/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ntiodump.h Abstract: This is the include file that defines all constants and types for accessing memory dump files. Author: Darryl Havens (darrylh) 6-jan-1994 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _NTIODUMP_ #define _NTIODUMP_ // // Define the information required to process memory dumps. // // // Define dump header longword offset constants. // #define DH_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BLOCK 25 #define DH_CONTEXT_RECORD 200 #define DH_EXCEPTION_RECORD 500 // // Define the dump header structure. // typedef struct _DUMP_HEADER { ULONG Signature; ULONG ValidDump; ULONG MajorVersion; ULONG MinorVersion; ULONG DirectoryTableBase; PULONG PfnDataBase; PLIST_ENTRY PsLoadedModuleList; PLIST_ENTRY PsActiveProcessHead; ULONG MachineImageType; ULONG NumberProcessors; ULONG BugCheckCode; ULONG BugCheckParameter1; ULONG BugCheckParameter2; ULONG BugCheckParameter3; ULONG BugCheckParameter4; CHAR VersionUser[32]; ULONG Spare1; ULONG Spare2; } DUMP_HEADER, *PDUMP_HEADER; #endif // _NTIODUMP_