#define _DLL #define NOKERNEL #define NOGDI //#define NOUSER #define NOSOUND #define NOCOMM #define NODRIVERS #define NOMINMAX #define NOLOGERROR #define NOPROFILER #define NOMEMMGR #define NOLFILEIO #define NOOPENFILE #define NORESOURCE #define NOATOM #define NOLANGUAGE #define NOLSTRING #define NODBCS #define NOKEYBOARDINFO #define NOGDICAPMASKS #define NOCOLOR #define NOGDIOBJ #define NODRAWTEXT #define NOTEXTMETRIC #define NOSCALABLEFONT #define NOBITMAP #define NORASTEROPS #define NOMETAFILE #define NOSYSMETRICS #define NOSYSTEMPARAMSINFO #define NOMSG //#define NOWINSTYLES #define NOWINOFFSETS #define NOSHOWWINDOW #define NODEFERWINDOWPOS #define NOVIRTUALKEYCODES #define NOKEYSTATES #define NOWH #define NOMENUS #define NOSCROLL #define NOCLIPBOARD #define NOICONS #define NOMB #define NOSYSCOMMANDS #define NOMDI //#define NOCTLMGR #define NOWINMESSAGES #define NOHELP #define PRIVATE_DISPLAY_RC #define PRIVATE_DISPLAY #include "privdisp.h" #include "oiver.rc" SeqfileIcon ICON DISCARDABLE "SEQFILE.ICO" // All strings in this table are translatable as indicated below. // There are no unreasonable length limits on tranlation. // For example even though the length of the abbreviated months are all listed // as 3 characters for English the maximum length of these strings currently is 64. // // "Displayed text" = This text is displayed to the user. It may be freely translated. // "keyword" = This is used as a keyword or is otherwise compared for an exact match. // Translating keywords should be done with great care in that // it will prevent international interoperability and exchange of image files. // Also if they are translated then they "MUST" always be // translated to the same thing for every release. // STRINGTABLE BEGIN ID_INI_FILE, "woi.ini" // Keyword. ID_INI_SECTION, "O/i Display" // Keyword. ID_SCALING_ALGORITHM_BW, "ScaleAlgorithmBW" // Keyword. ID_SCALING_ALGORITHM_GRAY4, "ScaleAlgorithmGRAY4" // Keyword. ID_SCALING_ALGORITHM_GRAY8, "ScaleAlgorithmGRAY8" // Keyword. ID_SCALING_ALGORITHM_PAL4, "ScaleAlgorithmPAL4" // Keyword. ID_SCALING_ALGORITHM_PAL8, "ScaleAlgorithmPAL8" // Keyword. ID_SCALING_ALGORITHM_RGB24, "ScaleAlgorithmRGB24" // Keyword. ID_SCALING_ALGORITHM_BGR24, "ScaleAlgorithmBGR24" // Keyword. ID_SCALING, "Scaling" // Keyword. ID_DISPLAY_PALETTE, "DisplayType" // Keyword. ID_MAX_CACHE_SIZE, "MaxCacheSize" // Keyword. ID_UNTITLED, "[Untitled]" // Keyword / Displayed text. ID_OI_IMAGE_PATH, "O/i ImagePath" // Keyword. ID_MAX_UNDO, "MaxUndoLevels" // Keyword. ID_MAX_UNDO_MEMORY, "MaxUndoMemory" // Keyword. ID_BRIGHTNESS, "Brightness" // Keyword. ID_CONTRAST, "Contrast" // Keyword. ID_GAMMA_RED, "GammaRed" // Keyword. ID_GAMMA_GREEN, "GammaGreen" // Keyword. ID_GAMMA_BLUE, "GammaBlue" // Keyword. ID_COLOR_RED, "ColorCorrectRed" // Keyword. ID_COLOR_GREEN, "ColorCorrectGreen" // Keyword. ID_COLOR_BLUE, "ColorCorrectBlue" // Keyword. ID_GAMMA_ENABLE, "GammaEnable" // Keyword. ID_COLOR_ENABLE, "ColorCorrectEnable" // Keyword. OIAN_TEXTALPHAJAN, "January" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTALPHAFEB, "February" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTALPHAMAR, "March" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTALPHAAPR, "April" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTALPHAMAY, "May" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTALPHAJUN, "June" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTALPHAJUL, "July" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTALPHAAUG, "August" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTALPHASEP, "September" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTALPHAOCT, "October" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTALPHANOV, "November" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTALPHADEC, "December" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVJAN, "Jan" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVFEB, "Feb" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVMAR, "Mar" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVAPR, "Apr" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVMAY, "May" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVJUN, "Jun" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVJUL, "Jul" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVAUG, "Aug" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVSEP, "Sep" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVOCT, "Oct" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVNOV, "Nov" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTABRVDEC, "Dec" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTTIME_AM, "am" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXTTIME_PM, "pm" // Displayed text. OIAN_ATTACHANOTE_CAPTION "Attach-A-Note Text Edit" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXT_CAPTION "Text Edit" // Displayed text. OIAN_TEXT_FROMFILE_CAPTION "Text From File Edit" // Displayed text. END AnTextEditCtlDlg DIALOG 6, 18, 264, 100 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN EDITTEXT IDM_EDITCTL, 2, 2, 257, 75, ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_LEFT | ES_WANTRETURN PUSHBUTTON "OK", IDANOK, 84, 80, 40, 14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", IDANCANCEL, 140, 80, 40, 14 END