// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. cc_defaults { name: "recovery_test_defaults", defaults: [ "recovery_defaults", ], include_dirs: [ "bootable/recovery", ], shared_libs: [ "libbase", "libcrypto", "libcutils", "liblog", "libpng", "libprocessgroup", "libselinux", "libz", "libziparchive", ], target: { android: { shared_libs: [ "libutils", ], }, host: { static_libs: [ "libutils", ], }, }, } // libapplypatch, libapplypatch_modes, libimgdiff, libimgpatch libapplypatch_static_libs = [ "libapplypatch_modes", "libapplypatch", "libedify", "libimgdiff", "libimgpatch", "libotautil", "libbsdiff", "libbspatch", "libdivsufsort", "libdivsufsort64", "libutils", "libbase", "libbrotli", "libbz", "libcrypto", "libz", "libziparchive", ] // librecovery_defaults uses many shared libs that we want to avoid using in tests (e.g. we don't // have 32-bit android.hardware.health@2.0.so or libbootloader_message.so on marlin). librecovery_static_libs = [ "librecovery", "librecovery_fastboot", "libinstall", "librecovery_ui", "libminui", "libfusesideload", "libbootloader_message", "libotautil", "libhealthhalutils", "libvintf_recovery", "libvintf", "android.hardware.health@2.0", "android.hardware.health@1.0", "libext4_utils", "libfs_mgr", "libhidl-gen-utils", "libhidlbase", "libhidltransport", "libhwbinder_noltopgo", "libbinderthreadstate", "liblp", "libvndksupport", "libtinyxml2", ] cc_test { name: "recovery_unit_test", isolated: true, defaults: [ "recovery_test_defaults", "libupdater_defaults", "libupdater_device_defaults", ], test_suites: ["device-tests"], srcs: [ "unit/*.cpp", ], static_libs: libapplypatch_static_libs + librecovery_static_libs + [ "librecovery_ui", "libfusesideload", "libminui", "libotautil", "libupdater_device", "libupdater_core", "libupdate_verifier", "libgtest_prod", "libprotobuf-cpp-lite", ], data: [ "testdata/*", ":res-testdata", ], } cc_test { name: "recovery_manual_test", isolated: true, defaults: [ "recovery_test_defaults", ], test_suites: ["device-tests"], srcs: [ "manual/recovery_test.cpp", ], } cc_test_host { name: "recovery_host_test", isolated: true, defaults: [ "recovery_test_defaults", "libupdater_defaults", ], srcs: [ "unit/host/*", ], static_libs: [ "libupdater_host", "libupdater_core", "libimgdiff", "libbsdiff", "libdivsufsort64", "libdivsufsort", "libfstab", "libc++fs", ], test_suites: ["general-tests"], data: ["testdata/*"], target: { darwin: { // libimgdiff is not available on the Mac. enabled: false, }, }, }