Rathole - The Safe Haven For Your Mouse Rathole is a Windows NT application which keeps your mouse pointer in a standard place when it's not moving often. It forms a rathole for the mouse on the screen (actually a Windows icon), and maintains a timer which goes off every few seconds (default is 10). If the mouse is in the same position on two consecutive timer ticks, it gets moved to the rathole. The length of time between when the mouse stops moving and when it gets moved to the rathole will vary from one to two times the timeout value, depending on when the mouse stops (obviously the time will be longer if it stops moving right after a timer tick). Multiple ratholes are also allowed -- they'll take turns claiming the pointer. To use Rathole, just start it (may add to winexec line in win.ini) A rathole will form in the lower left corner of the screen. You can drag the rathole anywhere on the screen you want. The user interface is through function keys. Click on the rathole to make it the active application first. The available keys are: F1 - About / Help dialog box F2 - Change the timeout F3 - Exit Suggestions for improvements will be accepted (and probably ignored); including source code will improve the chances of a suggestion being implemented. Happy ratholing. Greg Jones [gregj] * Windows NT implementation by Mike Harrington [mikehar]