/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Copyright (C) 2014 TeamWin - bigbiff and Dees_Troy mtp database conversion to C++ */ #include "MtpDebug.h" #include "MtpStorage.h" #include "MtpDataPacket.h" #include "MtpServer.h" #include "MtpEventPacket.h" #include "MtpDatabase.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define WATCH_FLAGS ( IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE | IN_MOVE | IN_MODIFY ) MtpStorage::MtpStorage(MtpStorageID id, const char* filePath, const char* description, uint64_t reserveSpace, bool removable, uint64_t maxFileSize, MtpServer* refserver) : mStorageID(id), mFilePath(filePath), mDescription(description), mMaxCapacity(0), mMaxFileSize(maxFileSize), mReserveSpace(reserveSpace), mRemovable(removable), mServer(refserver) { MTPI("MtpStorage id: %d path: %s\n", id, filePath); inotify_thread = 0; sendEvents = false; handleCurrentlySending = 0; use_mutex = true; if (pthread_mutex_init(&mtpMutex, NULL) != 0) { MTPE("Failed to init mtpMutex\n"); use_mutex = false; } if (pthread_mutex_init(&inMutex, NULL) != 0) { MTPE("Failed to init inMutex\n"); use_mutex = false; } } MtpStorage::~MtpStorage() { if (inotify_thread) { // TODO: what does this do? manpage says it does not kill the thread pthread_kill(inotify_thread, 0); for (std::map::iterator i = inotifymap.begin(); i != inotifymap.end(); i++) { inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, i->first); } close(inotify_fd); } for (iter i = mtpmap.begin(); i != mtpmap.end(); i++) { delete i->second; } if (use_mutex) { use_mutex = false; pthread_mutex_destroy(&mtpMutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&inMutex); } } int MtpStorage::getType() const { return (mRemovable ? MTP_STORAGE_REMOVABLE_RAM : MTP_STORAGE_FIXED_RAM); } int MtpStorage::getFileSystemType() const { return MTP_STORAGE_FILESYSTEM_HIERARCHICAL; } int MtpStorage::getAccessCapability() const { return MTP_STORAGE_READ_WRITE; } uint64_t MtpStorage::getMaxCapacity() { if (mMaxCapacity == 0) { struct statfs stat; if (statfs(getPath(), &stat)) return -1; mMaxCapacity = (uint64_t)stat.f_blocks * (uint64_t)stat.f_bsize; } return mMaxCapacity; } uint64_t MtpStorage::getFreeSpace() { struct statfs stat; if (statfs(getPath(), &stat)) return -1; uint64_t freeSpace = (uint64_t)stat.f_bavail * (uint64_t)stat.f_bsize; return (freeSpace > mReserveSpace ? freeSpace - mReserveSpace : 0); } const char* MtpStorage::getDescription() const { return (const char *)mDescription; } int MtpStorage::createDB() { std::string mtpParent = ""; mtpstorageparent = getPath(); // root directory is special: handle 0, parent 0, and empty path mtpmap[0] = new Tree(0, 0, ""); MTPD("MtpStorage::createDB DONE\n"); if (use_mutex) { MTPD("Starting inotify thread\n"); sendEvents = true; inotify_thread = inotify(); } else { MTPD("NOT starting inotify thread\n"); } // for debugging and caching purposes, read the root dir already now readDir(mtpstorageparent, mtpmap[0]); // all other dirs are read on demand return 0; } MtpObjectHandleList* MtpStorage::getObjectList(MtpStorageID storageID, MtpObjectHandle parent) { MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectList, parent: %u\n", parent); //append object id (numerical #s) of database to int array MtpObjectHandleList* list = new MtpObjectHandleList(); if (parent == MTP_PARENT_ROOT) { MTPD("parent == MTP_PARENT_ROOT\n"); parent = 0; } if (mtpmap.find(parent) == mtpmap.end()) { MTPE("parent handle not found, returning empty list\n"); return list; } Tree* tree = mtpmap[parent]; if (!tree->wasAlreadyRead()) { std::string path = getNodePath(tree); MTPD("reading directory on demand for tree %p (%u), path: %s\n", tree, tree->Mtpid(), path.c_str()); readDir(path, tree); } mtpmap[parent]->getmtpids(list); MTPD("returning %u objects in %s.