/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "graphics.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "graphics_adf.h" #include "graphics_drm.h" #include "graphics_fbdev.h" #include "minui/minui.h" static GRFont* gr_font = NULL; static MinuiBackend* gr_backend = nullptr; static int overscan_percent = OVERSCAN_PERCENT; static int overscan_offset_x = 0; static int overscan_offset_y = 0; static uint32_t gr_current = ~0; static constexpr uint32_t alpha_mask = 0xff000000; static GRSurface* gr_draw = NULL; static GRRotation rotation = ROTATION_NONE; static bool outside(int x, int y) { return x < 0 || x >= (rotation % 2 ? gr_draw->height : gr_draw->width) || y < 0 || y >= (rotation % 2 ? gr_draw->width : gr_draw->height); } const GRFont* gr_sys_font() { return gr_font; } int gr_measure(const GRFont* font, const char* s) { if (font == nullptr) { return -1; } return font->char_width * strlen(s); } int gr_font_size(const GRFont* font, int* x, int* y) { if (font == nullptr) { return -1; } *x = font->char_width; *y = font->char_height; return 0; } // Blends gr_current onto pix value, assumes alpha as most significant byte. static inline uint32_t pixel_blend(uint8_t alpha, uint32_t pix) { if (alpha == 255) return gr_current; if (alpha == 0) return pix; uint32_t pix_r = pix & 0xff; uint32_t pix_g = pix & 0xff00; uint32_t pix_b = pix & 0xff0000; uint32_t cur_r = gr_current & 0xff; uint32_t cur_g = gr_current & 0xff00; uint32_t cur_b = gr_current & 0xff0000; uint32_t out_r = (pix_r * (255 - alpha) + cur_r * alpha) / 255; uint32_t out_g = (pix_g * (255 - alpha) + cur_g * alpha) / 255; uint32_t out_b = (pix_b * (255 - alpha) + cur_b * alpha) / 255; return (out_r & 0xff) | (out_g & 0xff00) | (out_b & 0xff0000) | (gr_current & 0xff000000); } // increments pixel pointer right, with current rotation. static void incr_x(uint32_t** p, int row_pixels) { if (rotation % 2) { *p = *p + (rotation == 1 ? 1 : -1) * row_pixels; } else { *p = *p + (rotation ? -1 : 1); } } // increments pixel pointer down, with current rotation. static void incr_y(uint32_t** p, int row_pixels) { if (rotation % 2) { *p = *p + (rotation == 1 ? -1 : 1); } else { *p = *p + (rotation ? -1 : 1) * row_pixels; } } // returns pixel pointer at given coordinates with rotation adjustment. static uint32_t* pixel_at(GRSurface* surf, int x, int y, int row_pixels) { switch (rotation) { case ROTATION_NONE: return reinterpret_cast(surf->data) + y * row_pixels + x; case ROTATION_RIGHT: return reinterpret_cast(surf->data) + x * row_pixels + (surf->width - y); case ROTATION_DOWN: return reinterpret_cast(surf->data) + (surf->height - 1 - y) * row_pixels + (surf->width - 1 - x); case ROTATION_LEFT: return reinterpret_cast(surf->data) + (surf->height - 1 - x) * row_pixels + y; default: printf("invalid rotation %d", rotation); } return nullptr; } static void text_blend(uint8_t* src_p, int src_row_bytes, uint32_t* dst_p, int dst_row_pixels, int width, int height) { uint8_t alpha_current = static_cast((alpha_mask & gr_current) >> 24); for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) { uint8_t* sx = src_p; uint32_t* px = dst_p; for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i, incr_x(&px, dst_row_pixels)) { uint8_t a = *sx++; if (alpha_current < 255) a = (static_cast(a) * alpha_current) / 255; *px = pixel_blend(a, *px); } src_p += src_row_bytes; incr_y(&dst_p, dst_row_pixels); } } void gr_text(const GRFont* font, int x, int y, const char* s, bool bold) { if (!font || !font->texture || (gr_current & alpha_mask) == 0) return; if (font->texture->pixel_bytes != 1) { printf("gr_text: font has wrong format\n"); return; } bold = bold && (font->texture->height != font->char_height); x += overscan_offset_x; y += overscan_offset_y; unsigned char ch; while ((ch = *s++)) { if (outside(x, y) || outside(x + font->char_width - 1, y + font->char_height - 1)) break; if (ch < ' ' || ch > '~') { ch = '?'; } int row_pixels = gr_draw->row_bytes / gr_draw->pixel_bytes; uint8_t* src_p = font->texture->data + ((ch - ' ') * font->char_width) + (bold ? font->char_height * font->texture->row_bytes : 0); uint32_t* dst_p = pixel_at(gr_draw, x, y, row_pixels); text_blend(src_p, font->texture->row_bytes, dst_p, row_pixels, font->char_width, font->char_height); x += font->char_width; } } void gr_texticon(int x, int y, GRSurface* icon) { if (icon == NULL) return; if (icon->pixel_bytes != 1) { printf("gr_texticon: source has wrong format\n"); return; } x += overscan_offset_x; y += overscan_offset_y; if (outside(x, y) || outside(x + icon->width - 1, y + icon->height - 1)) return; int row_pixels = gr_draw->row_bytes / gr_draw->pixel_bytes; uint8_t* src_p = icon->data; uint32_t* dst_p = pixel_at(gr_draw, x, y, row_pixels); text_blend(src_p, icon->row_bytes, dst_p, row_pixels, icon->width, icon->height); } void gr_color(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) { uint32_t r32 = r, g32 = g, b32 = b, a32 = a; #if defined(RECOVERY_ABGR) || defined(RECOVERY_BGRA) gr_current = (a32 << 24) | (r32 << 16) | (g32 << 8) | b32; #else gr_current = (a32 << 24) | (b32 << 16) | (g32 << 8) | r32; #endif } void gr_clear() { if ((gr_current & 0xff) == ((gr_current >> 8) & 0xff) && (gr_current & 0xff) == ((gr_current >> 16) & 0xff) && (gr_current & 0xff) == ((gr_current >> 24) & 0xff) && gr_draw->row_bytes == gr_draw->width * gr_draw->pixel_bytes) { memset(gr_draw->data, gr_current & 0xff, gr_draw->height * gr_draw->row_bytes); } else { uint32_t* px = reinterpret_cast(gr_draw->data); int row_diff = gr_draw->row_bytes / gr_draw->pixel_bytes - gr_draw->width; for (int y = 0; y < gr_draw->height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < gr_draw->width; ++x) { *px++ = gr_current; } px += row_diff; } } } void gr_fill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { x1 += overscan_offset_x; y1 += overscan_offset_y; x2 += overscan_offset_x; y2 += overscan_offset_y; if (outside(x1, y1) || outside(x2 - 1, y2 - 1)) return; int row_pixels = gr_draw->row_bytes / gr_draw->pixel_bytes; uint32_t* p = pixel_at(gr_draw, x1, y1, row_pixels); uint8_t alpha = static_cast(((gr_current & alpha_mask) >> 24)); if (alpha > 0) { for (int y = y1; y < y2; ++y) { uint32_t* px = p; for (int x = x1; x < x2; ++x) { *px = pixel_blend(alpha, *px); incr_x(&px, row_pixels); } incr_y(&p, row_pixels); } } } void gr_blit(GRSurface* source, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int dx, int dy) { if (source == NULL) return; if (gr_draw->pixel_bytes != source->pixel_bytes) { printf("gr_blit: source has wrong format\n"); return; } dx += overscan_offset_x; dy += overscan_offset_y; if (outside(dx, dy) || outside(dx + w - 1, dy + h - 1)) return; if (rotation) { int src_row_pixels = source->row_bytes / source->pixel_bytes; int row_pixels = gr_draw->row_bytes / gr_draw->pixel_bytes; uint32_t* src_py = reinterpret_cast(source->data) + sy * source->row_bytes / 4 + sx; uint32_t* dst_py = pixel_at(gr_draw, dx, dy, row_pixels); for (int y = 0; y < h; y += 1) { uint32_t* src_px = src_py; uint32_t* dst_px = dst_py; for (int x = 0; x < w; x += 1) { *dst_px = *src_px++; incr_x(&dst_px, row_pixels); } src_py += src_row_pixels; incr_y(&dst_py, row_pixels); } } else { unsigned char* src_p = source->data + sy * source->row_bytes + sx * source->pixel_bytes; unsigned char* dst_p = gr_draw->data + dy * gr_draw->row_bytes + dx * gr_draw->pixel_bytes; int i; for (i = 0; i < h; ++i) { memcpy(dst_p, src_p, w * source->pixel_bytes); src_p += source->row_bytes; dst_p += gr_draw->row_bytes; } } } unsigned int gr_get_width(GRSurface* surface) { if (surface == NULL) { return 0; } return surface->width; } unsigned int gr_get_height(GRSurface* surface) { if (surface == NULL) { return 0; } return surface->height; } int gr_init_font(const char* name, GRFont** dest) { GRFont* font = static_cast(calloc(1, sizeof(*gr_font))); if (font == nullptr) { return -1; } int res = res_create_alpha_surface(name, &(font->texture)); if (res < 0) { free(font); return res; } // The font image should be a 96x2 array of character images. The // columns are the printable ASCII characters 0x20 - 0x7f. The // top row is regular text; the bottom row is bold. font->char_width = font->texture->width / 96; font->char_height = font->texture->height / 2; *dest = font; return 0; } void gr_flip() { gr_draw = gr_backend->Flip(); } int gr_init() { int ret = gr_init_font("font", &gr_font); if (ret != 0) { printf("Failed to init font: %d, continuing graphic backend initialization without font file\n", ret); } auto backend = std::unique_ptr{ std::make_unique() }; gr_draw = backend->Init(); if (!gr_draw) { backend = std::make_unique(); gr_draw = backend->Init(); } if (!gr_draw) { backend = std::make_unique(); gr_draw = backend->Init(); } if (!gr_draw) { return -1; } gr_backend = backend.release(); overscan_offset_x = gr_draw->width * overscan_percent / 100; overscan_offset_y = gr_draw->height * overscan_percent / 100; gr_flip(); gr_flip(); gr_rotate(DEFAULT_ROTATION); if (gr_draw->pixel_bytes != 4) { printf("gr_init: Only 4-byte pixel formats supported\n"); } return 0; } void gr_exit() { delete gr_backend; } int gr_fb_width() { return rotation % 2 ? gr_draw->height - 2 * overscan_offset_y : gr_draw->width - 2 * overscan_offset_x; } int gr_fb_height() { return rotation % 2 ? gr_draw->width - 2 * overscan_offset_x : gr_draw->height - 2 * overscan_offset_y; } void gr_fb_blank(bool blank) { gr_backend->Blank(blank); } void gr_rotate(GRRotation rot) { rotation = rot; }