import numpy as np import time import serial from tqdm import tnrange, tqdm import random from pulsegen import PicoPulseGen # Open serial interface # I'm using this to detect when the glitch was successful try: ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200) except Exception as e: print('Could not open /dev/ttyUSB0') exit() # Connect to modchip try: glitcher = PicoPulseGen('/dev/ttyACM0')'Connected to modchip') # You have to figure out the trig_edges parameter # You have to figure out ranges for the pulse_offset and pulse_width parameters glitcher.trig_edges = 0 glitcher.pulse_offset = 0 glitcher.pulse_width = 0 glitcher.set_gpio(0) except Exception as e: print('Could not connect to modchip') exit() input("Press enter to start.") def generator(): while True: yield idx = 0 success = False for _ in tqdm(generator()): if idx % 10 == 0: # Pulse width and offset are expressed in number of cycles of the PIO state machine operating frequency (default in the provided fw is 250MHz). glitch_width = random.randint(A, B) # You have to figure out good ranges here glitch_offset = random.randint(C, D) glitcher.pulse_offset = glitch_offset glitcher.pulse_width = glitch_width ser.reset_input_buffer() glitcher.arm() # Arm the modchip, it will try to power up the UT and will wait for the number of set trigger pulses to occur before inserting a glitch glitcher.wait_trig(timeout=5) # Waits for the modchip to signal it has triggered. The modchip will be disarmed if no glitch has occurred within 5 seconds. time.sleep(0.55) # Have to wait for the second stage to start to see serial output data = if b'LENNERT' in data: # a check to determine if the glitch was successful. My BL2 has been modified to print LENNERT. success = True break glitcher.set_gpio(0) # Disables the core voltage regulator. The modchip firmware will re-enable the regulator automatically on the next glitch attempt. time.sleep(0.1) idx += 1 if success: print('Glitch successul!') logger.debug('%d, %d, %d' %(idx, glitch_width, glitch_offset)) logger.debug(data.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) ser.close() glitcher.close()