\n", list->size(), tree->getName().c_str()); return list; } int MtpStorage::getObjectInfo(MtpObjectHandle handle, MtpObjectInfo& info) { struct stat st; uint64_t size = 0; MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectInfo, handle: %u\n", handle); Node* node = findNode(handle); if (!node) { // Item is not on this storage device return -1; } info.mStorageID = getStorageID(); MTPD("info.mStorageID: %u\n", info.mStorageID); info.mParent = node->getMtpParentId(); MTPD("mParent: %u\n", info.mParent); // TODO: do we want to lstat again here, or read from the node properties? if (lstat(getNodePath(node).c_str(), &st) == 0) size = st.st_size; MTPD("size is: %llu\n", size); info.mCompressedSize = (size > 0xFFFFFFFFLL ? 0xFFFFFFFF : size); info.mDateModified = st.st_mtime; if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { info.mFormat = MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION; } else { info.mFormat = MTP_FORMAT_UNDEFINED; } info.mName = strdup(node->getName().c_str()); MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectInfo found, Exiting getObjectInfo()\n"); return 0; } MtpObjectHandle MtpStorage::beginSendObject(const char* path, MtpObjectFormat format, MtpObjectHandle parent, uint64_t size, time_t modified) { MTPD("MtpStorage::beginSendObject(), path: '%s', parent: %u, format: %04x\n", path, parent, format); iter it = mtpmap.find(parent); if (it == mtpmap.end()) { MTPE("parent node not found, returning error\n"); return kInvalidObjectHandle; } Tree* tree = it->second; std::string pathstr(path); size_t slashpos = pathstr.find_last_of('/'); if (slashpos == std::string::npos) { MTPE("path has no slash, returning error\n"); return kInvalidObjectHandle; } std::string parentdir = pathstr.substr(0, slashpos); std::string basename = pathstr.substr(slashpos + 1); if (parent != 0 && parentdir != getNodePath(tree)) { MTPE("beginSendObject into path '%s' but parent tree has path '%s', returning error\n", parentdir.c_str(), getNodePath(tree).c_str()); return kInvalidObjectHandle; } MTPD("MtpStorage::beginSendObject() parentdir: %s basename: %s\n", parentdir.c_str(), basename.c_str()); // note: for directories, the mkdir call is done later in MtpServer, here we just reserve a handle bool isDir = format == MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION; Node* node = addNewNode(isDir, tree, basename); handleCurrentlySending = node->Mtpid(); // suppress inotify for this node while sending return node->Mtpid(); } void MtpStorage::endSendObject(const char* path, MtpObjectHandle handle, MtpObjectFormat format, bool succeeded) { Node* node = findNode(handle); if (!node) return; // just ignore if this is for another storage node->addProperties(path, mStorageID); handleCurrentlySending = 0; // TODO: are we supposed to send an event about an upload by the initiator? if (sendEvents) mServer->sendObjectAdded(node->Mtpid()); } int MtpStorage::getObjectFilePath(MtpObjectHandle handle, MtpString& outFilePath, int64_t& outFileLength, MtpObjectFormat& outFormat) { MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectFilePath handle: %u\n", handle); Node* node = findNode(handle); if (!node) { // Item is not on this storage device return -1; } // TODO: do we want to lstat here, or just read the info from the node? struct stat st; if (lstat(getNodePath(node).c_str(), &st) == 0) outFileLength = st.st_size; else outFileLength = 0; outFilePath = getNodePath(node).c_str(); MTPD("outFilePath: %s\n", outFilePath.string()); outFormat = node->isDir() ? MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION : MTP_FORMAT_UNDEFINED; return 0; } int MtpStorage::readDir(const std::string& path, Tree* tree) { struct dirent *de; int storageID = getStorageID(); MtpObjectHandle parent = tree->Mtpid(); DIR *d = opendir(path.c_str()); MTPD("reading dir '%s', parent handle %u\n", path.c_str(), parent); if (d == NULL) { MTPE("error opening '%s' -- error: %s\n", path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return -1; } // TODO: for refreshing dirs: capture old entries here while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) { // Because exfat-fuse causes issues with dirent, we will use stat // for some things that dirent should be able to do std::string item = path + "/" + de->d_name; struct stat st; if (lstat(item.c_str(), &st)) { MTPE("Error running lstat on '%s'\n", item.c_str()); return -1; } // TODO: if we want to use this for refreshing dirs too, first find existing name and overwrite if (strcmp(de->d_name, ".") