>(); } this.mExtraProperties.add(property); return this; } public UpdateData build() { return new UpdateData(this); } } } }