/* inhibit windows.h stuff NOGDICAPMASKS CC_*, LC_*, PC_*, CP_*, TC_*, RC_ NOVIRTUALKEYCODES VK_* NOWINMESSAGES WM_* NONCMESSAGES WM_NC* and HT* NOWINSTYLES WS_*, CS_*, ES_*, LBS_* NOSYSMETRICS SM_* NODRAWFRAME DF_* NOMENUS MF_* NOICON IDI_* NOKEYSTATE MK_* NOSYSCOMMANDS SC_* NORASTEROPS binary and tertiary raster ops NOSHOWWINDOW SHOW_* and HIDE_* The following flags inhibit declarations of the following groups of procedures and type definitions. "associated routines" refers to routines with parameters or return values of the given type. OEMRESOURCE - define this and get the Oem Resource values. NOSYSMETRICS - GetSystemMetrics NOATOM - Atom Manager routines NOBITMAP - typedef HBITMAP and associated routines NOBRUSH - typedef HBRUSH and associated routines NOCLIPBOARD - clipboard routines NOCOLOR NOCREATESTRUCT - typedef CREATESTRUCT NOCTLMGR - control and dialog routines NODRAWTEXT - DrawText() and DT_* NOFONT - typedef FONT and associated routines NOGDI - StretchBlt modes and gdi logical objects NOHDC - typedef HDC and associated routines NOMB - MB_* and MessageBox() NOMEMMGR - GMEM_*, LMEM_*, GHND, LHND, associated routines NOMENUS - HMENU and associated routines NOMETAFILE - typedef METAFILEPICT NOMINMAX - Macros min(a,b) and max(a,b) NOMSG - typedef MSG and associated routines NOOPENFILE - OpenFile(), OemToAnsi, AnsiToOem, and OF_* NOPEN - typedef HPEN and associated routines NOPOINT - typedef POINT and associated routines NORECT - typedef RECT and associated routines NOREGION - typedef HRGN and associated routines NOSCROLL - SB_* and scrolling routines NOSOUND - Sound driver routines NOTEXTMETRIC - typedef TEXTMETRIC and associated routines NOWH - SetWindowsHook and WH_* NOWINOFFSETS - GWL_*, GCL_*, associated routines NOWNDCLASS - typedef WNDCLASS and associated routines NOCOMM - COMM driver routines NOKANJI - Kanji support stuff. */ #define NOMINMAX #define NOATOM #define NOCLIPBOARD #define NODRAWTEXT #define NOFONT #define NOMETAFILE #define NOPEN #define NOWH #define NOCOM #define NOKANJI