#ifndef _AIMGFILE_H_ #define _AIMGFILE_H_ //============================================================================= // (c) Copyright Wang Laboratories, Inc. 1995 All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project: Norway - Image Viewer // // Component: Automation File Object // // File Name: aimgfile.h // // Class: CAImageFileObj // // Functions: // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Maintenance Log: /* $Header: S:\products\msprods\norway\iedit95\aimgfile.h_v 1.15 02 May 1996 16:24:24 JMP90756 $ $Log: S:\products\msprods\norway\iedit95\aimgfile.h_v $ * * Rev 1.15 02 May 1996 16:24:24 JMP90756 * changed order of pages in message macro to match dispid * * Rev 1.15 02 May 1996 16:17:36 JMP90756 * changed order for pages method to match dispid * * Rev 1.14 18 Apr 1996 18:45:46 JMP90756 * updates Pages, InsertExistingPages, AppendExistingPages to use long * instead of VARIANT in all page parameters * * Rev 1.13 04 Jan 1996 16:11:14 JPRATT * add rotateall method * * Rev 1.12 28 Jul 1995 17:07:52 JPRATT * changed Image parameter in Open, SaveAs, Insert, and Append to BSTR * * Rev 1.11 28 Jul 1995 13:31:46 JPRATT * added error checking for page range in pages method (setpages) * * Rev 1.10 20 Jul 1995 15:12:42 JPRATT * update append existing pages and insert existing pages * * Rev 1.9 17 Jul 1995 18:26:04 JPRATT * updated print method, close * * Rev 1.8 10 Jul 1995 15:12:04 JPRATT * removed parameters from help, added file type * * Rev 1.7 10 Jul 1995 09:36:30 JPRATT * updated opne for statusbar, toolbar, and annotation * * Rev 1.6 30 Jun 1995 19:52:26 JPRATT * added support for print * * Rev 1.5 27 Jun 1995 09:26:36 JPRATT * No change. * * Rev 1.4 21 Jun 1995 08:14:12 JPRATT * completed automation object model * * Rev 1.3 19 Jun 1995 07:43:40 JPRATT * updated image file class * * Rev 1.2 14 Jun 1995 10:53:12 JPRATT * added stubs for all image file methods and properties * * Rev 1.1 14 Jun 1995 07:56:34 JPRATT * added stubs for image class */ //============================================================================= // aimgfile.h : header file // //-----------------------------> Declarations <------------------------------------- #include "stdafx.h" #include "iedit.h" #include "apage.h" #include "apagerng.h" #include "aimgfile.h" #include "aapp.h" #include "aetc.h" #include "norvarnt.h" class CAAppObj; class CAImageFileObj; class CAPageObj; class CAPageRangeObj; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CAImageFileObj command target class CAImageFileObj : public CCmdTarget { DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CAImageFileObj) protected: CAImageFileObj(); // protected constructor used by dynamic creation // Attributes public: // Operations public: // Overrides // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CAImageFileObj) public: virtual void OnFinalRelease(); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL friend class CAAppObj; friend class CAPageObj; friend class CAPageRangeObj; friend HRESULT SetAutoError( const SCODE scode, VARIANT FAR * const pVar, CAAppObj FAR * const pAppObj ); // Implementation protected: CAImageFileObj(CAAppObj * pAppObj); virtual ~CAImageFileObj(); void ClearContainedObjs(); HRESULT SetPage(long lPage, VARIANT * const pVar); HRESULT SetPages(long lStartPage, long EndPage); void CAImageFileObj::SetPageRangeArray( ); // Generated message map functions //{{AFX_MSG(CAImageFileObj) // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here. //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() // Generated OLE dispatch map functions //{{AFX_DISPATCH(CAImageFileObj) afx_msg VARIANT GetApplication(); afx_msg long GetActivePage(); afx_msg void SetActivePage(long nNewValue); afx_msg short GetFileType(); afx_msg long GetPageCount(); afx_msg VARIANT GetParent(); afx_msg BOOL GetSaved(); afx_msg VARIANT GetName(); afx_msg VARIANT Pages(long StartPage, const VARIANT FAR& EndPage); afx_msg VARIANT Save(); afx_msg VARIANT Close(const VARIANT FAR& SaveChangeFlag); afx_msg VARIANT Help(); afx_msg void New(); afx_msg VARIANT Print(const VARIANT FAR& DisplayUIFlag); afx_msg void Open(LPCTSTR ImageFile, const VARIANT FAR& IncludeAnnotation, const VARIANT FAR& Page, const VARIANT FAR& DisplayUIFlag); afx_msg void SaveAs(LPCTSTR ImageFile, const VARIANT FAR& FileType, const VARIANT FAR& DisplayUIFlag); afx_msg void AppendExistingPages(LPCTSTR ImageFile, long Page, long Count, const VARIANT FAR& DisplayUIFlag); afx_msg void InsertExistingPages(LPCTSTR ImageFile, long ImagePage, long Count, long Page, const VARIANT FAR& DisplayUIFlag); afx_msg void RotateAll(); //}}AFX_DISPATCH DECLARE_DISPATCH_MAP() private: // Private =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= // Member Data ------------------------ CAAppObj * m_pAppObj; CAPageObj * m_pActivePageObj; CPtrArray * m_pPageRangeArray; CString m_bstrDocName; long m_Page; long m_PageCount; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif