//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992. // // File: StgVarA.hxx - Storage Variant Class with/Allocation support // // Contents: C++ Alloc wrapper for PROPVARIANT. // // History: 01-Aug-94 KyleP Created // 09-May-96 MikeHill Use the 'boolVal' member of PropVariant, // rather than the member named 'bool' // (which is a reserved keyword). // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined(__STGVARA_HXX__) #define __STGVARA_HXX__ #include //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CAllocStorageVariant // // Purpose: C++ wrapper for PROPVARIANT // // History: 01-Aug-94 KyleP Created // // Notes: This class should only be instantiated through subclasses that // define PMemoryAllocator. CStorageVariant is the most common // subclass, which uses CoTaskMemAlloc/Free inside its allocator. // // Constructors that allocate memory require a PMemoryAllocator. // The destructor is private to force use of the ResetType() // method, which also requires a PMemoryAllocator. // // A couple of variant arms are not implemented below. // VT_BSTR because its type signature is identical to that of // VT_LPSTR. // // Some types are duplicate base types with a different variant // tag. These include: // VARIANT_BOOL (short) // SCODE (long) // DATE (double) // We cannot create trivial constructors for the above because // of the type collision. You must use the Set methods. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CAllocStorageVariant: public CBaseStorageVariant { public: // // Simple types // CAllocStorageVariant() { vt = VT_EMPTY; } CAllocStorageVariant(short i) { vt = VT_I2; iVal = i; } CAllocStorageVariant(long l) { vt = VT_I4; lVal = l; } CAllocStorageVariant(LARGE_INTEGER h) { vt = VT_I8; hVal = h; } CAllocStorageVariant(float flt) { vt = VT_R4; fltVal = flt; } CAllocStorageVariant(double dbl) { vt = VT_R8; dblVal = dbl; } CAllocStorageVariant(CY cy) { vt = VT_CY; cyVal = cy; } CAllocStorageVariant(FILETIME ft) { vt = VT_FILETIME; filetime = ft; } // // Types with indirection // CAllocStorageVariant(BLOB b, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(b.pBlobData, b.cbSize, ma); } CAllocStorageVariant(BYTE *pb, ULONG cb, PMemoryAllocator &ma); CAllocStorageVariant(char const *psz, PMemoryAllocator &ma); CAllocStorageVariant(WCHAR const *pwsz, PMemoryAllocator &ma); CAllocStorageVariant(CLSID const *pcid, PMemoryAllocator &ma); // // Interface types // CAllocStorageVariant(IStream *pstr, PMemoryAllocator &ma); CAllocStorageVariant(IStorage *pstor, PMemoryAllocator &ma); // // Counted array types. Elements initially zeroed. Use Set/Get/Size // for access. // CAllocStorageVariant(VARENUM vt, ULONG cElements, PMemoryAllocator &ma); // // To/From C style PROPVARIANT and copy constructor // CAllocStorageVariant(PROPVARIANT &var, PMemoryAllocator &ma); operator PROPVARIANT *() const { return((PROPVARIANT *) this); } operator PROPVARIANT &() const { return(*(PROPVARIANT *) this); } operator PROPVARIANT const *() { return((PROPVARIANT *) this); } operator PROPVARIANT const &() { return(*(PROPVARIANT *) this); } CAllocStorageVariant(PDeSerStream &stm, PMemoryAllocator &ma); // // Casts for simple types. // operator short() const { return(iVal); } operator USHORT() const { return(uiVal); } operator long() const { return(lVal); } operator ULONG() const { return(ulVal); } operator LARGE_INTEGER() const { return(hVal); } operator ULARGE_INTEGER() const { return(uhVal); } operator float() const { return(fltVal); } operator double() const { return(dblVal); } operator CY() const { return(cyVal); } operator FILETIME() const { return(filetime); } operator char const *() const { return(pszVal); } operator WCHAR const *() const { return(pwszVal); } operator IStream *() const { return(pStream); } operator IStorage *() const { return(pStorage); } BOOL IsValid() const; // // Member variable access // VARENUM Type() const { return((VARENUM) vt); } // // Set/Get, all types including arrays. // void SetEMPTY(PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_EMPTY; } void SetNULL(PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_NULL; } void SetUI1(BYTE b, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_UI1; bVal = b; } BYTE GetUI1() const { return bVal; } void SetI2(short i, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(i); } short GetI2() const { return(iVal); } void SetUI2(USHORT ui, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_UI2; uiVal = ui; } ULONG GetUI2() const { return(uiVal); } void SetI4(long l, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(l); } long GetI4() const { return(lVal); } void SetUI4(ULONG ul, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_UI4; ulVal = ul; } ULONG GetUI4() const { return(ulVal); } void SetR4(float f, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(f); } float GetR4() const { return(fltVal); } void SetR8(double d, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(d); } double GetR8() const { return(dblVal); } void SetI8(LARGE_INTEGER li, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(li); } LARGE_INTEGER GetI8() const { return(hVal); } void SetUI8(ULARGE_INTEGER uli, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_UI8; uhVal = uli; } ULARGE_INTEGER GetUI8() const { return(uhVal); } void SetBOOL(VARIANT_BOOL b, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_BOOL; boolVal = b; } VARIANT_BOOL GetBOOL() const { return(boolVal); } void SetERROR(SCODE sc, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_ERROR; scode = sc; } SCODE GetERROR() const { return(scode); } void SetCY(CY cy, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(cy); } CY GetCY() const { return(cyVal); } void SetDATE(DATE d, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_DATE; date = d; } DATE GetDATE() const { return(date); } void SetBSTR(BSTR b, PMemoryAllocator &ma); BSTR GetBSTR() const { return(bstrVal); } // No ownership xfer! void SetLPSTR(char const *psz, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(psz, ma); } char const *GetLPSTR() const { return(pszVal); } // No ownership xfer! void SetLPWSTR(WCHAR const *pwsz, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(pwsz, ma); } WCHAR const *GetLPWSTR() const { return(pwszVal); } // No owner xfer! void SetFILETIME(FILETIME ft, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(ft); } FILETIME GetFILETIME() const { return(filetime); } void SetBLOB(BLOB b, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(b, ma); } BLOB GetBLOB() const { return(blob); } // No ownership xfer! void SetSTREAM(IStream *ps, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_STREAM; pStream = ps; ps->AddRef(); } IStream *GetSTREAM() const { return(pStream); } void SetSTREAMED_OBJECT(IStream *ps, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_STREAMED_OBJECT; pStream = ps; ps->AddRef(); } IStream *GetSTREAMED_OBJECT() const { return(pStream); } void SetSTORAGE(IStorage *ps, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_STORAGE; pStorage = ps; ps->AddRef(); } IStorage *GetSTORAGE() const { return(pStorage); } void SetSTORED_OBJECT(IStorage *ps, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); vt = VT_STORED_OBJECT; pStorage = ps; ps->AddRef(); } IStorage *GetSTORED_OBJECT() const { return(pStorage); } void SetCLSID(CLSID const *pc, PMemoryAllocator &ma) { ResetType(ma); new (this) CAllocStorageVariant(pc, ma); } CLSID const *GetCLSID() const { return(puuid); } // No ownership xfer! // // Array access // inline ULONG Count() const; void SetUI1(BYTE b, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); BYTE GetUI1(unsigned pos) const; void SetI2(short i, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); short GetI2(unsigned pos) const; void SetUI2(USHORT ui, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); USHORT GetUI2(unsigned pos) const; void SetI4(long l, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); long GetI4(unsigned pos) const; void SetUI4(ULONG ul, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); ULONG GetUI4(unsigned pos) const; void SetI8(LARGE_INTEGER li, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); LARGE_INTEGER GetI8(unsigned pos) const; void SetUI8(ULARGE_INTEGER uli, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); ULARGE_INTEGER GetUI8(unsigned pos) const; void SetR4(float f, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); float GetR4(unsigned pos) const; void SetR8(double d, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); double GetR8(unsigned pos) const; void SetBOOL(VARIANT_BOOL b, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); VARIANT_BOOL GetBOOL(unsigned pos) const; void SetCY(CY c, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); CY GetCY(unsigned pos) const; void SetDATE(DATE d, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); DATE GetDATE(unsigned pos) const; void SetBSTR(BSTR b, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); BSTR GetBSTR(unsigned pos) const { return cabstr.pElems[pos]; } // void SetVARIANT(CAllocStorageVariant var, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); inline CAllocStorageVariant & GetVARIANT(unsigned pos) const; void SetLPSTR(char const *psz, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); char *GetLPSTR(unsigned pos) const; void SetLPWSTR(WCHAR const *pwsz, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); WCHAR *GetLPWSTR(unsigned pos) const; void SetFILETIME(FILETIME f, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); FILETIME GetFILETIME(unsigned pos) const; void SetCLSID(CLSID c, unsigned pos, PMemoryAllocator &ma); CLSID GetCLSID(unsigned pos) const; protected: // // Manual & Default Destructor // void ResetType(PMemoryAllocator &ma); ~CAllocStorageVariant(); // // Memory allocation. Returns passed parameter only. // void *operator new(size_t size, void *p) { return(p); } private: BOOLEAN _AddStringToVector( unsigned pos, VOID *pv, ULONG cb, PMemoryAllocator &ma); }; inline ULONG CAllocStorageVariant::Count() const { if (Type() & VT_VECTOR) { return( cai.cElems ); } return( 0 ); } inline CAllocStorageVariant & CAllocStorageVariant::GetVARIANT(unsigned pos) const { return (CAllocStorageVariant &) capropvar.pElems[pos]; } #endif // __STGVARA_HXX__