package net.gcdc.asn1.test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.util.logging.Level; import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.Asn1Optional; import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.HasExtensionMarker; import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.IsExtension; import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.Sequence; import net.gcdc.asn1.uper.UperEncoder; import org.junit.Test; public class UperEncodeEnumExtensionTest { /*** Example from the Standard on UPER.
            value EnumType DEFAULT value2

    EnumType ::= ENUMERATED {	
		value1 (0),
		value2 (1)
*/ @Sequence public static class TestRecord { @Asn1Optional EnumType value = EnumType.value1; public TestRecord() {} public void setValue(EnumType value) { this.value = value; } } /*** Example from the Standard on UPER. TestRecord ::= [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { value EnumType DEFAULT value2, } EnumType ::= ENUMERATED { value1 (0), value2 (1) ,... value3 (2) } */ @Sequence public static class TestRecordExtended { @Asn1Optional EnumTypeExtended value = EnumTypeExtended.value3; public TestRecordExtended() {} public void setValue(EnumTypeExtended value) { this.value = value; } } @HasExtensionMarker public enum EnumType { value1("value1"), value2("value2"); public String text; EnumType(String text) { this.text = text; } public String toString(){ return text; } } @HasExtensionMarker public enum EnumTypeExtended { value1("value1"), value2("value2"), @IsExtension value3("value3"); public String text; EnumTypeExtended(String text) { this.text = text; } public String toString(){ return text; } } @Test public void testExtension() throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { TestRecordExtended record = new TestRecordExtended(); record.setValue(EnumTypeExtended.value3); byte[] encoded = UperEncoder.encode(record); String hex = UperEncoder.hexStringFromBytes(encoded); UperEncoder.logger.log(Level.FINEST,String.format("Enum value3: data hex: %s", hex)); assertEquals("C000", hex); } @Test public void testExtensionDecoding() throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { TestRecordExtended record = new TestRecordExtended(); record.setValue(EnumTypeExtended.value3); byte[] encoded = UperEncoder.encode(record); String hex = UperEncoder.hexStringFromBytes(encoded); UperEncoder.logger.log(Level.FINEST,String.format("Enum value3: data hex: %s", hex)); assertEquals("C000", hex); TestRecordExtended result = UperEncoder.decode(encoded, TestRecordExtended.class); assertEquals(result.value,EnumTypeExtended.value3); } @Test public void testUnknownExtensionDecoding() throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { TestRecordExtended record = new TestRecordExtended(); byte[] encoded = UperEncoder.encode(record); String hex = UperEncoder.hexStringFromBytes(encoded); UperEncoder.logger.log(Level.FINEST,String.format("Enum value3: data hex: %s", hex)); assertEquals("C000", hex); TestRecord result = UperEncoder.decode(encoded, TestRecord.class); assert(result.value == null); } }