/* head - first n lines to STDOUT * * 20-Jul-1991 ianja Wrote it. * 21-Jul-1991 ianja Close stdin (for piped input) */ #include #include #include #include int Head(char *pszFile, int nLines, BOOL fBanner); char *Version = "HEAD v1.1 1991-06-20:"; #define BUFSZ 256 void _CRTAPI1 main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int nArg; int cLines = 10; // default int nFiles = 0; int nErr = 0; if ((argc > 1) && ((*argv[1] == '-') || (*argv[1] == '/'))) { if (argv[1][1] == '?') { printf("%s\n", Version); printf("usage: HEAD [switches] [filename]*\n"); printf(" switches: [-?] display this message\n"); printf(" [-n] display top n lines of each file (default 10)\n"); exit(0); } cLines = atoi(argv[1]+1); nArg = 2; } else { nArg = 1; } nFiles = argc - nArg; if (nFiles < 1) { nErr += Head(NULL, cLines, FALSE); } else while (nArg < argc) { nErr += Head(argv[nArg], cLines, (nFiles > 1)); nArg++; } if (nErr) { exit(2); } else { exit(0); } } int Head(char *pszFile, int nLines, BOOL fBanner) { FILE *fp; int nErr = 0; char buff[BUFSZ]; /* * Open file for reading */ if (pszFile) { if ((fp = fopen(pszFile, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "HEAD: can't open %s\n", pszFile); return 1; } } else { fp = stdin; } /* * Banner printed if there is more than one input file */ if (fBanner) { fprintf(stdout, "==> %s <==\n", pszFile); } /* * Print cLines, or up to end of file, whichever comes first */ while (nLines-- > 0) { if (fgets(buff, BUFSZ-1, fp) == NULL) { if (!feof(fp)) { fprintf(stderr, "HEAD: can't read %s\n", pszFile); nErr++; goto CloseOut; } break; } if (fputs(buff, stdout) == EOF) { fprintf(stderr, "can't write output\n"); nErr++; goto CloseOut; } } if (fBanner) { fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } CloseOut: fclose(fp); return nErr; }