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(de->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; Node* node = addNewNode(st.st_mode & S_IFDIR, tree, de->d_name); node->addProperties(item, storageID); //if (sendEvents) // mServer->sendObjectAdded(node->Mtpid()); // sending events here makes simple-mtpfs very slow, and it is probably the wrong thing to do anyway } closedir(d); // TODO: for refreshing dirs: remove entries that no longer exist (with their nodes) tree->setAlreadyRead(true); addInotify(tree); return 0; } int MtpStorage::deleteFile(MtpObjectHandle handle) { MTPD("MtpStorage::deleteFile handle: %u\n", handle); Node* node = findNode(handle); if (!node) { // Item is not on this storage device return -1; } MtpObjectHandle parent = node->getMtpParentId(); Tree* tree = mtpmap[parent]; if (!tree) { MTPE("parent tree for handle %u not found\n", parent); return -1; } if (node->isDir()) { MTPD("deleting tree from mtpmap: %u\n", handle); mtpmap.erase(handle); } MTPD("deleting handle: %u\n", handle); tree->deleteNode(handle); MTPD("deleted\n"); return 0; } void MtpStorage::queryNodeProperties(std::vector& results, Node* node, uint32_t property, int groupCode, MtpStorageID storageID) { MTPD("queryNodeProperties handle %u, path: %s\n", node->Mtpid(), getNodePath(node).c_str()); PropEntry pe; pe.handle = node->Mtpid(); pe.property = property; if (property == 0xffffffff) { // add all properties MTPD("MtpStorage::queryNodeProperties for all properties\n"); std::vector mtpprop = node->getMtpProps(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mtpprop.size(); ++i) { pe.property = mtpprop[i].property; pe.datatype = mtpprop[i].dataType; pe.intvalue = mtpprop[i].valueInt; pe.strvalue = mtpprop[i].valueStr; results.push_back(pe); } return; } else if (property == 0) { // TODO: use groupCode } // single property // TODO: this should probably be moved to the Node class and/or merged with getObjectPropertyValue switch (property) { // case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FORMAT: // pe.datatype = MTP_TYPE_UINT16; // pe.intvalue = node->getIntProperty(MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FORMAT); // break; case MTP_PROPERTY_STORAGE_ID: pe.datatype = MTP_TYPE_UINT32; pe.intvalue = storageID; break; case MTP_PROPERTY_PROTECTION_STATUS: pe.datatype = MTP_TYPE_UINT16; pe.intvalue = 0; break; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE: { pe.datatype = MTP_TYPE_UINT64; struct stat st; pe.intvalue = 0; if (lstat(getNodePath(node).c_str(), &st) == 0) pe.intvalue = st.st_size; break; } default: { const Node::mtpProperty& prop = node->getProperty(property); if (prop.property != property) { MTPD("queryNodeProperties: unknown property %x\n", property); return; } pe.datatype = prop.dataType; pe.intvalue = prop.valueInt; pe.strvalue = prop.valueStr; // TODO: all the special case stuff in MyMtpDatabase::getObjectPropertyValue is missing here } } results.push_back(pe); } int MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList(MtpObjectHandle handle, uint32_t format, uint32_t property, int groupCode, int depth, MtpDataPacket& packet) { MTPD("MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyList handle: %u, format: %x, property: %x\n", handle, format, property); if (groupCode != 0) { MTPE("getObjectPropertyList: groupCode unsupported\n"); return -1; // TODO: RESPONSE_SPECIFICATION_BY_GROUP_UNSUPPORTED } // TODO: support all the special stuff, like: // handle == 