diff options
authorTao Bao <>2018-06-05 02:10:18 +0200
committerandroid-build-merger <>2018-06-05 02:10:18 +0200
commit0ac309bfcb7776c56fa9ca96ca539278e8247b10 (patch)
parentMerge "updater_sample: validate state only once" am: 02ee7bf29d am: 8bb3085865 (diff)
parentMerge "tests: Add ResumableUpdaterTest." am: a21a63bf56 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/component/updater_test.cpp b/tests/component/updater_test.cpp
index de8fafd30..6f3a3a2a7 100644
--- a/tests/component/updater_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/component/updater_test.cpp
@@ -828,3 +828,230 @@ TEST_F(UpdaterTest, last_command_verify) {
RunBlockImageUpdate(true, entries, image_file_, "t");
ASSERT_EQ(-1, access(last_command_file_.c_str(), R_OK));
+class ResumableUpdaterTest : public testing::TestWithParam<size_t> {
+ protected:
+ void SetUp() override {
+ RegisterBuiltins();
+ RegisterInstallFunctions();
+ RegisterBlockImageFunctions();
+ Paths::Get().set_cache_temp_source(temp_saved_source_.path);
+ Paths::Get().set_last_command_file(temp_last_command_.path);
+ Paths::Get().set_stash_directory_base(temp_stash_base_.path);
+ index_ = GetParam();
+ image_file_ = image_temp_file_.path;
+ last_command_file_ = temp_last_command_.path;
+ }
+ void TearDown() override {
+ // Clean up the last_command_file if any.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::RemoveFileIfExists(last_command_file_));
+ // Clear partition updated marker if any.
+ std::string updated_marker{ temp_stash_base_.path };
+ updated_marker += "/" + get_sha1(image_temp_file_.path) + ".UPDATED";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::RemoveFileIfExists(updated_marker));
+ }
+ TemporaryFile temp_saved_source_;
+ TemporaryDir temp_stash_base_;
+ std::string last_command_file_;
+ std::string image_file_;
+ size_t index_;
+ private:
+ TemporaryFile temp_last_command_;
+ TemporaryFile image_temp_file_;
+static std::string g_source_image;
+static std::string g_target_image;
+static PackageEntries g_entries;
+static std::vector<std::string> GenerateTransferList() {
+ std::string a(4096, 'a');
+ std::string b(4096, 'b');
+ std::string c(4096, 'c');
+ std::string d(4096, 'd');
+ std::string e(4096, 'e');
+ std::string f(4096, 'f');
+ std::string g(4096, 'g');
+ std::string h(4096, 'h');
+ std::string i(4096, 'i');
+ std::string zero(4096, '\0');
+ std::string a_hash = get_sha1(a);
+ std::string b_hash = get_sha1(b);
+ std::string c_hash = get_sha1(c);
+ std::string e_hash = get_sha1(e);
+ auto loc = [](const std::string& range_text) {
+ std::vector<std::string> pieces = android::base::Split(range_text, "-");
+ size_t left;
+ size_t right;
+ if (pieces.size() == 1) {
+ CHECK(android::base::ParseUint(pieces[0], &left));
+ right = left + 1;
+ } else {
+ CHECK_EQ(2u, pieces.size());
+ CHECK(android::base::ParseUint(pieces[0], &left));
+ CHECK(android::base::ParseUint(pieces[1], &right));
+ right++;
+ }
+ return android::base::StringPrintf("2,%zu,%zu", left, right);
+ };
+ // patch 1: "b d c" -> "g"
+ TemporaryFile patch_file_bdc_g;
+ std::string bdc = b + d + c;
+ std::string bdc_hash = get_sha1(bdc);
+ std::string g_hash = get_sha1(g);
+ CHECK_EQ(0, bsdiff::bsdiff(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, bdc.size(),
+ reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, g.size(),
+ patch_file_bdc_g.path, nullptr));
+ std::string patch_bdc_g;
+ CHECK(android::base::ReadFileToString(patch_file_bdc_g.path, &patch_bdc_g));
+ // patch 2: "a b c d" -> "d c b"
+ TemporaryFile patch_file_abcd_dcb;
+ std::string abcd = a + b + c + d;
+ std::string abcd_hash = get_sha1(abcd);
+ std::string dcb = d + c + b;
+ std::string dcb_hash = get_sha1(dcb);
+ CHECK_EQ(0, bsdiff::bsdiff(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, abcd.size(),
+ reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, dcb.size(),
+ patch_file_abcd_dcb.path, nullptr));
+ std::string patch_abcd_dcb;
+ CHECK(android::base::ReadFileToString(patch_file_abcd_dcb.path, &patch_abcd_dcb));
+ std::vector<std::string> transfer_list{
+ "4",
+ "10", // total blocks written
+ "2", // maximum stash entries
+ "2", // maximum number of stashed blocks
+ // a b c d e a b c d e
+ "stash " + b_hash + " " + loc("1"),
+ // a b c d e a b c d e [b(1)]
+ "stash " + c_hash + " " + loc("2"),
+ // a b c d e a b c d e [b(1)][c(2)]
+ "new " + loc("1-2"),
+ // a i h d e a b c d e [b(1)][c(2)]
+ "zero " + loc("0"),
+ // 0 i h d e a b c d e [b(1)][c(2)]
+ // bsdiff "b d c" (from stash, 3, stash) to get g(3)
+ android::base::StringPrintf(
+ "bsdiff 0 %zu %s %s %s 3 %s %s %s:%s %s:%s",
+ patch_bdc_g.size(), // patch start (0), patch length
