// Major areas... #define IDH_THUMB_CONTENTS 0x10 #define IDH_THUMB_PROPS 0x11 #define IDH_THUMB_METHODS 0x12 #define IDH_THUMB_EVENTS 0x13 // Thumb properties... //#define IDH_THUMB_PROP_AUTOREFRESH 0x20 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_BACKCOLOR 0x21 //#define IDH_THUMB_PROP_BACKSTYLE 0x22 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_BORDERSTYLE 0x23 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_ENABLED 0x24 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_HWND 0x25 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_IMAGE 0x26 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_THUMBCOUNT 0x27 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_SCROLLDIRECTION 0x28 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_THUMBCAPTIONSTYLE 0x29 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_THUMBCAPTIONFONT 0x2a #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_THUMBCAPTIONCOLOR 0x2b #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_THUMBCAPTION 0x2c #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_THUMBBACKCOLOR 0x2d #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_THUMBWIDTH 0x2e #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_THUMBHEIGHT 0x2f #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_HIGHLIGHTSELECTEDTHUMBS 0x30 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_HIGHLIGHTCOLOR 0x31 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_THUMBSELECTED 0x32 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_SELECTEDTHUMBCOUNT 0x33 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_FIRSTSELECTEDTHUMB 0x34 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_LASTSELECTEDTHUMB 0x35 //#define IDH_THUMB_PROP_DISPLAYANNOTATIONS 0x36 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_STATUSCODE 0x37 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_MOUSEPOINTER 0x38 #define IDH_THUMB_PROP_MOUSEICON 0x39 // Thumb methods... #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_REFRESH 0x40 //#define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_DOCLICK 0x41 #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_DISPLAYTHUMBS 0x42 #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_SELECTALLTHUMBS 0x43 #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_DESELECTALLTHUMBS 0x44 #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_UISETTHUMBSIZE 0x45 #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_GENERATETHUMB 0x46 #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_CLEARTHUMBS 0x47 #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_INSERTTHUMBS 0x48 #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_DELETETHUMBS 0x49 #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_GETMINIMUMSIZE 0x4a #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_GETMAXIMUMSIZE 0x4b #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_GETSCROLLDIRECTIONSIZE 0x4c #define IDH_THUMB_METHOD_SCROLLTHUMBS 0x4d #define IDH_METHOD_COMMON_ABOUTBOX 0x4e // Common for all controls // Thumb events... #define IDH_THUMB_EVENT_CLICK 0x61 #define IDH_THUMB_EVENT_DBLCLICK 0x62 #define IDH_THUMB_EVENT_MOUSEDOWN 0x63 #define IDH_THUMB_EVENT_MOUSEUP 0x64 #define IDH_THUMB_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE 0x65 //#define IDH_THUMB_EVENT_KEYDOWN 0x66 //#define IDH_THUMB_EVENT_KEYUP 0x67 // Throwing or Firing an error like so... // ThrowError(x,y,z); // Generates a helpid of z+0x60000 // // thus by passing one of the above IDH_ or selecting help // in VB (PF1 on property in property window or on tool in toolbox) // an ID of 0x60000+IDH_ will be passed IF this macro is used to // specify the helpcontext in the ODL file! // // Thus the help writer ONLY need ONE entry point to each // property/event/method help topic and this can be generated // by adding // makehm IDH_, HIDH_,0x60000 disphids.h >> hlp\thumb.hm // to the project's MAKEHELP.BAT file // #define ODL_HID(x) helpcontext(0x60000 + x)