/*++ Copyright (c) 1992-1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: rpcproxy.h Abstract: Definitions for rpc proxy stubs. Compiler switches: -DREGISTER_PROXY_DLL Generates DllMain, DllRegisterServer, and DllUnregisterServer functions for automatically registering a proxy DLL. -DPROXY_CLSID=clsid Specifies a class ID to be used by the proxy DLL. -DPROXY_CLSID_IS={0x6f11fe5c,0x2fc5,0x101b,{0x9e,0x45,0x00,0x00,0x0b,0x65,0xc7,0xef}} Specifies the value of the class ID to be used by the proxy DLL. -DNT35_STRICT Specifies that the target platform is Windows NT 3.5. This switch disables the new functions added after the Windows NT 3.5 release. --*/ #ifndef __RPCPROXY_H__ #define __RPCPROXY_H__ #define __midl_proxy #ifndef INC_OLE2 #define INC_OLE2 #endif #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_MPPC_) //We need to define REFIID, REFCLSID, REFGUID, & REFFMTID here so that the //proxy code won't get the const GUID *const definition. #ifndef GUID_DEFINED #define GUID_DEFINED typedef struct _GUID { unsigned long Data1; unsigned short Data2; unsigned short Data3; unsigned char Data4[8]; } GUID; #endif /* GUID_DEFINED */ #if !defined( __IID_DEFINED__ ) #define __IID_DEFINED__ typedef GUID IID; typedef IID *LPIID; #define IID_NULL GUID_NULL #define IsEqualIID(riid1, riid2) IsEqualGUID(riid1, riid2) typedef GUID CLSID; typedef CLSID *LPCLSID; #define CLSID_NULL GUID_NULL #define IsEqualCLSID(rclsid1, rclsid2) IsEqualGUID(rclsid1, rclsid2) typedef GUID FMTID; typedef FMTID *LPFMTID; #define FMTID_NULL GUID_NULL #define IsEqualFMTID(rfmtid1, rfmtid2) IsEqualGUID(rfmtid1, rfmtid2) #ifndef _REFGUID_DEFINED #define _REFGUID_DEFINED typedef const GUID *REFGUID; #endif // !_REFGUID_DEFINED #ifndef _REFIID_DEFINED #define _REFIID_DEFINED typedef const IID *REFIID; #endif // !_REFIID_DEFINED #ifndef _REFCLSID_DEFINED #define _REFCLSID_DEFINED typedef const CLSID *REFCLSID; #endif // !_REFCLSID_DEFINED #ifndef _REFFMTID_DEFINED #define _REFFMTID_DEFINED typedef const FMTID *REFFMTID; #endif // !_REFFMTID_DEFINED #endif // !__IID_DEFINED__ // forward declarations struct tagCInterfaceStubVtbl; struct tagCInterfaceProxyVtbl; typedef struct tagCInterfaceStubVtbl * PCInterfaceStubVtblList; typedef struct tagCInterfaceProxyVtbl * PCInterfaceProxyVtblList; typedef const char * PCInterfaceName; typedef int __stdcall IIDLookupRtn( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex ); typedef IIDLookupRtn * PIIDLookup; // pointers to arrays of CInterfaceProxyVtbl's and CInterfaceStubVtbls typedef struct tagProxyFileInfo { const PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *pProxyVtblList; const PCInterfaceStubVtblList *pStubVtblList; const PCInterfaceName * pNamesArray; const IID ** pDelegatedIIDs; const PIIDLookup pIIDLookupRtn; unsigned short TableSize; unsigned short TableVersion; unsigned long Filler1; unsigned long Filler2; unsigned long Filler3; unsigned long Filler4; }ProxyFileInfo; // extended info with list of interface names typedef ProxyFileInfo ExtendedProxyFileInfo; #include #include #include #include typedef struct tagCInterfaceProxyHeader { // // New fields should be added here, at the beginning of the structure. // #ifdef USE_STUBLESS_PROXY const void * pStublessProxyInfo; #endif const IID * piid; } CInterfaceProxyHeader; // Macro used for ANSI compatible stubs. #if defined(_MPPC_) #define CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE( n ) \ struct \ { \ CInterfaceProxyHeader header; \ void * pDummyEntryForPowerMac; \ void *Vtbl[ n ]; \ } #else #define CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE( n ) \ struct \ { \ CInterfaceProxyHeader header; \ void *Vtbl[ n ]; \ } #endif #pragma warning( disable:4200 ) typedef struct tagCInterfaceProxyVtbl { CInterfaceProxyHeader header; #if defined(_MPPC_) void * pDummyEntryForPowerMac; #endif #if defined( _MSC_VER ) void *Vtbl[]; #else void *Vtbl[1]; #endif } CInterfaceProxyVtbl; #pragma warning( default:4200 ) typedef void (__RPC_STUB __RPC_FAR * PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION) ( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer * _pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwStubPhase); typedef struct tagCInterfaceStubHeader { //New fields should be added here, at the beginning of the structure. const IID *piid; const MIDL_SERVER_INFO *pServerInfo; unsigned long DispatchTableCount; const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION *pDispatchTable; } CInterfaceStubHeader; typedef struct tagCInterfaceStubVtbl { CInterfaceStubHeader header; IRpcStubBufferVtbl Vtbl; } CInterfaceStubVtbl; typedef struct tagCStdStubBuffer { const struct IRpcStubBufferVtbl * lpVtbl; //Points to Vtbl field in CInterfaceStubVtbl. long RefCount; struct IUnknown * pvServerObject; } CStdStubBuffer; typedef struct tagCStdPSFactoryBuffer { const IPSFactoryBufferVtbl *lpVtbl; long RefCount; const ProxyFileInfo ** pProxyFileList; long Filler1; //Reserved for future use. } CStdPSFactoryBuffer; void RPC_ENTRY NdrProxyInitialize( void * This, PRPC_MESSAGE pRpcMsg, PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, PMIDL_STUB_DESC pStubDescriptor, unsigned int ProcNum ); void RPC_ENTRY NdrProxyGetBuffer( void * This, PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg); void RPC_ENTRY NdrProxySendReceive( void *This, MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); void RPC_ENTRY NdrProxyFreeBuffer( void *This, MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); HRESULT RPC_ENTRY NdrProxyErrorHandler( DWORD dwExceptionCode); void RPC_ENTRY NdrStubInitialize( PRPC_MESSAGE pRpcMsg, PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, PMIDL_STUB_DESC pStubDescriptor, IRpcChannelBuffer * pRpcChannelBuffer); void __RPC_STUB NdrStubForwardingFunction( IN IRpcStubBuffer * This, IN IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel, IN PRPC_MESSAGE pmsg, OUT DWORD __RPC_FAR * pdwStubPhase); void RPC_ENTRY NdrStubGetBuffer( IRpcStubBuffer * This, IRpcChannelBuffer * pRpcChannelBuffer, PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg); HRESULT RPC_ENTRY NdrStubErrorHandler( DWORD dwExceptionCode); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_QueryInterface( IRpcStubBuffer *This, REFIID riid, void **ppvObject); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_AddRef( IRpcStubBuffer *This); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_Release( IRpcStubBuffer *This); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE NdrCStdStubBuffer_Release( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IPSFactoryBuffer * pPSF); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_Connect( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IUnknown *pUnkServer); void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_Disconnect( IRpcStubBuffer *This); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_Invoke( IRpcStubBuffer *This, RPCOLEMESSAGE *pRpcMsg, IRpcChannelBuffer *pRpcChannelBuffer); IRpcStubBuffer * STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_IsIIDSupported( IRpcStubBuffer *This, REFIID riid); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_CountRefs( IRpcStubBuffer *This); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_DebugServerQueryInterface( IRpcStubBuffer *This, void **ppv); void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_DebugServerRelease( IRpcStubBuffer *This, void *pv); #if defined(_MPPC_) #define CStdStubBuffer_METHODS \ 0, /* a PowerMac dummy */ \ CStdStubBuffer_QueryInterface,\ CStdStubBuffer_AddRef, \ CStdStubBuffer_Release, \ CStdStubBuffer_Connect, \ CStdStubBuffer_Disconnect, \ CStdStubBuffer_Invoke, \ CStdStubBuffer_IsIIDSupported, \ CStdStubBuffer_CountRefs, \ CStdStubBuffer_DebugServerQueryInterface, \ CStdStubBuffer_DebugServerRelease #else #define CStdStubBuffer_METHODS \ CStdStubBuffer_QueryInterface,\ CStdStubBuffer_AddRef, \ CStdStubBuffer_Release, \ CStdStubBuffer_Connect, \ CStdStubBuffer_Disconnect, \ CStdStubBuffer_Invoke, \ CStdStubBuffer_IsIIDSupported, \ CStdStubBuffer_CountRefs, \ CStdStubBuffer_DebugServerQueryInterface, \ CStdStubBuffer_DebugServerRelease #endif //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Macro definitions for the proxy file // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID(name,pIID,index) memcmp( pIID, name##_ProxyVtblList[ index ]->header.piid, 16 ) #define IID_BS_LOOKUP_SETUP int result, low=-1; #define IID_BS_LOOKUP_INITIAL_TEST(name, sz, split) \ if ( ( result = name##_CHECK_IID( split ) ) > 0 ) \ { low = sz - split; } \ else if ( !result ) \ { low = split; goto found_label; } #define IID_BS_LOOKUP_NEXT_TEST(name, split ) \ if ( ( result = name##_CHECK_IID( low + split )) >= 0 ) \ { low = low + split; if ( !result ) goto found_label; } #define IID_BS_LOOKUP_RETURN_RESULT(name, sz, index ) \ low = low + 1; \ if ( ( low >= sz ) || (result = name##_CHECK_IID( low ) )) goto not_found_label; \ found_label: (index) = low; return 1; \ not_found_label: return 0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Macro and routine definitions for the dlldata file // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /**************************************************************************** * Proxy Dll APIs ****************************************************************************/ HRESULT RPC_ENTRY NdrDllGetClassObject ( IN REFCLSID rclsid, IN REFIID riid, OUT void ** ppv, IN const ProxyFileInfo ** pProxyFileList, IN const CLSID * pclsid, IN CStdPSFactoryBuffer * pPSFactoryBuffer); HRESULT RPC_ENTRY NdrDllCanUnloadNow( IN CStdPSFactoryBuffer * pPSFactoryBuffer); /************************************************************************* The following new functions were added after the Windows NT 3.5 release. Programs intended to run on Windows NT 3.5 should define NT35_STRICT to ensure that no new functions are used. *************************************************************************/ #ifndef NT35_STRICT HRESULT RPC_ENTRY NdrDllRegisterProxy( IN HMODULE hDll, IN const ProxyFileInfo ** pProxyFileList, IN const CLSID * pclsid); HRESULT RPC_ENTRY NdrDllUnregisterProxy( IN HMODULE hDll, IN const ProxyFileInfo ** pProxyFileList, IN const CLSID * pclsid); #define REGISTER_PROXY_DLL_ROUTINES(pProxyFileList, pClsID) \ \ HINSTANCE hProxyDll = 0; \ \ /*DllMain saves the DLL module handle for later use by DllRegisterServer */ \ BOOL WINAPI DllMain( \ HINSTANCE hinstDLL, \ DWORD fdwReason, \ LPVOID lpvReserved) \ { \ if(fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) \ hProxyDll = hinstDLL; \ return TRUE; \ } \ \ /* DllRegisterServer registers the interfaces contained in the proxy DLL. */ \ HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE DllRegisterServer() \ { \ return NdrDllRegisterProxy(hProxyDll, pProxyFileList, pClsID); \ } \ \ /* DllUnregisterServer unregisters the interfaces contained in the proxy DLL. */ \ HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE DllUnregisterServer() \ { \ return NdrDllUnregisterProxy(hProxyDll, pProxyFileList, pClsID); \ } //Delegation support. #define STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION NdrStubForwardingFunction ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer2_Release(IRpcStubBuffer *This); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE NdrCStdStubBuffer2_Release(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IPSFactoryBuffer * pPSF); #define CStdStubBuffer_DELEGATING_METHODS 0, 0, CStdStubBuffer2_Release, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 #endif //NT35_STRICT /************************************************************************* End of new functions. *************************************************************************/ // PROXY_CLSID has precedence over PROXY_CLSID_IS #ifdef PROXY_CLSID #define CLSID_PSFACTORYBUFFER extern CLSID PROXY_CLSID; #else // PROXY_CLSID #ifdef PROXY_CLSID_IS #define CLSID_PSFACTORYBUFFER const CLSID CLSID_PSFactoryBuffer = PROXY_CLSID_IS; #define PROXY_CLSID CLSID_PSFactoryBuffer #else // PROXY_CLSID_IS #define CLSID_PSFACTORYBUFFER #endif //PROXY_CLSID_IS #endif //PROXY_CLSID // if the user specified an override for the class id, it is // PROXY_CLSID at this point #ifndef PROXY_CLSID #define GET_DLL_CLSID \ ( aProxyFileList[0]->pStubVtblList[0] != 0 ? \ aProxyFileList[0]->pStubVtblList[0]->header.piid : 0) #else //PROXY_CLSID #define GET_DLL_CLSID &PROXY_CLSID #endif //PROXY_CLSID #define EXTERN_PROXY_FILE(name) \ EXTERN_C const ProxyFileInfo name##_ProxyFileInfo; #define PROXYFILE_LIST_START \ const ProxyFileInfo * aProxyFileList[] = { #define REFERENCE_PROXY_FILE(name) \ & name##_ProxyFileInfo #define PROXYFILE_LIST_END \ 0 }; // return pointers to the class information #define DLLDATA_GETPROXYDLLINFO(pPFList,pClsid) \ void RPC_ENTRY GetProxyDllInfo( const ProxyFileInfo*** pInfo, const CLSID ** pId ) \ { \ *pInfo = pPFList; \ *pId = pClsid; \ }; // ole entry points: #define DLLGETCLASSOBJECTROUTINE(pPFlist, pClsid,pFactory) \ HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE DllGetClassObject ( \ REFCLSID rclsid, \ REFIID riid, \ void ** ppv ) \ { \ return \ NdrDllGetClassObject(rclsid,riid,ppv,pPFlist,pClsid,pFactory ); \ } #define DLLCANUNLOADNOW(pFactory) \ HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE DllCanUnloadNow() \ { \ return NdrDllCanUnloadNow( pFactory ); \ } #define DLLDUMMYPURECALL \ void __cdecl _purecall(void) \ { \ } #define CSTDSTUBBUFFERRELEASE(pFactory) \ ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_Release(IRpcStubBuffer *This) \ { \ return NdrCStdStubBuffer_Release(This,(IPSFactoryBuffer *)pFactory); \ } \ #ifdef PROXY_DELEGATION #define CSTDSTUBBUFFER2RELEASE(pFactory) \ ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer2_Release(IRpcStubBuffer *This) \ { \ return NdrCStdStubBuffer2_Release(This,(IPSFactoryBuffer *)pFactory); \ } #else #define CSTDSTUBBUFFER2RELEASE(pFactory) #endif //PROXY_DELEGATION #ifdef REGISTER_PROXY_DLL #define DLLREGISTRY_ROUTINES(pProxyFileList,pClsID ) REGISTER_PROXY_DLL_ROUTINES(pProxyFileList,pClsID ) #else #define DLLREGISTRY_ROUTINES(pProxyFileList,pClsID ) #endif //REGISTER_PROXY_DLL // the dll entry points that must be defined #define DLLDATA_ROUTINES(pProxyFileList,pClsID ) \ \ CLSID_PSFACTORYBUFFER \ \ CStdPSFactoryBuffer gPFactory = {0,0,0,0}; \ \ DLLDATA_GETPROXYDLLINFO(pProxyFileList,pClsID) \ \ DLLGETCLASSOBJECTROUTINE(pProxyFileList,pClsID,&gPFactory) \ \ DLLCANUNLOADNOW(&gPFactory) \ \ CSTDSTUBBUFFERRELEASE(&gPFactory) \ \ CSTDSTUBBUFFER2RELEASE(&gPFactory) \ \ DLLDUMMYPURECALL \ \ DLLREGISTRY_ROUTINES(pProxyFileList, pClsID) \ \ // more code goes here... #define DLLDATA_STANDARD_ROUTINES \ DLLDATA_ROUTINES( (const ProxyFileInfo**) pProxyFileList, &CLSID_PSFactoryBuffer ) \ #else // !defined(__RPC_DOS__) && !defined(__RPC_WIN16__) //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // 16-bit definitions (all empty) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // WIN32 or _MPPC_ #endif // __RPCPROXY_H__