0 -> all objects at the root level // handle == 0xffffffff -> all objects (on all storages? how could we support that?) // format == 0 -> all formats, otherwise filter by ObjectFormatCode // property == 0xffffffff -> all properties except those with group code 0xffffffff // if property == 0 then use groupCode // groupCode == 0 -> return Specification_By_Group_Unsupported // depth == 0xffffffff -> all objects incl. and below handle std::vector results; if (handle == 0xffffffff) { // TODO: all object on all storages (needs a different design, result packet needs to be built by server instead of storage) } else if (handle == 0) { // all objects at the root level Tree* root = mtpmap[0]; MtpObjectHandleList list; root->getmtpids(&list); for (MtpObjectHandleList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { Node* node = root->findNode(*it); if (!node) { MTPE("BUG: node not found for root entry with handle %u\n", *it); break; } queryNodeProperties(results, node, property, groupCode, mStorageID); } } else { // single object Node* node = findNode(handle); if (!node) { // Item is not on this storage device return -1; } queryNodeProperties(results, node, property, groupCode, mStorageID); } MTPD("count: %u\n", results.size()); packet.putUInt32(results.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) { PropEntry& p = results[i]; MTPD("handle: %u, propertyCode: %x = %s, datatype: %x, value: %llu\n", p.handle, p.property, MtpDebug::getObjectPropCodeName(p.property), p.datatype, p.intvalue); packet.putUInt32(p.handle); packet.putUInt16(p.property); packet.putUInt16(p.datatype); switch (p.datatype) { case MTP_TYPE_INT8: MTPD("MTP_TYPE_INT8\n"); packet.putInt8(p.intvalue); break; case MTP_TYPE_UINT8: MTPD("MTP_TYPE_UINT8\n"); packet.putUInt8(p.intvalue); break; case MTP_TYPE_INT16: MTPD("MTP_TYPE_INT16\n"); packet.putInt16(p.intvalue); break; case MTP_TYPE_UINT16: MTPD("MTP_TYPE_UINT16\n"); packet.putUInt16(p.intvalue); break; case MTP_TYPE_INT32: MTPD("MTP_TYPE_INT32\n"); packet.putInt32(p.intvalue); break; case MTP_TYPE_UINT32: MTPD("MTP_TYPE_UINT32\n"); packet.putUInt32(p.intvalue); break; case MTP_TYPE_INT64: MTPD("MTP_TYPE_INT64\n"); packet.putInt64(p.intvalue); break; case MTP_TYPE_UINT64: MTPD("MTP_TYPE_UINT64\n"); packet.putUInt64(p.intvalue); break; case MTP_TYPE_INT128: MTPD("MTP_TYPE_INT128\n"); packet.putInt128(p.intvalue); break; case MTP_TYPE_UINT128: MTPD("MTP_TYPE_UINT128\n"); packet.putUInt128(p.intvalue); break; case MTP_TYPE_STR: MTPD("MTP_TYPE_STR: %s\n", p.strvalue.c_str()); packet.putString(p.strvalue.c_str()); break; default: MTPE("bad or unsupported data type: %x in MyMtpDatabase::getObjectPropertyList", p.datatype); break; } } return 0; } int MtpStorage::renameObject(MtpObjectHandle handle, std::string newName) { MTPD("MtpStorage::renameObject, handle: %u, new name: '%s'\n", handle, newName.c_str()); if (handle == MTP_PARENT_ROOT) { MTPE("parent == MTP_PARENT_ROOT, cannot rename root\n"); return -1; } else { for (iter i = mtpmap.begin(); i != mtpmap.end(); i++) { Node* node = i->second->findNode(handle); if (node != NULL) { std::string oldName = getNodePath(node); std::string parentdir = oldName.substr(0, oldName.find_last_of('/')); std::string newFullName = parentdir + "/" + newName; MTPD("old: '%s', new: '%s'\n", oldName.c_str(), newFullName.c_str()); if (rename(oldName.c_str(), newFullName.c_str()) == 0) { node->rename(newName); return 0; } else { MTPE("MtpStorage::renameObject failed, handle: %u, new name: '%s'\n", handle, newName.c_str()); return -1; } } } } // handle not found on this storage return -1; } int MtpStorage::getObjectPropertyValue(MtpObjectHandle handle, MtpObjectProperty property, MtpStorage::PropEntry& pe) { Node *node; for (iter i = mtpmap.begin(); i != mtpmap.end(); i++) { node = i->second->findNode(handle); if (node != NULL) { const Node::mtpProperty& prop = node->getProperty(property); if (prop.property != property) { MTPD("getObjectPropertyValue: unknown property %x for handle %u\n", property, handle); return -1; } pe.datatype = prop.dataType; pe.intvalue = prop.valueInt; pe.strvalue = prop.valueStr; pe.handle = handle; pe.property = property; return 0; } } // handle not found on this storage return -1; } pthread_t MtpStorage::inotify(void) { pthread_t thread; ThreadPtr inotifyptr = &MtpStorage::inotify_t; PThreadPtr p = *(PThreadPtr*)&inotifyptr; pthread_create(&thread, NULL, p, this); return thread; } int MtpStorage::addInotify(Tree* tree) { std::string path = getNodePath(tree); MTPD("adding inotify for tree %x, dir: %s\n", tree, path.c_str()); int wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, path.c_str(), WATCH_FLAGS); if (wd < 0) { MTPE("inotify_add_watch failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } inotifymap[wd] = tree; return 0; } void MtpStorage::handleInotifyEvent(struct inotify_event* event) { std::map::iterator it = inotifymap.find(event->wd); if (it == inotifymap.end()) { MTPE("Unable to locate inotify_wd: %i\n", event->wd); return; } Tree* tree = it->second; MTPD("inotify_t tree: %x '%s'\n", tree, tree->getName().c_str()); Node* node = tree->findEntryByName(basename(event->name)); if (node && node->Mtpid() == handleCurrentlySending) { MTPD("ignoring inotify event for currently uploading file, handle: %u\n", node->Mtpid()); return; } if (event->mask & IN_CREATE || event->mask & IN_MOVED_TO) { if (event->mask & IN_ISDIR) { MTPD("inotify_t create is dir\n"); } else { MTPD("inotify_t create is file\n"); } if (node == NULL) { node = addNewNode(event->mask & IN_ISDIR, tree, event->name); std::string item = getNodePath(tree) + "/" + event->name; node->addProperties(item, getStorageID()); mServer->sendObjectAdded(node->Mtpid()); } else { MTPD("inotify_t item already exists.\n"); } if (event->mask & IN_ISDIR) { // TODO: do we need to do anything here? probably not until someone reads from the dir... } } else if (event->mask & IN_DELETE || event->mask & IN_MOVED_FROM) { if (event->mask & IN_ISDIR) { MTPD("inotify_t Directory %s deleted\n", event->name); } else { MTPD("inotify_t File %s deleted\n", event->name); } if (node) { if (event->mask & IN_ISDIR) { for (std::map::iterator it = inotifymap.begin(); it != inotifymap.end(); ++it) { if (it->second == node) { inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, it->first); MTPD("inotify_t removing watch on '%s'\n", getNodePath(it->second).c_str()); inotifymap.erase(it->first); break; } } } MtpObjectHandle handle = node->Mtpid(); deleteFile(handle); mServer->sendObjectRemoved(handle); } else { MTPD("inotify_t already removed.\n"); } } else if (event->mask & IN_MODIFY) { MTPD("inotify_t item %s modified.\n", event->name); if (node != NULL) { uint64_t orig_size = node->getProperty(MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE).valueInt; struct stat st; uint64_t new_size = 0; if (lstat(getNodePath(node).c_str(), &st) == 0) new_size = (uint64_t)st.st_size; if (orig_size != new_size) { MTPD("size changed from %llu to %llu on mtpid: %u\n", orig_size, new_size, node->Mtpid()); node->updateProperty(MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE, new_size, "", MTP_TYPE_UINT64); mServer->sendObjectUpdated(node->Mtpid()); } } else { MTPE("inotify_t modified item not found\n"); } } else if (event->mask & IN_DELETE_SELF || event->mask & IN_MOVE_SELF) { // TODO: is this always already handled by IN_DELETE for the parent dir? } } int MtpStorage::inotify_t(void) { #define EVENT_SIZE ( sizeof(struct inotify_event) ) #define EVENT_BUF_LEN ( 1024 * ( EVENT_SIZE + 16) ) char buf[EVENT_BUF_LEN]; MTPD("inotify thread: inotify_init\n"); inotify_fd = inotify_init(); if (inotify_fd < 0) { MTPE("Can't run inotify for mtp server: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } while (true) { int i = 0; int len = read(inotify_fd, buf, EVENT_BUF_LEN); if (len < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; MTPE("inotify_t Can't read inotify events\n"); } while (i < len) { struct inotify_event *event = (struct inotify_event *) &buf[i]; if (event->len) { MTPD("inotify event: wd: %i, mask: %x, name: %s\n", event->wd, event->mask, event->name); lockMutex(1); handleInotifyEvent(event); unlockMutex(1); } i += EVENT_SIZE + event->len; } } for (std::map::iterator i = inotifymap.begin(); i != inotifymap.end(); i++) { inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, i->first); } close(inotify_fd); return 0; } Node* MtpStorage::findNodeByPath(const std::string& path) { MTPD("findNodeByPath: %s\n", path.c_str()); std::string match = path.substr(0, mtpstorageparent.size()); if (match != mtpstorageparent) { // not on this device MTPD("no match: %s is not on storage %s\n", match.c_str(), mtpstorageparent.c_str()); return NULL; } // TODO: fix and test this std::string p = path.substr(mtpstorageparent.size()+1); // cut off "/" after storage root too Tree* tree = mtpmap[0]; // start at storage root Node* node = NULL; while (!p.empty()) { size_t slashpos = p.find('/'); std::string e; if (slashpos != std::string::npos) { e = p; p.clear(); } else { e = p.substr(0, slashpos); p = p.substr(slashpos + 1); } MTPD("path element: %s, rest: %s\n", e.c_str(), p.c_str()); node = tree->findEntryByName(e); if (!node) { MTPE("path element of %s not found: %s\n", path.c_str(), e.c_str()); return NULL; } if (node->isDir()) tree = static_cast(node); else if (!p.empty()) { MTPE("path element of %s is not a directory: %s node: %p\n", path.c_str(), e.c_str(), node); return NULL; } } MTPD("findNodeByPath: found node %p, handle: %u, name: %s\n", node, node->Mtpid(), node->getName().c_str()); return node; } Node* MtpStorage::addNewNode(bool isDir, Tree* tree, const std::string& name) { // global counter for new object handles static MtpObjectHandle mtpid = 0; ++mtpid; MTPD("adding new %s node for %s, new handle: %u\n", isDir ? "dir" : "file", name.c_str(), mtpid); MtpObjectHandle parent = tree->Mtpid(); MTPD("parent tree: %x, handle: %u, name: %s\n", tree, parent, tree->getName().c_str()); Node* node; if (isDir) node = mtpmap[mtpid] = new Tree(mtpid, parent, name); else node = new Node(mtpid, parent, name); tree->addEntry(node); return node; } Node* MtpStorage::findNode(MtpObjectHandle handle) { for (iter i = mtpmap.begin(); i != mtpmap.end(); i++) { Node* node = i->second->findNode(handle); if (node != NULL) { MTPD("findNode: found node %p for handle %u, name: %s\n", node, handle, node->getName().c_str()); if (node->Mtpid() != handle) { MTPE("BUG: entry for handle %u points to node with handle %u\n", handle, node->Mtpid()); } return node; } } // Item is not on this storage device MTPE("MtpStorage::findNode: no node found for handle %u, searched %u trees\n", handle, mtpmap.size()); return NULL; } std::string MtpStorage::getNodePath(Node* node) { std::string path; MTPD("getNodePath: node %p, handle %u\n", node, node->Mtpid()); while (node) { path = "/" + node->getName() + path; MtpObjectHandle parent = node->getMtpParentId(); if (parent == 0) // root break; node = findNode(parent); } path = mtpstorageparent + path; MTPD("getNodePath: path %s\n", path.c_str()); return path; } void MtpStorage::lockMutex(int thread_type) { if (!use_mutex) return; // mutex is disabled if (thread_type) { // inotify thread pthread_mutex_lock(&inMutex); while (pthread_mutex_trylock(&mtpMutex)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&inMutex); usleep(32000); pthread_mutex_lock(&inMutex); } } else { // main mtp thread pthread_mutex_lock(&mtpMutex); while (pthread_mutex_trylock(&inMutex)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtpMutex); usleep(13000); pthread_mutex_lock(&mtpMutex); } } } void MtpStorage::unlockMutex(int thread_type) { if (!use_mutex) return; // mutex is disabled pthread_mutex_unlock(&inMutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtpMutex); }