///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this is the class that contains rubber stamp info for a specific stamp class CRubberStampInfo { // Constructor public: CRubberStampInfo(); CString m_strRefName; // reference name of rubber stamp CString m_strString; // stamp string or image filespec UINT m_uStampType; // stamp text or image stamp CString m_strFontName; UINT m_uFontSize; BOOL m_bFontBold; BOOL m_bFontItalic; BOOL m_bFontStrikeThru; BOOL m_bFontUnderline; BYTE m_FontColorRed; BYTE m_FontColorGreen; BYTE m_FontColorBlue; BYTE m_FontCharSet; // Implementation public: virtual ~CRubberStampInfo(); }; class CRubberStampStruct { // Constructor public: CRubberStampStruct(int StampCount); BOOL AddStamp(int StampIndex, LPCTSTR RefName, LPCTSTR AttributeString, UINT StampType); BOOL UpdateStampAttributes(int StampIndex, BYTE FontColorRed, BYTE FontColorGreen, BYTE FontColorBlue, LPCTSTR FontName, UINT uFontSize, BOOL bFontBold, BOOL bFontItalic, BOOL bFontStrikeThru, BOOL bFontUnderline, BYTE FontCharSet); BOOL GetStampAttributes(int StampIndex, LPCTSTR RefName, LPCTSTR AttributeString, LPUINT StampType, LPBYTE FontColorRed, LPBYTE FontColorGreen, LPBYTE FontColorBlue, LPCTSTR FontName, LPUINT uFontSize, LPBOOL bFontBold, LPBOOL bFontItalic, LPBOOL bFontStrikeThru, LPBOOL bFontUnderline, LPBYTE FontCharSet); int m_nStampCount; // number of rubber stamps UINT m_uCurrentStampIndex; // current index for SelectStamp function CString m_strCurrentStamp; CPtrArray *m_pRubberStampInfo; // pointer to rubber stamp info. // Implementation public: virtual ~CRubberStampStruct(); }; // CMiniToolBox : See minitlbx.cpp for implementation. class CMiniToolBox : public CMiniFrameWnd { // Constructor public: CMiniToolBox(); // Destructor ~CMiniToolBox(); // Drawing function BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle, RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, LPCTSTR ToolTip, BOOL bShowAttrDialog); BOOL SelectTool(UINT ToolId); void ShowAttribsDialog(UINT ToolId); void SelectStamp(int StampIndex, BOOL bWriteToRegistry); CWnd* GetImageWnd(); CString GetToolTip(int nID); // Operations public: // Overrides // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CMiniToolBox) protected: virtual LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL public: CRubberStampStruct *m_pRubberStampStruct; // Implementation protected: CMiniFrameWnd* m_CMiniFrameWnd; CPaletteBar m_PaletteBar; CWnd* m_pImageWnd; CToolTipCtrl m_ToolTip; OI_UI_ColorStruct m_CurrentColorScheme; CString m_strAnnotationSelectionToolTip; CString m_strFreehandLineToolTip; CString m_strHighlightingLineToolTip; CString m_strStraightLineToolTip; CString m_strHollowRectToolTip; CString m_strFilledRectToolTip; CString m_strTextToolTip; CString m_strTextAttachmentToolTip; CString m_strTextFromFileToolTip; CString m_strRubberStampToolTip; // internal members to hold current annotation palette settings for each button UINT m_uAnnotationType; // FREEHAND LINE UINT m_uFL_LineWidth; // freehand line, line width BYTE m_FL_LineColorRed; // freehand line, line red rgb value BYTE m_FL_LineColorGreen; // freehand line, line green rgb valuer BYTE m_FL_LineColorBlue; // freehand line, line blue rgb value // HIGHLIGHT LINE - NOW A FILLED RECT BYTE m_HL_LineColorRed; // highlight line, line red rgb value BYTE m_HL_LineColorGreen; // highlight line, line green rgb valuer BYTE m_HL_LineColorBlue; // highlight line, line blue rgb value // STRAIGHT LINE UINT m_uSL_LineWidth; // straight line, line width BYTE m_SL_LineColorRed; // straight line, line red rgb value BYTE m_SL_LineColorGreen; // straight line, line green rgb valuer BYTE m_SL_LineColorBlue; // straight line, line blue rgb value // HOLLOW RECT UINT m_uHR_LineWidth; // hollow rect, line width BYTE m_HR_LineColorRed; // hollow rect, line red rgb value BYTE m_HR_LineColorGreen; // hollow rect, line green rgb valuer BYTE m_HR_LineColorBlue; // hollow rect, line blue rgb value UINT m_uHR_LineStyle; // hollow rect line style // FILLED RECT BYTE m_FR_FillColorRed; // filled rect, fill red rgb value BYTE m_FR_FillColorGreen; // filled rect, fill green rgb valuer BYTE m_FR_FillColorBlue; // filled rect, fill blue rgb value // TEXT ENTRY CString m_strTE_FontName; // text entry, font name UINT m_uTE_FontSize; // text entry, font size BOOL m_bTE_FontBold; // text entry, font bold BOOL m_bTE_FontItalic; // text entry, font italic BOOL m_bTE_FontStrikeThru; // text entry, font strikethru BOOL m_bTE_FontUnderline; // text entry, font underline BYTE m_TE_FontColorRed; // text entry, font red rgb value BYTE m_TE_FontColorGreen; // text entry, font green rgb value BYTE m_TE_FontColorBlue; // text entry, font blue rgb value BYTE m_TE_FontCharSet; // text entry, font char set value // TEXT ATTACHMENT CString m_strTA_FontName; // text attachment, font name UINT m_uTA_FontSize; // text attachment, font size BOOL m_bTA_FontBold; // text attachment, font bold BOOL m_bTA_FontItalic; // text attachment, font italic BOOL m_bTA_FontStrikeThru; // text attachment, font strikethru BOOL m_bTA_FontUnderline; // text attachment, font underline BYTE m_TA_FontColorRed; // text attachment, font red rgb value BYTE m_TA_FontColorGreen; // text attachment, font green rgb value BYTE m_TA_FontColorBlue; // text attachment, font blue rgb value BYTE m_TA_BackColorRed; // text attachment, back color red rgb value BYTE m_TA_BackColorGreen; // text attachment, back color green rgb value BYTE m_TA_BackColorBlue; // text attachment, back color blue rgb value BYTE m_TA_FontCharSet; // text attachment, font char set value // TEXT FROM FILE CString m_strTF_FontName; // text from file, font name UINT m_uTF_FontSize; // text from file, font size BOOL m_bTF_FontBold; // text from file, font bold BOOL m_bTF_FontItalic; // text from file, font italic BOOL m_bTF_FontStrikeThru; // text from file, font strikethru BOOL m_bTF_FontUnderline; // text from file, font underline BYTE m_TF_FontColorRed; // text from file, font red rgb value BYTE m_TF_FontColorGreen; // text from file, font green rgb value BYTE m_TF_FontColorBlue; // text from file, font blue rgb value BYTE m_TF_FontCharSet; // text from file, font char set value // Message maps //{{AFX_MSG(CMiniToolBox) afx_msg void OnDestroy(); afx_msg void OnPaint(); //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() };