/** ** Header for the New version of RC.EXE. This contains the structures ** for new format of BITMAP files. **/ #ifndef RC_INVOKED // RC can't handle #pragmas #pragma pack(2) typedef struct tagNEWHEADER { WORD Reserved; WORD ResType; WORD ResCount; } NEWHEADER, FAR *LPNEWHEADER; typedef struct tagBITMAPHEADER { DWORD Size; WORD Width; WORD Height; WORD Planes; WORD BitCount; } BITMAPHEADER; typedef struct tagICONDIR { BYTE Width; /* 16, 32, 64 */ BYTE Height; /* 16, 32, 64 */ BYTE ColorCount; /* 2, 8, 16 */ BYTE reserved; } ICONDIR; typedef struct tagRESDIR { struct tagICONDIR Icon; WORD Planes; WORD BitCount; DWORD BytesInRes; WORD idIcon; } RESDIR, FAR *LPRESDIR; typedef struct tagRESDIRDISK { struct tagICONDIR Icon; WORD Reserved[2]; DWORD BytesInRes; DWORD Offset; } RESDIRDISK, FAR *LPRESDIRDISK; #pragma pack() #endif // !RC_INVOKED