+ bdc_hash.c_str(), // source hash
+ g_hash.c_str(), // target hash
+ loc("3").c_str(), // target range
+ loc("3").c_str(), loc("1").c_str(), // load "d" from block 3, into buffer at offset 1
+ b_hash.c_str(), loc("0").c_str(), // load "b" from stash, into buffer at offset 0
+ c_hash.c_str(), loc("2").c_str()), // load "c" from stash, into buffer at offset 2
+ // 0 i h g e a b c d e [b(1)][c(2)]
+ "free " + b_hash,
+ // 0 i h g e a b c d e [c(2)]
+ "free " + a_hash,
+ // 0 i h g e a b c d e
+ "stash " + a_hash + " " + loc("5"),
+ // 0 i h g e a b c d e [a(5)]
+ "move " + e_hash + " " + loc("5") + " 1 " + loc("4"),
+ // 0 i h g e e b c d e [a(5)]
+ // bsdiff "a b c d" (from stash, 6-8) to "d c b" (6-8)
+ android::base::StringPrintf( //
+ "bsdiff %zu %zu %s %s %s 4 %s %s %s:%s",
+ patch_bdc_g.size(), // patch start
+ patch_bdc_g.size() + patch_abcd_dcb.size(), // patch length
+ abcd_hash.c_str(), // source hash
+ dcb_hash.c_str(), // target hash
+ loc("6-8").c_str(), // target range
+ loc("6-8").c_str(), // load "b c d" from blocks 6-8
+ loc("1-3").c_str(), // into buffer at offset 1-3
+ a_hash.c_str(), // load "a" from stash
+ loc("0").c_str()), // into buffer at offset 0
+ // 0 i h g e e d c b e [a(5)]
+ "new " + loc("4"),
+ // 0 i h g f e d c b e [a(5)]
+ "move " + a_hash + " " + loc("9") + " 1 - " + a_hash + ":" + loc("0"),
+ // 0 i h g f e d c b a [a(5)]
+ "free " + a_hash,
+ // 0 i h g f e d c b a
+ };
+ std::string new_data = i + h + f;
+ std::string patch_data = patch_bdc_g + patch_abcd_dcb;
+ g_entries = {
+ { "new_data", new_data },
+ { "patch_data", patch_data },
+ };
+ g_source_image = a + b + c + d + e + a + b + c + d + e;
+ g_target_image = zero + i + h + g + f + e + d + c + b + a;
+ return transfer_list;
+static const std::vector<std::string> g_transfer_list = GenerateTransferList();
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(InterruptAfterEachCommand, ResumableUpdaterTest,
+ ::testing::Range(static_cast<size_t>(0),
+ g_transfer_list.size() - kTransferListHeaderLines));
+TEST_P(ResumableUpdaterTest, InterruptVerifyResume) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFile(g_source_image, image_file_));
+ LOG(INFO) << "Interrupting at line " << index_ << " ("
+ << g_transfer_list[kTransferListHeaderLines + index_] << ")";
+ std::vector<std::string> transfer_list_copy{ g_transfer_list };
+ transfer_list_copy[kTransferListHeaderLines + index_] = "fail";
+ g_entries["transfer_list"] = android::base::Join(transfer_list_copy, '\n');
+ // Run update that's expected to fail.
+ RunBlockImageUpdate(false, g_entries, image_file_, "");
+ std::string last_command_expected;
+ // Assert the last_command_file.
+ if (index_ == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(-1, access(last_command_file_.c_str(), R_OK));
+ } else {
+ last_command_expected =
+ std::to_string(index_ - 1) + "\n" + g_transfer_list[kTransferListHeaderLines + index_ - 1];
+ std::string last_command_actual;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::ReadFileToString(last_command_file_, &last_command_actual));
+ ASSERT_EQ(last_command_expected, last_command_actual);
+ }
+ g_entries["transfer_list"] = android::base::Join(g_transfer_list, '\n');
+ // Resume the interrupted update, by doing verification first.
+ RunBlockImageUpdate(true, g_entries, image_file_, "t");
+ // last_command_file should remain intact.
+ if (index_ == 0) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(-1, access(last_command_file_.c_str(), R_OK));
+ } else {
+ std::string last_command_actual;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::ReadFileToString(last_command_file_, &last_command_actual));
+ ASSERT_EQ(last_command_expected, last_command_actual);
+ }
+ // Resume the update.
+ RunBlockImageUpdate(false, g_entries, image_file_, "t");
+ // last_command_file should be gone after successful update.
+ ASSERT_EQ(-1, access(last_command_file_.c_str(), R_OK));
+ std::string updated_image_actual;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::ReadFileToString(image_file_, &updated_image_actual));
+ ASSERT_EQ(g_target_image, updated_image_actual);
diff --git a/updater/blockimg.cpp b/updater/blockimg.cpp
index 4adb974cb..bdb64636b 100644
--- a/updater/blockimg.cpp
+++ b/updater/blockimg.cpp
@@ -1498,6 +1498,7 @@ static Value* PerformBlockImageUpdate(const char* name, State* state,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Expr>>& argv,
const CommandMap& command_map, bool dryrun) {
CommandParameters params = {};
+ stash_map.clear();
params.canwrite = !dryrun;
LOG(INFO) << "performing " << (dryrun ? "verification" : "update");