/*++ Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: .c Abstract: WinDbg Extension Api Author: Ramon J San Andres (ramonsa) 5-Nov-1993 Environment: User Mode. Revision History: --*/ VOID CommonHelp ( VOID ); DECLARE_API( help ) /*++ Routine Description: Displays help Arguments: args - [ user | kernel ] Return Value: None --*/ { // // Display common help // CommonHelp(); // // Display platform-specific help // SpecificHelp(); } VOID CommonHelp ( VOID ) { dprintf("? - Displays this list\n" ); dprintf("bugdump - Display bug check dump data\n" ); dprintf("calldata - Dump call data hash table\n" ); dprintf("db - Display physical memory\n"); dprintf("dd - Display physical memory\n"); dprintf("dblink
[count] - Dumps a list via its blinks\n"); dprintf("devobj - Dump the device object and Irp queue\n"); dprintf("drvobj - Dump the driver object and related information\n"); dprintf("drivers - Display information about all loaded system modules\n"); dprintf("eb - modify physical memory\n"); dprintf("ed - modify physical memory\n"); dprintf("errlog - Dump the error log contents\n"); dprintf("exr
- Dump exception record at specified address\n"); dprintf("filecache - Dumps information about the file system cache\n"); dprintf("filelock
- Dump a file lock structure\n"); dprintf("frag [flags] - Kernel mode pool fragmentation\n"); dprintf(" flags: 1 - List all fragment information\n"); dprintf(" 2 - List allocation information\n"); dprintf(" 3 - both\n"); dprintf("handle - Dumps handle for a process\n"); dprintf(" flags: -2 Dump non-paged object\n"); dprintf("heap [flags] - Dumps heap for a process\n"); dprintf(" flags: -v Verbose\n"); dprintf(" -f Free List entries\n"); dprintf(" -a All entries\n"); dprintf(" -s Summary\n"); dprintf(" -x Force a dump even if the data is bad\n"); dprintf(" address: desired heap to dump or 0 for all\n"); dprintf("help - Displays this list\n" ); dprintf("ib - Read a byte from an I/O port\n"); dprintf("id - Read a double-word from an I/O port\n"); dprintf("iw - Read a word from an I/O port\n"); dprintf("irp
- Dump Irp at specified address\n"); dprintf("irpfind - Search non-paged pool for active Irps\n"); dprintf("locks [-v]
- Dump kernel mode resource locks\n"); dprintf("lookaside
- Dump lookaside lists\n"); dprintf(" options - 1 Reset Counters\n"); dprintf(" options - 2 Set depth\n"); dprintf("lpc - Dump lpc ports and messages\n"); dprintf("memusage - Dumps the page frame database table\n"); dprintf("ob - Write a byte to an I/O port\n"); dprintf("obja - Dumps an object manager object's attributes\n"); dprintf("object - Dumps an object manager object\n"); dprintf("od - Write a double-word to an I/O port\n"); dprintf("ow - Write a word to an I/O port\n"); dprintf("pfn - Dumps the page frame database entry for the physical page\n"); dprintf("pool
[detail] - Dump kernel mode heap\n"); dprintf(" address: 0 or blank - Only the process heap\n"); dprintf(" -1 - All heaps in the process\n"); dprintf(" Otherwise for the heap address listed\n"); dprintf(" detail: 0 - Sumarry Information\n"); dprintf(" 1 - Above + location/size of regions\n"); dprintf(" 3 - Above + allocated/free blocks in committed regions\n"); dprintf(" 4 - Above + free lists\n"); dprintf("poolfind Tag [pooltype] - - Finds occurrences of the specified Tag\n"); dprintf(" Tag is 4 character tag, * and ? are wild cards\n"); dprintf(" pooltype is 0 for nonpaged (default, and 1 for paged\n"); dprintf(" NOTE - this can take a long time!\n"); dprintf("poolused [flags] - Dump usage by pool tag\n"); dprintf(" flags: 1 Verbose\n"); dprintf(" flags: 2 Sort by NonPagedPool Usage\n"); dprintf(" flags: 4 Sort by PagedPool Usage\n"); dprintf("process [flags] - Dumps process at specified address\n"); dprintf("processfields - Show offsets to all fields in a process\n"); dprintf("ptov PhysicalPageNumber - Dump all valid physical<->virtual mappings\n"); dprintf(" for the given page directory\n"); dprintf("ready - Dumps state of all READY system threads\n"); dprintf("regkcb - Dump registry key-control-blocks\n"); dprintf("regpool [s|r] - Dump registry allocated paged pool\n"); dprintf(" s - Save list of registry pages to temporary file\n"); dprintf(" r - Restore list of registry pages from temp. file\n"); dprintf("srb
- Dump Srb at specified address\n"); dprintf("sysptes - Dumps the system PTEs\n"); dprintf("thread [flags] - Dump thread at specified address\n"); dprintf("threadfields - Show offsets to all fields in a thread\n"); dprintf("time - Reports PerformanceCounterRate and TimerDifference\n"); dprintf("timer - Dumps timer tree\n"); dprintf("token [flags] - Dump token at specified address\n"); dprintf("tokenfields - Show offsets to all fields in a token\n"); dprintf("tunnel
- Dump a file property tunneling cache\n"); dprintf("trap
- Dump a trap frame\n"); dprintf("vad - Dumps VADs\n"); dprintf("version - Version of extension dll\n"); dprintf("vm - Dumps virtual management values\n"); }